Acadia Parish Genealogical Society Acadia
Acadia Dolores Legendre paintings

Visitors since
11 December 2003

Orange Bar
Historical Documents

As some of you may know, documents posted to the Acadia Parish Archives are supposed to be in plain text format.  I am unaware of any such limitation as it relates to posting to the Acadia Parish Genealogy web site.  So, let's work together to make this site more interesting by contributing and posting copies of some of our original documentation uncovered during the course of our family research.
I will post graphics and documents related to Acadia Parish and its inhabitants on this site, so long as they are not in plain text format and apply to Acadia Parish and its inhabitants.  If, however, the document is believed to be protected by copyright or if it is readily available on another site (e.g., land grants), it will not be posted here.  I will do what I can to link to those documents, if they are available elsewhere on the Internet.
I have a small backlog of documents furnished by Jerry ROYER that I will be working on.  Seems a hundred years ago that he sent them to me and he has waited patiently while I try to get up on the learning curve. Thanks Jerry for your contribution and your patience.

CONFEDERATE PENSION APPLICATION INDEX.  The index, located in the Louisiana State Archives Genealogy and History Section, should be your first stop in your virtual search for pension records related to Civil War veterans of Louisiana.

BOUILLION, Don Louis.  Parish of: Acadia, No.: 8148, Soldier’s Application for Pension: Don Louis Bouillion, P. O. Rayne, Company and Regiment, K: 18th Regiment, Filed: Nov. 13, 1913, Allowed:  March 11, 1914.  Document transcript provided by Jerry ROYER. 

CORMIER, Joseph S.  Widows Application for Pension, Parish of Acadia, No. 8588, Mrs. Malize Cormier, Widow of Joseph S. Cormier, Company and Regiment K, 28th LA. Inf., P. O. Rayne, LA, Filed July 24, 1914.
  • Cause of Death of Widow’s Husband? Old Age.
  • When did he die? January 5, 1896.
  • Where? Rayne, LA.
  • Date of Application? July 22, 1914. 
Document transcript provided by Jerry ROYER.

Historical News Articles from Southwest Louisiana Prairies
Old newspaper articles related to incidents and events in the lives of Southwest Louisiana citizens spanning many years of yesterday.
Documents transcribed by Winston Boudreaux. 
Project Coordinator:    Bryant W. Walker
©   2004-Present Acadia Parish web page by Bryant W. Walker Page last updated on Monday, 10-Sep-2018 23:39:08 MDT.