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The following online sites are listed by ethnic group and are meant to be starting points only, not a complete listing:

  • African heritage
    Again, there are many books on the subject of Africans transported to Guiana as well as several web sites. An English web site, Living Easton, has a timeline of uprisings by Africans in the West Indies and other countries, many list the plantation where the uprising occurred. An interesting paper, while not really pertaining to genealogy, is Liberated Central Africans in Nineteenth-Century Guyana, by Monica Schuler of Wayne State University. Especially interesting is the Caribbean Online - Routes to Roots web site, from the Institute for Commonwealth Studies in the UK on the issue of slavery and records of the plantation owners. A site about the history of the international slave trade routes is Breaking the Silence.
    This article is highly recommended: Josiah, Barbara P. After Emancipation: Aspects of Village Life in Guyana, 1869-1911 Journal of Negro History, Volume 82, No.1 (Winter, 1997), Pages 105 - 121. This article describes phases of life of these Afro-Guyanese families; Elcock, Benn, Williams, and Browne, in communities primarily, Hague, Blankenburg, De Kinderen, Meter-Meer- Zorg, Fellowship and Den Amstel of West Coast Demerara, and Vergenoegen, Philadelphia, Tuschen, Zeelugt, and Parika on the East Bank Essequibo. And, perhaps more importantly, informs readers of sources which were available as late as 1997 in Guyana.

  • Amerindian heritage
    Although there are books on the various tribes of original peoples of Guiana - none are known to cover the "family trees" of the individuals. Any citations of reference materials for the genealogy of the native peoples would be welcomed to include here. One particularly interesting web site, Windsor Forest, from the University of Chicago has an article written by Raymond Smith on the Amerindian (original peoples) of Guiana.

  • Portuguese heritage
    To learn more about the Portuguese heritage, history, and to start your research, try the following links:
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