Mother: ROTRUDE of Alemania |
_ANSEGISEL (Anchises, Andecisus) Count of Laon_+ | (0615 - 0685) _PEPIN II d' HERISTAL Duke of Austrasi_| | (0635 - 0714) | | |_BEGGA (BEQQUE) von HERISTAL of Laon___________+ | (0613 - 0698) _CHARLES MARTEL "The Hammer"_| | (0676 - 0741) | | | _______________________________________________ | | | | |_ALPAIDA (CHALPAIDA ) of Heristal______| | (0654 - ....) | | |_______________________________________________ | | |--ALDA of Austrasia | (0732 - 0804) | _GUERIN I (Gerwin) of Warinus__________________+ | | (0630 - 0677) | _LEUTWINUS Saint of Treves_____________| | | (0660 - 0713) | | | |_GUNZA or KUNZA________________________________ | | (0630 - ....) |_ROTRUDE of Alemania_________| (0690 - 0724) | | _CHRODOBERT II of Palatine_____________________+ | | (0630 - 0678) |_Daughter of Chrodobert or Rodobertus__| (0660 - ....) | |_DODA__________________________________________ (0630 - ....)
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Mother: Mary C. SANDIDGE |
______________________ | _________________________| | | | |______________________ | _James Cole DICKINSON _| | (1781 - 1828) m 1800 | | | ______________________ | | | | |_________________________| | | | |______________________ | | |--Mary Lewis DICKINSON | (1823 - ....) | _James B. SANDIDGE ___+ | | (.... - 1810) m 1752 | _Joseph SANDIDGE ________| | | (1760 - 1826) m 1782 | | | |_Jane (Anne) SHELTON _+ | | (1730 - 1811) m 1752 |_Mary C. SANDIDGE _____| (1784 - 1858) m 1800 | | _William SHELTON _____+ | | (1731 - 1802) m 1753 |_Mary Elizabeth SHELTON _| (1764 - ....) m 1782 | |_Lucy HARRIS _________+ (1734 - 1803) m 1753
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ROBERT KING and his wife, Lydia Keaton, brought up a family of
six sons and five daughters.
The first son of Robert and Lydia King was born in 1810. They
called him WILLIAM (Bill). He was my wife's grandfather. He
married Nancy Kelley. They brought up five boys and six girls.
Liz, Bill's oldest daughter married Harvey Dodd. I now only
three sons of Liz and Harvey's family: William, Milton, and
Dave Dodd.
Lydia King married Joe Knight. Ulysses and Richard, two sons,
are all I know.
[Robert King to Lydia Keaton Mar 2, 1812 Wilson Co Tn , William
Kelley to Morning Keaton Oct 5, 1812 Wilson Co Tn. We must
remember that we have greater helps with our ___ than this great
Historian Mr. R.A. Dennis had. I wish I had met him____]
Lydia King and Joe Knight raised five sons and four daughters.
The sons were -
Bill, Ulysses, Richard, Oliver, and Jodie. The daughters were:
Mannie, Lucy, Mai, and Mollie. Ulysses married Ella Byars.
[Mollie Knight to Brown Spurlock]
Mary Ann King married Mon Haley. Hardy, Lige, Albert, and
Sampson were the boys. Monroe went away and I lost sight of
Morn married Jackson King. One daughter graced their home. By
way of fondness they called her Kandace. She married Lee
Vickers. All deceased.
Emaline King married John Campbell. They died childless. [John
Campbell married 1st Any Elizabeth Haley-seceral dau & sons]
Grandfather Bill's son, and grandson of ROBERT KING, Robert, Jr.
married Frances Mahaffa. They reared a family of four sons and
four daughters. Will (Bud) was feeble minded. He lived to an old
age and died. Jasper married Malenda Hayes and then removed to
Texas. They are dead.
Manny King married Luanie Williams Two daughters were born to
them. One of them married Raymond Beckton. The other one married
a Mr. Smith Manny's first wife died and he married Rachel
Pistole. They live at Liberty, Tenn.
Oscar King, son of Robert King, Jr.. and grandson of Bill King,
married Loucinda Adamson. They went to Texas early in life and
died in Texas.
Robert King's daughters, granddaughters of Bill King, and Great
grand -daughters of Robert and Lydia King, Sr: Jenny married
Andy Hayes. Their children Bob, Many, Adda.
Sara King married John Keaton. Their Issue:
Robert Jr.'s Daughter, Martha, married Dyer Rich. They removed
to Texas and died there years ago. Nora married Martin Stanley.
He died and she married Wilson Bery. I can't write up their
issue. Tip King, son of Bill King and grandson of Robert King,
Sr., married John Mathis's daughter. They had one heir, Janny.
Tip died a prisoner (lincoln's yankee prison) of war in
Illinois, 1863. Taylor, a son of the same King family, died in
prison also.
JAKE KING, son of Bill King, and grandson of Robert King, Sr.,
married Tabitha Bratcher. They reared two sons: Allen (Dock)
King, and William (Pete) King, Jake and Talitha had one
daughter, Ardelia. She married R. A. Dennis, author of this
script. She died the 19th of September 1904. Her son, Jake,
resides in Woodbury, Tennessee and Sam Dennis lives in Chicago,
Ill. Jake Dennis married Kathlyn Bell Barrnett. Their
children-three boys and six girls; five daughters and two son
JOHN KING, son of Bill King and grandson of Robert King, SR.
married Lucy Barrett. Their sons were Bill, Eb, Taylor, Amber,
and Hatton; The daughters were Allie and Lula; Allie married
George Taylor or Bill married Jeannie Hale, Eb married -----,.
Taylor died single, Hatton married Kiney Keaton, Amber ,
___________, Lula married Lonnie Denton (name added by W. S.
King Aug 1959)
JAMES KING, second son of ROBERT KING, SR., born 1817, married
Agnes Stricklin (B. 1809; D. Oct. 31, 1884) James and Agnes
raised five sons and three girls.
CIDNEY ALEXANDER was the first son (b. 1831). Alex, as he was
called by all people, married Sarah Ann Bogle. Their issue was
as follows: Edna married Bill Moss: Their issue William B.
Moss ------------- Swan --------------, Sallie married Charlie
Samatha married Henry Keaton. Their children were-Lillie married
Ben St. John; Helen married Albert Hoody (He died and she
married John Robertson, who was killed by a car driven by Nel
Hale Jan 17, 1952). Minnie married Roy Grizzle (She died in her
63rd year. Apr 23, 1952). Walter married Lula Williams (Walter
is dead).
Amanda Jayne married Jim Scott. They had no heirs, One or two
girls died very young. Martha married Luther _____________. She
died April 15, 1952
Cidney Alex and Sarah Ann had four sons. James Daniel married
Darthula Raikes.
Their children are as follows: Sterling King married a Miss
Morris. Frank King married Alice Davenport daughter of William
B. Davenport. Frank and Alice brought up two girls; Gracie
married Lee Powell, Grada married Caris Kennedy ADDED AUG 1959
Pharris King married Media Melton. Their children are as
JAMES KING, son of James King and grandson of ROBERT KING, SR.,
married Nancy
Ann Partan. Jeames and wife reared a family of three sons and
three daughters. Four are dead; two living.
LESTER KING, Jeames' eldest son, married Nan Keaton. Their issue
one son and three girls. Robert married John D. Campbell's
daughter. She died and he married a Miss Mitchell. Callie
married Chalmus Vance. Eva married Oscar Davis. They parted and
she married Carl Cunnings. Ola married Ray Vance. Ray and
Chalmus Vance are brothers. Both are dead.
MARVIN KING, Jeames's son, married Jim Derting's girl. Herschel
married away from here. Jeames King's girls-Florence married
John Banks. Callie, Sr. married Mr. Curtis. Nola died years
ago, 1880. Lester King is a high toned type of humanity. He is
easy to approach pleasant to be with. He is discreet in his
talk, polished in his manners and one of the refinest
conversationalists and silver-tongued entertainers one ever had
the pleasure to be with.
JACKSON KING, James' third son, is written up in Bill King's
family report.
JORDAN KING, son of James, Sr., married Martha Bogle. Martha
died and Jordan married Martha Haley. Sampson King is their
only heir. Martha Haley died and Jordan married Cynthia Fuston
Allen. They died at Gath, Tenn. FOLLOWING ADDED AUG 1959 Sampson
(son of Jordan and Martha Haley) B. Oct 24, 1879, married Nora
Belle McGregor (B. Jan. 20, 1879) Their issue 3 sons, 1
Garland (B. 9-9-1906) M. Hazel Crawford (B. 5-6-1944) Newell
James (B. 10-21-1911 D. Oct 5, 1914) Fana Belle (B. 7-21-1915)
m. James S. Goodlet, Kermit Stokley (B. 9 -24-1920) Unmarried.
HENRY KING, son of James King, Sr., and grandson of ROBERT KING,
SR., married Amanda Keaton. Rece, Matthew, and Malley were the
boys. Rece married Nancy Rich. She died Jan 1942, Rece King,
79, died Jan 24, 1954.
Matilda and Hattie were the girls. Matilda married Lester
Young. Hattie died unmarried. They are all gone to the Great
James King's daughters: Lyda married James Knight. Eliza,
Betty and Jiny their heirs. Knight died and Lydia married
Daniel Bryson. Bob and Nancy their heirs. Nancy married Jim
Scott. She died in 1902.
James King's daughter Synthia married Sam Keaton. Lawrence, Sam
and Synthia's son, is an ordained minister. Synthia died and
Sam married another daughter of James King. They had no heirs.
Jayn King was Sam's last wife's name.
ABE KING, son of ROBERT, SR:, married Sally Keaton. They removed
to Atwood Carroll County, Tenn. John Halley married Abe's girl,
Mary King. Nelson and Larkin are the only ones I ever knew.
ALEX (BILL) KING married Nancy Jones. Lee, their only son, died
in Wilson County years ago. Josie died in Texas. Molly married
Bedford (Dick) Gann. She died in 1902.
JOHN KING, SR., son of Robert, Sr., married Mary Caroline
Hancock. They died childless.
JAKE KING, SR., son of Robert King, Sr., married Louanie
Williams. Their issue was three sons and two daughters. Bob T.
R. King married Maggie Jaynuay in West Tenn. S. A. King, Jake's
second son, married Tennessee Keaton. Their heirs, Claud,
Alton, Charley, Anna.
S. A. and TEN'S heirs. ???????
BILL KING, Jake Sr.'s son and grandson of Robert Sr., married
Alice Groom. {W. L. King married Alice Groom December 2, 1884 in
Cannon County, TN} Their children:
Jessee married Burvey King, Oral married Mahala Vance, Blvis
married Bobie Stoner,
Robert married Adrien Cooper; Daughters were: Lela married
Shelah Ashford. He died and she married Joe B. Milligan.
Nezzie married Morgan Stoner, Margoria married Shela Higgins. I
think one married
Grover Davenport.
Jake's daughters, granddaughters of Robert King: Mary married
Neal Bogle.
{M. E. King married N. S. Bogle, October 19, 1873 in Cannon
County, TN} Their heirs - Beny, ___________, Joe, Lougnie,
Netty, and Etna Bogle.
Martha King, Dau of Jake, Sr., married Jim Womac. {Martha A.
King married James M. Womack, January 26, 1879 in Cannon County,
TN} Their children are Ora, Jinen, Nancy, and two other girls.
Dauphin and Irvin were the boys.
ROBERT KING SR. and Lydia Keaton Kings' daughters were as
follows: Alamenta King married Alex Vandygriff. They had one
son, Will Vandygriff. Will married Rhoda Campbell. Their heirs
were John, Jim, Marion, Joe, and Henry the boys. The girls were
- Delia, who married Andy Hamilton, and Betty, who married Rube
Nancy, Robert King's daughter, married Jesse McGee. Monroe, born
1842, Bob, Sam, Jesse, Jr.; and Henry the sons. Monroe married
Nancy Owen, widow of John Marcum. Edna, Idella, and Fountain
King were Monroe's heirs. Bob McGee, Jesse and Nancy's son,
married Anthem Marcum. Otha, A. J., Marlin, and Ferbin were Bob
and Anthem McGee's children. Sam McGee married Margaret Ripp,
daughter of ______ Hipp. They went to Texas early in life and
died there.
Jesse Lafayette went to Texas and he died there.
Henry McGee, the baby of the family, was a doctor and he married
Mark Bethell's dau. He located at Milton and practiced his
profession there for years. He is dead.
Jesse McGee and Nancys girls were Sis, she married Bill Jetton.
Julia An died single, America married Martin Scott. They are
all dead.
LUCINDA, daughter of Robert King, Sr., married William Kelly.
Sam, the first son,married a Miss Archer in Macon County. Their
children were as follows:
_____?? Bethel Kelly the second son of Lucinda & and William
Kelly married Lucy Ward. Their heirs were: Walter, Arther,
Clyde, Motie, Nattie.
Almenta Kelley married Jonathan Summar. Their children were as
Willey married Penina Bryson, Hatton married Effie Martin,
Andrew married John Scotts girl, Bob married Sutton Tasseys
girl, Ethel married Joe Bogle, Alta married Smith Bogle.
Elizabeth King, a daughter of Robert King, Sr., married Bobby
Craddock. Uncle Bobby and Aunt Betseys son. Simon married Allen
Wilsons dau. She died and he, Simon, married Harrett Frazier.
Harrison Craddock married Jayn Braswell.
John married Betty Braswell. Bill Craddock died single. Simon
reared two sons. John went to Texas in 1882. Robert died several
years ago. Rev. Gradey, his son, is a minister of great promise.
Elizabeth and Bobby Craddocks girls: Mary married Wel
Vandygriff. Parle married B. Rich. B. died and she married Tom
Pugh. Loucinda married Lige Adamson. Their heirs were- Harrison;
the doctor, Robert, Loney, and Les. Candace married Charley
Doll Braswell married Bobby and Betsys girl. They went many
years ago and we never heard anything of them.
Mary A., daughter of Robert King, Sr., married Gabriel Keaton.
Their children died in infancy. They died long ago. Gabriel
Keaton was born June 19, 1837; died December 13, 1909, Mary
_______ Keaton was born Sept. 14, 1831 ; date of death unknown.
Robert King
Keaton, son of Billy Keaton, and grandson of Jack Keaton was a
Baptist preacher for many years. He lived and died in Warren
county near Dibrell, Tenn.
M. A. Cathcart was a Baptist Minister of great promise. Like
many others, he died in the prime of life and was sadly missed.
John T. Hancock was a fine preacher of great promise. He died in
youthful manhood. He was pastor of the Baptist Church on
Sycamore when he died.
W. J. Watson is a fine preacher. He resides near Lebanon, Tenn.
H. L. Keaton lives in DeKalb County. He has been in the
ministerial work some time."
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Father: John Taylor PENDLETON Mother: Elizabeth MORRIS |
_James PENDLETON Jr.__+ | (1745 - 1793) m 1763 _John PENDLETON _________________________| | (1766 - 1807) m 1785 | | |_Catherine BOWIE _____+ | (1747 - 1795) m 1763 _John Taylor PENDLETON _| | (1790 - 1855) m 1821 | | | _James Gibson TAYLOR _+ | | | (1738 - 1799) m 1768 | |_Elizabeth TAYLOR _______________________| | (1770 - 1838) m 1785 | | |_Anne PENDLETON ______+ | (1742 - 1815) m 1768 | |--Catherine E. T. PENDLETON | (1830 - 1882) | ______________________ | | | _(RESEARCH QUERY) MORRIS of Old Virginia_| | | | | | |______________________ | | |_Elizabeth MORRIS ______| (1803 - 1830) m 1821 | | ______________________ | | |_________________________________________| | |______________________
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__ | __| | | | |__ | _(RESEARCH QUERY) RUCKER _| | | | | __ | | | | |__| | | | |__ | | |--William S. RUCKER | (1843 - ....) | __ | | | __| | | | | | |__ | | |__________________________| | | __ | | |__| | |__
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Mother: Anna W. PULLIAM |
_John SANDIDGE I___________+ | (1666 - 1708) m 1690 _William SANDIDGE Sr.____| | (1698 - 1746) m 1715 | | |_Mary VAUGHAN _____________ | (1670 - 1707) m 1690 _David SANDIDGE Sr.__| | (1720 - 1802) m 1752| | | _William PULLIAM __________+ | | | (1665 - 1715) m 1687 | |_Anne PULLIAM ___________| | (1700 - 1794) m 1715 | | |_Sarah or Ann? PATTERSON __+ | (1665 - ....) m 1687 | |--Larkin SANDIDGE | (1758 - 1791) | _William PULLIAM __________+ | | (1665 - 1715) m 1687 | _Thomas Obadiah PULLIAM _| | | (1702 - 1758) m 1735 | | | |_Sarah or Ann? PATTERSON __+ | | (1665 - ....) m 1687 |_Anna W. PULLIAM ____| (1737 - 1825) m 1752| | _John Marshall HOLLADAY II_+ | | (1676 - 1742) |_Winifred HOLLADAY ______| (1714 - 1758) m 1735 | |_Ann Elizabeth LEWIS ______ (1688 - ....)
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