~~ 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment ~~ |
Organized as Company "A", After reorganization became Company B, Locally called Henry Grays from Henry County: Alexander C. Gordon (resigned, 21 Nov 61); James Newell Lightfoot (promoted); Isaac F. Culver (wounded, Boonsboro; promoted); Ervin M. Price (resigned, 21 Oct 62); Thomas Reese Lightfoot (KIA, Winchester); Sidney A. Willcoxon; Reuben A. Atkinson
* Indicates from Original Roster.
ALBRITTON, Bird S. (Private, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment)
1850 Census Henry County Alabama
415B 40 Albritton J. W. 29 GA
415B 41 Albritton Sarah 29 NC
415B 42 Albritton Isebel J. 8 GA
416A 1 Albritton Byrd J. 6 GA
416A 2 Albritton Eliza 4 AL
416A 3 Albritton Columbus M. 1 ALALBRITTON, R., Macon County, (Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry) Killed in action at Seven Pines Virginia and buried at Oakwood Cemetery, Richmond Virginia, grave 36, Row D, Division A,
ALMAN, Thomas L. (Private, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment)
ALMAN, William U. (Private, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment)
ARMSTRONG, Armstead (Private, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment) Born January 8, 1841 Abbeville Henry County Alabama the son of Wade Armstrong & Cynthia Bright . He enlisted April 11, 1861 at Abbeville and continued until May 2, 1865. Sent to Richmond, Virginia, December 5, 1861 and returned January 13, 1862; He was wounded at Harpers Ferry by Sheridans Cavalry; Wounded, Berryville, Virginia; Payroll June 30, 1864 list Absent wounded August 22, 1864, near Charlestown, Virginia; Captured at Petersburg Virginia and imprisoned at Point Lookout. Paroled at Point Lookout in July 1, 1865. Armstead married Josephine P. Johnson January 14, 1867 in Henry County Alabama. January 14, 1867. Children: Marion Armstrong, John C. Armstrong, and Victory Emanuel Armstrong. Died January 13, 1928 and buried Pleasant Grove Baptist Church Cemetery, west of Abbeville, Henry County Alabama. Pension card record Henry County, Alabama Pension No. 13401; 1907 address, Abbeville Henry County Alabama. Sources: (Henry's Heritage, Vol. 1); Alabama Department of Archives and History
RMSTRONG, Francis M. (Private, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment) Recruited May 11, 1861 Abbeville Henry County Alabama and May 16, 1861 in Montgomery Alabama; Payroll dated Fairfax Station, Va, June 30, 1861; Payroll signed Sangsters Cross Roads, Virginia, September 1, 1861; Wounded May 31, 1862 at battle of Seven Pines Virginia and Return October 1862; Payroll June 30, 1864 Died of wounds received July 18, 1864 at Snickers Gap Virginia died at Field Hospital. Payroll, Camp Rodes, Virginia, February 1, 1865 listed as Killed in Action; Sources: Alabama Department of Archives and History
ARMSTRONG, G. H. (Private, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment)
ARMSTRONG, Joseph Holiday, (Private, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment) He was born 23 July 1824 in Henry County, Alabama. Captured on May 19th, 1864 at Spottsylvania Court House, Virginia. He Arrived at Elmira Prison, New York on 3 July 1864 and release 23 June 1865. He died 20 July 1924 in Choudrant, Lincoln Parish, Louisiana. [email protected]
ARMSTRONG, Membrance A. (Private, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment) Membrance A. Armstrong Died May 3, 1862 and buried in Hollywood Cemetery, Richmond Henrico County, Virginia. He married December 20, 1851 in Henry County Alabama to Martha Hix. Known children are: Lot Armstrong (son) and Caladonia (Dau) "Callie" Armstrong is my Great Great grandmother Sources: Cherry Stewart and Chris Ferguson of Hollywood Cemetery, Richmond Virginia
ARMSTRONG, Thomas J. (Sergeant, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment / Captain, Henry Mounted Rebels Home Guard) Thomas was born about 1818 in Cumberland County North Carolina. the son of Mary Ann King (b. December 28, 1795 in Cumberland County, North Carolina d. May 6, 1870 and buried in Campsprings Baptist Church Cemetery Henry County Alabama) and William Armstrong (b. January 18, 1784 born in Fayetteville, North Carolina d. December 9, 1864 and buried in Campsprings Baptist Church Cemetery Henry County Alabama) Recruited March 4, 1861 in Abbeville Henry County Alabama as a Private. Enlisted May 16, 1861 in Montgomery Alabama as 3rd Sergeant. Present for Pay roll dated Fairfax Station Virginia June 30, 1861; Present for Pay roll September 1, 1861 at Sangster Cross Roads, Virginia,. Name appears on Muster Roll, enlisted January 3, 1863 as Captain in Henry Mounted Rebels Home Guard. (age 45) Sources: Alabama Department of Archives and History; Sue Webb; Rick Richter
ARMSTRONG, Wade (Private, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment) Wade Armstrong was born 1842 in Henry County Alabama and died 1918 the son of Sarah (b. about 1816 in South Carolina) and Mathew Armstrong (b. about 1816 in South Carolina) He is buried in Damascus Cemetery Jackson County Florida.
1850 Census, Henry County Alabama
18 630 641 Armstrong Matthew 34 M Farmer 1,000 SC
19 630 641 Armstrong Sarah 34 F SC
20 630 641 Armstrong W. P. 12 M AL
21 630 641 Armstrong Nancy 10 F AL
22 630 641 Armstrong Sarah 9 F AL
23 630 641 Armstrong Martha A. 7 F AL
24 630 641 Armstrong Wade 5 M ALARNOLD, Ambrose J. (Private, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment)
ATKINSON, Reuben A.. (Jr. 2nd Lieutenant, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment)
AYRES, Orrin J. (Private, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment) Born July 14, 1833 and died in the Civil War on January 11, 1864 while serving as a Private in Company E, 25th Georgia Infantry Regiment. He married Rhoda E1izabeth Odom. Their children are 1st) William Orrin Ayers was b June 21, 1858 married Mrs. W. Ackie (Pullin) Hardwick January 28, 1892; 2nd) Aaron Ayers was b July 13, 1860, d December 1860 3rd) (Mattie) Martha Ayers who married William Dawkins, Abbeville, Alabama. One story is that Orrin is buried at Confederate Section of the Oakland Cemetery at Atlanta Georgia in Block A, Row 11, Space 9. Another Story is that Orin J. Ayers was killed in action at the Battle of Atlanta. His body was packed in Charcoal in Atlanta and shipped to Ft. Gaines, Georgia. by railroad from there it was brought to his home in Shorterville. Interment in Adaniron Cemetery. The widow Rhoda E. Odom Ayers, September 18, 1838 - May 26, 1899 married Lewis W. Nordan.
BAILEY, S. AL (Private, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment)
BAILY, William (Private, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment) Listed on pay cards as Company B. Died June 20 1862 and listed as Company A, at Hollywood Cemetery, Richmond Virginia. (Cemetery Roster) Chris Ferguson of Hollywood Cemetery, Richmond Virginia
BAKER, John (Private, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment) John Baker is buried at Hollywood Cemetery, Richmond Virginia. (Cemetery Roster) Chris Ferguson of Hollywood Cemetery, Richmond Virginia
BALKOM, Alexander (Private, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment) Alexander Balkum the son of Mary Johnson (d. 1854) & John Balkum (1800-1850) who was the son of Alexander Balcombe III. His Siblings were James Whitfield Balkum m. Mrs. Nancy Boswell Thompson; Lemon Balkum who moved to Florida; Sarah Ann "Nancy" Balkum married James Riley Box; and Twin Infants that died young. His father died in 1850 and mother in 1854 at which time his older brother James Whitfield Balkum applies to the court of Henry County for the guardianship of the minor children Alexander and Sarah Ann "Nancy" Balkum. James settled just east of present day Tumbleton Henry County Alabama and started the town of Balkum Alabama. James is buried at Balkum Cemetery. Alexander survived the war and move to Louisiana or Texas to have many descendants. Henry's Heritage Vol 1, page 163 & Larry Smith, Henry County Alabama Historian
BANKS, C.C. (Private, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment)
BARNES, James C. (Private, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment) Killed at Seven Pines Virginia.
BAXLEY, Barna B. (Private, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment) Barnabus B. Baxley born ca 1830 was one of five sons of John Barnabus Baxley [Sr. born 1795 South Carolina - died? Alabama] and Nancy Harriet Ayers to serve the Confederacy. Barnabus Baxley [No dates yet], Jeptha Baxley [b: unk - d 12/8/1901] and Thomas Baxley [b: unk - d: 5/31/1862 assaulting Casey's Redoubt at Seven Pines] served with the 6th Alabama Infantry. James Baxley [b: 9/26/1838 d: 4/10/1919] & John Baxley [b: unk - d: 5/2/1863 at Chancellorsville] served with Company L 3rd Alabama. Barnabus married Laney Watford in 1850. He survived the war, and returned to Dothan Henry County Alabama and thence to Jackson County, Florida. There the family produced a lot of off spring and a large contingent of Baxley's exists today. Barnabus' descendants hold a family reunion each summer in Graceville, Florida. GGreat Grandnephew - Phil McCall - Woodstock Georgia
BAXLEY, Jeptha (Private, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment) Jeptha Baxley was one of five sons of John Barnabus Baxley [Sr. born 1795 South Carolina - died? Alabama] and Nancy Harriet Ayers to serve the Confederacy. Barnabus Baxley [No dates yet], Jeptha Baxley [b: unk - d 12/8/1901] and Thomas Baxley [b: unk - d: 5/31/1862 assaulting Casey's Redoubt at Seven Pines] served with the 6th Alabama Infantry. James Baxley [b: 9/26/1838 d: 4/10/1919] & John Baxley [b: unk - d: 5/2/1863 at Chancellorsville] served with Company L 3rd Alabama. Jeptha survived the war despite his wounds. He was wounded in the left hand at Malvern Hill by Federal artillery on July 1st, 1862. Ironically, he was shot again a year later to the day and almost to the hour at Gettysburg. The Gettysburg wound was from a rifle slug entering his lower groin and exiting his right side. Jeptha ended the war on September 19, 1864 at Winchester when he stayed behind with his badly wounded older brother James [3rd Alabama] and was captured north of Winchester, Virginia when the Brigade retreated from the field. Both James and Jeptha spent the remainder of the war as POW's and were released in June 1865. After the war, Jeptha moved back to Dothan Henry County Alabama and thence to Jackson County, Florida in 1892 buying a 400 acre farm. The Florida pension file showed his old war wounds eventually made it impossible to farm. Eventually he sold the farm and moved to Chipley, Florida. Jeptha is buried in Chipley at Pleasant Grove United Methodist Church Cemetery. His wife Susie Richards Baxley lived in Chipley Florida and received a pension until her death on February 26, 1953 at age 96. GGreat Grandnephew - Phil McCall - Woodstock Georgia
BAXLEY, Thomas (Private, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment) Thomas Baxley was one of five sons of John Barnabus Baxley [Sr. born 1795 South Carolina - died? Alabama] and Nancy Harriet Ayers to serve the Confederacy. Barnabus Baxley [No dates yet], Jeptha Baxley [b: unk - d 12/8/1901] and Thomas Baxley [b: unk - d: 5/31/1862 assaulting Casey's Redoubt at Seven Pines] served with the 6th Alabama Infantry. James Baxley [b: 9/26/1838 d: 4/10/1919] & John Baxley [b: unk - d: 5/2/1863 at Chancellorsville] served with Company L 3rd Alabama. Thomas' widow applied for a pension, and the records are on file. Martha apparently lived a miserable existence after the war as the farm is described in the records as pretty poor. She also bore two illegitimate children. GGreat Grandnephew - Phil McCall - Woodstock Georgia
BEDELL, Charles W. (Private, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment) - Phil McCall - Woodstock Georgia
BELL, James Ben. (Private, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment) Died between July 6, 1861 and July 10, 1861 from measles and is buried near Manassas Junction Virginia.
BELL, J. M. (Jr. 2nd Lieutenant, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment)
BELTON, Milton J. (Private, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment)
BENNETT, J. B. (Private, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment)
BENNETT, Lyberius M. (Corporal, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment)
BISHOP, J. (Private, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment)
BLACK, Alexander W., (Private, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry) Surrendered at Appomattox, Ambulance Driver. married December 29, 1862 in Henry County Alabama to Dorinda A. Matthews
BLACK, J. W. (Private, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment)
BOUGHTON, A. (Private, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment)
BRANTON, Pharoah (Private, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment)
BROWN, Daniel P. (Private, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment)
BUFFALO, Isaac (Private, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment) Isaac Buffalow married April 5, 1867 in Henry County Alabama to Mrs. Mary Scott
BURLEY, Jeptha (Private, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment)
BURTON, Robert E. (Private, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment)
CALDWELL, B. (Private, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment)
CALDWELL, John M. F. (Sergeant, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment)
CALK, James S. (Corporal, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment)
CAMERON, Francis M. (Private, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment)
CAMERON, William, R. (Private, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment) Grave 1840, Elmira Arrived: ? Death: 03/12/1865
CASSADY, Joseph B. (Private, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment)
CAVANAUGH, Thomas P. (Drummer, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment)
CLENDINEN, James A. (1st Lieutenant, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment) James Augustus Clendinen
COBB, James D. (Private, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment) James D. Cobb was born 1827 in Georgia the son of Mary (born 1800 in Georgia) and Frank A. Cobb (born 1800 in Georgia). James married November 12, 1848 in Henry County Alabama to Mahala Kirkland born 1832 in Henry County Alabama the daughter of Rutha Kirkland (born b 1797 in South Carolina) and William Kirkland (born b 1797 in South Carolina) James and Mahala's children are: 1st) Benjamin Cobb born 1849 in Henry County Alabama (1850 Census).
CODY, William Henderson (Private, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment) William was born 1844 in Blakely Early County Georgia, one of thirteen children the son of Sarah A. Henderson and Rev. Edmund Cody who were married on October 6, 1840. The Cody family moved in 1850 to Henry County Alabama and located on a plantation by the name of "Pleasant Ridge" near Franklin which was across the Chattahoochee river from Fort Gaines Georgia. William was barely 15 when he enlisted in September 1864 and was killed at Cedar Creek Virginia one month later. His brother Lt. Barnett Hardeman Cody served with the "Henry Pioneers" and died at Gettysburg. He was first cousins to the three Lightfoot Brothers of this Regiment. James Newell Lightfoot, Thomas Reese Lightfoot and William Edwin Lightfoot. "Henry's Heritage" Vol 1, page 37
COLEMAN, Lewis B. (Private, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment) Born 1842-Mar 6, Died 1870; buried City Cemetery, Eufaula, Barbour County, Alabama.
COLLINS, A. (Private, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment)
CONNER, Richard H. (Private, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment) born December 1824/1825 in Twiggs County Georgia and died October 24, 1906 in Conecuh County Alabama. He is the son of Nertilla Hocutt and Torrance Culpepper Conner. He married 1st to Jane Culpepper on March 6, 1853 in Dooley County Georgia. Richard married 2nd to Susannah E. Monroe on August 1, 1858 in Henry County Alabama.
8th day of February 1907 Susan E. Conner filed a Widow's Pension Application where she states that Richard H. Conner died October 24, 1906 in Conecuh County Alabama. It also stated that Richard was a member of Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment and was listed as a Carpenter on the Confederate Rolls. His Confederate Unit constructed structures, as needed for the Confederate Army. It stated Susan E. Conner also made the statement that he had fallen from a Tower he was building for the Confederate Army and was left with a limp and a serious "Hip Injury." Later on in years he could not walk at times due to this injury.It states, Susan E. Conner was formerly on the 3rd Class Pension Roll of Conecuh County, Ala. Pension Roll #28841 on November of 1913. She was removed from the Pension Rolls by the Alabama State Board of Pension Examiners due to the board not being able to locate the Confederate Records of her husband Richard H. Conner.
Pension Application filed by Susan E. Conner, in Conecuh County, Alabama on July 6 1915 for the Reinstatement of her Pension, as a Widow of her husband Richard H. Conner. Her "Request for Reinstatement" was given on the 6th of 1915 and has credible persons of witness, who state what Confederate Unit Richard H. Conner served in. M. C. Kirkland, a Confederate Veteran states that Richard H. Conner served as a Private in Company B, 6th Alabama Regiment. There are also two other credible persons who witness and sign the Application. I believe M. C. Kirkland was a Pastor of Cedar Creek Baptist Church. Susan E. Monroe also states she was born on the 2nd day of April 1829. On the 6th of July 1915 she was "Reinstated" by the Board of Pension Examiners and given 3rd class pay of 97.60 per month as a Confederate Widow. Julia Ledyard,
COOK, Redden (Private, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment)
CORBI(E)TT, Jesse A. (3rd Lieutenant, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment) Surrendered at Appomattox. Buried at Abbeville City Cemetery, Henry County, Alabama. Gravestone marked 2 Sgt Co. B. 6th Ala. Inf. C.S.A. No Dates. Jesse A. Corbitt was born about 1836 probably in Barbour County the son of Mary E. McKinnon (b 1803 in North Carolina) and Jesse W. Corbitt (b 1803 in South Carolina) Jesse was one time Sheriff of Henry County Alabama and a Lawyer in Abbeville, Henry County Alabama.
CORBITT, William S. (Private, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment) Believe this to be William S. Corbitt that was born 1833 probably in Barbour County the son of Mary E. McKinnon (b 1803 in North Carolina) and Jesse W. Corbitt (b 1803 in South Carolina)
COXWELL, Wright (Private, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment)
CRIM, Henry L., (Private, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry) Surrendered at Appomattox,
CULBRITH, John A. (Private, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment)
CULPEPPER, Joseph H. (Private, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment)
CULVER, Henry W. (Private, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment)
CULVER, Isaac Franklin (Major, Company A & B & F, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment) Lieutenant Colonel Surrendered at Appomattox) wounded, Boonsboro; promoted)
CUNYERS, John W. (Private, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment)
DALTON, William A. (Private, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment)
DANIELS, Samuel (Private, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment) died July 19, 1908 probably in Pike County Alabama. Name appears on a large stone monument with more than 3,000 Pike County Confederate soldiers listed on what is known as the "Copper Plates"; sits on the square in downtown Troy Pike County Alabama.
DAVIS, Henry M. (2nd Lieutenant, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment) Enlisted at a private May 1861 was wounded in the winter of 1862. Resigned and returned home. Re-enlisted in the fall 1863 at Marianna Florida with the Chisholm Cavalry. He was home on furlough at the close of the war. Living in 1907 at Abbeville Henry County Alabama. (1907 Confederate Census)
DAVIS, James M. (Private, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry) James was born 1844 in Henry County Alabama. Enlisted as a private in 1862 in Richmond Virginia. Surrendered at Appomattox,
DAVIS, John H. (Private, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment)
DEAL, George W. (Private, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment)
DEESE, Joel (Private, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment) Joel Dees was born about 1845 in Alabama the son of James W. Dees (born 1800 in South Carolina) Brother Jonas W. Dees of this company. (1850 Census)
DEESE, Jonas W. (Private, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment) Jonas Deese was born about 1843 in Alabama the son of James W. Dees (born 1800 in South Carolina) Brother Joel Deese of this company. (1850 Census)
DOMINY, Daniel Jasper (Private, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment) Daniel Jasper Dominy was born January 28 1833 near Lawrenceville Henry County Alabama one of eleven children and son of Lovica Blackshear and Henry Dominy; died October 4, 1899 and buried in Pennington Cemetery, Trinity County Texas. Daniel married December 19, 1866 near Lawrenceville Henry County Alabama at the home of the Bride's parents to Cynthia Ann Elizabeth Fondron born 1844, and died 1929 and buried in Pennington Cemetery, Trinity County Texas. She is the daughter of Elizabeth Spurlin and William T. Fondron of Henry County Alabama. Daniel had seven brothers. It appears that all 8 served in the "War of Northern Aggression". It also appears that possibly 4 of the 8 were killed in the war. While originally from Alabama, he and his surviving siblings moved to east Texas, where my family is all from. I know very little of his war experiences. I have a great aunt that remembers my great great grandmother, but not of Daniel Jasper. Daniel Jasper is buried along side his mother, wife and brothers in Pennington Texas, the home of my family. Proudly engraved on his headstone is: "Company B, 6th Alabama Regiment, C. S. A.". Daniel Jasper and Cynthia in turn had 10 children: 1st) William Alexander Dominy was born October 10, 1867; died February 7, 1936; married January 15, 1893 to Charlotte Amelia Bradley; 2nd) Charlie Boaz Dominy born March 1, 1870; died May 21, 1948; married January 31, 1892 to Mattie Anna Creasy; 3rd) Daniel Jasper Dominy Jr. born December 9, 1871; died April 26, 1941; married January 29, 1896 to Christiana Lee Baker; 4th) Thomas Fondron Dominy born January 29, 1874; died December 15, 1936; married several times; 5th) John Henry Dominy was born November 14, 1876; August 2, 1951; married January 25, 1904 to Annie Cora Heidt; 6th) Marion Quince Dominy was born September 11, 1878; died February 26, 1961; married March 11, 1911 to Maggie Nolia Holmes; 7th) Minnie Amanda Dominy was born August 16, 1880; died April 18, 1918; married October 27, 1897 to John Milton Creasy; 8th) Lucy Elizabeth Dominy was born July 13, 1883; died August 24, 1943; married February 5, 1911 to Jasper Brannen; 9th) Jesse Abner Dominy was born February 9, 1885; died September 18, 1949; married December 22, 1909 to Mattie Alberta Terry; 10th) Mittie Ora Dominy was born September 29, 1887; died December 1, 1968; married December 26, 1909 to James Curtis Arnold. John Henry, Sr. was my great grandfather. My grandfather, John Henry, Jr. was in turn, his only son. My father, John Franklin Dominy, is also an only son. I am his only son, John Robert Dominy. I'm 35 (2000) years old and have done my part to "re-populate" this tenuously narrow branch of my family tree... I have three sons and a daughter.
Daniel Jasper was captured on May 8, 1864 at a place called Elyse's Ford (spelling?) during the battle of Spotsylvania. He spent the remainder of the war in Elmira Prison, New York. ggGrandson. John R. Dominy Wenonah, New Jersey [email protected]
DOMINY, Jackson (Private, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment) Edward Jackson Dominy was born about 1837 in Henry County Alabama; killed in action June 1862. Enlisted March 10, 1862 at Abbeville Alabama by Captain I. N. Lightfoot. Found in the Compiled Service record for Daniel Jasper Newton. Never Married and No issue.
DOSIER, Alpheus M. (Sergeant, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment)
DOSWELL, Thomas P. (Private, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment) was born 1832 in Georgia to Thomas Doswell, Jr. who was born about 1802 in Prince Edward County Virginia and died 1862 in Henry County Alabama and Elizabeth Morgan born July 30, 1807 in Twiggs County Georgia and died October 26, 1888 in Henry County Alabama. His parents were married September 22, 1831 in Abbeville, Henry County Alabama. He had a brother William Doswell and two sisters Mary E. and Sarah F. He married Catherine Elizabeth Merritt who was born about 1838 in Georgia. They were married January 25, 1860 in Abbeville, Henry County Alabama. They had a daughter Martha Morgan Doswell who was born September 10, 1869. Researcher Donna Farr Doswell's are on my website at: http://www.familytreemaker.com/users/f/e/r/Donna-Ferris/
DOUGHTIE, James T. (Private, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment)
DOYLE, John J. (Private, Company B&L, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment)
DRIGGERS, Lafayette L. (Private, Company "B" 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment) Lafayette DRIGGERS born about 1846 in Henry County Alabama died January 19, 1919 in Sabine Parish, Louisana the son of Elizabeth Driggers. Lafayette married 1864 in Henry County, Alabama to Martha WARD (b. about 1846) the daughter of Cynthia Kirkland Armstrong WARD and William H. WARD of Henry County. It looks like he might have divorced his first wife, Martha Ward, and left at least four children by her. Martha died in Henry County Alabama. Additional info is that Lafayette married to Nancy Varner in LA and they had eight children. I haven't proved that this was the same man so you might want to make a note of that. A Lafayette Driggers is found on the 1866 state census in Henry County, so he did survive the war. Patricia Long
ETHERIDGE, Abednego (Private, Company B&D, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment)
FAREL, J. J. (Private, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment)
FAULK, Alva D. (Private, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment) Alva D. Faulk married on December 8, 1853 in Henry County Alabama to Lavinia Jackson
FULTON, John B. (Private, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment)
GALLOWAY, James. B., (Private, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry) James B. Galloway was born about 1838 in Alabama the son of Lucinda Price (born 1822 in Georgia) and Jesse Washington Galloway (born 1816 in South Carolina). At age 21, J. B. Galloway lived with Henry Cutchen, while attending school; P 225, 1860 census, Henry County, Alabama. He enlisted 28 March 1861 at Abbeville, Alabama. J. B. was listed as sick in Wericler (sp?) Hospital in Richmond, Virginia since August 18, 1862. A memo in the Alabama Archives show him returned to duty in October 1862, but absent in November 1862. Richard T. Galloway says J. B. was killed in 1863. Jeffery Palmer [email protected]
GALLOWAY, Thomas Jackson (Private, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry) Surrendered at Appomattox, Thomas was born August 10, 1847 in Alabama the son of Lucinda Price (born 1822 in Georgia) and Jesse Washington Galloway (born 1816 in South Carolina). He married Mary E. Dykes on March 25, 1869 in Henry County, Alabama. Mary E. Galloway filed for pension #33226 at Geneva County, Alabama. Thomas J. enlisted at Abbeville, Alabama in October 1862. He again enlisted September 5, 1864. Richard Galloway (a descendant) reported that Thomas told of being ordered to continue the march when he stopped to help his brother, who was shot when walking beside him. Thomas was wounded at Chancellorsville, Belgrave, and Petersburg, according to Archive records. He was discharged April 9 1865, then a prisoner of war with a leg wound. Thomas J. bought 39 acres in 1904 and 40 acres in 1910 near Hartford, Alabama. He died February 21, 1912 and is buried in Fellowship Missionary Baptist Church Cemetery, CR 38, west of Hartford, Geneva County Alabama. Jeffery Palmer. [email protected]
GAMBLE, Jacob M. (Private, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment) Jacob M. Gamble was b October 26, 1836. d December 24, 1897 the son of Nancy and James Gamble - married Mary A. Danzey. History of Henry County Alabama.
GAMBLE, John (Private, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment)
GAMBLE, William I (Private, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry) William Irwin Gamble of Henry County, Alabama and Elizabeth Whigham of Barbour County, were married in Barbour County, Alabama October 28, 1847 Surrendered at Appomattox,
GANDY, Alexander (Private, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment)
GARNER, William D., (Private, Company B then Company L, 6th Alabama Infantry) Enlisted May 7th 1861 Loachapoka, Alabama. The company joined with the 6th at Montgomery Alabama on May 15th 1861. Pay Roll Signed, Fairfax Station, Virginia on July 11th 1861, Pay Roll dated Aug 30th 1861, Sangster Cross Roads Virginia. I believed that this is my ggGrandfather who after the war was found in Tallapoosa County, Alabama census. Jeanette Crane mailto:[email protected]
GIBSON, G. (Private, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment)
GIBSON, Jordan J. (Private, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment)
GILLESPIE, James (Private, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment)
GISSENDANER, William C. (Private, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment) William C. Gissendaner was born January 14, 1837 in South Carolina as a twin. Died September 15, 1887 in Henry County. Billy had three brothers (John F., Samuel A., and James Irwin) who served in the 39th Alabama Infantry Regiment. John R. Gissendanner [email protected] Source: "The Gissendanner Legacy"
GIVENS, Andrew Jackson (Private, Company B, 6th Alabama Volunteer Infantry Regiment).
GIVENS, Hugh (Private, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment)
GLOVER, John B. (Private, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment)
GODWIN, Radford J. (Private, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment)
GOODMAN, Malachi (Private, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment) I'm trying to find out more on Malachi Goodman. He is my gggg grandfather and I think he may not have survived the war. I last find him in the 1860 Dale Census and a 1861 land purchase. In 1870 his wife, Nancy, is head of household in Geneva County. Gale Wall [email protected]
*GORDON, Alexander C. (Captain Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment)
GRACE, James H.: (Private, Company B 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment) Born July 10, 1830 d. October 10, 1904 and buried Mount Zion Primitive Baptist Church Cemetery Henry County Alabama.
GRACE, T. B. (Private, Company A, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment)
GRAYHAM, George W. (Private, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment) Died May 1862 and buried Hollywood Cemetery, Richmond Virginia Chris Ferguson of Hollywood Cemetery, Richmond Virginia
GRIFFIN, Bryant (Private, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment)
GUILFORD, James C. (Private, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment) Two of my gggranddad's brothers James C. and Joseph Guilford served with the 6th. Their brother was John Harrison Guilford b. 1825 who served in the 39th Alabama Infantry and it appears he did not survive the war. Do you by chance have any information on John Harrison Guilford (Gilford) Roger Guilford [email protected]
GUILFORD, Joseph H. N. (Private, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment) Two of my gggranddad's brothers James C. and Joseph Guilford served with the 6th. Their brother was John Harrison Guilford b. 1825 who served in the 39th Alabama Infantry and it appears he did not survive the war. Do you by chance have any information on John Harrison Guilford (Gilford) Roger Guilford [email protected]
HANNA, George Washington (Private, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment)
HARDEE, John R. (Private, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment)
HARRELL, Benjamin F. (Private, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry)
HARRIS, Reubin (Private, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment)
HARROD, William (Private, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment)
HARVEY, Thomas S. (Private, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment) Died between July 6, 1961 and July 10, 1861 from measles and is buried near Manassas Junction Virginia
HATTON, W. (Private, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment)
HERROD, William (Private, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment)
HINSON, John R. (Private, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment) Born October 9, 1844 - Died September 20, 1884 and buried Fort Dale Cemetery, north of Greenville Butler County, Alabama
HOLLOWAY, J. W. (Private, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment)
HOLL(e)Y, John Green. (Private, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment) John was born 19 July 1820 in Lawrence (Laurens?) County Georgia the son of John Holl(e)y (died July 1828) and Penelope Watson the daughter of David Watson. John married 1st January 7, 1844 to Phoebe Price and Issue are: 1. Sarah Ann P. Holley m. James A. Hutto; 2. John Green Holley Jr. m. Mary B. Murphy; 3. Mary A. Elizabeth Holley m. Jesse Vickers; 4. Martha Lucinda Holley m. Nathaniel L. Hawley; 5. Francis Marion Holley m. Hannah Leonora Espy; 6. Phoebe A. Malissa Holley m. William L. Kelly; 7. Augustus W. Holley m. Virginia E. Holmes. John married 2nd July 6, 1862 to Martha Jane Fondren the second daughter of William Thompson Fondron and Elizabeth Spurlin. Issue are: Robert Lee Holley m. Effie Jane Baker; James Burl Holley m. Mary E. Hudspeth; Nancy Loretta Holley d. age 15; William Thomas Holley m. Leona Holmes; W. G. Holley d. 1874 infant; George Michael Holley m. Leila. John appears on the 1850, 1860 and 1870 census records in Lawrenceville Henry County Alabama, first with his first wife Phoebe and then with Martha Jane. It appears that the two wives were first cousins. He enlisted in the Henry Grays, 6th Alabama Infantry under General A. C. Gordon when it was first organized in 1861. He served until the end of the war. After the war and the death of his first wife, he distributed most of his land to his children. He then opened a general merchandise store in Lawrenceville. He was on his way to the store from his home early one morning. 28 January 1877, when he died of apoplexy. He is buried at Price Family Cemetery east of Lawrenceville, Henry County Alabama. Henry's Heritage, Vol II, Page 130, ©1980
HOLMES, Michael (Letters Home) (Private, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment) Michael Holmes was born in Ausan County, North Carolina on July 22, 1827, the oldest child of James and Martha "Patsy" Thurman Holmes. James was born in North Carolina and Patsy was born in Tennessee in 1803.
Mike's father was "Lost" when Mike was 12 years old and he as the oldest son assumed responsibility for his family, which he moved to Henry County, Alabama in 1845. The family consisted of Mike, his mother Patsy, 5 sisters and 1 brother. They settled in Wesley a small town (then) which was about 7 miles northwest of Abbeville, Alabama.
Mike's first wife whom he married on January 1, 1852 was Martha Howerton. Her brother , Mike's brother-in-law is the Lt. James M. Howerton also in the 6th Alabama Infantry and Cavalry. Martha Howerton Holmes died during childbirth of their first child also named Martha.
Mike married Martha Eliza Roberts on July 17, 1860. Their first child Virginia was born after Mike reported to Montgomery with his unit. The company formed in Abbeville was called the Henry Grays as most of the men were from Henry County and was mustered into State service initially as Company A, 6th Alabama Volunteer Infantry.
Letters from Mike indicate the regiment arrived in Corinth, Mississippi on May 27, 1861, Lynchburg Virginia on June 12 and Manassas Junction Virginia on June 16, 1861.
Mike did not re-enlist at the end of his year, but returned home. He enlisted in a cavalry unit, Company E, 6th Alabama Cavalry in June, 1863. There is some confusion here as he initially said address his mail to Company E, 5th Alabama Cavalry. He sometime later says, Company E, 6th Alabama Cavalry. The people he refers to appear to be the same people in both units. Evidently several members of the 6th Alabama Infantry are also in the 6th Alabama Cavalry. This unit served in Southwest Alabama, Northwest Florida eastern Mississippi and appear to have been in the Atlanta campaign, but there are no letters from this period.
Mike survived the war and after the surrender returned home to Henry County where he was engaged in farming and other pursuits until his death on September 20, 1886. He is buried in the family plot at Judson Baptist Church, Henry County, Alabama.
He was survived by his wife Martha, and children: Virginia (1861-1933), Georgia (1864-1906), Edward (1866-1937), Alexander (1869-1912), Alabama (1872-1956), Hinton (1874-1952) and Annie (1877-1966). Note the names of Mike's daughters up to Annie. the Family has always understood that Mike wanted to name her Caroline. ggGrandson, Gordon Holmes now living in Las Vegas [email protected]
HOWARD, James Madison Howard (Private, Company "B" 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment) Born January 15, 1847 died July 10, 1932. Grave has a VA marker. Interred Red Oak Cemetery, Covington County, Alabama. Source: Covington Rifles Sons of Confederate Veterans Camp #1586 Andalusia, Alabama
HOWERTON, James M. (1st Lieutenant, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment) James Served in both the 6th Alabama Infantry and 6th Alabama Cavalry. Brother-in-law to Micheal Holmes of this company. (See Holmes Letters)
James M Howerton was born May 26, 1835 in Henry Co, Ala; the son of John Wesley Howerton 6-31 and Jane Chester. He served in the 6th Alabama Infantry CSA and later in the 6th Alabama Cavalry CSA during the War Between the States. James M Howerton enlisted as 4/Sergeant in Company A, 6th Regiment Alabama Infantry on May 16, 1861 at Abbeville, Henry County Alabama for 12 months. He was reduced in rank from Sergeant to Private at his own request on August 24, 1861 in order to take leave. In December 1861 he was encamped with his unit at Davis Ford, Virginia and held the rank of First Lieutenant. He was admitted to General Hospital, Orange Court House, Virginia on March 22, 1862 with chronic diarrhea. The surgeon recommended he resign his commission due to ill health on 11 Apr 1862. He was retired for disability on 18 Apr 1862. (Confederate Army Records, 19)
James M Howerton again enlisted in the Confederate Army as a Private in Company E, 6th Alabama Cavalry on August 8, 1862 at Abbeville, Henry Co, Ala. At the time of enlistment he was described as: Age 28, Black Eyes, Dark Hair, Dark Complexion, 5'10" Tall, a Farmer by occupation, and born in Henry County, Alabama. He was wounded and captured in Escambia County, Florida on March 25, 1865 by Union Army troops under the command of Brigadier General T J Lucas.
He died after capture by the Union Army from wounds received March 25, 1865 during operations against the Union Army along the Escambia River in Southern Alabama. He died from wounds March 29, 1865 near Pollard, Alabama. The entry in the family Bible states: "He was wounded on Saturday, 25th and died near Pollard 29th of March 1865. He fell in defense of States Rights and his honor." (Confederate Army Records, 19) Bryan R. Howerton [email protected]
HUDGINS, Thomas J. (Sergeant, Company B & K, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment) Thomas J. Hudgens, August 29, 1842 - July 23, 1890; buried Batesville Church Cemetery, northeast of Clayton in Barbour County. the late Homer Jones [email protected]
HUGHES, J. J. (Private, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment)
HURST, Luke (Private, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment)
HUTTO, James A. (Private, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment) Killed at Seven Pines Virginia
HUTTO, Jasper N. (Private, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment)
JACKSON, Emil (Private, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment) Name appears on a large stone monument with more than 3,000 Pike County Confederate soldiers listed on what is known as the "Copper Plates"; sits on the square in downtown Troy Pike County Alabama
JACKSON, Henry W. (Private, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry), Surrendered at Appomattox, Ambulance Driver. Born April 18, 1841 - January 7, 1927; Married M. J., 1842-1902; buried Bethlehem Primitive Baptist Church Cemetery, north of Malvern, Geneva County, Alabama.
JACKSON, John F. (Private, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry) Surrendered at Appomattox, detached Divisional Provost Guard,
JACKSON, Irving (Private, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment) Killed at Seven Pines Virginia
KENNEDY, John M., (Officer, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry) (until reorganization)
KIRKLAND, Caleb C. (Private, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment) Caleb C. Kirkland was born April 02, 1833 in Henry County Alabama; died May 05, 1910 in Roeville Henry County Alabama; buried Roeville Fellowship Church Cemetery, Henry County Alabama; married 1st to Mary E. born July 06, 1858 in Alabama; died April 17, 1884 Roeville Henry County Alabama; buried buried Roeville Fellowship Church Cemetery, Henry County Alabama; married 2nd August 31, 1886 Henry County, Alabama Book D/Page 195 by Dan Gordon, J P to Mrs. Frances R. Kirkland.
KIRKLAND, E. J.. (Private, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment)
KIRKLAND, Irvin J. (1st Sergeant, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment)
KIRKLAND, Isaac (Private, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment)
KIRKLAND, John L. (Private, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment)
KIRKLAND, Martin V. (Drummer, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment) Martin V. Kirkland was born in Henry County Alabama the son of Winnefred "Winnie" Armstrong and Benjamin Kirkland.
KIRKLAND, Mathew W. (Private, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment)
KIRKLAND, Snowden S. (Private, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment) Snowden S. Kirkland was born November 23, 1835 in Dale County Alabama; died June 30, 1915 Dale County Alabama; buried Brackin-Kirkland Cemetery Henry County Alabama; the son of Sarah and Willis Kirkland; married December 31, 1856 to Ruthy Kirkland born October 05, 1842 in Henry County Alabama; died in Dale County Alabama; buried Brackin-Kirkland Cemetery, west of Newville, Henry County, Alabama; the daughter of Sarah and Benjamin ("Lame Ben/Hopping Ben"). Issue are: 1st) Celia Kirkland was born 1857 in Dale County Alabama; died on the way west. 2nd) Sarah Kirkland was born 1859 in Dale County Alabama. 3rd) Charles "Charley" Kirkland June 23, 1861 in Dale County Alabama. Spouse Unknown. 4th) "Adopted " Archibald P. Kirkland was born August 31, 1864 in Dale County Alabama; died November 23, 1943; married September 15, 1883 in Henry County Alabama to Georgia Ann McLean; 7 children. 5th) "Adopted " Olive Kirkland born June 23, 1866in Dale County Alabama; died November 23, 1943 Dale County Alabama; buried Blackwood Congregational Church Cemetery. 6th) Dora Ann Kirkland was born July 05, 1868 in Dale County Alabama; died about 1969. "Adopted " AndrewBell Kirkland was born September 25, 1870 in Dale County Alabama; died October 12, 1952. 7th) Lucy Bell Kirkland, b. September 25, 1873 in Dale County Alabama; died April 03, 1941 Married A. D. Brackin. 8th) Paten "Pate" W.Kirkland, b. February 09, 1875 in Dale County Alabama; died March 03, 1954. 8th) "Adopted " NellieRosanna Kirkland born July 03, 1877in Dale County Alabama; died August 31, 1959n Dale County Alabama. History of Henry County Alabama by Mrs. Marvin Scott;
KIRKLAND, William R., (Sergeant, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry) William R. Kirkland -Surrendered at Appomattox. Born August 31, 1838 - Died December 23, 1908; buried Hurricane United Methodist Church Cemetery, southwest of Hartford, Geneva County, Alabama. He married December 19, 1858 in Henry County, Alabama to Mary A. Elizabeth McMath She was born June 1840 in Sumter County, Georgia; died July 12, 1910, and was the daughter of Elizabeth Harbuck & Hachaliah McMath. Nancy Mann
LARIL, J. W. (Private Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment) Captured at Gettysburg, Arrived at Fort Delaware on July 4, 1963. Died of chronic diarrhea, October 26, 1863 and buried at Point Finn New Jersey.
*LIGHTFOOT, James Newell (Colonel, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment)
*LIGHTFOOT, Thomas Reese (Colonel Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment)
McMATH, George M. T. (Private, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment) George M. (or W. ) T. McMath - bc. 1833 in Jones or Sumter County Georgia, the son of Elizabeth Harbuck & Hachaliah McMath. He enlisted August 30, 1861 and was discharged November 6, 1861 in Union Mills, Virginia with chronic diarrhea. Paid $100 to return home. He reenlisted August 11, 1862 in the 60th Alabama Company E. and died April 26, 1865 at Fair Grounds Hospital, Petersburg, Virginia after being wounded and captured on April 3, 1865. He died from a gangrenous leg. NOTE: George seems to have one slip of paper (in Co A 6th AL) that refers to him as P. M. S. McMath. I have no idea why, but am fairly sure that no PMS McMath ever existed. Never Married and No Issue. Nancy Mann
McMATH, Henry W. J. (Private, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment) Henry W. J. McMath - was born 1837 in Sumter County, Georgia, the son of Elizabeth Harbuck & Hachaliah McMath. He enlisted August 30, 1861. He was killed at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania on July 3, 1863. Never Married and No Issue. Nancy Mann
MONCRIEF, Johnathan D., (Captain Company B, Alabama 6th Infantry Regiment) There is a new head stone in a cemetery near Alex City, Alabama for Capt. Johnathan D. Moncrief, Company B, Alabama 6th Infantry. David Moncrief
MOORE, Isaiah A (Private, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry)
MOORE, James M. (Private, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment)
MOORE, James M. (Private, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment)
MOORE, Mathew Tillman (Private, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment)
NEWMAN, George (Corporal, Company "B" 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment/ Lieutenant, Henry Mounted Rebels/ 1st Lieutenant, Company E, 6th Alabama Cavalry) was b. April 26, 1826 in Chesterfield County, South Carolina d. March 23, 1869 in Abbeville Henry County Alabama and buried City Cemetery, Abbeville, Henry County, Alabama the son of Nancy and John Newman. George married November 19, 1857 by Rev. H. L. Tiller to Sarah A. Lee b. June 21, 1842 in Alabama the daughter of Sarah A. Sloan and Needham Lee of near Louisville, Barbour County Alabama. Needham Lee was a very substantial landowner and farmer. George at the age of 18 years came to Alabama and settled in Abbeville, Henry County, Alabama Soon after arriving in the county he became a clerk in a store and a few years later he went into the mercantile business for himself. Still later he began farming. Family History has: At the outbreak of the Civil War, George Newman entered the military company known as the Henry Grays as First Lieutenant and served until the surrender. After the war was ended, he resumed his farming, which vocation, he followed until his death. His wife, Sarah Lee Newman, passed away July 30, 1921. George Newman carried two 50-cent pieces in his pocket all through the war and when he came home after the war he gave the two pieces of money to his wife and told her to always keep them and she would never be broke. She kept them and a short time before she passed away she told her daughter, Mrs. Mollie Martin, with whom she lived, to always keep the two coins. Mrs. Martin in turn gave them to her daughter, Eva Martin Carter and she still has them in her possession. She is planning to place them in the State Archives of History in memory of her grandfather, George Newman. Children: 1) Lenora Eveline Miss Nora Newman b. September 4, 1858 in Henry County Alabama d. November 12, 1932 in Abbeville Henry County Alabama and buried at Abbeville City Cemetery. Married on December 7, 1875 to John Bird Ward. - b. August 31 1853 - d. June 13, 1941 - (Son of John James Ward and Martha (Davis) Ward; gr. son of James and Malinda (Parish) Ward and of Joseph and Matilda (Wilcoxen) Ward all of Henry County, Alabama; 2) Mary Alabama Miss Mollie Newman b. March 18, 1861 d. September 13, 1929; married December 1885 to Henry Harrison Martin of Abbeville Henry County. Mary Alabama and Henry Martin were the parents of two children; 3) Robert Newman b. January 28, 1864 d. in Florida; Married March 1886 to Miss Emma E. Lee. To Robert Newman and his wife were born three girls and two boys; 4) Laura Newman b. July 19, 1866 d. February 3, 1942; married Tolbert L. Dowling of Louisville, Barbour County Alabama a native of Ozark, Alabama; 5) Georgia Newman b. February 3, 1869 d. July, 1870. Source: Family Bible of George Newman and Sarah A. Lee Newman, Owned by Mrs. Eva Martin Carter (Mrs. Frank) Abbeville, Alabama.
OATS, John A. (Private, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment) John Alva Oates (who usually spelt his last name without the 'e') was born 1836 in Pike County Alabama and died July 25, 1863 of blood poisoning from wounds received at Gettysburg at the battle for Little Round Top. He was one of a family of at least eight children born to William and Sarah Oates, the owners of a poor farmstead near Troy in Pike County, southeast Alabama. Their oldest son, William Calvin Oates, later Governor of the State of Alabama, was born in 1833, and John was his junior by about three years. Astonishingly, after such a wild early history, both brothers then proceeded to qualify as lawyers and became pillars of their community. By the outbreak of the Civil War in 1861, John was considered "a gentleman of fine habits and character", who was, according to William, "very bright and popular with all who knew him."(4) John was the first of the Oates boys to go to war. He enlisted on May 11, 1861, and five days later was mustered into service as a private in Company A (the "Henry Grays") of the 6th Alabama Infantry, signing up in Abbeville, Henry County, for twelve months. He was twenty-four, and described in the muster rolls as 5'9" tall, with what must have been a striking combination of black hair, black eyes, and fair skin.
John was with the 6th Alabama at the Battle of Manassas, Meanwhile, back in Henry County, William Oates was recruiting men for the "Henry Pioneers", which would become Company G of the 15th Alabama Infantry, a three-year regiment. It left Abbeville on July 27, 1861 with William as its Captain "by common consent", and went into camp a few miles from the 6th Alabama. A few months later, John managed to arrange a transfer to be with his brother, and he joined Company G of the 15th Alabama at the end of November 1861. John was still a private, but the following Spring he was elected to the position of Third (Junior Second) Lieutenant, when First Lieutenant Isaac T. Culver resigned, resulting in the promotion of the company officers below him. January 1, 1863, saw another change in Company G as First Lieutenant Cornelius V. Morris became regimental commissary, thereby raising Henry C. Brainard to First Lieutenant, and John Oates to Second Lieutenant. William Oates remained Captain throughout this period, until the beginning of May 1863, when he was promoted to command of the regiment (to date from April 28). Brainard was then the new Captain of Company G, John his First Lieutenant, and young Barnett H. Cody the Second Lieutenant. http://www.users.globalnet.co.uk/~pardos/JohnOates.html
ONEAL, Benjamin (Private, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment)
OSKER, A. (Private, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment)
OWENS, Andrew T. (Corporal, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment)
*OWENS, Eli Warren (Private, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment) Eli Warren Owens enlisted at Abbeville as a private in Captain Gordon company May 1, 1861. He died at Richmond Virginia of typhoid fever October 11, 1861 and is buried there. On March 4, 1862 a claim for Pay (he had been paid to June 30) was filled by George W. Williams attorney, but no settlement is recorded. Source: James N. Lightfoot Letters, Georgia Historical Quarterly - Vol. XXVI (1942)
PARAMORE, James R. (Private, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment) James Riley Paramore was born Tuesday January 6, 1830; died March 15, 1892; buried at Mt. Pleasant Church (also called Wiggins) Cemetery near the Dothan Airport, Houston County but in Dale County, He was one of three sons to serve in this company of Aga Killingsworth and John Paramore. James married January 1, 1859 in Henry County Alabama to Elizabeth Tate this may be a clue to another wife; Martin M. Parramore, 1880-1895, s/o J. R. and Oney; also there, a Cynthia Tate, 1822-1912.
PARAMORE, Martin A. (Private, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment) Martin Ambrose Paramore born Saturday November 7, 1840 one of three sons to serve in this company of Aga Killingsworth and John Paramore.
PARAMORE, Readin A. (Private, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment) Redding Alexander Paramore was born June 24, 1838 one of three sons to serve in this company of Aga Killingsworth and John Paramore. Redding married December 20, 1858 in Henry County Alabama to Nancy Grey
PARRISH, Jasper (Private, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment) (Henry County) Richardson and Catherine Phillips Parish of Dale County and later Henry County had a son named Richardson J. The only documentation I found today on microfilm (Ron Head pointed me in that direction by way of cousin Margie) showed Jasper Parish appears on a Register of Claims of deceased Officers and Soldiers from Alabama which were filed for settlement in the Office of the Confederate States Auditor for the War Department. The claim was presented by Richardson Parrish, on February 24, 1863. Richardson and Catherine were married in Jasper County, GA, and appear on the 1830 census for that county. I believe, I am safe in saying that Jasper of the 6th Alabama Infantry is Richardson J. Parish/Parrish. The Kenneth K. Parish is also the son of Richardson and Catherine Phillips Parish. Jeanette Crane
PARRISH, Kenneth P. (Private, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment) (Henry County) Son of Richardson and Catherine Phillips Parish of Dale County and later Henry County. Jeanette Crane
PEACOCK, Ansel (Private, Company B & K, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment) Ansel Ammesa Peacock was the brother of James A. Peacock of this company. Ansel was born in Pulaski County, Georgia on August 13, 1830. and died May 12, 1897 in Dublin, Erath County, Texas. They were the sons of Charlotte Brown and Allen Peacock. Ansel married Elizabeth Ann Jones on December 4, 1851 in Randolph County, Georgia. He moved to Henry County, Alabama by 1850 and to Dale County, Alabama before 1860. then on to Fannin County Texas by 1876 and finally to Erath County Texas shortly after 1880. His descendants are in central and west Texas and elsewhere. Ansel was a carpenter in the 6th Ala., Rhoades division, CSA. He enlisted in May of 1861 at Skipperville, Dale County, Alabama. He fought in all engagements of the Army of Northern Virginia from First Manassas until wounded and captured at Spotsylvania Courthouse on May 12, 1864. He was sent to Capitol Hospital for treatment of wounds and then on to Capitol Prison. In late July he was sent to Helmira and remained there until his release in the summer of 1865. He farmed until 1870 when he moved to Texas with many other folks from Dale County. Most of the information on Ansel was submitted by Micheal Peacock and Willie Butts in California; NARA Film Number M374 roll 35. Buried in Live Oak Cemetery,Dublin, Erath County, TX. See tombstone photo by Ken Jones
PEACOCK, E. (Private, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment) NARA Film Number M374 roll 35.
PEACOCK, James A. (Private, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment) James A. Peacock was the son of Charlotte Brown and Allen Peacock and brother to Ansel Peacock of this Company. Micheal Peacock and Willie Butts in California; NARA Film Number M374 roll 35.
PITTS, Erastus J. (Private, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment) He was born January 10, 1838 in Macon County Georgia. Mustered in roll date: 11th May, 1861 at Abbeville, Alabama. His service record indicates that is he was captured at Petersburg, Virginia. 2nd April, 1865 and released on 16th June, 1865 Described as having a fair complexion, 5 ft. 7 inches tall, light hair color, and blue eyes. Died: October 03, 1909 Holmes County Florida. Burial: Sandy Creek Baptist Church Cemetery in Holmes County Florida. Thomas R. McGowan [email protected]
PITTS, Raisin (Private, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment) Died September 26, 1862 and buried in Grave #44 at Mt. Olivet Cemetery in Frederick, Maryland,. Contributed by GEORGE MAROTT [email protected] (Note: not listed in any rosters, information from Headstone.)
POTTER, James S. (Private, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment)
POUND, William R. (Private, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment)
PRICE, Erving M (Captain, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment) (resigned, 21 Oct 62)
PRICE, William (Private, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment)
PULLIN, Anthony D. (Private, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment) Anthony D. Pullen was born near Haleburg Alabama b 1830 in Alabama the son of Roland Pullin b 1808 in Georgia. Sidney, wife, b 1813 in Georgia. m. Mary Arnold March 13, 1852 Siblings are: 1) Anthony D. Pullin ; . Company B, 6th Alabama Regiment. 2) Bryant Pullin b 1832 in Alabama. 3) Elizabeth Pullin b 1834 in Alabama. 4) Margaret Pullin b 1835 in Alabama. 5) Nancy Pullin b 1838 in Alabama. 6) M. D. Pullin b 1839 in Alabama; m Mary E. Ellis in Alabama. November 21, 1859. 7) William A. Pullin b 1840 in Alabama.; m Sarah Sophia Rich July 25, 1861, daughter of Joel Rich who m. Susan Barnes, April 7, 1844. 7) William A. Pullin, Company B, 6th Alabama Regiment. 8) Mary Pullin b 1842 in Alabama. 9) John Pullin b 1844 in Alabama. 10) Mahala Pullin b 1846 in Alabama. 11) Edward Pullin b 1848 in Alabama. History of Henry County by Mrs. Marvin Scott (1961)
PULLIN, William A. (Sergeant, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment) William A. Pullin was born near Haleburg Alabama the son of Roland Pullin b 1808 in Ga. Sidney, wife, b 1813 in Georgia. Siblings are: 1) Anthony D. Pullin b 1830 in Alabama.; m. Mary Arnold March 13, 1852. Company B, 6th Alabama Regiment. 2) Bryant Pullin b 1832 in Alabama. 3) Elizabeth Pullin b 1834 in Alabama. 4) Margaret Pullin b 1835 in Alabama. 5) Nancy Pullin b 1838 in Alabama. 6) M. D. Pullin b 1839 in Alabama; m Mary E. Ellis in Alabama. November 21, 1859. 7) William A. Pullin b 1840 in Alabama.; m Sarah Sophia Rich July 25, 1861, daughter of Joel Rich who m. Susan Barnes, April 7, 1844. 7) William A. Pullin, Company B, 6th Alabama Regiment. 8) Mary Pullin b 1842 in Alabama. 9) John Pullin b 1844 in Alabama. 10) Mahala Pullin b 1846 in Alabama. 11) Edward Pullin b 1848 in Alabama. History of Henry County by Mrs. Marvin Scott (1961)
RALEY, James: (Private, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment); Born1845 - Died 1908; Married Helen J., 1849-1908; buried Bethany Baptist Church Cemetery, north of Andalusia Covington County, Alabama. Source: Covington Rifles Sons of Confederate Veterans Camp #1586 Andalusia, Alabama
REGISTER, Brown (Private, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment)
REGISTER, Elias (Private, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment)
REGISTER, Elias D. (Private, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment)
REGISTER, Jackson (Private, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment) Died August 13, 1861 from disease and is buried near Manassas Junction. (Holmes Letters)
REYNOLDS, Henry H. (Private, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment)
RICHARDS, Wesley William (Private, Company B & K, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment) Surrender at Appomatox
ROBBINS, Richard (Private, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment)
ROBERTS, Joseph (Sergeant, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment)
ROGERS, Reubin (Private, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment)
ROWE, William L. (Officer, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry) (wounded, Winchester)
RUSSEL, J. H. (Private, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment)
SAUNDERS, Taliafero (Private, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment)
SHACKELFORD, Lloyd W. (Corporal, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment)
SIMS, John F. (Private, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment)
SMITH, Joseph (Private, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment)
SMITH, Thomas J. (Private, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment)
SPANN, George F. (Private, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment)
SPANN, John E. (Private, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment)
SPANN, Raiford M., (Private Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment)
ST. CLAIR, John H. (Private, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment)
STARLING, Alexander (Private, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment)
STARLING, Bennett (Private, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment) born 20 March 1841 in Abbeville, Henry County Alabama one of 16 children the son of Solomon Starling (1791-1874) and Susannah Strickland. His CSA record shows him as a private in the care of W. M. Jackson 6th Al No. dest. list. claim filed Jan 2, 1863. Killed at Seven Pines Virginia. Researchers: Deborah Byrd [email protected], Donna Ferris [email protected] and Jenny Ruth Starling [email protected]
STINNETT, Andrew J. (Private, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment)
STRICKLAND, John J. (Private, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment)
STRICKLAND, Reason (Private, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment)
STUART, William R. (Private, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment)
SYKES, Alexander (Private, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment)
TAYLOR, Charles W. (Private, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment)
TAYLOR, William H. (Private, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment)
TEAGUE, Elijah W. (2nd Lieutenant, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment)
TEAGUE, Latinus L. (Private, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment)
THAMES, John J. (Private, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment) John James Thames was born on September 17, 1834 in Talbotton, Talbot County, Georgia to Thomas John Thames from North Carolina and Levinia "Viney" Aaron from Randolph County, Georgia. He married Nancy Ann Peacock of Pulaski County, Georgia in Randolph County, Georgia on December 18, 1853. He and Nancy had two daughters, Amanda and Theodosia, in Georgia before moving to Dale County, Alabama in 1859 where several of his Thames and his wife's Peacock kin had already moved. He is the brother-in-law to Ansel and James A. Peacock. Double brother-in-law to James who married his sister Mary Ann Thames.
On March 4,1862 John and Nancy's daughter, Levinia, was born. The next day John enlisted in the Sixth Alabama Infantry, Company B, at Abbeville, Alabama. He changed his mind about going with the Sixth Regiment and instead joined as a Private for three years or the war on March 8, 1962 along with Nancy's brother, James A. Peacock, (who was married to John's sister, Mary Jane Thames), into the 33rd Alabama Infantry Regiment Company "G" , "The Daleville Blues", which was being formed at Daleville, Dale County, Alabama near their home. John later said, in the 1907 Covington County, Alabama census, that he didn't leave with the regiment until March 15, 1862. He was 27 years old.
After the fighting at Perryville, Kentucky Company "G" was occupying the second boxcar on the train south of Cleveland, Tennessee when it derailed. Many of soldiers were riding on top of the boxcars as was usual and that may have contributed to the numbers killed in the wreck. In this wreck John James Thames received a leg broken in two places near the hip. Possibly John was riding on the top of the boxcar. He was with the 67 soldiers taken to the hospital in Cleveland where he remained until Christmas eve of 1862 when he was furloughed to Daleville by order of the hospital surgeon to recover. He never fully recovered and walked with crutches the rest of his life. He was kept on the roles until his discharge at Eufaula, Alabama. He later drew a pension for his war service.
John's family were owners of a lot of land in the southern part of Alabama and northern Florida. He had purchased land from the U.S. Land office as early as 1860 and he added to it after the end of the war. He and Nancy had a son, John Alexander Thames , in 1863, Thomas Jefferson Thames , in 1866, Lincy Ann Dancy Dan Thames, in 1868, Timpay Thames in 1872, Susan Ann Missouri Thames, in 1874, and William Allin Thames, in 1879.
His wife, Nancy, died in 1898 and John moved to Covington County, Alabama and remarried in 1899 to Arlinoche Coroxton. He then moved to Laurel Hill, Florida and lived there until he became feeble in 1922 when he moved to Samson, Geneva County, Alabama with his grandson. He died there on January 25, 1923 at the age of 89 years. He is buried south of New Brockton, Coffee County, Alabama at Bethany Baptist Church where he was one of the first deacons and representatives to the regional Baptist conference. And the church that his father, Reverend Thomas John Thames began in 1884 and pastored until his death in 1893. Most of the folks buried in that large cemetery are related to him. Willie W. Butts in California [email protected] Mildred Stinson Brown; http://freepages.military.rootsweb.com/~alavols33rd/
*THURMAN, William P. (Sergeant, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment) William P. Thurman enlisted at Abbeville as a private in Captain Gordons company May 11, 1861, and was appointed sergeant by Colonel John J. Seibels August 20, 1501. See note 34. post. Source: James N. Lightfoot Letters, Georgia Historical Quarterly - Vol. XXVI (1942)
TIGNER, Wesley F. (Ordinance Sergeant, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment)
TILLER, Hartwell F. (Fifer, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment)
TILLER, William H. (Private, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment)
TOTTER, James S. (Private, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment)
TRAWICK, Francis D. N. (Private, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry) Francis D. N. Trawick one of three Trawick brothers to sever with the 6th Alabama Infantry was born 1837 the son of Nancy Galloway (b. 1811 South Carolina) and George Nelson Trawick (b. 1812 South Carolina). Surrendered at Appomattox. History of Henry County Alabama Jeffery Palmer [email protected]
TRAWICK, George J. (Private, Company A & B 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment) George N. Trawick Jr. one of three Trawick brothers to sever with the 6th Alabama Infantry was born 1833 the son of Nancy Galloway (b. 1811 South Carolina) and George Nelson Trawick (b. 1812 South Carolina). History of Henry County Alabama Jeffery Palmer [email protected]
TRAWICK, Thomas A. (Private, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment) Thomas A. Trawick one of three Trawick brothers to sever with the 6th Alabama Infantry was b February 2, 1844 son of Nancy Galloway (b. 1811 South Carolina) and George Nelson Trawick (b. 1812 South Carolina). Thomas A. Trawick of Abbeville, Alabama married Caroline V. Kirkland b May 19, 1844 at her father Isaac Kirklands the first merchant (1837) in Abbeville, Alabama on the Thursday 15th day of February 1866. In presence of A. B. Skipper; A. A. Kirkland. Signed: A. H. Hutto, J. P. Children are: 1) Daniel Gordon Trawick was b April 28, 1868 m Modie. 2) Lula Lee Trawick was b May 1, 1871 m Zachariah William Laney, Jr. b August 15, 1871, son of Z. W. Laney, Sr. and Ann B. Culver. 3) George Alexander Trawick was b December 5, 1873 m. Kate Ross of Macon, Ga. 4) William Addis Trawick was b June 9, 1878. John Thomas Trawick was b February 7, 1880 m. unknown. Thomas was wounded 5 times. After the war, he held the office of Deputy Sheriff and Circuit Clerk of Henry County. He was a member of the Baptist Church, the Masonic Fraternity and as all Henry Countians a good Democrat. History of Henry County Alabama. Jeffery Palmer [email protected]
TRUELUCK, D. M. (Private, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment)
URQUHART, Benjamin F. (Private, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment)
URRIL, --- (Private, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment)
*VANN, Samuel R. (Private, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment) Samuel R. Vann was another of the original company A, raised by Captain Gordon, in and around Abbeville. He was sick in Richmond Virginia in October 1861. A register of payment shows that he was discharged April 5, 1862. when he signed a receipt for his payment from, January 1 to April 4, 1862, $34.46, plus 66 cents travel allowance. Source: James N. Lightfoot Letters, Georgia Historical Quarterly - Vol. XXVI (1942)
WALKER, William A. (Private, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment)
WARD, Edward J. (Private, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment) Edward J. Ward born 1806 son of Jackson J. Ward married Eliza Jane Oates on February 3, 1841. No Children. He died 8 May 1862 in Richmond, Virginia. Siblings are: John J. Ward; Mary A. Ward married Ephriam Oates; Amelia Ward married James Galloway, lives in Texas; Eliza A. Ward married Wesley Peebles and William J. Ward. Will of Ward, E. J., History of Henry County Alabama.
WATFORD, Barney B. (Private, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment) Listed as B. B. Wadford National Archive Microfilm Box 000374, Roll 0046, Record 00001655
WATFORD, James A. (Private, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment) Believed to be James Alex Watford born in Henry County Alabama the son of Maude Stinson 2nd wife of John William Watford. James married Eloise Money Davis. She had one child by her first husband Mary Angeline Davis. Henry's Heritage Vol 1 page 263 - Listed as J. A. Wadford National Archive Microfilm Box 000374, Roll 0046, Record 00001658
WATSON, James A. (Private, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment)
WATSON, S. (Private in Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment) Buried Lynchburg Virginia, Old City Cemetery Confederate Section
WEEMS, Francis Marion (Private, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment) Francis was born in 1835 and died May 20, 1874 at Weems Cross Roads Henry County Alabama and buried May 21, 1874 at Clopton Dale County Alabama (Behind the Methodist Church). He was wounded at Sharpsburg Maryland and the bullet was never found to be removed. After the war he married Frances Franklin Lingo (1844-1918) on July 15, 1867 in Henry County to the daughter of Richard Taliaferro Lingo . They had 4 children: 1) Dr. William "Bill" Moses Weems (1868-1943) m. Alice Hawley in Lawrenceville Henry County Alabama on December 10, 1896; 2) Lena Weems m. William "Pig" Haynes; 2) John "Dump" Weems m. Ellen Johns; 4) Thomas Marion Weems (1873-1943) m. Martha V. Freeman (twin 1876-1920) "The Henry County Register" May 22, 1874, More than ten years ago at the battle of Sharpsburg, Mr. F. M. Weems of this county was wounded by a minnie ball striking him near the hip and ranging around lodging somewhere in the small of the back. Numerous attempts have been made to find the ball, all of which have proven unsuccessful. For all these years, Mr. Weems has been more or less a sufferer from this wound, sometimes comparatively and then again confined to his bed. Of late, he has suffered a great deal, and now he is said to be at the point of death, not expected to live longer than a day or two a the the fartherest. Mr. Weems is a married man and the father of three children, marrying since wounded. P. S. Since writing the above, we have seen Rev. Gollard who is just from the bedside of Mr. Weems and he tells us that when he left Thursday morning Mr. Weems was dying. In all probability, the unfortunate man has breath his last ere this. "The Henry County Register" May 29, 1874, F. M. Weems to whom reference was made last week died Thursday evening and buried next day at Clopton. Rev Gollard preached his funeral. Henry's Heritage, Vol II, 1980
WHITE, John (Private, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry) Surrendered at Appomattox,
WHITEHEAD, Alfred, (Corporal, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry) Surrendered at Appomattox.
WHITEHEAD, W. (Private, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment)
WILEY, Thomas W. (Private, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment) Name appears on a large stone monument with more than 3,000 Pike County Confederate soldiers listed on what is known as the "Copper Plates"; sits on the square in downtown Troy Pike County Alabama.
WILLCOXON, Sidney A. (Captain, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment)
WILLIAMS, Eli G. (Private, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment)
WILLIAMS, John J. (Private, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment)
WILLIAMS, John R. (Private, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment)
WILLIAMS, M. J. (Private, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment)
WINDHAM, Elias (Private, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment)
WINDHAM, Ezekiel R. (Private, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment) John Krotec
WINDSOR, Jefferson L. (Private, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment)
WINDSOR, William A. (Private, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment)
WINSON, Ellison (Private, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment)
WINSON, W. (Private, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment)
WINTERS, Lee W. (Private, Company B, D, E 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment)
WOOD, Alexander D. (Private, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment)
WOOD, George W. (Private, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment)
WOOTEN, James V. (Private, Company B, 6th Alabama Infantry Regiment)
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Last Updated: Monday, 10-Sep-2018 18:20:16 MDT