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Snyder County Cemeteries

Grave of Pennsylvania Governor Simon Snyder, Sharon Lutheran Church Cemetery, Selinsgrove, PA (6K)
Governor Simon Snyder
Selinsgrove, PA

To access tombstone transcriptions for Snyder County, you must access two different sites:

  1. Go to the Snyder County PAGenWeb Archives and use the search engine to find your surname of interest. The returns will be from a text file transcription of George Wagenseller's Snyder County Tombstone Inscriptions. This resource records many inscriptions from stones now lost and records burials through 1899. There are a number of errors and omissions. Because these files are transcriptions of a published work now in the public domain, they belong more properly in the archives than on this website.
  2. Use the table below to access the Finsterbush updates to Wagenseller's work. Click on the cemetery name and you'll be taken to a text file which corrects some errors and adds burials after 1899. As this is a massive undertaking presently in process, some of the larger cemeteries do not yet have text files linked to them.

Table of Cemeteries

  1. Column 1: All known cemeteries or burial sites are listed by civil division, as several cemeteries or burial sites are known by several aliases, which are listed, rendering alphabetization less than useful for the researcher.
  2. Column 2: The United States Geological Survey topographical maps are the best maps to use in locating a cemetery. The seven-and-one-half-minute quadrangle maps are listed with each cemetery so the researcher may consult or order the map of interest.
  3. Column 3: The Global Positioning System (GPS) uses geosynchronous satellites to help us earthbound folks locate anything on the planet using a GPS receiver. To read more about GPS to locate cemeteries, check the informative website at the USGeoGen Project®. I personally visited each cemetery or burial site with coordinates below with my Magellan GPS 315 receiver and two-minute dampening time. Coordinates are DD:MM:SS (degree, minute, second) using WGS-84 Datum, latitude north, longitude west. I'm in the process of redoing the coordinates to conform to DD:MM.MMM (Garmin) format.
  4. Clicking on Cemetery Name: This takes you to the exclusive Finsterbush update of Wagenseller's transcription project. Names are listed alphabetically by surname or initial, followed by given names, date of birth where available, date of death, and age at death if available. Items in brackets [] contain relationship information as found in the inscription. Bracketed items at the end of a listing are notes by the transcriber. A listing completely bracketed means the listing is found in Wagenseller, but not in the field when the transcription was made, meaning the tombstone is vandalized, illegible, fallen and covered with sod or removed.
Adams Township USGS 7.5' Map GPS Coordinates
St. Peter's Independent Bible Beavertown 40:48:33 -77:11:32
St. Peter's United Methodist Beavertown 40:48:17 -77:09:48
Troxelville Union Beavertown 40:48:35 -77:11:53
Troxelville (Saint James), moved to Union Beavertown N/A
Beaver Township USGS 7.5' Map GPS Coordinates
Beavertown God's Missionary Beavertown 40:46:46 -77:08:34
Beavertown Borough USGS 7.5' Map GPS Coordinates
Beavertown (Cedar Hill) Beavertown 40:45:22 -77:10:18
St. Paul's Union Beavertown 40:45:17 -77:10:17
Center Township USGS 7.5' Map GPS Coordinates
Penns Creek Union (Emanuel Union) Middleburg 40:51:48 -77:03:13
Saint Paul's United Methodist Middleburg 40:51:21 -77:03:42
Salem United Methodist Middleburg 40:49:26 -77:03:09
Sanders Family Middleburg
Zion United Methodist (Old); St. Luke's United Methodist (Kissimmee) Middleburg 40:48:34 -77:06:40
Zion United Methodist (New) Middleburg 40:48:33 -77:06:37
Chapman Township  USGS 7.5' Map GPS Coordinates
Botschaft's (Grubb's) Evangelical Lutheran Dalmatia 40:41:58 -76:56:55
Chapman Chapel Dalmatia 40:42:08 -76:56:05
Kramer Private Dalmatia 40:39:16 -76:55:30
Paradise United Methodist Dalmatia 40:41:28 -76:55:53
Rine Family Dalmatia 40:39:48 -76:55:52
Sechrist Private Dalmatia 40:38:43 -76:56:16
Saint John's (Chapman) United Methodist Dalmatia 40:41:10 -76:53:16
Trinity United Brethren (extinct) Dalmatia 40:39:40 -76:55:23
Zion (Hall's) Evangelical Lutheran Dalmatia 40:39:18 -76:55:52
Franklin Township USGS 7.5' Map GPS Coordinates
Boyer Mennonite Middleburg 40:49:08 -77:01:02
Christ (Hassinger Brick) Evangelical Lutheran Middleburg 40:47:06 -77:05:33
Christ (Hassinger White) Evangelical Lutheran Middleburg 40:47:11 -77:05:13
Hare-Walter Burial Middleburg not located
Hummel's United Methodist Middleburg 40:49:30 -77:00:32
Kern Burials (Paxtonville School) Middleburg 40:45:59 -77:05:01
Mertz Burial Middleburg 40:47:56 -77:00:58
Paxtonville United Methodist Middleburg 40:46:04 -77:05:05
Wayside Bible Middleburg 40:48:12 -77:01:58
Freeburg Borough  USGS 7.5' Map GPS Coordinates
Evergreen Freeburg 40:45:57 -76:56:08
Freeburg United Methodist (merged with St. Peter's Union) Freeburg N/A
Saint Peter's Union Freeburg 40:45:47 -76:56:32
Jackson Township USGS 7.5' Map GPS Coordinates
Guier Lewisburg 40:53:03 -76:54:43
Kratzerville Evangelical Freeburg 40:51:30 -76:53:30
Templeton Private Lewisburg
Zion Union (Kratzerville) Freeburg 40:51:37 -76:53:45
McClure Borough  USGS 7.5' Map GPS Coordinates
McClure Union McClure 40:42:30 -77:18:35
Middleburg Borough USGS 7.5' Map GPS Coordinates
Glendale (Middleburg) Middleburg 40:47:39 -77:02:39
Old Swineford, moved to Glendale Middleburg N/A
Middlecreek Township USGS 7.5' Map GPS Coordinates
Saint Peter's (Zieber's, Globe Mills) Union Freeburg 40:47:55 -76:59:13
Saint Paul's (Erdley's) Union Freeburg 40:50:25 -76:58:32
Smithgrove (Kreamer) Freeburg 40:48:14 -76:57:40
Monroe Township USGS 7.5' Map GPS Coordinates
Hummels Family Cemetery Sunbury 40:50:10 -76:49:53
Shreiner's Baptist (Evangelical) Sunbury 40:51:53 -76:50:34
Penn Township  USGS 7.5' Map GPS Coordinates
Saint Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Freeburg 40:48:58 -76:52:48
Salem (Rowe's) Union Freeburg 40:48:51 -76:54:12
Perry Township USGS 7.5' Map GPS Coordinates
Amish Cemetery
Emanuel (Troutman's, Aline) United Methodist Richfield 40:40:46 -76:59:09
Fairview Richfield 40:43:21 -77:00:51
Oriental Church of the Brethren Richfield 40:38:31 -77:00:15
Portzline Family Dalmatia 40:40:03 -76:59:10
Saint John's (Schnee's) Union Richfield 40:43:35 -77:00:50
Saint Thomas' United Methodist Richfield 40:40:04 -77:00:08
Zion (Arbogast's) Union Richfield 40:40:46 -77:01:23
Selinsgrove Borough USGS 7.5' Map GPS Coordinates
Evergreen (Baker's) Sunbury 40:47:43 -76:52:19
Saint Paul's United Church of Christ (Reformed) Sunbury 40:48:18 -76:51:44
Trinity (English, New) Lutheran Sunbury 40:48:11 -76:51:45
Sharon (German) Evangelical Lutheran Sunbury 40:47:52 -76:51:48
Wagenseller's Union Freeburg 40:47:52 -76:52:46
Shamokin Dam Borough USGS 7.5' Map GPS Coordinates
Hartman's Family Cemetery Sunbury 40:50:32 -76:49:25
Shamokin Dam Sunbury 40:51:00 -76:49:01
Orchard Hills (West Side) Sunbury 40:51:20 -76:48:51
Spring Township USGS 7.5' Map GPS Coordinates
Adamsburg Beaver Springs 40:44:46 -77:12:24
Beaver Springs Beaver Springs 40:44:32 -77:12:22
Manbeck's Evangelical United Brethren Beavertown 40:45:12 -77:14:24
Union Township USGS 7.5' Map GPS Coordinates
Brubaker Private Dalmatia 40:41:39 -76:52:53
Hoover Mennonite 40:42:24 -76:53:53
Herrold Family Dalmatia 40:41:42 -76:52:43
Saint Paul's (Keiser's, Fairview, Verdilla) Union Dalmatia 40:44:30 -76:54:19
Stauffer's Mennonite Dalmatia 40:43:43 -76:52:13
Susquehanna Mennonite Dalmatia 40:42:30 -76:54:09
Witmer's (East) United Methodist Pillow 40:43:24 -76:52:21
Witmer's (West) United Methodist Pillow 40:43:32 -76:54:11
Mount Zion United Brethren Pillow 40:43:45 -76:52:08
Washington Township USGS 7.5' Map GPS Coordinates
Bethel Mennonite Dalmatia 40:43:41 -76:58:47
Ebenezer Bible Dalmatia 40:44:27 -76:57:25
Fairview Freeburg 40:45:56 -76:56:35
Freed Family Cemetery Freeburg not located
Zion (Morr's) Lutheran Freeburg 40:46:23 -76:56:47
West Beaver Township USGS 7.5' Map GPS Coordinates
Baker's United Methodist McClure 40:44:03 -77:18:51
Bannerville Church of the Brethren McClure 40:43:54 -77:20:58
Saint John's (Black Oak Ridge) Evangelical Lutheran McClure 40:44:35 -77:17:44
Saint Paul's (Black Oak Ridge II) Lutheran McClure 40:44:49 -77:17:16
West Perry Township USGS 7.5' Map GPS Coordinates
Daniel's United Methodist Richfield 40:41:28 -77:03:19
Graybill Mennonite Richfield 40:41:41 -77:06:32
Pine Swamp Evangelical Methodist Richfield 40:41:08 -77:05:55
Created: 10-Dec-1998
Updated: Monday, 10-Sep-2018 12:01:30 MDT