Kentucky "Orphan" Brigade 
Orphan Brigade Photo Gallery, Part
This page presents unpublished or less
commonly seen images of Orphan Brigade soldiers and veterans, with an emphasis on the
enlisted men of the Brigade. For other images of Orphan Brigade soldiers, see
Thompson's "History of the Orphan Brigade."
We greatly appreciate the generosity of
those who have given permission for images from their collections to be reproduced here.
If you have an image of an Orphan Brigade member that you would like to share,
please contact the page authors:
Geoff Walden -- enfield577 (at)
Laura Cook -- lcook62
4th Kentucky
Note: Not all of these are in
alphabetical order, so check the whole page or do a text search for a specific




Capt. Joseph C. Bethel
Co. A, 4th Ky. Inf.
G. R. Walden collection
(courtesy Robert Cull) |
Rev. Emmeran C.
Acting Chaplain, 4th Ky. Inf.
Killed at Jonesboro
Copyright Saint Vincent Archabbey
Archives; used by permission. |
Pvt. John R.
Co. E, 4th Ky. Inf.
Killed at Baton Rouge
(Spec. Colls., Univ. of Ky.) |
Capt. Wm. Peter Bramblette
Co. H, 4th Ky. Inf. *
Killed at Murfreesboro |




Col. Joseph P. Nuckols
Commanding, 4th Ky. Inf.
(Barren Co. History Book) |
Sgt. Henry W.
Co. I, 4th Ky. Inf.
(private collection) |
Sgt. Augustine Roberts
Co. D, 4th Ky. Inf.
(G. R. Walden collection) |
Capt. Willis
Co. D, 4th Ky. Inf.
Killed at Murfreesboro
(G. R. Walden collection) |




Thomas Simond Lambert
Co. C, 4th Ky. Inf.
(courtesy Patti McHugh Schuchardt, via Harrell Lambert) |
Daniel Lunksford Smith
Co F, 4th Ky. Inf.
(courtesy Marsha Smith-Hamilton, via Steve Menefee) |
Harley Thomas Smith
Co. F, 4th Ky. Inf.
(courtesy Johnny Dodd)
Alexander Thompson
Co. F, 4th Ky. Inf.
(courtesy Garnett Thompson, via Steve Walton) |
Pvt. Marcellus
Jerome Clarke
Co. B, 4th Ky. Inf.
Executed in 1865 as guerrilla
"Sue Mundy"
(courtesy Octagon Hall Museum) |
Capt. Hugh
Co. H, 4th Ky. Inf.
(collection of Hopewell Museum,
Paris, KY; courtesy Sam Flora) |
Pvt. Thomas
L. Kelly
Co. F, 4th Ky. Inf.
(courtesy Dave Hoffman) |
James Thomas Guilliam
Co. I, 4th Ky. Inf.
Orphan Brigade Sharpshooters
(courtesy Rhonda Guilliam and Robert Ruff) |




Capt. Griffin
P. Theobald
A.Q.M., 4th Ky. Inf.
(courtesy Ed O'Rear) |
Sgt. Alfred Thomas
Co. G, 4th Ky. Inf.
(courtesy Edison Thomas) |
Pvt. Benjamin F. Thompson
Co. I, 4th Ky. Inf.
(courtesy Harold Rarden) |
Capt. John
Henry Weller
Co. D, 4th Ky. Inf.
("Orphan Brigade") |




Lt. Lot D.
Co. H, 4th Ky. Inf.
(Lex. Herald, 1922) |
Lt. Lot D.
(in old age)
(Orphan Brigade Kinfolk Assn.) |
James Nelson (left) and Pvt. James Gaither Bryant (right)
Co. F, 4th Ky. Inf.
(G.R. Walden collection, courtesy Judy Jones) |
William K. Hawkins
Co. E, 4th Ky. Inf.
Killed at Chickamauga
(courtesy Chris Propes, Waveland State
Historic Site) |
* NOTE: These images were
taken from the 1895 Membership Annual of the Confederate Veteran Assn. of Kentucky (5th
Edition, Lexington). In the great majority of cases, the images in this book have
been altered from originals by having uniforms drawn onto them ... they
normally do not show original uniforms. The exceptions to this may be the images of
James H. Gregory and Richard Worsham, 2nd Kentucky Infantry, and J. W. Ellington, 5th
Kentucky Infantry. (The image of Capt. William Peter Bramlette, 4th Ky. Inf., is
apparently a pre-war image, showing either a Regular Army (Mexican War) or militia

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This page was last updated on: January 01, 2013