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PolandGenWeb Help Pages
Here you will find links to many pages, both within and outside of our web site. Our goal at PolandGenWeb is to provide you with as much information as we can to help you research your Polish roots, whether you are still searching in the country of immigration or have found enough information to research in Poland.
Where is xxxx town and other Frequently Asked Questions
Help Me! I Don't Know Where in Poland My Ancestors Were From!
Finding Parish Addresses in Poland
State Archives in Poland
Roman Catholic Dioceses of Poland
Evangelical-Augsburg (Lutheran) Dioceses of Poland
Cities and Towns in Poland
Basics of Research
Researching in America
Obtaining Polish Records
Translation Aids
Immigration and Naturalization
Northeast Poland Catholic Records Microfilms
Regions in Poland
Polish Genealogical Societies
Polish Naming Customs
Where is German-Poland, Russian-Poland, and Austrian-Poland?
Timeline of Polish History
Polish Terms
Maps and Bookstores
Please read the info on this page before contacting any province hosts! Here you will find answers to questions about:
Do you know your ancestors were from Poland but don't know where? Unfortunately, knowing they were from Poland is not enough information to begin looking for records in Poland. This page suggest several ways to find out how to find what town(s) they were from.
Do you need to write to a church for records, but you don't know the address? Visit this page to find the names and addresses of both Roman Catholic and Lutheran churches in Poland.
If you are looking for civil records 100 years or older, you can write to the State Archive office. Visit this page to find the names, addresses, and URLs for each of these records repositories.
Links to web pages for each diocese and archdioceses in Poland. Many of the web sites has addresses for parishes, maps of the deaneries in each diocese, and information about the dioceses.
Links to web pages for each diocese in Poland. The web sites have addresses for parishes, maps of each diocese, and information about the dioceses.
A list of the curent major cities and towns in all 16 provinces in Poland. Not all towns are listed, but there are over 2300 names listed here. Note: this page may take more than 60 seconds to load.
A guide to the basic types of available records and an explanation of what info is contained in those records. Links for researching in the U.S., Canada, Australia and New Zealand can be found here. Not just for researching Polish ancestors!
Some lesser-known resources for researching Polish ancestors in America.
Specific information on what records exist in Poland and how to obtain them.
Don't speak the language your ancestor's records were written in? Visit this page for some great links to translating you ancestor's documents.
Immigration and naturalization records are often a great source of genealogical information. Here you'll find some basic tips and links to more detailed information, as well as links to online passenger lists.
Have you been thinking about renting a microfilm from the LDS library? Peter Gwozdz has written a wonderful guide to microfilmed records in Poland and had donated it to PolandGenWeb. Find out what information is contained in Polish records, what those double dates mean, and other tidbits to help you understand what information you'll find in those records!
Here is a guide to past and present areas of Poland. Many links to maps and other info about these areas.
Links to home pages of societies in several countries. Join one or more of these great societies!
Did you know that many Poles followed naming customs? It may even be possible to determine your ancestor's birthday or baptismal date.
It states on your ancestor's record that (s)he was from German-, Russian-, or Austrian-Poland. Just what portion of Poland did these areas encompass? Check this page to find out.
Here is a brief outline of the history of the Polish nation.
Here you'll find the Polish alphabet, the months of the year, terms found in documents, occupations, and illnesses and causes of death.
A list of links to maps of various stages in Poland's history and bookstores that sell maps and books pertaining to Poland.
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