Surname Index to
Goodspeed’s 1888 History of Barry County
Name | Page |
Eagre, I.P. Earheridge Earle, Charity Earle, Charles Earle, Eliza Earle, Grantham Earle, Mary Earle, William Easley Easley, G.B. Easley, Green B Easley, Greenbury Eatheridge Edems. George W. Eden, B.G. Edens Edens, Allia Edens, Andrew Jackson Edens, Bolen Edens, Celia Edens, David Edens, Delilah Jane Edens, Deputy Sheriff Edens, Eliza Edens, Elizabeth Edens, Ellis H Edens, G.W. Edens, George W. Edens, Henry Harrison Edens, James Edens, James Jefferson Edens, Jesse Edens, Lydia Edens, William Green Edmonds, C.C. Edmonson Edward, S.B. Edwards Edwards, Gov. Edwards, P.H. Edwards, Tilmon Eggleston, J.W. Eidson Elam, George J. Ellinger, Polly Ellington, David Ellington, Jonathan Elliott Elliott, J.W. Ellis Ellis, Albert Ellis, Alfred Ellis, B Ellis, Charles Ellis, Col. C.A. Ellis, Eleanor Ellis, Eliza J. Ellis, Elizabeth Ellis, Elvin Ellis, Ezekiel Ellis, George Ellis, Ira Ellis, Isaac Ellis, James H. Ellis, Jeremiah Ellis, John Ellis, John A. Ellis, John W Ellis, Margaret Ellis, Mary A Ellis, Matilda Ellis, Nettie Ellis, Sarah E Ellis, Thomas Ellis, William Ellmore, J.T. Ellston, W.T. Ellsworth Halleck Elmore Elswick, Albert Elswick, Andrew Elswick, Elmiira Elswick, Frank Elswick, John R Elswick, Luelia Elswick, Oliver Elswick, Perry Elswick, Rachel Elswick, Sarah M. Elsy Emerson Emerson, C.C. Enlow, Louis D. Ennis, Martin Eno, Maj. Epperley, M.S. Epperley, Simeon Epperly, Perry Epperson, Beverly Ervin Ervin, Rev. M. Erwin Erwin, Wm. Estes Estes, Frances A. Estes, Hiram Estes, Joseph Etheridge, J.M. Etheridge, Matilda Ethridge, Perry Eubanks, J.J. Eubanks, Mr. Eubanks, William Eulow Evaline, Miss Evans & Green Evans, (Democrat) Evans, Ada Evans, Ange Evans, Birdie Evans, Burrel L. (B L) Evans, Elias Evans, Emaline Evans, Emma May Evans, Georgia A. Evans, Jesse Lee Evans, John Evans, Josephine Evans, Miss Evans, P.L. Evans, Perry L. Evans, Q.M. Evans, R.S. Evans, Richard Evans, Thomas Evans, W.O. Evans, W.O. Even, Nancy |
Tax 1861
110 Tax 1861 161 161 161 161 161 18,124,153,161 Tax 1861 37 8,115 149 Tax 1861 161 122 63 162 162 95 162 162 162 73 162 162 162 71 162 162 162 162 162 162 162 87 Tax 1861 161 Tax 1861 71 68 87 109,140,141 17 161 164 14 14 Tax 1861 140,141,142 Tax 1861 162 162 102,110 111 81,82 182 162 194 162 162 162 103 35,162 162 162 162 142 162 162,166 162 162 162 162 73 162 101 185 158 63,64 162 162 162 163 162,163 163 162 162 163 163 Tax 1861 Tax 1861 18,122 35 122 85 108 108 127 112 Tax 1861 148 Tax 1861 17 128,Tax 1861 36 47 68 178 192 72 134 108 136 Tax 1861 107 44 63 164 164 102 46,71,127,163,164 18,163,164 164 163 164 163 35 164 141 127 163 128 103 164 164 46,54,55,75 138,142 164 |
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