Monumental Inscriptions F



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Monumental Inscriptions

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Surname  F




In Loving Memory of ETHEL SARAH Youngest daughter of John and Sarah Fletcher Born 30th April 1883 Died 26th May 1971 

"But they that wait upon the Lord  shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings as eagles; They shall run and not be weary; And they shall walk and not faint."    Isaiah XL Verse 31


Erected in Affectionate Remembrance of JOHN FLETCHER who departed this Life June 11th 1855 Aged 35 years  O cruel death that would no longer spare A loving husband, a tender father (death)---is the --- to---(be kind)  But he (made death Eternal) -- ---- --     Also in Loving Remembrance of a most kind and affectionate mother FRANCES wife of the above who died Jan 18th 1876 Aged 58 years   Thy will be done



In Loving Memory of FRANCES MAY  Elder daughter of John and Sarah Fletcher  Born 8th November 1880 Died 18th May 1967  

To do justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with thy God     Micah VI.s.


In Loving Memory of JOHN FLETCHER Born Feb 19th 1852 Died June 28th 1934  Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, Whose mind is stayed on thee

Also of his beloved wife SARAH  Born May 27th 1852 Died March 19th 1940

Blessed are the pure in heart 



In Loving Memory of ROBERT HENRY beloved son of John and Sarah Fletcher Born July 11th 1879 Died January 4th 1927  


(Know) that my Redeemer Liveth

  Erected In affectionate remembrance of  JOSEPH FLETCHER Who departed this life Jun 15th 1861; in the 77th year of his age  Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord    also MARY, the beloved wife of Joseph Fletcher who died March the 6th 1846; Aged 60 years   Yes, she is gone, but still her memory's clear, Reflection keen calls forth the friendly tear, Oh --- we meet her in that world above      (rest hidden)



In Loving Memory of RUTH FLETCHER Died June 22nd 1932 In thee O Lord have I put my trust     Psm.xxxi


Sacred To the Memory of ELLEN the Beloved wife of Thomas William Flower of Normanton Grange Suddenly called home Feb 9th 1927 Aged 65 years   

Some time will understand    


Who followed on Dec 24th 1940 Aged 78 years   

At Rest




A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I  J   K   L   M   N   O   P   Q   R   S   T   UV   W   X   Y   Z     UNKNOWN


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