Surname Index to
Goodspeed’s 1888 History of Barry County
Name | Page |
Salmon Salvidge, H.H. Sanders Sandins Sandis, Susan Sapp Sappington, Dr. Sargent Sartin Sartin, Eddie Sartin, Emma Sartin, Freddie Sartin, Hudy S. Sartin, J.A. Sartin, James Sartin, John A. Sartin, John E Sartin, Mamie V. Sartin, Nellie M Sartin, Oliver L Sartin, Ollis R Sartin, Ulysses E. Saunders Saunders, Rebecca Sawyer, L. & Co Saxe Scammon Scammon, E.C. Scammon, Ellen J. Schappler, John Schmetzer Schnable, Gen. Schofield Schofield, Gen. Schooling Schooling, Joseph Scoggins, Mathew Scooter Scott Scott, Elizabeth Scott, J.W. Scott, John S. Scott, John W. Scott, William Scroggins Scroggins, J.L. Seabourn Seals Seamster, F.M. Seamster, Marion Seers Segerer Seitz, David Seligman, Mrs. Sellers Sellers, (Democrat) Sellers, J.C. Sellers, S. Sellers, Sampson Selvidge Selvidge, Erb Selvidge, J.C. Selvidge, Nancy Senter Senter, Matthew Seroggins, James S.. Settles, Thomas Sexton Sexton, Frances Sexton, James Shaffer, M.A. Shaffer, Maggie Shambaugh, I.N. Shankard, M.J. Shannon, Evaline Shannon, Hugh Sharkman, James Sharp Shaw Shaw, S.W. Shaw, Samuel Sheahan, H.J. Shelton Shelton, C.W. Shelton, W.J. Shepard, M.L. Shepard, Mark Shepard, Mary Shepherd Shepherd, Noell Shepherd, Edward Shepherd, Henry Shepherd, James W. Shepherd, Jos Shepherd, Joseph Shepherd, Leotie Shepherd, Martha Shepherd, Mary J. Sheppan Sherman, Mr. Sherwood, (Democrat) Sherwood, F.A. Shields Shipman Shipman, Daniel Shoemake Shoemaker, Thomas Shoemaker, Thomas Shoemaker, W.C. Short Short, David Short, Elizabeth Short, Flora Short, H. Short, H.W. Short, Mr. Short, Nancy Short, Wat. Shoup, L. Shue, Jacob Shults Shultz Shultz, John Shy Sicks, William Siddens, Amanda J. Sidway, Charles W Sidway, George T Sidway, Henry Turner Sidway, L.B. Sidway, Leverett B. (L B) Sidway, William Siepers, Hugh Sills, Addie Sills, J.C. Simes, D.E. Simmons, James M Simmons, John Simmons, Mrs. John Simmons, W.J. Simms Simons, Simson Simpson Simpson, Samuel W. Sims Sims, Mary B Sims, Nancy J. Sims, Robert Sims, Thomas Sims, W.L. Siple, Phillip Sippy, Minerva Skelton Skelton, Abram C. Skelton, James Skelton, Mrs Eliza Skillern Skinner Skinner, M.J. Skirrill Slack, W.Y. Slarns, George Slaton, A.J. Slender Sloup, Betsey Slover Smallwood, S.M. Smith Smith Smith L. Smith, Alfrata M. Smith, C.A. Smith, C.W. Smith, David Smith, Dr. C.W. Smith, E.W. Smith, Eleanor Smith, Frances Smith, Francis Smith, George Smith, H.B. Smith, H.J. Smith, J.M. Smith, J.R. Smith, J.T Smith, Jasper Smith, Joel Smith, John Smith, John A Smith, John I. Smith, John M Smith, Joseph Smith, Juliette Smith, Levi Smith, Lewis Smith, M.D. Smith, M.G. Smith, M.V. Smith, Malinda Smith, Martha Jane Smith, Mrs. Smith, Ned Smith, Nicholas R. Smith, O.P. Smith, P.R. Smith, R.R. Smith, S. Smith, Samuel Smith, Silas Smith, T. Smith, T.J. Smith, Tempa Smith, Thomas Smith, Thomas J. Smith, W Smith, W.E. Smith, W.L. Smith, W.W. Smith, Washington Smith, Washington E Smith, William Smithe, Marilla Smithson Smyth Smyth, W.L. Sneed Snider, Dudley H. Snodgrass Snodgrass, Anderson Snyder Snyder, Dudley H. Snyder, P.O. Sobieski Solomon Solomon, John Sons Sons, Emma Lena Sons, Hiram P Sons, James Sons, James Sons, Mrs. E.H. Sons, Nora May Sooter Sooter, Edward G. Sooter, W.R. Sooter, William R. South, Jane South, John Southerd, G. Southerland Southward, W Southwood Sparkes, Nancy Sparkman Sparkman, C.M. Sparkman, Charles Sparkman, Dr. Sparkman, Dr. M.B. Sparkman, M.B. Sparlin, A. Speak, J. Spear Speece, J.W. Speece, Washington Speight, Edwin G. Spencer, J. Spencer, Thos Sperry, Edwin A. Spradling Sprigle, Mary A. Springs, M.B. Stacey, N. Stacy, L.P. Stafford, R.C. Stahleger Stall, Ben Stallcup Stamps Stamps, Adaline Stamps, Elizabeth Standlee Standley, Timothy Stanley, David Stapleton Stapleton, Isaac Stapleton, Thomas Stapleton, W. Stark, Cyrus Starkey Starkey, Arthur Starkey, John Starkey, John W. Starks, Martha Steadman, Amos C Steadman, J.R. Stearns, George Steele, Dr. Marion D. Steele, J.A. Steele, J.C. Steele, Oliver Vest Steele, Sarah Steele, T.D. Steele, Thomas D Steele, William D. Steen, A.E. Steep, Sarah Stein, W.H. Steinmons, J.M. Stephen Stephens Stephens, Amanda Stephens, Dolly Stephens, J.K. Stephens, James Stephens, Lieut. Stephens, Mary Stephens, Widow Stephens, William Stephenson Stephenson, Catharine Stephenson, Jacob D Stepheson, J.D. Stewart Stewart, A.J. Stewart, A.J. Stewart, D.L. Stewart, Governor Stewart, J. Stewart, J.T. Stewart, James W. Stewart, John C. Stewart, Laban Stewart, Rev. A. J. Still Stills Stinnett, Henry Stinnett, J.R. Stinnett, Margaret Stinnett, Martha J. Stockard, F.T. Stockton Stockton, George Stockton, Mary A Stockton, T. Stockton, Thomas Stogsdill, Jane A. Stone Stone, James Stone, R.C Story, John W. Stout, Alex. Stows Strait, (Greenback) Stratton, Thomas Stringer Stringer, J.R. Stringer, L.P. Stringer, Leroy P Stringer, Wm. Stringfield, Thomas J. Strong Strong, Dr. Strong, Horace Strong, Thomas Strother Strothers, Mary J Strothers, William D. Stubblefield Stubblefield Stubblefield, A.G. Stubblefield, Clay Stubblefield, E. D. Stubblefield, Edward Stubblefield, Elisha Stubblefield, Elisha D. Stubblefield, G. Stubblefield, G.S. Stubblefield, I.N. Stubblefield, J.M.(James) Stubblefield, J.S. Stubblefield, James M. Stubblefield, John Stubblefield, Mary Stubblefield, Mollie Stubblefield, R. Stubblefield, Robert Stubblefield, Tiza Stublefield, Caroline Stump, Short Sturdy Sturdy, D. Sturdy, Sarah E. Subleth Sullivan Sullivan, Allan Sullivan, Ellen Sullivan, John Sullivan, Matilda Sullivan, Richard Sullivan, William Surett, H.A. Surginer Surgnier, Naomi Suttles Suttles, Andrew L. Suttles, James Suttles, John N. Suttles, John S Suttles, Thos Sutton Sutton, S.D. Swartzel, L.M. Swatslander Swatzell, P.M. (Peter) Sweetman Swetnam, C.M. Swiger Swiger, James Swiger, Peter Swiger, Peter R (P.R.) Swindle Swindle, James Swindle, Lafayette Swindle, Mr. Syme, Mr. |
Tax 1861
141,Tax 1861 103 64 Tax 1861 177 Tax 1861 16 6 63 189 189 189 189 137 189 167,189 189 189 189 189 189 189 133 36 160 125 132 129 129 132 145 82 84 85,86 Tax 1861 48,49,50,58,61 107 Tax 1861 146,Tax 1861 180 102 35 101 70 Tax 1861 35 64 Tax 1861 106 101 Tax 1861 133 53 145 Tax 1861 63 105,106,119,121 9 35 Tax 1861 95 107 36 Tax 1861 70 9 177 Tax 1861 36 13 102 101 79,116 169 16,191 47,111 76 81 Tax 1861 126 101 134 Tax 1861 133 95 120 118 157 50 189 189 189 189 19 189 189 189 17 Tax 1861 131 63 68 8 Tax 1861 10 Tax 1861 170 69 134 145,Tax 1861 59 184 160 113 133 169 168 71 122 18 Tax 1861 75 47 Tax 1861 170 174 190 189,190 190 2 190 190 41 106 105,106 173 8 19 19 104 Tax 1861 18 Tax 1861 68,97 Tax 1861 181 151 140 37 140 164 178 Tax 1861 9 9 95 Tax 1861 7 182 Tax 1861 79 103 109 Tax 1861 194 Tax 1861 106 63,64,80 Tax 1861 122 181 139 109 50,99 124,181 45,54 8 109 36 127 104 87 8,10 35,140 137 125 49 35,36,38,69 87 75 8,9,35,152 160 152 49 136 119 139 87 109 170 5 136 8 127 191 53 137 170 128 87 134,137 36 87 127 42 135 50 54 41,127 136 65 36 Tax 1861 Tax 1861 68 Tax 1861 65 Tax 1861 54 64,97 71 133 64 85,Tax 1861 36 Tax 1861 190 190 106 190 132 190 72,Tax 1861 59 49,110 75 70 70 52 Tax 1861 69 Tax 1861 36 57,62,Tax 1861 109 141 140 141 139 122 59 Tax 1861 109 109 157 35 18 129 Tax 1861 164 107 109 35 68 Tax 1861 47 5 Tax 1861 36 36 Tax 1861 19 59,99,106 63,Tax 1861 103,146 9 35 68 Tax 1861 69 14,76 15 106 173 101 112 190 101 101 191 36 120 190 191 79 151 147 68 146 145,Tax 1861 6 36 18 6,127,136,137 87 6 6 6 Tax 1861 19,36,38 36 35 Tax 1861 69,95,124,139 140,141 134 78 12 132 13 52 148 101 Tax 1861 Tax 1861 18,137 136 188 188 102 Tax 1861 66,71 167 99 50,150 156 78 15,59,148 185 151 101 12 63 117,118,119 Tax 1861 87 52,53,97 148 19,53,87 103 Tax 1861 140 14 9 Tax 1861 36 13 62,63,64 Tax 1861 101,102 46,129,130,134 121 14,150 153,161 46 102 101 138 123,138 101 138 13,169 153 123 49,110 14,51,61 106 172 72 Tax 1861 102 107 Tax 1861 Tax 1861 159 159 159 159 17 159 46 Tax 1861 165 Tax 1861 12 76 76 35 17 Tax 1861 13,49 131 Tax 1861 49,58 133 133 Tax 1861 135 136 54,122 63,64,Tax 1861 52 155 15 157 |
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