Located on John Illyes Farm, Montgomery Township, Section 5, Township 5 North, Range 10 West. Compiled April 1971 by Imogene Bailey and Wilma Roesler. Cemetery destroyed, and headstones have been moved - Alan Ayres and Burl Rich December 5, 2002.
- Bartmess, John (Jr.)
- In memory of John Bartmess Jr. who departed this life Sept. 16, A.D. 1840 in the 39th year of his age.
- Bartmess, Mary
- In memory of Mary Bartmess who departed this life Nov. 5, A.D. 1836 in the 30th year of her age.
- Bartmess, John
- In memory of John Bartmess who departed this life Oct. 23, A.D. 1840 in the 80th Year of his age.
- Bartmess, Sarah
- In memory of Sarah Bartmess who departed this life Jan. 16, A.D. 1835 in the 37th year of her age