I6908: Jaques MARGUERON (b. ABT 1590, d. BEF 1636)

DUTOIT: A Family from Moudon, Switzerland

Jaques MARGUERON       (ID #I6908)

Father: Jean MARGUERON (dates unknown)
Mother: Benoite TROLLIET (dates unknown)

Family 1 : Benoicte FAUCHERRE (bp. 12 SEP 1585, d. AFT 1627)
  1. +Isaac MARGUERON (b. ABT 1617, d. ABT 1674)


Unaccountably, Jaques with wife Benoicte seemed to be listed in error as Jean at several baptisms in Moudon and in various notarial documents, even though the marriage contract of Jaques Margueron to Benoicte Fauchierres is cited by Balthazard DeCristaz in 1627, giving the date of the actual contract (now lost) as 1615. A document of F. Ballif dated 19 mar 1619 again refers to Jean Margueron and his wife Beneyte (selling property to Fran�ois Milliquet).

These references in fact have been found as far back as 1607 (mentioning the wife Benoyte). Rather than having to assume confusion on the part of multiple clerks and notaries, it seems more likely that the references are to another man, a Jean Margueron whose wife was also named Benoyte. The latter name was very popular in Moudon and Lucens, if we are to judge from the surviving church and notarial records.

Moreover, references to at least one Jean Margueron have been found as early as 1545, all mentioning citizenship in Lucens. One reference shows that a Jean Margueron was the brother of Louis, notary at Lucens, and son of Claude, blacksmith at Lucens (all of them living in 1545). A Jean Margueron, likely not the same man, appears as next of kin of Clauda Margueron daughter of Michel (d. before 1564). She died in 1579. Jean was most likely her brother, judging from the fact that he initiated the petition to settle her estate, and by the terms of the nuncupative testament itself. Plausibly the same Jean Margueron is cited in 1573 and 1589, and there is a mention in the Chuard genealogy of Susanne Bonjour, widow of Jean Chuard (married in 1580, dead of the plague in 1581) who remarried to Jean Margueron of Lucens by 1583. This Jean Margueron could possibly be the same man who next married the second Benoyte, and this couple, both surviving until at least 1621, could be closely related to Jaques Margueron who married Benoyte Fauchierres in 1615. In fact, they are probably Jaques' parents. Presumably the same Jean Margueron is the one mentioned as "conseiller de Lucens" in a transaction recorded by Jaques Richard, notary at Moudon (ACV DL 79/3, dated 20 may 1599).

The interesting testament of Clauda Margueron follows:

Jean Jaquier, notary at Moudon, 17 dec 1579.

Decret du Testament de Clauda Margueron femme de Claude Vuagnieres de la grange Vernex.

Jaques Cerjat gentilhomme bourgeoise et Chastellain de Mouldon au nom et pour la part de mes tresredoubt�z Seigneurs de Berne, fais scavoir a tous Que l'an de grace courant mille cinq centz septante neuf, et le dix septieme jour du moys de decembre par devant Egrege Jaques Burchet notaire & bourgeois de Mouldon vidompne dudit lieu, avecq les honnorables Jur�z assistants, A comparu et s'est present� honneste Jehan Margueron de Lucens, proposant comme estant Clauda Margueron femme de Claude Vuagnieres de la grange Vernex, detenue & afflig�e de malladie de peste, de laquelle est deced�e, Auroit faict son testament, estant de bon sense memoire & entendement, En presence de gens de bien, a faulte de notaire, et pour ce que tels et semblables testaments sellon coustume se doibvent decret�s et manifest�s dans le tems de six sepmaines, a pourtant procur� faire convenue les tesmoings que sont est�s presents quant ledit testament a est� faict, Assavoir Jehan Chappela et Marguerite Bezenson, priant iceux vouloir interroguer {et] examiner assiduemens (?) sus le faict dedict testament et proposition (?) predicte. Lesqueulx ayans faict le serment a ce requis, ont deppos� comme s'ensuit, Premierement ledit Jehan Chappella a dict estre vray que ladicte Clauda deffuncte donnoit a la Peageta et a la Neyrestaz ses deux tantes a unchacune vingt florins, et a unchacune une de ses robes. Item, donnoit ung corset a Jenon des Tholes, femme de Jaques Baddoz. Item, donnoit a la femme de Claude Guinnaz (?) une de ses robbes. Item, donnoit a Jehan Margueron le clod [i.e., clos] Dalin. Item, despuis estants all� avecq ledit Jehan Margueron jusques vers certain Bochallet, ledit Margueron a dict audit deposant qu'il debvoir interroguer ladicte Clauda s'il luy donnoit pas le clod Dolan, laquelle dict que non, car il admitreriot ses enfans, mais qu'il luy vouloit faire ung aultre don, assavoir qu'il luy bailloit tout qu'il luy debvoit, Et defaillant de ses enfans que le fien luy debvoir revenir. Item, donnoit a Sarra femme de Benoict Corna, dix florins, aultre a dict n'en scavoir. Et ladicte Marguerite Bezenson a dict que ladicte Clauda deffuncte havoit donn� a ses deux tantes sus nomm�es les sommes par ledict Chappella declair�es. Item, a ladicte Jenon ung corset per (?). Item, a sa seur de Lucens une de ses robes. Item, audict Jehan Margueron le clod Dolin. Item, a ladicte Sara dix florins. Item, feggaillans des tous ses enfans que le bien tourniot audict Margueron, et aultre n'en scait. Desquelles deppositions ledict exposant a pris & requis luy en estre octroy�s lettres judiciales & testimoniales pour memoyre future et lesquelles moyennant la congnoissance concordable par les honnorables Jur�z assistans sus ce faicte & rendus luy sont est� octroy�s et command�s faire & expedier par le notaire & Curial de presente Justice soubsign� avecq authorisation a ce requis, reservant sus le tout droitct d'aultruy, En vigueur & corroboration desquelles choses les presentes sont faictes & pass�es soub le seaul accoustum� de moy, honnor� Siegneur Monsieur le Ballif de mouldon, avecq le signet manuel dudict Curial soubsign� les jour & an que dessus.

No other Marguerons have appeared in the surviving notarial records of Lucens or in the church records of the surrounding towns around 1600. There is an isolated mention of Pierre Margueron, notary at Lucens, in 1573, and a Fran�ois of Oron-la-Ville who died before 1593. So it is very likely that Jaques was the son of the Jean Margueron who was active around 1589. The only possible impediment to this interpretation is the apparent survival of Jean Margueron and his wife Benoyte as late as 1621, 6 years after the marriage of Jaques Margueron and Benoyte Fauchierres. The account of that contract in 1627 (Balthazard DeCristaz, notary) does not name the father of Jaques, which might have been expected. However, the document does not appear to give the whole text of the marriage contract, either. It does not name the original witnesses nor the relatives who may have been present on either side. (The date range of documents examined on film #0922312 for this notary was 1624-1636, in spite of indication on the film leader of dates 1610-1643 and in the repertoire of the cantonal archives as 1610-1642. Is it possible we have missed some records that were either not filmed or filmed out of order?)

At Corsier-sur-Vevey, the church records contain a marriage for Jean Daniel son of the late Egr�ge Pierre Margueron "vivant bourgeois de Lucens et curial en la justice de Corsier" (23 jan 1669). Jean Daniel marries a widow, but it would be surprising if he were much over 50, and that would put the birthdate of his father probably no earlier than 1569, so it is not plausible that the Pierre Margueron at Corsier was the same Pierre cited at Lucens in 1573. It does suggest that there may be more information in districts other than Moudon.

Baltazard DeCristaz, notary at Moudon, 15 oct 1627.


Le Lundy quinziesme d'Octobre l'an mille six cent vingt sept, honnorable Jaques Margueron bourgeois de Lucens agissant en cecy au nom d'honnor�e Beneyte sa femme fille de feu honnorable Abraham Fouchyeres de Bussy bourgeois de Mouldon absent, par laquelle il promet faire ratifier par la dicte Beneyte sa femme tout le contenue des presents, Sachant et bien advis� et des droicts, tiltres et actions de ladicte Achepteur sa femme bien inform� pour elle ses hoirs et successeurs, d'avoir heu et receu d'honnorable Jean et Jaques Fouchyeres ses freres fils dudict feu Abraham Fouchyerre dudict Bussy et bourgeois dudict Mouldon presents et acceptans, stipulans et recevbans pour eux leurs hoirs et successeurs universels, et premierement la somme de cent et vingte florins pp. [petit poids] et ....? A cause d'appreciation d'une robe et d'un corset de bon drap que soyent dus par lesdits Jean et Jaques Fouchierre freres a ladicte Beneyte leur soeur pour reste de ses vestiments contennus audit trait de mariage desdicts Jaques et Beneyte jugaux receu et sign� par moy notaire soubsign� en date du premier d'Octobre l'an mille six cents et quinze. Item, en oultre ledict Jaques Margueron an nom de ladicte Beneyte sa femme confesse avoir receuz desdicts Jean et Jaques Fouchyerre sas freres, Assavoir la somme de Cent octante florins pp. [petit poids] A cause d'accord et arrest entre eux faict de tout ce que ledict Margueron a heu de sadicte femme voulloit et pretendoit demander, repetir, rechercher, et molester lesdicts Jean et Jaques Fouchyerre freres et pour regard du droict part et portion des biens paternels, maternels, fraternels, et sororiels meubles et immeubles presents et advenirs quelconques avecq la somme pecuniaire, les trossel et vestiments cy tenues au prenomm� (?) contraict de mariage receu et sign� par moy ledict notaire soubsign�. Item plus, ledict Jaques Margueron au nom de ladicte Beneyte sa femme confesse avoir receu desditcs Jean & Jaques Fouchyerre sesdites freres, Assavoir la somme de Trente florins dicte monoye pour la donnation a elle faicte par honnor�e Antheyne Trolliet leur mere, relicte dudict feu honnorable Abraham Fouchyerre par son Testament & ordonnace de derniere volont�, Plus la somme de ving florins pour la donnation faicte a la dicte Beneyte par feue Barbaz femme de feu Fran�ois Jordan alias Vuagnieres vivant bourgeois dudict Mouldon, aussi par son testament, Assendantes lesdictes sommes a la somme de trois cents & cinquante florins dont ledict Margueron au nom de sa dicte femme comme bien content en quicte perpetuellement lesdicts Jean & Jaques Fouchyerre freres & leur dictes hoirs sans jamais les en pouvoir (?) recercher ny quereller au temps advenir en fa�on quelconques, Promettant a ceste affaire ledict Margueron au nom de la dicte Beneyte sa femme & de ses dicts hoirs en bonne foy soubs l'obligation de tous & un chacun leurs biens presents & advenir quelconques, Toutes les choses premises havoir & tenir perpetuellement pour agreable, ferme, stable & vallide, les accomplir & observer entierement & inviolablement a peine de supporter tous dampes, dommages, interest, missions, & depends a ce deffaut aucunement survenants, Renoncans finalement a toutes renonciations de droicts a ce requises & necessaires, Dat� & faict audict Mouldon le mesme jour que devant, Presents honnorables Pettermand & Anthony Gavuchet (?) sirurgiens bourgeois dudict Mouldon, Bartholemey Romyer & Fran�ois Frossard bourgeois dudict Lucens pour tesmoings a ce requis.


Le lundy quinzieme jour d'Octobre l'an mille six cent vingt sept, honnorable Jaques Margueron bourgeois de Lucens, scachant & bien advis� de sa spontann�e volont� pour luy ses hoirs & sucesseurs quelconques, Confesse par ces presentes d'avoir heu & receu du biens d'honnor�e Beneyte sa femme fille de feu honnorable Abraham Foucherres de Bussy, bourgeois de Mouldon, combien elle soit absente, toutesfois par les mains d'honnorables Jean & Jaques Fouchyerre ses freres fils dudict Abraham Fouchyerre dudict Bussy & bourgeois dudict Mouldon icy presents & acceptans au nom deladicte Beneyte leur soeur de ses hoirs successeurs universels. Premierement la somme de cent vingt florins pp. [petit poids], A cause d'appreciation d'une robe & d'ung corset de bon drap qu'estant deubez par ledict Jehan & Jaques Fouchyerre freres a ladicte Beneyte leur soeur pour raison (?) desdictes vestiments contenue � contrait desdictes Jaques & Beneyte jugaux receu sign� par moy notaire soubsign� En date du premier jour d'Octobre l'an mille sic cents & quinze de juin la somme de Cent septante florins dicte monnoye, A cause d'accord & arrest faict avecq lesdicts Jehan & Jaques Fouchyerre ses freres de toutes pretentions demandes petitions & recerches pour regard du droict part & portion de ladicte Beneyte en ses biens paternels, maternels, fraternels & sororials meubles & immeubles presents & advenirs quelconques, outre la somme premiere les trossels vestiments contenus au prenarr� contrait de mariage receu & sign� par moy ledict notaire soubsign�. Item, la somme de Trente florins dict monnoye, Pour la donnation a elle faicte par honnorable Antheyne Trolliet leur mere relict� dudict feu Abraham Fouchyerre par son testament & ordonnance de dernier volont�, Pour la somme de vingt florins dicte monnoye pour la donnation a elle faicte par Barbaz feu femme de feu Fran�ois Jordan alias Vuagniere vivant bourgeois de Mouldon aussi par son testament ascendantes lesdictes sommes a la somme de trois cents cinquante florins laquelles afin elle soit mieux asseur�s & preserv� par ladicte Beneyte & sesdictes hoirs [par?] ladict Jaques Margueron son mary la luy assigne & assete, Assavoir dessus (?) tous et un chacun ses biens meubles & immeubles presents & advenirs quelconques, a pouvoir par ladicte Beneyte & sesdicts hoirs en cas de restitution de ladicte somme sans iceux biens demander exiger repetir et recouvrer sellon les Loys & ordnnances souveraines, Promettant a cest effaict ledict Jaques Margueron assignateur en bonne foy, soubz l'obligation de tous sesdictes biens, toute le contenu des presentes havoir & tenir perpetuellement pour agreable etc. a peine de restitution tous dampes etc. Dat� & faict audict Mouldon le lundy quinziesme jour d'Octobre l'an mille six cents vingt sept, Presents honnorables Pettermand & Anthony Gavoens (?) pere et fils cirurgiens bourgeois dudict Mouldon, honnorables Bertholemey Romier & Fran�ois Frossard bourgeois dudict Lucens tesmoings a ce requis.

[14426] Date of contract cited in 1627 in a document of Baltazard DeCristaz, notary. Believed to have taken place at Lucens, as it was not recorded at Moudon.

                                             _Claude MARGUERON ___
                                            | (.... - 1545)       
                       _Jean MARGUERON _____|
                      | (.... - 1548)       |
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 _Jean MARGUERON _____|
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|--Jaques MARGUERON 
|  (1590 - 1636)
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|_Benoite TROLLIET ___|
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Jaques MARGUERON       (ID #I4465)

Father: Isaac MARGUERON (b. ABT 1617, d. ABT 1674)
Mother: Jaquemaz DUTOIT (bp. 11 MAR 1617)

Family 1 : Esther BUTTIN (bp. 26 FEB 1646, d. AFT 1704)
  1. +Jeanne Marguerite MARGUERON (bp. 25 APR 1669)
  2.  Jean Daniel MARGUERON (bp. 5 FEB 1671)
  3. +Philippe Samuel MARGUERON (bp. 14 JAN 1672)
  4.  Pierre Anthoine MARGUERON (bp. 21 DEC 1673)
  5. +Marie Ursule MARGUERON (bp. 22 NOV 1674, d. 24 MAR 1748?)
  6. +Susanne MARGUERON (bp. 1 MAR 1677)
  7. +Marie Madelaine MARGUERON (bp. 1 DEC 1678, d. 14 DEC 1741)
  8. +Abraham MARGUERON (bp. 26 AUG 1683, d. 11 MAR 1747)


At least 3 of his daughters appear at baptisms in Lausanne around 1700. Possibly this family moved to Lausanne or a nearby town. Jaques may have died by 1704, as he is not mentioned in connection with the action for breach of promise brought by his daughter Marie against Bernard Morgue. By 1708, property apparently from his estate is sold by his sisters and children.

[14481] Marriage record does not give any details of parentage or origin.

                                             _Jean MARGUERON _____+
                       _Jaques MARGUERON ___|
                      | (1590 - 1636) m 1615|
                      |                     |_Benoite TROLLIET ___
 _Isaac MARGUERON ____|
| (1617 - 1674) m 1641|
|                     |                      _Abraham FAUCHERRE __+
|                     |                     | (.... - 1608) m 1579
|                     |_Benoicte FAUCHERRE _|
|                       (.... - 1627) m 1615|
|                                           |_Anteine TROLLIET ___+
|                                             (1559 - 1612) m 1579
|--Jaques MARGUERON 
|  (.... - 1708)
|                                            _Claude DUTOIT ______
|                                           | (.... - 1609)       
|                      _Jean DUTOIT ________|
|                     | (.... - 1649) m 1605|
|                     |                     |_____________________
|                     |                                           
|_Jaquemaz DUTOIT ____|
   m 1641             |
                      |                      _Martin SAUVAGEAT ___+
                      |                     |  m 1582             
                      |_Claudine SAUVAGEAT _|
                        (.... - 1634) m 1605|
                                            |_Ursule PERRET ______+
                                               m 1582             

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Jaques MARGUERON       (ID #I7138)

Father: Jean MARGUERON (dates unknown)
Mother: Elizabeth _____ (dates unknown)


                                             _Pierre MARGUERON ___+
                                            | (.... - 1581) m 1558
                       _Pierre MARGUERON ___|
                      | (.... - 1634)       |
                      |                     |_Claude GRYSOD ______+
                      |                       (.... - 1581) m 1558
 _Jean MARGUERON _____|
|  m 1642             |
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|--Jaques MARGUERON 
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|_Elizabeth _____ ____|
   m 1642             |
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Jean MARGUERON       (ID #I7134)

Father: Pierre MARGUERON (d. AFT 1634)

Family 1 : Claudaz BORNOD (dates unknown)
  1.  Estiennaz MARGUERON (bp. 2 OCT 1628)
Family 2 : Elizabeth _____ (dates unknown)
  1.  Jaques MARGUERON (bp. JUN 1642)
  2.  Fran�ois MARGUERON (bp. 20 JUL 1645)
  3.  Pierre MARGUERON (bp. DEC 1646)
  4.  Laurent MARGUERON (bp. JAN 1651)
  5.  Elie MARGUERON (bp. 25 APR 1655)
Family 3 : Thievena EMERY (dates unknown)
  1.  Claudine MARGUERON (bp. 14 DEC 1656)


He acknowleged his wife's property from her marriage contract 12 mar 1626, and made a settlement with his wife's brothers Pierre and Thieven Burnod on the same date (Pierre Margueron, notary). These documents do not give the name of his wife's father. It is also possible that Jean was not the son of Pierre the notary, but no other parentage seems likely at this time.

                                             _Claude MARGUERON ___+
                                            | (.... - 1544)       
                       _Pierre MARGUERON ___|
                      | (.... - 1581) m 1558|
                      |                     |_Johannette _____ ___
 _Pierre MARGUERON ___|
| (.... - 1634)       |
|                     |                      _Claude GRYSOD ______+
|                     |                     |                     
|                     |_Claude GRYSOD ______|
|                       (.... - 1581) m 1558|
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Jean MARGUERON       (ID #I7095)

Father: Pierre MARGUERON (d. BEF 1581)
Mother: Claude GRYSOD (d. AFT 1581)

Family 1 : Barbille PICCARD (d. BEF 1621)


His marriage contract identifies him as Jean son of the late Pierre Margueron of Pallexieu (Claude de Place, notary, ACV DI 48/21, 26 dec 1599).

                                             _Bartholom� MARGUERON _
                       _Claude MARGUERON ___|
                      | (.... - 1544)       |
                      |                     |_Johannette DOGES _____+
 _Pierre MARGUERON ___|
| (.... - 1581) m 1558|
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|                     |_Johannette _____ ___|
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|                                            ______ GRYSOD _________
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|                      _Claude GRYSOD ______|
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|_Claude GRYSOD ______|
  (.... - 1581) m 1558|
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Jean MARGUERON       (ID #I28476)

Father: Jean MARGUERON (d. aft 1548)

Family 1 : Benoite TROLLIET (dates unknown)
  1. +Jaques MARGUERON (b. ABT 1590, d. BEF 1636)


                       _Claude MARGUERON ___|
                      | (.... - 1545)       |
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 _Jean MARGUERON _____|
| (.... - 1548)       |
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Jean MARGUERON       (ID #I14345)

Father: _____ MARGUERON (dates unknown)

Family 1 : Marguerite ULDRY (dates unknown)


Resident of Payerne as early as 1516, but on the occasion of the acknowledgement of the marriage settlement of his wife, he is clearly of Vuisternens, Fribourg (21 jan 1520, Pierre Chuard, notary at Payerne, ACV DP 16/1, fol. 356). In some records he is identified as bourgeois de Payerne, but at other times simply a resident. He had died by 29 sep 1542, when his widow Marguerite acknowledged a debt to Jean Grangier of Payerne (Pierre Chuard, notary, ACV DP 16/3 fol. 303v).

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 ______ MARGUERON ____|
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Jean MARGUERON       (ID #I22229)

Father: Claude MARGUERON (d. aft 1545)

Family 1 :
  1. +Jean MARGUERON (dates unknown)


A settlement recorded 20 sep 1548 by Claude Garney, notary at Lucens (ACV DL 44 fol. 87) concerns a debt of "huict vingt florins" (presumably meaning 160 florins)owed by Jean Penard or Ponard to Louis Margueron, as a result of several comlicated transactions. Louis was not available to hear the settlement, so he was represented by his brother Jean Margueron "comme negociant et par indivis avec ledit Loys Margueron son frere". There is no place of residence given for Jean Margueron, but it seems unlikely that no mention of the fact would be made if he did not live close by. Jean was not listed on the tax rolls of 1550 (ACV Bp 14/1), so it may be that he was living with his father and was not considered a head of household.

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 _Claude MARGUERON ___|
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Jean MARGUERON       (ID #I6491)

Father: Claude MARGUERON (d. BEF 1544)
Mother: Johannette _____ (dates unknown)


Testament recorded 25 dec 1557 by Claude Blanc. He never married, and left his mother the use of his estate, making small bequests to his brother Claude, sisters Fran�oise and Claude, and as residual heirs, his brothers Rod and Pierre.

                       _Bartholom� MARGUERON _|
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                      |                       |_____________________
 _Claude MARGUERON ___|
| (.... - 1544)       |
|                     |                        _Jacquet DOGES ______
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|                     |_Johannette DOGES _____|
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|                                             |_Agnes AUBRY ________+
|  (.... - 1557)
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|_Johannette _____ ___|
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Jean MARGUERON       (ID #I14069)

Father: Jaques MARGUERON (dates unknown)
Mother: Jeannon BEROD (dates unknown)

Family 1 : Marguerite TURPIN (dates unknown)


Gouverneur de Pal�zieux in 1609, noted in the records of the notary Fran�ois Chevalley as late as 1612.

                                             _Bartholom� MARGUERON _
                       _Cristin MARGUERON __|
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                      |                     |_Johannette DOGES _____+
 _Jaques MARGUERON ___|
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|  (.... - 1612)
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|                      _Pierre BERROD ______|
|                     | (.... - 1558)       |
|                     |                     |_______________________
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|_Jeannon BEROD ______|
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Jean Daniel MARGUERON       (ID #I4470)

Father: Jaques MARGUERON (bp. 23 MAY 1641, d. BEF 1708)
Mother: Esther BUTTIN (bp. 26 FEB 1646, d. AFT 1704)


[1543] Witnesses: Monsieur Dony, Daniel Favre, Madame la ballifet femme de monsieur le ballif Jehan Jacob Debrith, and Madame Dony.

                                             _Jaques MARGUERON ___+
                                            | (1590 - 1636) m 1615
                       _Isaac MARGUERON ____|
                      | (1617 - 1674) m 1641|
                      |                     |_Benoicte FAUCHERRE _+
                      |                       (.... - 1627) m 1615
 _Jaques MARGUERON ___|
| (.... - 1708) m 1666|
|                     |                      _Jean DUTOIT ________+
|                     |                     | (.... - 1649) m 1605
|                     |_Jaquemaz DUTOIT ____|
|                        m 1641             |
|                                           |_Claudine SAUVAGEAT _+
|                                             (.... - 1634) m 1605
|--Jean Daniel MARGUERON 
|                                            _____________________
|                                           |                     
|                      _Michel BUTTIN ______|
|                     | (.... - 1665) m 1639|
|                     |                     |_____________________
|                     |                                           
|_Esther BUTTIN ______|
  (.... - 1704) m 1666|
                      |                      _Jean ROUGE _________+
                      |                     | (1580 - 1640) m 1600
                      |_Jeanne ROUGE _______|
                        (.... - 1673) m 1639|
                                            |_Anne PLANCHE _______+
                                               m 1600             

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Jean Fran�ois MARGUERON       (ID #I7088)

Father: Pierre MARGUERON (d. BEF 1641)


                      |  |
                      |  |__
 _Pierre MARGUERON ___|
| (.... - 1641)       |
|                     |   __
|                     |  |  
|                     |__|
|                        |
|                        |__
|--Jean Fran�ois MARGUERON 
|  (.... - 1648)
|                         __
|                        |  
|                      __|
|                     |  |
|                     |  |__
|                     |     
                      |   __
                      |  |  

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Jean Jacob MARGUERON       (ID #I20868)

Father: Louis Guillaume ("Jaques Louis") MARGUERON (b. 12 FEB 1763)
Mother: Elizabeth WEIBEL (dates unknown)

Family 1 : Fran�oise Louise CORSAT (dates unknown)


He appears to have settled in Lausanne, where he worked as a "tourneur".

The banns were posted at Goumo�ns-la-Ville, where the parties to the marriage are identified as Jean Jacob son of Jaques Louis Margueron and Elizabeth Weibel of Lucens, to Fran�oise Louise daughter of Pierre Abraham Corzat and Anne Anthoinette Perret of Pully, with the notation that the banns were posted at Goumo�ns because Margueron the father had lately lived there (a demeur� derni�rement).

                                                                          _Abraham MARGUERON ___________+
                                                                         | (.... - 1747)                
                                               _Abraham David MARGUERON _|
                                              | (.... - 1797) m 1752     |
                                              |                          |_Claudine MOJONNIER __________+
                                              |                            (1690 - 1762)                
 _Louis Guillaume ("Jaques Louis") MARGUERON _|
| (1763 - ....)                               |
|                                             |                           _Etienne Samuel PILLARD ______+
|                                             |                          | (1675 - 1745) m 1711         
|                                             |_Catherine PILLARD _______|
|                                               (1734 - 1794) m 1752     |
|                                                                        |_Jeanne Marguerite FONTANNAZ _
|                                                                           m 1711                      
|--Jean Jacob MARGUERON 
|                                                                         ______________________________
|                                                                        |                              
|                                              __________________________|
|                                             |                          |
|                                             |                          |______________________________
|                                             |                                                         
|_Elizabeth WEIBEL ___________________________|
                                              |                           ______________________________
                                              |                          |                              

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Jean Jaques MARGUERON       (ID #I5360)

Father: Abraham David MARGUERON (bp. 12 MAR 1728, d. 11 SEP 1797)
Mother: Catherine PILLARD (b. 1734, d. 11 JAN 1794)


                                                           _Jaques MARGUERON ___+
                                                          | (.... - 1708) m 1666
                            _Abraham MARGUERON ___________|
                           | (.... - 1747)                |
                           |                              |_Esther BUTTIN ______+
                           |                                (.... - 1704) m 1666
 _Abraham David MARGUERON _|
| (.... - 1797) m 1752     |
|                          |                               _Maurice MOJONNIER __
|                          |                              | (.... - 1726)       
|                          |_Claudine MOJONNIER __________|
|                            (1690 - 1762)                |
|                                                         |_Anne BARBEY ________
|                                                           (.... - 1729)       
|--Jean Jaques MARGUERON 
|  (1761 - 1762)
|                                                          _Estienne PILLARD ___
|                                                         | (.... - 1702) m 1678
|                           _Etienne Samuel PILLARD ______|
|                          | (1675 - 1745) m 1711         |
|                          |                              |_Ursule AMIET _______
|                          |                                (.... - 1702) m 1678
|_Catherine PILLARD _______|
  (1734 - 1794) m 1752     |
                           |                               _____________________
                           |                              |                     
                           |_Jeanne Marguerite FONTANNAZ _|
                              m 1711                      |

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Jean Louis MARGUERON       (ID #I20859)

Father: Louis Guillaume ("Jaques Louis") MARGUERON (b. 12 FEB 1763)
Mother: Jeanne Salom� SENN (dates unknown)


Death record at Curtilles says he died in the hospital of Carmel, Valladolid. He was a fusilier in the 3rd Company, 2nd Battalion, 4th Swiss Regiment.

                                                                          _Abraham MARGUERON ___________+
                                                                         | (.... - 1747)                
                                               _Abraham David MARGUERON _|
                                              | (.... - 1797) m 1752     |
                                              |                          |_Claudine MOJONNIER __________+
                                              |                            (1690 - 1762)                
 _Louis Guillaume ("Jaques Louis") MARGUERON _|
| (1763 - ....)                               |
|                                             |                           _Etienne Samuel PILLARD ______+
|                                             |                          | (1675 - 1745) m 1711         
|                                             |_Catherine PILLARD _______|
|                                               (1734 - 1794) m 1752     |
|                                                                        |_Jeanne Marguerite FONTANNAZ _
|                                                                           m 1711                      
|--Jean Louis MARGUERON 
|  (1790 - 1810)
|                                                                         ______________________________
|                                                                        |                              
|                                              __________________________|
|                                             |                          |
|                                             |                          |______________________________
|                                             |                                                         
|_Jeanne Salom� SENN _________________________|
                                              |                           ______________________________
                                              |                          |                              

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Jean Paul MARGUERON       (ID #I7186)

Father: J�r�mie MARGUERON (b. ABT 1615)
Mother: Judith SECHAT (d. 1688)


He was apprentised to Jean Lamon of Geneva to learn the trade of surgeon and "operateur" in 1665 (Andr� Beddard, notary at Geneva, vol. 10, p. 93v). The notarial records of Geneva contain a few additional mentions of this family.

                                             _Pierre MARGUERON ___+
                                            | (.... - 1581) m 1558
                       _Jaques MARGUERON ___|
                      |                     |
                      |                     |_Claude GRYSOD ______+
                      |                       (.... - 1581) m 1558
 _J�r�mie MARGUERON __|
| (1615 - ....)       |
|                     |                      _Claude PARISOD _____
|                     |                     | (.... - 1599) m 1599
|                     |_Louise PARISOD _____|
|                       (.... - 1621)       |
|                                           |_Barbille PICCARD ___+
|                                             (.... - 1621) m 1599
|--Jean Paul MARGUERON 
|                                            _____________________
|                                           |                     
|                      _____________________|
|                     |                     |
|                     |                     |_____________________
|                     |                                           
|_Judith SECHAT ______|
  (.... - 1688)       |
                      |                      _____________________
                      |                     |                     

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Jean Pierre MARGUERON       (ID #I4474)

Father: Philippe Samuel MARGUERON (bp. 14 JAN 1672)
Mother: Fran�oise ROSSET (b. 1684, d. 10 DEC 1750)

Family 1 : Elizabeth ROSSET (b. 1721, d. 5 MAR 1753)
  1.  Isaac Bernard MARGUERON (bp. 15 MAR 1748, d. 13 APR 1748)
  2.  Susanne Marguerite MARGUERON (bp. 22 JUN 1749)
  3.  Susanne Antoinette Marguerite MARGUERON (bp. 4 FEB 1753, d. 21 JUN 1814)


Marriage contract recorded 31 dec 1746 (Sim�on Briod, notary at Moudon) identifies relatives: Pierre Pidoux, godfather of the groom, Abraham David Margueron, first cousin of the groom, and Jean Jacob Vauthey of Bussy, cousin of the groom; Claude Rosset and Fran�oise Pidoux, parents of the bride, Jean Rosset, brother of the bride, and Jean Philippe Meystre and Jean Antoine Pidoux, cousins of the bride.

                                                    _Isaac MARGUERON ____+
                                                   | (1617 - 1674) m 1641
                              _Jaques MARGUERON ___|
                             | (.... - 1708) m 1666|
                             |                     |_Jaquemaz DUTOIT ____+
                             |                        m 1641             
 _Philippe Samuel MARGUERON _|
|                            |
|                            |                      _Michel BUTTIN ______
|                            |                     | (.... - 1665) m 1639
|                            |_Esther BUTTIN ______|
|                              (.... - 1704) m 1666|
|                                                  |_Jeanne ROUGE _______+
|                                                    (.... - 1673) m 1639
|--Jean Pierre MARGUERON 
|  (.... - 1788)
|                                                   _____________________
|                                                  |                     
|                             _____________________|
|                            |                     |
|                            |                     |_____________________
|                            |                                           
|_Fran�oise ROSSET __________|
  (1684 - 1750)              |
                             |                      _____________________
                             |                     |                     

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Jean Sim�on MARGUERON       (ID #I5359)

Father: Abraham David MARGUERON (bp. 12 MAR 1728, d. 11 SEP 1797)
Mother: Catherine PILLARD (b. 1734, d. 11 JAN 1794)


                                                           _Jaques MARGUERON ___+
                                                          | (.... - 1708) m 1666
                            _Abraham MARGUERON ___________|
                           | (.... - 1747)                |
                           |                              |_Esther BUTTIN ______+
                           |                                (.... - 1704) m 1666
 _Abraham David MARGUERON _|
| (.... - 1797) m 1752     |
|                          |                               _Maurice MOJONNIER __
|                          |                              | (.... - 1726)       
|                          |_Claudine MOJONNIER __________|
|                            (1690 - 1762)                |
|                                                         |_Anne BARBEY ________
|                                                           (.... - 1729)       
|--Jean Sim�on MARGUERON 
|  (1759 - 1785)
|                                                          _Estienne PILLARD ___
|                                                         | (.... - 1702) m 1678
|                           _Etienne Samuel PILLARD ______|
|                          | (1675 - 1745) m 1711         |
|                          |                              |_Ursule AMIET _______
|                          |                                (.... - 1702) m 1678
|_Catherine PILLARD _______|
  (1734 - 1794) m 1752     |
                           |                               _____________________
                           |                              |                     
                           |_Jeanne Marguerite FONTANNAZ _|
                              m 1711                      |

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Jean Timoth�e MARGUERON       (ID #I7188)

Father: J�r�mie MARGUERON (b. ABT 1615)
Mother: Judith SECHAT (d. 1688)


                                             _Pierre MARGUERON ___+
                                            | (.... - 1581) m 1558
                       _Jaques MARGUERON ___|
                      |                     |
                      |                     |_Claude GRYSOD ______+
                      |                       (.... - 1581) m 1558
 _J�r�mie MARGUERON __|
| (1615 - ....)       |
|                     |                      _Claude PARISOD _____
|                     |                     | (.... - 1599) m 1599
|                     |_Louise PARISOD _____|
|                       (.... - 1621)       |
|                                           |_Barbille PICCARD ___+
|                                             (.... - 1621) m 1599
|--Jean Timoth�e MARGUERON 
|                                            _____________________
|                                           |                     
|                      _____________________|
|                     |                     |
|                     |                     |_____________________
|                     |                                           
|_Judith SECHAT ______|
  (.... - 1688)       |
                      |                      _____________________
                      |                     |                     

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Jeanne MARGUERON       (ID #I14070)

Father: Fran�ois MARGUERON (d. BEF 1602)
Mother: Marie FRAUCH (dates unknown)

Family 1 : Pierre MARIN (dates unknown)


[14743] Date of contract, Elie Rubattel, notary.

                                             _Cristin MARGUERON __+
                       _Jaques MARGUERON ___|
                      |                     |
                      |                     |_____________________
 _Fran�ois MARGUERON _|
| (.... - 1602) m 1579|
|                     |                      _Pierre BERROD ______
|                     |                     | (.... - 1558)       
|                     |_Jeannon BEROD ______|
|                                           |
|                                           |_____________________
|--Jeanne MARGUERON 
|                                            _____________________
|                                           |                     
|                      _Enyd FRAUCH ________|
|                     |                     |
|                     |                     |_____________________
|                     |                                           
|_Marie FRAUCH _______|
   m 1579             |
                      |                      _____________________
                      |                     |                     

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Jeanne MARGUERON       (ID #I7152)

Father: Jaques MARGUERON (dates unknown)
Mother: Fran�oise _____ (dates unknown)


                                             _Pierre MARGUERON ___+
                                            | (.... - 1581) m 1558
                       _Pierre MARGUERON ___|
                      | (.... - 1634)       |
                      |                     |_Claude GRYSOD ______+
                      |                       (.... - 1581) m 1558
 _Jaques MARGUERON ___|
|  m 1641             |
|                     |                      _____________________
|                     |                     |                     
|                     |_____________________|
|                                           |
|                                           |_____________________
|--Jeanne MARGUERON 
|                                            _____________________
|                                           |                     
|                      _____________________|
|                     |                     |
|                     |                     |_____________________
|                     |                                           
|_Fran�oise _____ ____|
   m 1641             |
                      |                      _____________________
                      |                     |                     

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Jeanne Judith MARGUERON       (ID #I5353)

Father: Abraham MARGUERON (bp. 26 AUG 1683, d. 11 MAR 1747)
Mother: Claudine MOJONNIER (b. 1690, d. 2 NOV 1762)


Catechumen 1742, identified as "fort infirme et presque innocente".

                                             _Isaac MARGUERON ____+
                                            | (1617 - 1674) m 1641
                       _Jaques MARGUERON ___|
                      | (.... - 1708) m 1666|
                      |                     |_Jaquemaz DUTOIT ____+
                      |                        m 1641             
 _Abraham MARGUERON __|
| (.... - 1747)       |
|                     |                      _Michel BUTTIN ______
|                     |                     | (.... - 1665) m 1639
|                     |_Esther BUTTIN ______|
|                       (.... - 1704) m 1666|
|                                           |_Jeanne ROUGE _______+
|                                             (.... - 1673) m 1639
|--Jeanne Judith MARGUERON 
|  (.... - 1779)
|                                            _____________________
|                                           |                     
|                      _Maurice MOJONNIER __|
|                     | (.... - 1726)       |
|                     |                     |_____________________
|                     |                                           
|_Claudine MOJONNIER _|
  (1690 - 1762)       |
                      |                      _____________________
                      |                     |                     
                      |_Anne BARBEY ________|
                        (.... - 1729)       |

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Jeanne Marguerite MARGUERON       (ID #I4467)

Father: Jaques MARGUERON (bp. 23 MAY 1641, d. BEF 1708)
Mother: Esther BUTTIN (bp. 26 FEB 1646, d. AFT 1704)

Family 1 : Jean MEUNIER (dates unknown)
  1.  Susanne Marie MEUNIER (bp. 3 DEC 1699)


[1540] Witnesses: David Trestorches (?), Isaac Jacob Bryod, Pierre Paccaud, Jeanne Fauchieres, Marguerite Buttin.

                                             _Jaques MARGUERON ___+
                                            | (1590 - 1636) m 1615
                       _Isaac MARGUERON ____|
                      | (1617 - 1674) m 1641|
                      |                     |_Benoicte FAUCHERRE _+
                      |                       (.... - 1627) m 1615
 _Jaques MARGUERON ___|
| (.... - 1708) m 1666|
|                     |                      _Jean DUTOIT ________+
|                     |                     | (.... - 1649) m 1605
|                     |_Jaquemaz DUTOIT ____|
|                        m 1641             |
|                                           |_Claudine SAUVAGEAT _+
|                                             (.... - 1634) m 1605
|--Jeanne Marguerite MARGUERON 
|                                            _____________________
|                                           |                     
|                      _Michel BUTTIN ______|
|                     | (.... - 1665) m 1639|
|                     |                     |_____________________
|                     |                                           
|_Esther BUTTIN ______|
  (.... - 1704) m 1666|
                      |                      _Jean ROUGE _________+
                      |                     | (1580 - 1640) m 1600
                      |_Jeanne ROUGE _______|
                        (.... - 1673) m 1639|
                                            |_Anne PLANCHE _______+
                                               m 1600             

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Jeanne Marguerite MARGUERON       (ID #I5346)

Father: Abraham MARGUERON (bp. 26 AUG 1683, d. 11 MAR 1747)
Mother: Claudine MOJONNIER (b. 1690, d. 2 NOV 1762)


                                             _Isaac MARGUERON ____+
                                            | (1617 - 1674) m 1641
                       _Jaques MARGUERON ___|
                      | (.... - 1708) m 1666|
                      |                     |_Jaquemaz DUTOIT ____+
                      |                        m 1641             
 _Abraham MARGUERON __|
| (.... - 1747)       |
|                     |                      _Michel BUTTIN ______
|                     |                     | (.... - 1665) m 1639
|                     |_Esther BUTTIN ______|
|                       (.... - 1704) m 1666|
|                                           |_Jeanne ROUGE _______+
|                                             (.... - 1673) m 1639
|--Jeanne Marguerite MARGUERON 
|  (.... - 1750)
|                                            _____________________
|                                           |                     
|                      _Maurice MOJONNIER __|
|                     | (.... - 1726)       |
|                     |                     |_____________________
|                     |                                           
|_Claudine MOJONNIER _|
  (1690 - 1762)       |
                      |                      _____________________
                      |                     |                     
                      |_Anne BARBEY ________|
                        (.... - 1729)       |

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Jeanne Marie MARGUERON       (ID #I5366)

Father: Isaac MARGUERON (b. ABT 1617, d. ABT 1674)
Mother: Jaquemaz DUTOIT (bp. 11 MAR 1617)


[1852] Witnesses: Fran�ois Trolliet de Syngnieux, Pierre Baddouoz de Lucens, Jehanne femme de Vincens Briod de Lucens, Marie femme de Jaques Trolliet.

                                             _Jean MARGUERON _____+
                       _Jaques MARGUERON ___|
                      | (1590 - 1636) m 1615|
                      |                     |_Benoite TROLLIET ___
 _Isaac MARGUERON ____|
| (1617 - 1674) m 1641|
|                     |                      _Abraham FAUCHERRE __+
|                     |                     | (.... - 1608) m 1579
|                     |_Benoicte FAUCHERRE _|
|                       (.... - 1627) m 1615|
|                                           |_Anteine TROLLIET ___+
|                                             (1559 - 1612) m 1579
|--Jeanne Marie MARGUERON 
|                                            _Claude DUTOIT ______
|                                           | (.... - 1609)       
|                      _Jean DUTOIT ________|
|                     | (.... - 1649) m 1605|
|                     |                     |_____________________
|                     |                                           
|_Jaquemaz DUTOIT ____|
   m 1641             |
                      |                      _Martin SAUVAGEAT ___+
                      |                     |  m 1582             
                      |_Claudine SAUVAGEAT _|
                        (.... - 1634) m 1605|
                                            |_Ursule PERRET ______+
                                               m 1582             

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Legend: Protestant minister.

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