Volunteer Projects |
Hosting a Province
and Other Ways to Contribute
PolandGenWeb is looking for volunteers to host province pages. Hosts, or province coordinators, are responsible for creating and maintaining the province pages. Your job as province host would be to provide information on your pages to help others researching in that province. You may host the province alone, or you may have one or more individuals assisting you. A knowledge of HTML or a web design program is recommended, since you will be responsible for creating, editing, and uploading your pages. Assistance is available to get you started. You do not need to provide web space of your own. Space will be provided for your province site for free if you do not wish to provide your own.
Provinces Available for Adoption:
If you would like to become part of the PolandGenWeb team by hosting a province, or if you would like more information about hosting a province, please contact
woj. dolnośląskie
woj. lubelskie
woj. lubuskie
woj. łódzkie
woj. małopolskie
woj. opolskie
woj. podlaskie
woj. śląskie
woj. świętokrzyskie
woj. zachodniopomorskie
If you don't have the time or experience to host a province, these are always other ways to help your fellow researchers:
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Last Modified: Monday, 13-Dec-2010 09:29:12 MST