Surname Index to
Goodspeed’s 1888 History of Barry County
Name | Page |
Queen Quigley, Dr. J.M. Quinby, Rachel Raber, Mary A. Ragan, Widow Ragan, William Rainey, Mrs. Emily Rains Rains, James S. Ramsden Ramsey, S.M. Randall, J.R. Randleman Randleman, J.H. Randol, E.L. Randolph, George W. Randolph, James Raney, J.P. Raney, Joseph P. Ratliff, James Ratliff, Job Ray Ray, Belle Ray, Bessie Ray, Capt. William Ray, Charles Ray, Charles Ray, Dr. (John) Ray, Dr. John Ray, Dr. John Ray, George Ray, John Ray, John Ray, John C. Ray, John Sr Ray, Means Ray, Miss Belle Ray, William Ray, William Read Readman, George Reagan, W.D. Rector, Griggsby Redgers, Mrs. Redman, W.W. Redwine, Annie Redwine, Cambridge C Redwine, Jewel Redwine, L.S. Redwine, Louis Redwine, M. Redwine, Minnie Redwine, Mollie Redwine, Mossie Redwine, S.L. Redwine, Samuel L. (JR.) Redwine, W.H. Redwine, William H. Reece Reece, Frank Reed Reed, A.J. Reed, Alfred Reed, John Reed, Sarah C Rees Rees, E.H. Reese Reese, D.G. Reese, F.N. Reese, N.J. Reese, T.N. Reeves Reeves, John Reeves, Mahala Reidelbarger, John Renker, Elisha Resley Reynolds Reynolds, S.R. Rhea Rhodes Rhodes, Co. Jesse Rhodes, Sophia Rice Rice, (Greenback) Rice, A.H. Rice, Dr. Eugene Rice, Nettie Rich, Sarah Richardson Richardson, Fielden L. Richardson, John M. Richardson, Joseph Richardson, M. Richardson, Maria Richardson, N. Richardson, Nancy Richardson, Nathan Rickett, M.H. Ricketts Ricketts, M.H. Ricketts, Martin Ricketts, Mary J. Rickman Riddle Riddle, James Riddle, Rhoda Ridgely, Richard R. Riggins Riggs, John Rinehart Ring Rinker, George W. Rinker, Joseph Rinker, Judge Ripley, G.W Riptoe Ritchey Ritchey, (Greenback) Rittenhouse, B. Ritter, Mrs. Roach Roads Roark, Mrs. Robb, Eliza Robbins Robbins, Cornelius Robbins, Frank L Robbins, Frank M Robbins, John Robbins, John R Robbins, L.C. Robbins, Lillie B Robbins, Loren C. Robbins, Mary Robbins, Minnie S Roberts Roberts, Daniel Roberts, Emsley Roberts, Harmon Roberts, J.W. Roberts, James Roberts, Jerusha Roberts, Jerusha Mrs. Roberts, M.C. Roberts, M.H. Roberts, Miss Evaline Roberts, Mrs Sarah Roberts, Prof. Roberts, Solomon Roberts, W.H. Robertson Robertson, L Robinson, Andrew Jackson Robinson, Barbara Angeline Robinson, Cordelia Robinson, Della Robinson, Elizabeth Robinson, Florence Virginia Robinson, Ina Robinson, James Robinson, Mary E Robinson, Mary Etta Robinson, Nancy L Robinson, P.G. Robinson, Perry G Robinson, Sarah Robinson, Wiley G Robinson, William Jasper Robinson, Z.W. Robinson,James Wiley Robison Robison, Perry G. Robison, W.M. Robison, Willaim Rochelle, Elizabeth Roden Roden, G.B. Roden, I.W. Rodgers Rodgers, Thomas Rogers Rogers, J.W. Rogers, Joseph Rogers, Josephine Rogers, Mrs. S.J. Rogers, T.J. Rogers, T.R. Roland, Isabel Roller Roller, A.R. Roller, Allen Roller, Andrew Roller, Andrew Sr Roller, D.D. Roller, George Roller, George Sr Roller, George W. (G.W.) Roller, Jacob Roller, John Roller, Joshua Roller, Margaret Roller, P. Rollins Rooker, W.L. Rose, Charles Alexis Rose, G.L. Rose, O.L. Rose, O.L. Rose, Winston C Ross Ross, Jane W. Ross, John Ross, Maj. Ross, P.W. Ross, W.M. Ross, William M. Roudebush, L. Routh, Joseph Rowe, S.M. Rowley, Ann Rowley, Caroline Rowley, Joseph (F) Rowley, Josie J Rowley, Lafayette Rowley, Napoleon B Rowley, Sally May Ruble, Thomas Ruble, W. Rucker Rucker, Luz A Rule Rumbaugh, Sol. Runions Russell Russell, David Russell, Martha Russell, Milo B. Ruth, Margaret Rutherford, John Ryan, Charles S. |
Tax 1861 62,95,109,114,117 156 169 112 57 191 82,83,84,85,86 79 Tax 1861 107 131 Tax 1861 38 161 66,68 70 62 53 42,112 112 63,64,Tax 1861 186 186 76,81,97 17,97,111,114,121 123,185,186 5,47,87,97 108,109,114,117 185,186 66 46,52,54 62,66,110 77 35 186 107,121 52,53,54 62,66,119 Tax 1861 127 68 10 101 102 186 186 186 131 186 101 186 186 186 133,134,135,137 186 133 186 141,143,Tax 1861 172 61,75,Tax 1861 58 76 47,48 36 Tax 1861 109 64 142 141 102 142 Tax 1861 53,54 184 162 109 71 Tax 1861 118,121,128 Tax 1861 Tax 1861 121 109 Tax 1861 63 126 109 102 186 82,Tax 1861 169 68 70 118 159 118 169 43,68 126 Tax 1861 127 135 172 Tax 1861 Tax 1861 87,135 18 68 Tax 1861 107 Tax 1861 Tax 1861 62 49 50 101,136 125 Tax 1861 62 101 5 Tax 1861 Tax 1861 73 36 Tax 1861 187 187 187 18,187 187 167 187 187 187 187 63,64,Tax 1861 50 10 18 8 73 45 18 101 102,110 107 107 100 11,77 101 Tax 1861 42 187 187 187 187 187 187 187 187 187 187 187 136 187 187 187 187 7 187 Tax 1861 54 136 52 169 Tax 1861 87 87 Tax 1861 16,148 Tax 1861 38 138 36 101,102 38 99 175 Tax 1861 57,141,142,146 101 9 38 102 9 35 145,146 17,143,146 35,58,86,113,145 17 17 8 Tax 1861 131 188 136 135,136,137 163,187 187 82,84,Tax 1861 174 48,62,69 80 174 98,128 122 101,102 50 101,102 188 188 188 188 73 188 188 8,10,62 9 135,Tax 1861 36 Tax 1861 35 Tax 1861 73,Tax 1861 8 36 10,126 36 35 121 |
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