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Jurisdictional Chronology
- 27 January 1750 -- Cumberland
County is formed from Lancaster County; its
northern boundary is now the present southern boundary of Perry
County; Snyder County area was owned by the Six Nations tribes,
but settlers pushed into the area.
- 17 October 1755 -- After Braddock's defeat
in the French & Indian War, Native Americans attack settlers'
settlements and improvements north of the Cumberland
County line, near the present site of Selinsgrove (also known
as Gabriel's and Weisertown on the Isle of Que, at the mouth of
Penns Creek into the Susquehanna River) and northwest along the
banks of Penns Creek. The "Penns Creek Massacre" panics settlers,
many of whom flee into southern Pennsylvania counties. Fort
Augusta at Sunbury (then called Shamokin) was built the following
year as a result of this conflict. Most original settlers never
return. Those that do, return for the surveys of the Snyder
County area in 1768.
- 23 October 1758 -- Pennsylvania
proprietaries purchase the Snyder County area from the Six
Nations tribes in the Treaty of Albany. The northeastern line of
Penn Township, Cumberland
County, is extended north through most of the Snyder County
area; the northeastern corner of the Snyder County area lies in
the newly extended western boundary of Bethel Township, Berks County,
formed 11 March 1752.
- 21 March 1772 -- Northumberland
County is formed from Cumberland,
and Bedford
Counties; all of the Snyder County area is included in the new
county; Penn Township covers all of now Snyder County except for
now Monroe Township. Sunbury is county seat.
- 22 March 1813 -- Union County is
formed from Northumberland
County; all of now Snyder County is included in the new
county; Mifflinburg (Youngmanstown) serves as county seat 1813 to
1815 when New Berlin (Longstown) is chosen as the county seat. In
1855 the county seat moves to Lewisburg (Derrstown) where it
- 2 March 1855 -- Snyder County is created
from Union
County; Middleburg (Swinefordstown) becomes the county seat
where it remains. It is named after
Simon Snyder, three-time governor of Pennsylvania 1808-1817,
a resident of Selinsgrove.
Created: 1-Oct-2000
Updated: Monday, 10-Sep-2018 12:01:30 MDT