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Guide to Irish Genealogy

[formerly the "HIDEAWAY"]

The legendary Fianna of Ireland were a band of mighty noble warriors. Entrance was governed by strict tests and codes of honour. Yet the Fianna also had to be knowledgeable of culture, and more specifically they had to be poets. The Fianna Study Group for Irish Genealogy tries to bring the finest values to you through this web site.

Celtic Knot


Over 500 Pages of Help!
Important addresses
The Counties !!
Ships and Such
Searching Church Records

Surname Research guide!

History and Timeline
[from 10,000 BC to 1998 AD]

Researching Nearby Countries
and Destination Countries

How Our Ancestors Lived !

The Fianna Kitchen   
Send in YOUR family favorite!

The Wild Irish Roves
Culture, History, Heraldry, Music, and Miscellaneous!


Travel in Ireland!!
with PHOTO tours and Tips for YOUR trip :)

The PUB-Teashop - just for fun!

FIANNA FAQ page!, everything you need
to know do Irish Genealogy on the net!


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Our Archives (old classes and logs)

Peek at our Awards  :)  

WEBRINGS and Credits  (lots of images 105 kb)

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Last modified Monday, 10-Sep-2018 17:03:14 MDT
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