Indiana Baptist History -- 1798-1908
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Indiana Baptist History

Page 238

Liberty and Mount Aerie churches. After Elder Wil-
liam Vawter he had the largest measure of influence
of any one in shaping the methods and spirit of the
Association. He was universally respected and was
frequently called on to officiate at marriages and funer-
als--many of them not in his own denomination. He
was moderator of the Association for thirty-three
years, and that was as long as he was physically able
to serve. His abilities and tastes led him into lines of
evangelistic rather than pastoral work, consequently
the churches which he served were not largely devel-
oped in christian and denominational benevolence. He
died at his home in 1903.

Still another of the ministers of the Association
worthy of mention was the Rev. John Stott. He was
born in Kentucky in 1811 and came with his parents
to Indiana and settled near Vernon, while he was yet
a child. In 1831 he and Elizabeth Vawter, daughter
of Elder William Vawter, were married. In 1848 at
the request. of Zoar church he was ordained. He
served many of the churches of the Association as pas-
tor, but as his remuneration was painfully small he
was obliged to work at home for the support of his
family; consequently his visits to the churches were
mainly confined to Saturdays and Sundays. His power
of personal contact and influence was remarkable, and
many a man and woman was led to the Savior by
means of these gentle, earnest, personal appeals. He
died at his home in Johnson county in 1887; his wife
followed in 1893. Their children honored and loved
them for their sterling christian characters, their un-

Page 239

swerving fidelity to duty and their never failing paren-
tal affection and care.

Yet other ministers should be named as useful and
influential members of the churches of the Associa-
tion: the Revs. Joab Stout and Jacob Martin, 0. F.
Feagler, Ira Gleason, N. Johnson, W. E. Spear, N.
Smith and J. C. Brengle. North Vernon church has
recently dedicated a new house of worship at a cost
of $15,000, and is well organized for its various lines
of christian activity. Its pastor, the Rev. P. 0. Dun-
can, D. D., is constantly feeding the flock with nour-
ishing spiritual food, and by his presence and sugges-
tion is leading the church on to larger conceptions
and larger purposes in relation to the kingdom of God..


This Association was organized in 1848; the Rev.
William Moore was chosen moderator and the Rev.
T. P. Hedge, clerk; the total membership was 454.
The Jubilee anniversary Was held with the Camden
church, the place of first organization, and the Rev.
C. S. Davisson, pastor of the church, presented a his-
torical paper from which many of the facts here given
were taken. At a meeting of the Tippecanoe Associa-
tion in 1848 it was considered wise to divide that body
on account of the large number of churches then be-
longing. Accordingly a committee was appointed
which, after deliberation, presented the following res-
olution: "That the churches in White, Carroll, Boone,
Clinton and Howard counties be advised to form them-
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