Surname Index to
Goodspeed’s 1888 History of Barry County
Name | Page |
Tabor Taft, Dr. Talbert Talbert, A.B. Talbert, Albert Talbert, Charles Talbert, G.W. Talbert, George Talbert, Mrs Dora Talbert, W.L. Talbert, William Talbert, William Taler Talkington, Ed. Talliafero, Judge Talliafero, W.B Talliafero, William Talliafero, William B Tally Tandy, J.F. Tarvin, R.D. Tate, Hood Tate, John Tate, M.L. Tate, Martha Tate, W.H. Tax Payers & Soldiers Taylor Taylor, Abner Taylor, Creed Taylor, Emma Taylor, George W. Taylor, James Taylor, Rhoda Taylor, Robert Taylor, T.J. Teas, S Teed, W.J. Teel Templeton, John Tennant, T.H. Ternan, Mark Terry Terry, John K. (J.K.) Terry, Martin Terry, Mary A Terry, W.A. Testeran, A.W. Testerman, Abraham Testerman, Elisha Testerman, Jacob Thomas Thomas, Ada Thomas, D.R. Thomas, Dave Thomas, Dr. D Thomas, Edward Thomas, J.C. Thomas, J.Y. Thomas, James Thomas, John S. Thomas, Nathan Thomas, Susan Thomas, W.M. Thomas, William J. Thompson Thompson, A.L. Thompson, Absalom Thompson, Absalom L. Thompson, Elijah Thompson, Elizabeth Thompson, J.H. Thompson, Jane A. Thompson, Priscilla Thompson, Thomas Thompson, W.E. Thompsons Thornhill Thrower Tidwell, William Tilford Tilman, John Timberlake Timothy, Mary Tinelove, Timothy Tiney Tingle & Massey Tipton, F.M. Tipton, George Tipton. W.A. Todd Todd, Adam Todd, Augustus Todd, George W. Todd, James M. Todd, Owen Toner, W. Topper, A.G. Toter, Bear Totten Totten, Gen. Tower Townsend Townsend, Emma Townsend, I.P. Townsend, Levina Townsend, Mary E Townsend, Nancy E Townsend, P.H.A. Townsend, Penelope Townsend, Samantha Jane Townsend, W.G. Townsend, W.G. Townsend, W.G. Townsend, William (F) Townsend, William F. Townsend, Winford G. Tracy Trammell Trent Trent, W.G. Trewitt, W. L. Trewitt, William L. Trim & McClure Mill Trim, (Republican) Trim, Dr Allen Trim, W.E. Trim, William Trimble Trolinger, Enoch H Trolinger, George Trolinger, George W. Trolinger, James Trolinger, Samuel M. Trolinger, Thomas Trolinger, William Trollinger, James N. Trollinger, W. Trott, Jennie Trower, P. Trower, P.H. Truhill, Martha A. Trulove Truman, James Tucker Tucker Tucker, F. Tucker, Felix Tucker, James Tucker, John Tucker, Richard Tuckers Tulburt, Elizabeth Turk, N.G. Turner Turner, J.G.R. Turner, Judge Turner, Louis Turner, Nathan Turner, Permelia Turner, Thomas Twilliger, Abram |
Tax 1861 87 63,138 122 46,128 102 124 6 121 124 114,120,121 122,124,128 Tax 1861 59 51 38,110 37 50 Tax 1861 7 111 35,87 71 87 178 9 88-95 Tax 1861 176 15 179 9 122 176 42,116 146 47 15 64 107 176 130 Tax 1861 54,110 54 18 159 47 48 47 47,48,61 Tax 1861 178 122 87 12 60 141 37,77,110 131 101 18 19,36 127 124 59,Tax 1861 110,113 112 10,77 18 36 68 175 175 175 111 10,58 Tax 1861 Tax 1861 127 Tax 1861 19 133 181 60 50 47 69 160 69 Tax 1861 10 8 10 10 35,75 87 129 72 85,86 84 59 64 191 124 191 191 191 154 191 191 11,17,38,44,50,54 65,119,120,121 154 191 140 11,16,191 84 Tax 1861 Tax 1861 146 106 105 15 63 109 123,176 145,146 Tax 1861 191 191 121 121 191 191 191 191 145 191 58 35 109 Tax 1861 131 63,64,135 Tax 1861 134 136 18 5,8 8 12 171 129 7,Tax 1861 38 57 109 111 170 57 18 |
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