Businesses in Buchanan County
This Buchanan County Genealogy website is part of the MOGenWeb and USGenWeb sites. The primary purpose of these sites is to provide resources for those who are interested in people who lived in Livingston County, Missouri. This site contains historical and genealogical resources and data.
Note to Contributors to this Site!
If you have information or pictures for any of the churches in Livingston County, please e-mail me: Sharlene Miller with your information and if it is appropriate, I will be happy to add it to the website.
Buchanan County Missouri was a very busy boom town in the 1800s. It was an important stopping off place for many who were headed west. The list below is very incomplete, but gives a flavor of what the town was like.
Browns Transfer and Storage - Omnibus, Baggage, Coach &Rubber Tire Carriage Line; located at 214-407 S. 3rd Street.
Advertisements from 1898:
Combe Printing - Printing Company; located at 315-319 Felix Street; Advertisement from 1898
F. B. Schneider Wood Engravers - located at 319 Felix Street
Interstate Secret Service, W. L. Newby, Superintendent; Private Investigator; located at 112 S. 18th Street
L. G. Bigelow, photographer; located at 4th & Edmond Streets
M. K. Goetz Brewing Co.; located at 6th & Albemarle Streets
St. Joseph Commercial College, Boarding & Day School; located at Henry & 12th Streets
St. Joseph Hospital & Medical Training Center, Hospital & Medical School; located at 402-408 South 8th Street
Tremont Hotel, Hotel; located at NE corner of Main & Francis Streets
The Times Printing & Publishing Co., newspaper and printing company
W. J. Robertson, Roofing and Gravel; located at 922 South 6th Street
Wm. Krumm & Sons, artistic florists; located at 110 South 8th with greenhouses located at 28th & Hickory Streets
William, Jr. & Edward Sidenfaden, undertakers and embalmers; located at corner of 4th & Messanie Streets