Corry Owl Yearbook - Activities [TH10]

Erie County (PA) Genealogy

1913 Corry HS Yearbook - The Owl - Activities

Contributed by Teresa Hughes

This is a series of pages being presented based on scanned images from the June 1913 Corry Owl, the yearbook for Corry High School. This feature covers pages 28 to 39, Activities and Miscellaneous. The images have been scanned by Bill Klauk from the yearbook that was on loan from Teresa and Jack Hughes in March 2003. Unfortunately, these web page were never created at that time, except for a small number of pages. The yearbook was originally owned by the late Arthur Schaub. Art was Teresa's father-in-law's guardian. Art had a Dutch Boy paint and wall paper store on Center street in Corry until the early 1970s. In the summer of 1937 Art visited the Elmwood Home for Boys and met Charles Francis Hughes.  Art became Chuck's guardian and Chuck moved to Art's home in Corry.  While attending Corry High School, Chuck meet Clarice Capwell, daughter of Alice Bennink and Boyd Capwell.   They were married in 1945 and in 1947 Teresa's husband Jack Hughes was born. Anyone having any comments or questions on the material presented should contact Teresa Hughes directly.

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The Girls� Basketball team had a good season, too. With Bess Drought as manager, a good schedule was arranged, and played off very well. Among the girls who participated in the games were Bess and Araline Drought, Marie Kepple, Myrna Reynolds, Thelma O�Neil, Margaret Alexander, Evah Loveland, Fern Blatchley and Lillian Murray. Then the Sophomore girls played the All-High School team in a close contest and defeated them.
And in this connection it might be mentioned that the Junior boys challenged any of the other classes, and the Sophomores, the only other class to have a full quota of players, beat them in a close and interesting game.�

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Part 1


This issue ends the exchange department for the season of 1912-13. On the whole, we have been very successful. We have been aided greatly by the criticisms of other papers, and hope the attempt to better some of our exchanges has not been in vain.
The exchange list has been increased from less than ten last year to more than forty this year. We have received papers from nearly every state and one from a foreign country. It is needless to say that these have been appreciated, judging from the number who read them in the library.
We especially wish to thank the papers who willingly exchanged with us before our paper was put out in book form and exchanged regularly since.
To all the papers with which we have exchanged at any time during the year, we wish to extend our appreciation of the courtesy and to extend an invitation to return next year.

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T. N. E. CLUB.

The organization of the T. N. E. Club was an inspiration. Ten fellows got together and said, �Let there be a club,� and a club there was. Later it was desired to limit the membership to C. H. S. men.
They came together April 10, 1912 at the home of one of their members and a constitution and by-laws were drawn up. The first officers were Wesley McKinley, President; Glenn Paulson, Vice President; Harold Brown, Secretary and Treasurer.
Then the club started auspiciously, especially in the financial line, having received a handsome gift from a friend. Soon after, plans were formed for a camping trip at Lake View, Chautauqua. This trip was a wonderful success. Swimming, fishing, canoeing and baseball were the sports mostly enjoyed. As might be expected all members returned dead broke, but happy. A trip of the same order is planned for this season.
�Bud� Boudreau, �Bus� Brown, �Puddy� Beardsley, �Micky� Brooks, �Nutty� Dinsmoor, �Eb� Gretzler, �Wec� McKinney, �Pat� Patterson, �Nigger� Paulson, �Bob� Ream, �Whitey� Whitehead, �Wally� Young.

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With the reorganization of the school in the Fall of 1912, came football enthusiasm. The school had not had a football team for two years, so it was decided to play inter-class games and not have a C. H. S. team until the following Fall. And so, many interclass battles were waged desperately on the school gridiron.

But soon football gave place to the basketball schedule arranged by Manager Bosworth. Captain Babbitt, assisted by Prof. Davie, our coach, had out door practice on the field for a couple of weeks before the indoor practice started. Then, when the team began practicing at the Armory, every man played a star game. And the team was then picked out. Babbitt, Jourdet, Paulson, Wellman, Scott and Mckinney.

The Thanksgiving night rolled around with Silver Creek as Corry�s opponent. Corry, in a fierce game, defeated Silver Creek and soon afterwards Kane and Masten Park of Buffalo shared Silver Creek�s fate. All the rest of the season the Corry boys played an excellent game under the circumstances, and while they began losing a few, still they ended the season very creditably. Jourdet, Corry�s star forward, was elected captain of next year�s team and awarded the silver cup for being the best player for C. H. S.

And then came baseball. Under Capt. Hill�s guidance, the team began practice and gradually the material assumed definite shape. But just when all looked well, trouble started. Now all the year in athletics it has been decreed by the authorities that a player to be eligible, must have a grade of at least 75 in three studies and deportment. But Babbitt and Jourdet had not the necessary qualifications for a game at Warren. Nor had permission yet been given to use Hopkins, a 9th grade player. So when Manager Carrier used these three men, there was trouble following, and finally the Board of Education decided that C. H. S. athletics were not recognized, and that there was no team officially representing Corry High School. So the team reorganized as the Crescent High Stars and it has proceeded to play as much of its schedule as possible.

Then when the City League was organized, the Crescent High Stars entered the League with eighteen players. The league is sure to be a success and the H. S. team ought to win. With good support and Hill and �Lefty� Wellman to do the twirling, the team certainly ought to win the cup offered by Mr. DeRosay to the best nine. So best wishes and all luck to the C. H. S. team � the Crescent High Stars.

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T. H. B. CLUB.

President . . . . . . . . Josephine Weaver.
Vice President . . . . Fern Blatchley
Secretary . . . . . . . . Marjorie Auer.
Treasurer. . . . . . . . Dorothy Waller.

The T. H. B. Club was organized June 26th, 1912, at the home of Josephine Weaver. The club then consisted of nine members, but Margaret Alexander, Margaret Haight and Marjorie Auer have been taken in since.
The main object of the club is to have a good time which it succeeded in doing.
The club meets on Friday evenings. Besides the regu1ar meetings, many parties have been given for the members, some of which were at Florence Whittlesey�s, Fern Blatchley�s and Josephine Weaver's.
The members of the T. H. B. Club are:
Josephine Weaver, Florence Whittlesey, Margaret Haight, Alice Wetmore, Fern Blatchley, Ola Young, Marjorie Auer, Margaret Alexander, Dorothy Wailer, Marie Hall, Lucy Miller, Eva Stowe.

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Easter week, 1912, six girls were entertained at the home of Ethel Whittlesey and formed a club known as the A. B. C.
This social organization meets Friday evenings throughout the year. Two weeks in August were spent at Findley Lake, camping. The club as yet have not entertained elaborately, but several small functions, such as a Tureen Supper, Watch Party, and social gatherings have been given.
Araline Drought, President; Ethel Whittlesey, V-President; Ruth Smith, Secretary; Lucile Love, Treasurer.


The M. S. Club was organized by seven girls April 17, 1913, at the home of Araline Drought. The club meets on Saturday after noon and evening and the hostess serves a six o clock dinner.
The principal object of the club is to have a good time and in this they seem to succeed.
The members are: Florence Whittlesey; Araline Drought; Ruth Smith; Margaret Haight; Marjorie Auer; Joe Weaver; Ethel Whittlesey

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T. E. D. CLUB.

Starting with six members in 1910 the T. E. D. Club is one of the oldest of the many clubs whose members are now mostly in High School. Picnics are the chief entertainment, and when the club feels in the mood, the eight T. E. D�s take their picnic baskets, hammocks, old clothes and Keppel�s auto and make their way to the picnic grounds or to the annual camp on Findley Lake.
The members are: Ruth Frank, President; Ethel Mackres, Sec. and Treas.; Lillian Murray; Thelma O�Neil; Marie Keppel; Lucile Brown; Virginia O�Neil; Ruth Heywang.

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(N.I.T. Club below)

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Valeda � "Hurry up, girls, here come two men."
Marian � "You�re mistaken; they are just Wall and St. Peter."

All Gaul is divided into three parts � Jourdet, Babbitt and Wellman.

Flunco, fluncere, faculty, fire �em.

Mr. Strong: "What�s the difference between sparrows and worms?"
A. Drought: �I don�t know. I never had the sparrows.�

Mr. Strong: �Now if there is anything you want to know about electricity, ask me or ask somebody that knows.�
Bosworth: �I�d rather ask somebody that knows�

Extract from W. Hammond�s lost diary: �I wonder how much it cost me to have a special mail carrier to take notes to Esther instead of sending them through the post office?�

What is this we hear about Louise Merrick being a regular customer at Plate�s? Wellman, this must be looked into.

In English we are asked to stop when done.

Wanted � Freshmen to forget 66 in Chapel � Upper Classmen

Miss T ��Mr. Levy, what is a secant?�
Mr. L. �I can�t see what a secant is ?�

Jack: �What is the most nervous thing in the world next to a girl?�
M. Hammond: �Me next to a girl.�

Wesley: �You are the goal of my affections.�
Bonnell: �Five yards for holding.� But Oh, What the moon saw.

Boys of 1913
God bless �em,
Let nothing distress �em.
Like Wine, They Improve With Age.

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N. I. T. CLUB.

The N. I. T. Club was organized August 4, 1910, with fourteen members. The object of the club is to have a good time and gossip and it is known that the latter, especially, is indulged in freely. The club is noted for the fine dances which it often holds and which are some of the most important events of the social season.

In the Hallowe�en parade of 1911, the girls received a beautiful silver cup for their float �The Damm Family�. This was presented to the High School by Miss Elizabeth Lyons and now adorns the case in the hall.

Last year the girls spent ten days in camp at Sherman�s Bay on Chautauqua Lake, and from all reports, an exceptionally good time was enjoyed. Miss McKinney and Miss Breene acted as chaperons.

The members of the club are: Cora Heywang,� Marion Carey, Emily Weaver, Dorothy Wilcox, Lucile Murray, Fannie Weiss, Helen Hoenes, Bess Drought, Elizabeth Lyons,�Esther Vaughan, Julia Naylor, Alta Young, Ava Mackres, Louise Whittlesey, Ruth Calkins.


The Nutty Seven is an organization of the Senior boys. This club meets semi occasionally. It was founded in Room 320, Winston Hotel, Washington, D. C., by Merrill Hammond. The members are:
Howard Bosworth. . . . Booker T. Washington.
Orval St. Pierre . . . . Teddy Roosevelt.
Walter Scott. . . . . . . Napolean Bonaparte.
Leo Wall� . . . . . . . . . General Grant.
Charles Ewer . . . . . . Czar of Russia.
Merrill Hammond�. . . Emperor of China.
Arthur Schaub . . . . . Dr. McNutt, keeper.
For a picture see page 19, where a regular meeting is in session.


The M. P. Club, commonly known as �Mush Party� is perhaps the youngest, though the most exclusive of any of the High School Clubs. The existence of this club first came to light this winter when a dance was given by them. Since then little has been heard of the club, and we would fear that it no longer existed if we did not see evidence of its existence every day.

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Hail to the graduating girl,
She�s sweeter, far, than some,
For while she speaks she talks no slang.
And chews no chewing gum.
Here�s to the prettiest,
Here�s to the wittiest,
Here�s to the truest of all who are true:
Here�s to the sweetest one.
Here�s to them all in one,
Here�s to you.

Erma Manges . . . . never gets excited.
Lucile Murray . . . . shy and retiring.
Hazel McCray . . . . a wilful flirt.
Mary Loveland . . . . the unruly one.
Ruby McCullough . . . . the noisiest one.
Nellie Love . . . . �the rough-houser.
Louise Whittlesey . . . . keeps the �cash�
Marian Sackett . . . . �the most sedate.
Alice Mulderick . . . . the class grind.
Julia Naylor . . . . ��the biggest girl.
Juel Cady . . . . the short one.
Valeda Clough . . . . �has an aversion for the boys.
Hazel Knowlton . . . . the class kicker.

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Abomination . . . . . Faculty
Brains . . . . Junior Class (???)
Bluff . . . . Surest way of securing marks.
Complications . . . .�Results which invariably arise�when Babbitt explains the excuse of his absence.
Dead Head . . . . Warren Matthews
Dignity . . . . Bess Drought
Exam . . . . A few foolish questions.
Excuse . . . . �A note written by one student�and presented by another.
Err . . . . �To Recite.
Faculty . . . . ��See Hash.
Flunk . . . . ��A faculty encore
Fire Drill . . . . ��A chance to get something to eat
Grind . . . . ���A species becoming extinct.
Hash ( ?)
Jumble . . . . A confused mass � Cora�s Physics recitation.
Money . . . . �An animal extinct in C H. S.
Molecule . . . . Miss Smith�s best friend.
Neat . . . . ��Study Hall Desks
Pony . . . . ��(Sh!)
Study Hall . . . . ��A place to study. (obsolete)
Zero . . . . The regular average of C. H. S.

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King Fusser . . . . Wallace Wellman.
Lord High Hot Air Artist . . . . Elmer Carrier
Biggest Feet . . . . .�Frederick Beardsley.
Almost As Big . . . . Arthur Schaub.
Most Married Man . . . . Clifford Jourdet
Best Looking Fellow . . . Wallace Hammond.
Says He Is . . . . Lyle Clough.
Biggest Rough House . . . Charles E. Ewer.
Burns the Most Tobacco . . . Arthur Morris.
Worst Woman Hater . . . J Harold Patterson (Not after May 25th)
Best Bicycle Rider . . . . Lyle Merry.
Most Delicate Wax Doll . . . . Arthur Duffy.


Wears his own clothes.
The most quiet Senior
Our little Glow Worm
Doesn�t like fancy vests
Famous in Johnsonburg
The most bashful
The best singer
The Paderewski of �13 (Piano playing)
Best known perhaps as,
"The Boy with the Sweetest disposition."

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J. Cohen. �A rat bit me on the ear while I was sleeping last night and then ate half my cake of soap.�
M. K. �Had to take the taste out of his mouth, I guess.�

T. 0. "I don�t deserve a zero mark, Prof."
P. D. �I know, but that is as low as I am allowed to mark you."

Howard Bosworth: �Why can�t you use those lenses in an opera glass?�
F. S. B. �Because you would see the chorus girls upside down�

Lucile Love, (11 o�clock): �And would you really put yourself out for my sake?�
Wallace Young: �Indeed I would�
Lucile: �Then do it, please; I�m awfully sleepy�

Evolution of Education.
Freshman: �Please, ma�am, what�s the question?
Soph: �What�s the question?�
Junior: �What?�
Senior: �Huh?�

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Babbitt �Come, darling, just one kiss and then I�ll go.�
Aunty Joe: (upstairs) �For heaven�s sake, give him one. It�s two o�clock.�

W. McK. �Who is the light haired girl who came to school today?"
J. H. P.: �Ask Bosworth. He knows, or will.�

There was a young girl named Louisa
A charming and beautiful tisa
Her swain, lucky chap!
Used to call � such a snap!
And squiza, and squiza, and squiza.

�I hear that many of the fellows that go to the dances, stag it. Why so?�
�On account of the scarcity of doe, perhaps.�

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Part 2

This page was last updated on  Sunday, December 16, 2007 .

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