Surname Index to
Goodspeed’s 1888 History of Barry County
Name | Page |
Imbler, P.
Imler, P. Ingles Ingram Ingram, Jim Inler Inman Inman, M.S. Inmon Inmon, M.S. Irby, J.W. Ireland Ireland, J. Ireland, John Ireland, Nancy Irwin, Rev. Isbell Isbell, G.W. Jack, John Jackman Jackman, R. Jackman, Richard Jackson Jackson, Charles Jackson, Claib Jackson, Claiborne F. Jackson, G.W. Jackson, Gen. Jackson, Gideon Jackson, Gov. Jackson, H.L. Jackson, Hugh Jackson, Mira Jackson, R. Jackson, Rebecca Jackson, Thomas Jackson, Widow Jacob James James, Dempsy James, Francis A. James, Jack James, James W. James, Margaret James, Mrs. James, Tabitha James, W.T. Jameson Jamison, R.E. Janeson, C.A. Jarvis, E.V. Jefferies, J.C Jeffries Jeffries, Bertha Jeffries, Clara Jeffries, Clarence Jeffries, Dr. Thomas H Jeffries, Emma Jeffries, James Jeffries, John Jeffries, Joshua Jeffries, Lawson Jeffries, Leroy Jeffries, Lucetta Jeffries, M.H. Jeffries, M.J. Jeffries, Mary J. Jeffries, Nancy Jeffries, Nolia Jeffries, Sarah Jeffries, Susan Jeffries, T.H. Jeffries, T.J. Jeffries, Victoria Jeffries, William Jeffries,Caledonia Jenkins Jenkins, Gibson Jenkins, Jesse Jennings, John H. Jessick, Mattie Jewlet, Mrs. Jane Johnes, W.P. Johns Johns, W.H. Johnson Johnson, A. A. Johnson, A.J. Johnson, Andrew Johnson, Dellah Johnson, E. Johnson, Ella M. Johnson, G.W. Johnson, I.N.E. Johnson, J.C. Johnson, J.M. Johnson, J.N. Johnson, J.T. Johnson, J.W. Johnson, James Johnson, Josephine Johnson, Lafayette Johnson, M.A. Johnson, M.J. Johnson, Malinda Johnson, Russell Johnson, S.M. Johnson, Selvin M. Johnson, U.P. Johnson, W.C. Johnson, W.K. Johnson, W.M. Johnson, William Johnson, William C. Johnsons Johnston, Robert Jolly Jondahl, Samuel Jones Jones, Elizabeth Jones, Enoch Jones, J.M.G. Jones, James R. Jones, John Jones, Jonathan M. Jones, Lemuel Jones, Loyd Jones, Martha Jones, Mary A Jones, R.W. Jones, Reece Jones, Richard M Jones, W.P. Jones, William C. Jordan Jordan, Alex Joy, Mr. Julian, Capt. Julian, Dr. J.P. Julian, J.P. |
110 Tax 1861 Tax 1861 78 Tax 1861 Tax 1861 140 141 138,142,145,146 102 Tax 1861 110 10,11,75 36 123 Tax 1861 137 35,173 Tax 1861 52 11 Tax 1861 67 79 78 133 156,180 53,87 116 87 17 58 50 159 67 6 8 64,Tax 1861 108 9,57 115 9 108 18 174 109 Tax 1861 109 102 42 110 64,126 172 107,172 172 172 172 172 172 172 172 172 172 141 133 107 172 172 172 172 107,133 109 172 172 172 15 69,70 66,71 68 102 130 101 63,64,Tax 1861 107,123 7,76,142 109,141,143 141 193 106 109 163 122 125 106,142 142 163 137,140 106 41,42,136 119 158 106 106 19 10 38,110 11 52 52,77 95 106 175 66 16 133 Tax 1861 143 64,Tax 1861 70 70 68 70 70,112 13 116 172 36 70 156 70 1 98,121 68 Tax 1861 9 16,148 86 114 109,117 |
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