Erie County (PA) School Index [sys24]

Erie County (PA) Genealogy

Schools - Public & Private

The intent of this page is to provide links to web pages and photo albums of public and private schools which may be useful to anyone doing genealogy (or historical) research within Erie County, Pennsylvania. School pages and albums for the most part will be focused on the early one room schools, but more modern public and private schools, including those of 'higher learning' may be included. As this 'index' page expands, the format may change somewhat, but for now it is organized with a separate section for each township or alternative geographical area. This page is being maintained by Bill Klauk. Anyone with material concerning Erie County (PA) schools, who would like to see that material posted, should provide it to Bill Klauk.

County Wide (or not specific township)

City of Erie

Albion Area (Conneaut Township)

Corry Area

Amity Township

Concord Township

Elk Creek Township

Fairview Township

Girard Township

Greene Township

Greenfield Township

Harbor Creek Township

Millcreek Township

McKean Township

North East Township

Springfield Township

Summit Township

Venango Township

Union Township

Washington Township (Edinboro)

Waterford Township

Erie County School Related Off Site Links

This page was last updated on  Tuesday, March 2, 2010 .

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