Publishing Your RootsWeb Site with Core FTP LE

Step One: Download and install Core FTP to your computer. NOTE: Core FTP LE is the FREE version. Core FTP Pro is a PAID version. Screenshots are using the Free version.

Step Two: Configure Core FTP LE following these instructions. Click on any thumbnail for a larger image.

From the Top Menu: Sites > Site Manager > New Site button

Screenshot Core FTP LE Sites Manager Screen.

  • Site Name: Your choice
  • Host/IP/URL:
  • Username: your site name
  • IMPORTANT NOTE: Passwords must be between 10 and 32 characters long, and must contain at least one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, one number, and one of the following special characters:
     _ ! @ # ( )
    No other characters are allowed!! Asterisk (*) and ampersand (&) are NOT accepted characters.
  • Port 22 I left the other two with default settings
  • Connection Type: SSH/SFTP


Screenshot Core FTP LE Advanced Tab.

  • Remote Start Folder: /sitename/genealogy_html NOTE: If you are connecting to your Homepages account, the remote folder will be public_html If you are connecting to a Freepages account, you will enter the appropriate community directory e.g. genealogy_html, family_html, misc_html, etc.
  • Local Start Folder: Browse to the location on YOUR computer where you site is located.

Click the Connect button

You will be presented with a Key Check Notice. Click Yes. NOTE: Once you click Yes, you should not see this message again.

Screenshot Core FTP Key Check.

Step Three: If you have followed the instructions, in the top section of the Remote directory you will see your site name, and in the Remote directory bottom section you will see directories/files  that currently make up your site.

Screenshot Core FTP LE Local and Remote Connection.

The first entry in the Remote directory section is a folder symbol with 2 dots after it; ignore it, as it is the link back to your root directory

Likewise, looking at your Local directory you will see a similar folder symbol, and the folder/files that are your local site.

You can now highlight any file/folder in your local site. right-click and select upload. IMPORTANT NOTE: Make sure you have the correct directory open on the remote site before you transfer your files/folder.

It may take some time if your connection is a dial-up, but if on an optical broadband connection it could be all done in a few minutes - or much less depending on the size of your site.

IMPORTANT NOTE: If you are using more than one community, you will need to do this for EACH community. NOTE: At the current time, you will not be able to view any of the other communities/directories on the Internet. RootsWeb is working on that.

DO NOT delete the unused folders (family_html, history_html, etc.). They are part of your account and structure and deleting them can corrupt your account.

Revised and Updated: September 4, 2018