Surname Index to
Goodspeed’s 1888 History of Barry County
Name | Page |
Laidlaw, L.S. Laird Lakey, Anna Lamaster, David Lamberson Lamberson, Moses A Lambert Lambert, E.H. Lambert, J.M. Lambert, J.W. Lambert, Juda Landers, Abel Landers, Abram Landers, Jacob Landreth, Rev. J.B. Lane Lane, D.A. Lane, J.B. Lane, Jeremiah Lane, Wilson Langston Langston, Elizabeth Langstone, Polly Laniar Lanius, J.W. Lankford Lankford, Dr. Lankford, T.R Lannius, J. Lansdown, R.N. Lansdowne, James N. Lanson, Matilda Larkey Lasley, Dicey Lasley, James Lassiter, V.M. Latham Lauderdale Lauderdale, (Greenback) Lauderdale, Mrs. Wm. Lauderdale, W.B. Lauderdale, W.J. Lauderdale, William Laughlin, Harvey Laughlin, Rev. H. Lawing, S.A. Lawson Lawson, Clara Lawson, Jerry Layton Lea Lea, Isaac Leath Leckie, D. Leckie, Edgar Leckie, Emma LeCompte LeCompte, Celia E LeCompte, Elias (L.) LeCompte, Emma LeCompte, Gus R LeCompte, Hattie LeCompte, J.W. LeCompte, James W LeCompte, Jewett (E) LeCompte, Keet LeCompte, Mary E Lecompte, Mrs. LeCompte, Norman LeCompte, W.J. LeCompte, Walter R LeCompte, Walter T. Ledgerwood, Matilda Ledgerwood, William Leduhan, Eben Leduhan, H.F. Lee Lee, A.J. Lee, Abel Lee, J.L. Lee, J.R. Lee, J.W. Lee, James Lee, John S. Lee, Levi Lee, Miller Lee, Nancy Lee, Newton Lee, R.H. Lee, Samuel Lee, W.W. Lee, William Lee, William A. Lee, William W. Leedy, A.G Leeper, Angeline Lees Legg Legg, H.K. Legg, Miss Jennie Legg, Sallie Legrand, DeWitt W. Legrand, Dora R. Legrand, James C Legrand, James E. Legrand, John S. Legrand, Martha Legrand, Melissa B Leland Lemaster Lemaster, Susan Lemmons, John Lenhart, Wm. Lennon, John Lennon, Louise Leocompte, William J. Leonard Leonard, Daniel Leonard, Mrs. Nanie Lesley, Frances Lester, (Lucky), Dora Levy, C. Lewis Lewis, Doc. Lewis, Eliza Lewis, Jesse C. Lewis, Kenelm H. Lewis, P. Liles, (Lyle) Samuel Liles, Elizabeth Lillard Lillard, James Lillard, Vernon Lillard, Young Lindsay, Thomas Lindsey Lineberger, M.E. Lingo, Elijah Linn Linn, Henley Linn, Riddle Linn, Roe Linn, William Linzee, J.L. Lipes Lipes, J. Lipes, J.C. Lipes, M. Lipes, Prof. J.C. Lively Lively, John Livingston, Mary Livingstone Lloyd, L.M. Lloyd, Maggie J. Lock Lock, A. Lock, J.G. Lock, James G. Lock, John Lock, John Lock, John E Lock, John G. Lock, Jonas Lock, Jones Lock, Rebecca Ann Lock, Richard Lock, Samuel P. Lock, William Locks, Georges Logan & Campbell Logan, Catherine Logan, J.M Logan, John Logan, John Logan, John Logan, Miss Nannie Logan, Nannie Logan, Robert Logan, Samuel Logan, Susan Logan, William London, James London, Mrs. Long Long, U.S.G. Long, ( Greenback) Long, A.S. Long, Dora Long, Eliza Long, Franklin H. Long, George W Long, Hiram Long, Hiram Long, James R. Long, Robert Long, S.H. Long, Samantha C Long, Serida J. Long, Simeon H. Long, Simon Long, William Longley Loomis Loomis, B. Lough, G.W. Louis, a negro Love Love, Jacob Love, James Loveall, Lucy Loveney(Looney), Sampson Low, Eliza Lowery Lowery, Elizabeth Lowry Lowther, Robert Lucky, M.C. Lucky, N.J. Lucky, R.P. Ludwig, Mrs. Lunday, R. Lunn, Calvin Lusk, Thomas Lyon, Gen. |
Tax 1861
102 76 174 47 Tax 1861 37 64,Tax 1861 110 110 130 176 42 111 35 103 136 136 108 137 136,137 Tax 1861 173 191 Tax 1861 104 Tax 1861 127 109 102,103 101 109 162 Tax 1861 109 18 141 72 Tax 1861 63 95 37 110 47 104 103 109 Tax 1861 172 19 Tax 1861 Tax 1861 11,35 Tax 1861 101 177 177 124 173 173 173,183 173 173 62,114,119,120 173 173 173 173 139 173 119 173 173 108 108 188 188 64,137,Tax 1861 87 47 110,138 120,122 87 38,44,45,54,62,97 75,76 112 10,11,17 36 75 146 65,71 54,136 71 87 53,70,87 177 165 10 64,140 54,109,140,141 100 177 174 174 173 173 173 173 173 73 Tax 1861 36 70 18 179 179 55 Tax 1861 10 179 189 174 133 Tax 1861 82 36 52 157 117 60 187 Tax 1861 141 76 78 48,111 77 103 49,58 Tax 1861 6 6 6 6 145 Tax 1861 131 133 130 133 Tax 1861 35 102 138 147 163 71 103 110 13 15,16,39,40 48,57,125,147 112 37 57 125 178 57 13 70 16 Tax 1861 118 68 10,11,17,49,50,51 62,99,110,115 117,118,149 121 119 12 16 191 110,149 5 5 74,133,Tax 1861 174 63 97,114 174 174 174 174 174 35 10 136 136 174 174 174 134 99 Tax 1861 133 130 101 48 Tax 1861 70 54 36 50 18 Tax 1861 180 73 42 138,139,174 174 174 138 131 70 35 79 |
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