Surname Index to
Goodspeed’s 1888 History of Barry County
Name | Page |
Gabriel, B.F.
Gadberry Gadden, William Gadus, Thomas M. Gall Gallant Galloway, (Democrat) Galloway, A.L. Galyon Galyon, A.J. Gandol, Jeannette Gardner Gardner, Adeline Gardner, Eliza Gardner, Elizabeth Gardner, Felix Gardner, Francis Gardner, Isaac Gardner, John M Gardner, Julia Gardner, Lela Gardner, Martha Gardner, Mary Gardner, Randolph Gardner, Rena Gardner, Reuben Gardner, Seleta Gardner, William Gardner, Zona Garey, Henry Garfield Garland, G.P. Garland, Mart Garley, J.W. Garrett Garris Garris, William H Garrison Garrison, J.R. Garrison, John Garrison, Martha Gary, J.E. Gary, S.C. Gates, Matthias Gates, Ophelia Gaty Gaw Gay Gay, Daniel Gay, Jane Gay, Zarilda J. Geiger Geiger, Judge Geiger, W.T. Geiger, Washington Gensil, Alfred Gensil, Mary J. Gentry Gentry, William George George, D.O. George, David O. George, Delilah George, J.W. George, James George, Lethe Jane George, Pressly George, Thomas H. German, E Geyer, Mr. Gibson Gibson, G.M. Gibson, George Gibson, George M. Gibson, John Gibson, Lieut. Gibson, P.M. Gibson, Tryon Gibson, W.E. Gideon, J.J. Gifford, Maria Gilham, John Gillett Gillett, B.O. Gillette, A.R. Gillock, Robert Gilmore, H.M. Gilmore, Samuel Gipron, Mary J. Gipson Gipson, Isom Gladden, Dr. R.B. Gladden, Earl Gladden, Thomas Gleeson, Charles H. Goff, James M. Gonten Good Goode, H.F. Goodin, O.H. Goodnight Goodnight, Alta Goodnight, Anderson L. Goodnight, Cynthia I. Goodnight, Dicey L. Goodnight, Eliza E. Goodnight, F.M. Goodnight, Francis M. Goodnight, G.M. Goodnight, George M. Goodnight, J. Goodnight, John (J.) Goodnight, Mary E. Goodnight, Mary J. Goodnight, Pleasant S. Goodnight, Samatha A. Goodnight, Sarah J. Goodnight, Squire G.M. Goodnight, William H. Goodrich, C.H. Goodrich, H.C. Goodrich, John G Goonight Goostree Gordon Gordon, Samuel M. Gouge Gowan, Mrs. Gowen Gowen, Elizabeth S Grabello, E.H. Graham Graham, B.W. Graham, Joseph Grammer Grammer & Pharis Grammer, J.M. Grammer, J.M. Grammer, Joel M. Grandy, Henry Grant Grant, S.M. Graves Graves, W.H. Gray, D.M. Gray, D.W. Gray, David Gray, Rev. D.W. Greedbles, Samuel Greeg, C. Green Green, J.J. Green, Richard Greene, Dr. W.B. Greene, Gen. James Greene, Mr. Greenwood, A.B. Greenwood, Alfred B. Greer Gregory Gregory Brothers Gregory, Frances E Gregory, Green Gregory, Green B. Gregory, James F Gregory, John M. Gregory, Joseph G Gregory, Josiah W Gregory, Mary (J.) Gregory, Michael E Griffith Griffith, Marion P. Grimes, Maj. Gen. Grissom, Edward Grovers, Dr. Grubb, C.W. Grubbs, Samuel Guinney, Mrs. R. Gullet(t), John Gunn, John H. Gunter Gurley, G.W. Gurley, George W. Gurley, John W. Gurley, Virginia Gurley, Widow Gurn, Adam C Guthrie |
Tax 1861 166 37 Tax 1861 Tax 1861 63 102 71,Tax 1861 9 187 Tax 1861 166 166 166 166 166 166 166 166 166 166 166 166 166 60,166 166 166 166 167 63,146 98 98 110 Tax 1861 Tax 1861 187 Tax 1861 110 126 154,155 68 132 13 168 Tax 1861 Tax 1861 Tax 1861 176 36 176 63 67 66 69 69 106 Tax 1861 97 133,Tax 1861 10,37,51,54,118 50 162 69,176 162 162 16 86 192 140 137 113 50 39,42,48,49,61,62 10 75,86 70 69 11 68 158 172 133,136 135 101 70 131,133 125 168 Tax 1861 10 135,137,166 167 166 129 141 130 137,140 138 130 63,64,Tax 1861 167 167 167 167 167 87,137 167 114,122 57,87,121,167 87 148,167,189 167 167 167 167 167,189 72 167 132 130 68 Tax 1861 Tax 1861 Tax 1861 179 Tax 1861 18 Tax 1861 36 126 Tax 1861 35 136 Tax 1861 95 44,53,95 99,110,114 52,62,68,117,118 132 Tax 1861 68 Tax 1861 44 101 108 112 127 69 12 Tax 1861 68 35 109 169 169 68,71,123 87 79 Tax 1861 137 167 95 121,138,167 167 167 167 167 101,167,194 167 Tax 1861 124 157 5 112 120 69 133 78,115 54,117 72 135,185 135 137 18 5 35 76 |
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