PGS-More Research Places Page Links Kewaunee County newspapers: Algoma Public Library newspapers online also! PGS - Xtra Stuff The following is a PDF large file-FYI takes a while to download: PGS SURNAME Xtras *Find what day of the week a date is with this link off-site: CONTRIBUTORS TO THE PGS WEBSITE New Pages/Additions since last PGS meeting! * Updates - 2009-2012!* 2012 - 2013 PGS ANNUAL PICNICS! 2010 - 2011 PGS ANNUAL PICNICS!
Thank you ...for visiting our PGS Website! We hope that you are able to find family history information here that will be helpful. The PGS is looking forward to hearing from you! Please let us know if we can help you in your search for your family roots. We would like to hear your comments on how this website is helpful or any additions/corrections or input you would like to give to help us improve our content. Also, please consider sending your Surnames to be included in our Surname Index so others may contact you who are researching the same names!! You might find a new Cousin or two!! - Sue HOHNEKE, PGS Webmaster
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