

Newspapers are a good source of information whether for genealogical or historical purposes. The ones listed here can be seen at the National Library of Canada in Ottawa. Other copies may be found elsewhere, such as the main Ottawa Public Library.

The papers listed here can be old or recent. You can borrow them on microform (could be either a microfiche or a microfilm) from the National Library. However, it is best to check out your local resources first - libraries, Family History Centre, and genealogical and historical societies before asking your local library to borrow this material for you.

The National Library's policy on inter-library loans and other requirements are found here.

Daily InternationalEmerson
Daily MailBrandon
Daily Manitoban (with Daily International) Emerson
Daily NewsBrandon
Emerson InternationalSee Daily International
Free PressWinnipeg
InternationalSee Daily International
Weekly SunBrandon
Weekly SunBrandon

Information on additional locations where these and other newspapers which might be of interest for the Pembina Valley region would be welcomed. Please indicate Pembina Valley Newspapers in your e-mail suject line.

Religious newspapers

Births, marriages, and deaths found in many of these papers have been indexed. Some, but not all, were printed in provinces other than Ontario.

Online papers

Nipawin Journal

Prince Albert Daily Herald

Indexes to newspapers

The National Library has a checklist of newspaper indexes that could be useful to consult.

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Last updated 5 May 2004