Location: Montgomery Township, Crawford County, Illinois, Sec. 31, T6N, R10W. (GPS: 38.9209825, -87.5594607) (Google Map) (Hand-drawn map and notes.) Compiled September 15, 1972 by Wilma Roesler. Updated December 5, 2002 by Alan Ayres and Burl Rich. Row numbers start on the west side of the cemetery. Gravesite sequences start on the south end of each row and go north. The original Roesler survey of this cemetery is also provided online for cross-checking purposes, as an Adobe PDF file.
- Hauck, Hazel
- 8-18-1915 12-28-1980
- Wheeler, Pamela Diane
- 10-13-1966 10-15-1966
- Wheeler, Loren Glenn
- 7-17-1956
- Wheeler, Doria A.
- 12-28-1931 2-5-1992
- Wheeler, Clarence (Jr)
- 6-23-1929 Married 2-3-1951
- Jackson, Anna Louise
- 7-18-1983 1-8-1993. (Daughter of Larry S. and N. Annette (Buntin) Jackson.)
- Vennard, Robert Paul
- 8-7-1921 5-19-1992
- Vennard, Lucille Stout
- 10-12-1920
- Kincaid, Douglas G.
- 1-29-1933 11-12-1999 PFC US Army, Korea
- Kincaid, Janice C.
- 10-6-1938 Married 8-24-1957
- Reinbold, Fay
- 12-10-1915 3-7-2002
- Reinbold, Pauline
- 12-17-1911 12-8-2001
- Illyes, Levi Roscoe (M.D.)
- 12-22-1872 6-12-1951
- Illyes, Mary A. Waters
- 12-2-1878 4-26-1926
- Illyes, Mary J. Geisler
- 4-1-1888 7-19-1967
- Brashear, Oris E.
- 9-9-1908 4-30-1980
- Brashear, Wanda E.
- 12-9-1917 1-5-1996 Married 1-25-1936
- Brashear, Ralph E.
- 7-15-1914 6-8-1977
- Brashear, Maxine
- 4-7-1916
- Pierson, Melvia
- 4-29-1919 Dau. of Roy C & Nora I Pierson
- Pierson, Roy C.
- 11-12-1892 5-25-1973
- Pierson, Nora I.
- 2-22-1897 4-28-1978
- Dollahan, Raymond
- 4-21-1913 8-18-1992
- Dollahan, Belva M. Cawood
- 1-17-1916 Married 4-8-1944
- Adams, Joseph Carlton
- 7-30-1910 11-21-1981
- Adams, Melissa Allen
- 10-1-1912 2-17-1997 Married August 23, 1929
- Adams, Austin T
- 7-23-1930 5-1-1991
- Adams, Jacqueline M Garrard
- 1-10-1934 1-20-1993 Wife of Austin Adams
- Kincaid, Graydon (Jr.)
- 3-20-1921
- Kincaid, Patricia A
- 11-30-1928 Wife G. (Jr) Kincaid, Md 12-7-1946
- Kincaid, Graydon E
- 9-5-1892 5-3-1997
- Kincaid, Secil G
- 12-7-1893 8-21-1979 Wife GE Kincaid, Md 1-28-1918
- Kincaid, Robert E. (Sandy)
- 2-24-1961 3-4-1994 Son of Marylynn & Gerald Kincaid
- Kincaid, Gerald M
- 9-4-1925 8-4-1971 South Carolina, S1 US Navy, WW I
- Kincaid, Marilynn R
- 3-6-1929 8-12-1981 Wife Gerald Kincaid, Md 11-5-1948
- Buntin, Michael Lloyd
- 7-5-1947 7-1-1986 Beloved Husband & Son
- Buntin, Leo V
- 11-2-1919 1-22-1991 PFC US Army Air Corps, WW II ("Sammy")
- Buntin, Noralee (Maddox)
- 7-26-1923
- Buntin, Marita Lee
- 4-25-1957 12-26-1980 Dau. of Leo & Noralee Buntin
- Maddox, Thomas Colby
- 11-20-1893 10-1-1987 PHM3 US Navy, WW II
- Maddox, Iva Vaughan
- 2-5-1903 3-12-1994 Married 10-2-1922 (Second wife of Thomas Colby Maddox)
- Nevius, Lou Ann (Vaughan)
- 1908 1997
- Nevius, Charles Arthur
- 1895 1977
- Alumbaugh, Gerald E
- 3-2-1927 3-22-1984 Y3, US Navy - WW II
- Alumbaugh, Wilma M Maddox
- 9-12-1922
- Maddox, Colby Stevenson Jr.
- 11-5-1869 6-20-1954 Father
- Maddox, Nora (Edgington)
- 6-10-1873 3-27-1966 Mother
- Gill, Aud E.
- 1882 1949
- Gill, Lenora (Maddox)
- 1902 1994
- Daggett, Cozetta
- 1-27-1909 10-27-1987
- Daggett, George J.
- 10-16-1891 11-5-1975
- Beckes, Mary Lee
- 7-11-1923
- Beckes, Harold Reid
- 1-14-1923 1-18-1981 1st Lt. 319th Bomb Grp 438 Sqd World War II
- Beckes, Dewitt T
- 10-27-1885 12-21-1978
- Beckes, Edna N
- 9-7-1890 10-21-1962
- Wesin, Norman G
- 10-5-1921
- Wesin, Iram R. Litherland
- 9-1-1922 6-20-1960 Wife of Norman Wesin
- Myers, Effie D
- 5-30-1891 11-11-1959 Sister
- Wesin, Golda L
- 2-5-1901 9-8-1975
- Wesin, Lester E
- 4-19-1900 4-30-1974
- Liston, Charles H
- 5-10-1931 11-2-1996
- Liston, Thelma J Heath
- 11-20-1928 10-26-1995 Married July 29, 1952
- Liston, Elliott
- 10-28-1904 8-24-1962 Father
- Liston, Alma Weger
- 7-8-1907 1-5-1962 Mother
- Bednar, Eleanor Liston
- 12-5-1910 6-5-1994
- Liston, Giles
- 1907 1930
- Liston, Henry
- 1866 1943 Father
- Liston, Laura A Egington
- 1870 1952 Mother
- Liston, Francis M
- 2-18-1901 3-9-1944 Father
- Liston, Letha Lackey
- 6-4-1910 5-24-1998 Mother
- Evans, Mary Liston
- 5-8-1931
- Liston, Robert Lee
- 7-19-1933 4-18-1951
- Seaney, Herman B
- 9-22-1916 3-15-1968
- Kincaid, Margaret Green
- 6-29-1920 6-13-2000
- Kincaid, R Garvin
- 6-1-1909 11-13-1989
- Kincaid, Lilyan Brunke
- 10-5-1911 5-8-1942
- Little, William Wayne
- 6-11-1926
- Little, Neta Marie
- 10-4-1928 12-23-1982 Married Nov. 21, 1951
- Little, Myrtle Shaw
- 9-9-1899 11-16-2000 Wife
- Little, William G
- 2-16-1899 10-30-1986 Husband
- Little, Warren Harold
- 4-7-1921 7-30-1922 Son of William & Myrtle Little
- Cronkhite, Estel Buser
- 1909 1987
- Buser, Delbert R
- 3-8-1883 3-18-1971 Father
- Buser, Joanna D
- 5-4-1886 9-16-1967 Mother
- Dollahan, Percy H
- 2-26-1882 2-17-1953 Son of Wm. A. & EmmaL. Dollahan
- Hawkins, Emma L
- 9-18-1856 8-27-1936
- Bonson, Elmer E
- 5-30-1915 2-28-1993
- Bonson, Vera F
- 9-7-1918 Married 12-7-1940
- Shaw, Thomas O
- 11-16-1881 1Y1M16D, Son of FM & ME Shaw
- Shaw, Missouri E
- 11-20-1856 11-30-1882
- Shaw, Francis M
- 10-5-1851 5-26-1915
- Shaw, Sarah E
- 3-22-1840 7-13-1891 Wife of Francis M. Shaw
- Shaw, Our Infant Son
- 1875
- Shaw, Nelson R
- 1859 1865
- Shaw, Ira T
- 1854 1865
- Shaw, John L
- 10-18-1894 22Y8M14D
- Shaw, Joseph T
- 10-1-1884 20Y8M16D, (Base of Tombstone)
- Shaw, Joseph
- 5-4-1829 4-8-1907 Father
- Shaw, Lydia A
- 1-30-1831 7-4-1913 Mother
- Edgington, Chester
- 3-13-1898 5-19-1980 Father, Brother to Clara
- Edgington, Clara
- 7-28-1888 9-6-1963 Aunt, Sister to Chester
- Edgington, Robert
- 11-27-1862 2-19-1923
- Dollahan, Clyde E
- 1-28-1880 11-20-1955 Father
- Dollahan, Stella F Goodwin
- 10-23-1880 3-15-1935 Mother
- Dollahan, Infant Son
- Born&Died 12-27-1914 Son of Clyde & Stella F. Dollahan
- Dollahan, Olive Fern
- 5-28-1913 6-2-1913 Son of Clyde & Stella F. Dollahan
- Dollahan, Infant Dau.
- Born&Died 8-1-1921 Son of Clyde & Stella F. Dollahan
- Dollahan, D Palmer
- 1882 1923 Father
- Dollahan, Merle Edgington
- 1883 1980 Mother
- Dollahan, Max E
- 5-1-1919 12-22-1978
- Dollahan, William F
- 9-20-1909 1-4-1910 Son of D.P. & Merle Dollahan
- Kincaid, Rena Stevenson
- 3-11-1902 2-10-1978
- Kincaid, August
- 9-12-1902 7-7-1971
- Kincaid, Douglas
- 6-27-1860 6-27-1932
- Kincaid, Nota Shaw
- 8-27-1865 8-30-1946
- Steen, John E
- 12-14-1882 10-22-1956
- Steen, Estella S
- 2-28-1882 1-19-1978
ROW 10
- Illyes, Gerald W
- 9-23-1918 Parents; David Ross & DonaldWayne
- Illyes, Norma Jean
- 12-5-1926 Married 10-9-1948
- Harris, Alice Melissa
- 11-1-1910
- Harris, Robert Elwood
- 9-11-1929 4-5-1991 Cpl. US Army, Korea
- Sharp, Iloe G Funk
- 11-17-1911 10-1-1975
- Funk, Estmere E.
- 3-5-1883 6-13-1957 Father
- Funk, Leona Kincaid
- 2-5-1888 8-5-1965 Mother
- Kincaid, JE
- 6-10-1894 8-12-1981
- Kincaid, Wendell V
- 12-28-1918 3-8-1992
- Kincaid, Anne BJ
- 6-11-1924
- Edgington, Cleo
- 8-15-1892 1-15-1916
- Kincaid, Grace
- 12-12-1902 1-29-1989
- Kincaid, Homer
- 11-18-1897 12-2-1984
- Kincaid, WE
- 10-16-1866 5-13-1947
- Kincaid, Lydia Alice
- 11-6-1866 9-22-1925 Wife WE Kincaid, Dau J & L Shaw
- Kincaid, Virgil
- 2-21-1891 12-18-1907 Son of WE & LA Kincaid
ROW 11
- Forte, Roscoe Emerson
- 8-18-1896 8-8-1944
- Forte, Gladys E.
- 10-8-1896 8-13-1991
- Hughes, Albert G.
- 1862 1937 Father
- Hughes, Mary J.
- 1868 1962 Mother
- Baughman, Oma N. Hughes
- 2-27-1890 11-30-1965
- Buntin, Paul F.
- 6-21-1905 9-3-1986. Seargent, WW II, US Army, A.F. - 351 Bomb Group -508 Bomb Sq.
- Buntin, William Albert
- 9-30-1869 2-10-1953 Father
- Buntin, Sarah E. Little
- 5-25-1871 6-1-1950 Mother
- Kincaid, Ruth B. Buntin
- 8-12-1897 7-20-1976 Dau. of WA&SE Buntin. Mother of Wendell V. Kincaid
- Edgington, Francis Parker
- 3-22-1923 Infant
- Edgington, Irma
- 11-3-1887 12-19-1955
- Edgington, John
- 1-7-1876 12-10-1957
- Edginton, Minnie
- 1-21-1886 1-4-1913 Wife of John Edgington
- Edgington, Minnie Elizabeth
- 12-17-1912 9-15-1995 Dau. of John & Minnie Edgington
ROW 12
- Hughes, Carroll E.
- 4-16-1923 1-31-1997 Corp. USAAC WW II
- Hughes, Joanna H.
- 10-7-1922 Wife Carroll Hughes, Md. 4-5-1952
- Hughes, Kenneth L.
- 9-8-1918 12-3-1988 PFC US Army WW II
- Hughes, Alma D.
- 6-8-1924 Wife Kenneth Hughes, Md.7-1-1943
- Hughes, Otho E.
- 9-21-1891 7-1-1962
- Hughes, Esther B.
- 9-19-1898 12-28-1977 Wife Otho E. Hughes
- Old Base with no stone
- Lambdin, Cora Shaw
- Mother
- Lambdin, Joy E. E.
- Daughter
- Lambdin, Charles A. (Dr.)
- Father
- Shaw, Thomas M.
- 6-11-1880 12-17-1964 Father (Name on Back of Stone)
- Donaldson, Nancy E.
- 10-17-1902 91Y9M13D, Grandmother (Name on Back of Stone)
- Shaw, Ella E.
- 7-12-1871 1-9-1948 Daughter
- Shaw, Elizabeth
- 4-7-1843 4-13-1919 Mother
- Kincaid, Samuel V.
- 8-9-1869 3-15-1961
- Kincaid, Sadie
- 1-15-1873 12-31-1948 Wife of Samuel V. Kincaid
- Buntin, Roy
- 1-7-1893 6-29-1913
- Buntin, Clark
- 1-18-1864 8-10-1912 Father
- Buntin, Eliza
- 8-21-1865 2-22-1954 Mother
- Edgington, Owen W.
- 2-14-1916
- Edgington, Dorothy Graves
- 4-10-1917 Wife of Owen Edgington. Md 10-5-1938
ROW 13
- Johnson, William D.
- 1872 1945
- Edgington, Thomas
- 1851 1924
- Edgington, Martha Johnson
- 3-26-1928 2-9-1964 Second Wife of Thomas Edgington
- Little, Etta E.
- 1877 1959 Wife
- Little, Albert
- 1873 1948 Husband
- Little, Emma S.
- 9-8-1874 11-10-1906 Wife of Albert Little
- Little, Cora E.
- 6-20-1896 2-14-1916 Daughter
- Shaw, Woodrow
- 4-13-1915 3-9-1987
- Shaw, Fern Kincaid
- 8-7-1911 5-22-1957 Wife
- Shaw, William
- 7-1-1911 11-10-1927
- Shaw, Thomas
- 6-11-1880 12-20-1964
- Shaw, Alma
- 4-21-1877 4-26-1940
- Shaw, Lois
- 5-4-1906 2-10-1916
- Shaw, Amelia
- 1-14-1904 3-10-1919
- Shaw, Ernestine
- 12-29-1909 11-19-1913 Dau. of AJ & Annie Shaw
- Shaw, Millard T.
- 2-15-1898 4-18-1996
- Shaw, Maybelle M.
- 3-15-1900 1-24-1978 Wife of Millard Shaw
- Shaw, Andrew J.
- 11-9-1866 10-9-1948 Father
- Shaw, Annie B.
- 4-17-1874 3-9-1961 Mother, Wife of Andrew J. Shaw
ROW 14
- Chiddix, Frederica Wilson
- 8-8-1917
- Chiddix, Max E.
- 4-13-1918
- Chiddix, John William
- 10-7-1931 12-18-1974 SP3 US Army
- Chiddix, Lucille
- 1-24-1898 8-22-1974 Wife of John C. Chiddix
- Chiddix, John C.
- 10-19-1894 4-5-1976
- Wolfe, Joseph
- 6-16-1871 9-14-1945
- Wolfe, Lydia A.
- 10-30-1862 2-20-1914 Wife of Joseph Wolfe
- Norton, Elenor Faye
- 11-24-1912 8-15-1913 Dau. of ER & Flora Norton
- Norton, Edna M.
- 1889 1967
- Norton, Elmo
- 1877 1952
- Norton, Flora
- 1877 1925
- Johnson, Ella
- 1874 1957 Sister
- Johnson, Andrew
- 1880 1959 Brother
- Nash, William M.
- 1-10-1874 8-12-1945
- Nash, Amanda B.
- 6-5-1875 12-14-1958 Wife of William M. Nash
- Nash, Esthmer Stifle
- 4-24-1906 5-1-1977 PFC US Army WW II
- Purcell, Lillian B,
- 9-19-1913 11-7-1972 Mother
- Purcell, Charles T.
- 2-29-1912 4-10-1966 Father
- Gray, Harry Lee
- 1903 1977
- Gray, Emma Shaw
- 1903 1999 Wife of Harry Gray
- Shaw, J. Marshall
- 1912 1996
- Shaw, Mildred C.
- 1914 Wife of Marshall Shaw
ROW 15
- Baker, Lindsay
- 1883 1966
- Baker, Orval
- 1889 1950 Husband
- Baker, Hester Fuller
- 1893 1943 Wife of Orval Baker
- Morris, Infant Son
- 7-28-1937 Son of Curtis W. & Goldie Morris
- Morris, Curtis W.
- 7-3-1899 6-17-1990
- Morris, Goldie Kincaid
- 2-25-1900 9-24-1986 Wife of Curtis Morris
- Morris, Alma Jean
- 4-22-1933 9-8-1941 Dau. Curtis & Goldie Morris
- Edgington, Ray
- 8-5-1902 3-24-1971
- Edgington, William O.
- 5-14-1866 12-17-1943
- Edgington, Alice
- 10-17-1870 6-14-1948
- Baker, Harlin
- 1870 1938
- Baker, Alma
- 1873 1966 Wife of Harlin Baker
- McKee, Charles S.
- 11-4-1867 1-17-1964
- McKee, Bertha Shaw
- 1-15-1879 5-3-1949 Wife of Charles McKee
- Shaw, Flora R.
- 4-27-1856 1-28-1922 Wife
- Shaw, Duane
- 4-30-1852 4-27-1931 Husband
- Burkett, Laura A.
- 2-28-1891 3-18-1940 Wife
- Burkett, John E.
- 6-14-1891 4-8-1975 Husband
- Burkett, Evelyn M.
- 1911 1998 (Teacher)
- Burkett, W. Keith
- 1913 (Economist)
ROW 16
- Mickey, Bernard Odell
- 7-11-1919 4-11-1990 T. Sargent US Army WW II
- Mickey, Laura Ines Fuller
- 7-20-1920 4-7-1996 Wife B. Mickey, Md. 7-28-1945
- Fuller, Furman F.
- 1895 1976 PFC US Army WW I
- Fuller, Flossie A.
- 1899 1969 Wife of Furman Fuller
- Fuller, Gary D.
- 3-16-1934 4-25-1995
- Fuller, Nancy S.
- 8-5-1936 Wife Gary Fuller, Md. 6-6-1953
- Folck, John A.
- 2-27-1884 3-25-1938
- Lackey, Ralph V.
- 12-12-1913 2-17-1985
- Lackey, Maxine E.
- 4-7-1914 7-30-1999 Wife of Ralph Lackey
- Lackey, Betty Rae
- 6-5-1938 Dau. Ralph & Maxine Lackey
- Lackey, Sadie
- 4-15-1889 10-20-1916 Wife of Earl Lackey
- Stanford, Edna Lackey
- 1-6-1912 2-23-1994
- Hanover, Irene
- 3-27-1918 Wife of John Hanover, Jr.
- Hanover, John H. (Jr)
- 2-2-1901 1-24-1978 Husband
- Hanover, John H.
- 10-12-1876 6-20-1951
- Hanover, Helen
- 1876 1971
- Bartmess, John L.
- 7-23-1948 2-15-1915
- Bartmess, Emeline
- 6-6-1849 12-29-1937 Wife of John L. Bartmess
ROW 17
- Buser, H. Ward
- 7-29-1922 7-2-1982 PHM 3rd Class USN WW II
- Buser, John H.
- 7-25-1895 8-7-1951 Pvt. 159 Depot Brigade Ill WW I
- Buser, Effie Shaw
- 1-11-1897 12-26-1981 Wife of John H. Buser
- Treadway, Warren Gail
- 3-8-1926 11-10-1994 S1 US Navy WW II
- Brumblay, Thomas C.
- 4-7-1880 8-25-1946 Pvt. 161 Ind. Inf. Spanish Am. War
- Browning, Ruby
- 7-25-1894 12-18-1980 Wife Vern Browning, Md 6-11-1916
- Browning, Vern E.
- 9-7-1893 3-29-1977
- Browning, Lena M.
- 1864 1954 Wife Thomas M. Browning
- Browning, Thomas M.
- 1867 1917
- Munton, Darrell C.
- 5-17-1910 1-16-1987
- Munton, Bertha E.
- 6-12-1919 Wife Darrell Munton, Md 6-25-1938
- Treadway, J. F.
- 1-15-1879 8-10-1960
- Treadway, Orpha K.
- 6-15-1890 9-27-1969 Wife of J. F. Treadway
- Treadway, Frances M.
- 12-2-1909 1-4-1929 Dau. JF & Orpha Treadway
- Treadway, Charles Earl
- 10-2-1913 8-28-1918 Son JF & Orpha Treadway
- Espy, Edna K.
- 7-1-1892 7-31-1986 Wife Chester Espy, Md. 8-3-1912. Bodies of Chester & Edna Espy willed to U. of I. Medical School.
- Espy, Chester
- 1-9-1890 12-2-1976. Bodies of Chester & Edna Espy willed to U. of I. Medical School.
ROW 18
- Hayward, Henry
- 1879 1958 Brother
- Hayward, Chancey
- 1882 1950 Brother
- Edgington, Noble Dennis
- 1926 1928
- Edgington, Bertha A.
- 1904 1955 Wife of Miles Edgington
- Edgington, Miles
- 1894 1974
- Edgington, Faye Cannon
- 1896 1921
- Edgington, Gerald M.
- 8-21-1922 8-19-1968 Ill. Tec 5 Bat. E. 211 CA. Bn WW II
- Edgington, Mary Alice
- 1918 1928
- Hughes, Leslie Frank
- 10-18-1888 6-17-1978
- Hughes, Esther Folck
- 11-01-1892 1-8-1963 Wife Leslie Hughes, Md. 10-8-1913
- Hentges, Macie Hughes
- 7-15-1918 2-21-2000 Wife Peter Hentges, Md 12-17-1941
- Hentges, Peter
- 2-9-1905 2-2-1978 T. Sgt. US Army WW II
- Vennard, John Milton (Sr)
- 7-11-1917 6-9-1996
ROW 19
- Treadway, John L.
- 1882 1935
- Treadway, Stella G.
- 3-31-1881 6-25-1972 Wife of John Treadway
- Nash, John Hardin
- 12-16-1875 3-8-1945 Brother
- Nash, Thomas Oliver
- 4-19-1861 3-30-1945 Brother
- Agan, Donald R.
- 11-5-1953 8-21-1999
- Agan, Betty L.
- 3-25-1945 Wife Donald Agan, Md. 8-28-1976
- Lanter, Daisy M.
- 3-22-1913 7-18-1997
- Lanter, James Nelson
- 1884 1951 Father
- Lanter, Dessie L.
- 11-17-1888 11-1-1977
- Little, Jacob R.
- 1-9-1903 7-12-1985
- Little, John T.
- 8-29-1860 7-26-1929 Father
- Little, Dora
- 7-22-1867 4-22-1946 Mother
- Little, Otis
- 4-26-1888 9-27-1949
- Oliver, Mable Little
- 5-23-1894 2-13-1985
- Hulse, Virgil D.
- 5-28-1893 4-18-1979 WW I
- Hulse, Alta Seaney
- 1-10-1906 8-8-1986 Wife of Virgil Hulse, Md. 9-10-1935
- Hulse, Juanita Fern
- 1-6-1937 1-8-1937 Dau. of Virgil & Alta Hulse
- Matheny, Altina Vaughnetta
- Born&Died 2-29-1960
- Seaney, S. Carl
- 1878 1953
- Seaney, Blanche
- 1876 1943
ROW 20
- Maddox, Marquis Lee
- 10-9-1886 1-24-1976 Pvt. US Army WW I
- Maddox, Colby Howard
- 1887 1972 Ill. PFC Base Hospital 118 WW I
- Maddox, Anna E.
- 1897 1971 Wife of Howard Maddox
- Wampler, Dorothy L.
- 7-22-1919 Wife Raymond Wampler
- Wampler, Raymond Leslie
- 5-11-1917 8-9-1976 G.M. 3, US Navy WW II
- Creech, Frances E.
- 4-9-1915 Wife of JW Creech
- Creech, J. Wilbur
- 4-1-1904 11-24-1975
- Redman, James
- 1863 1944
- Redman, Cora
- 1881 1953 Wife of James Redman
- Hardesty, James
- 5-18-1894 12-4-1965
- Hardesty, Anna
- 12-30-1883 5-19-1959 Wife of James Hardesty
ROW 21
- Maddox, Shelia
- 9-22-1949 Stillborn, Daughter
- Maddox, Virginia
- 1927 1949 Mother
- Maddox, James Weaver
- 12-23-1892 1-31-1967 Ill. Cook Btry. C. 325 Fld Art. WWI
- Maddox, Amy A.
- 6-10-1898 3-9-1980 Wife James W. Maddox
- Cannon, Isaac M.
- 4-3-1901 1-8-1983
- Cannon, Luna B.
- 10-4-1903 7-9-1988 Wife Isaac Cannon
- Brashear, Elias
- 9-7-1866 1-17-1953
- Kinder, Sarah E. Brashear
- 7-4-1878 11-7-1960
- Brashear, Mayo G.
- 4-29-1906 7-9-1974
- Brashear, Leona L.
- 10-15-1912 1-24-1999 Wife of Mayo G. Brashear
- Kinder, Henry T.
- 9-13-1899 3-20-1939 Husband
- Dollahan, Wm. Earl
- 4-22-1909 11-16-1993
- Dollahan, Lucille C.
- 2-6-1908 7-19-1994 Wife of W. E. Dollahan
- Kinder, Georgia Marie
- 1-6-1926 11-20-1930 Dau. of H.T. & M.J. Kinder
- Seaney, Clarence
- 3-28-1904 8-7-1986
- Seaney, Ethel
- 12-12-1914 1-16-1999 Wife Clarence Seaney, Md 6-3-1933
ROW 22
- Reed, Theresa
- 1950 2001 Metal Marker
- Adams, Baby
- Six Stones of Little Angels - No first Names.
- Redmon, Baby
- Six Stones of Little Angels - No first Names.
- Mutton, Baby
- Six Stones of Little Angels - No first Names.
- Pierson, Baby
- Six Stones of Little Angels - No first Names.
- Lanter, Baby
- Six Stones of Little Angels - No first Names.
- Redman, Baby
- Six Stones of Little Angels - No first Names.