Individual items of historical interest.
- Crawford County Plat Book 1947, showing who owns what ground, plus advertisements for local businesses.
- Crawford County Farm Directories, listing all our farmers, by township, advertisements for local businesses, and farming references; 1939 and 1947.
- L. Pease checks. These checks, dated 10 July 1835, were given as payment for goods that went to New Orleans by flatboat. The bearer, L. Pease, spent almost one month enroute to his home at Old York and when he got there the Second Bank of the United States had been closed by President Jackson and the funds allocated to the state banks. Because of lack of communication he was not aware of that and lost the entire amount. Much of the goods were commission goods and he bankrupted his family in trying to repay the losses.
- Men at Post Office, judging by the mail delivery boxes with letters and newspapers stuffed in them. Also, some wrapped parcels on the top of shelves. It might be a Heath Co. office, but all the newspapers being delivered/routed make that seem unlikely. Even zoomed in, the politicians photographs in the upper right can't be made out reliably. Is this the Robinson Post Office with a bunch of loafers hanging around? The hand-drawn number annotations correspond to this partial list of names on the reverse side of the photo;
1 - "Johnson" (crossed out), then "Byrl Walters - Bob R. Carver"
2 - John Marby
3 - Ferd McQueen
4 - Irirn Howe
5 - Latta McConnell
6 - Charles Grubaugh
7 - Eliza Burt
8 - Ed Ault
9 - Harry Patton
10 - Bess Harper
11 - Fred Overstreet
12 - L.S. Heath
13 - John T. Musgrave
14 - Ira Thompson
15 - Ed Baker
16 - Gundy Waldrop
17 - Wm Sitler
18 - Nelson Kent
19 - Speed Prier
20 - John McKamy?