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Welcome to the PolandGenWeb site!
Chief Coordinator: Marie Dallas
Click here to learn about PolandGenWeb
These pages are graciously hosted by Rootsweb.
co-founder and creative consultant: Donna Pointkouski
Please click on the province on the map below to go directly to the province page for resources specific to that province.
©Copyright 1998. Office of the Chancellery of the Prime Minister of Poland.
PolandGenWeb is grateful for their kind permission to use their map!
Province Coordinators Needed PolandGenWeb has provinces waiting to be adopted! Visit the Hosting a Province page for more information. If you're familiar with the genealogical resources in any of the provinces needing a coordinator and want to help your fellow researchers, volunteer to become a province coordinator!
What's New on the PolandGenWeb Site
PolandGenWeb Help Pages
Transcribed Records
Poland Catholic Records Microfilms
Translation and Research Aids
Town Locators
Address and Phone Directories
Message Boards and Surname Searches
Where did the former province of xxxx go?
Mailing Lists for Poland
Find out what's been added to our site in the past month!
This is a directory of pages to help you with your research. Some of the topics listed are:
Birth, marriage, and death records for many towns have been donated to PolandGenWeb. Check to see if one of these towns is where your ancestors came from!
Have you been thinking about renting a microfilm from the LDS library? Peter Gwozdz has written a wonderful guide to microfilmed records in Poland and had donated it to PolandGenWeb. Find out what information is contained in Polish records, what those double dates mean, and other tidbits to help you understand what information you'll find in those records!
Need a professional researcher or help translating those Polish, Russian, or German Records? Visit this page for assistance!
Find the town(s) your ancestors came from.
Address and phone listings for Poland.
Post messages or search for your surnames of interest on these query systems.
Here you can find out in which new province each of the former 49 provinces is located. There is also a link to a great page detailing the province boundary changes in Poland since becoming a country once again in 1918.
Mailing lists can be a valuable tool: once you have subscribed, you send an e-mail to the mailing list, and the list retransmits that message to everyone who is subscribed. Lots of help from other researchers to be found on these mailing lists!
Please, use the resources listed on the pages of our site before contacting us. There is nothing we can tell you that doesn't already appear on this site. Thank you.
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Last Modified: Tuesday, 06-Oct-2015 00:07:27 MDT
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