This page has a variety of links to various cemetery transcriptions by volunteers who have donated the information they have collected in Buchanan County Cemeteries. Below you will find a listing of the cemeteries and the links to the Find-A-Grave website for the particular cemetery.
Be sure to check back often on the Find-A-Grave site as people add many photos and interments every day.
Links to Cemetery Transcriptions by volunteers:
- Cemeteries in St. Joseph in 1910
- Cemeteries in Buchanan County today - there are links from the table on this page that will take you to transcriptions for some cemeteries.
Links to Cemetery Transcriptions by volunteers who have requested that the transcriptions they have done be listed on this site:
- Brumley Family Cemetery located on the Brumley homestead, Buchanan Co, MO, Township 55N, Range 36W, SE 1/4 of Section 21[contributed by Patty Delmott]
- Gabbert Cemetery on Michael Gabbert 's homestead in Buchanan County, Township 55N, Range 35W, Section 13 [contributed by Amberlee Moore] Jones Cemetery Buchanan Co., MO, Township 55N, Range 36W, SW corner of section 22 [contributed by Patty Delmott]
- Kerlin Cemetery [contributed by Calvin Funk]
- King Hill Cemetery- trying to gather listings of burials in King Hill.
- Mt. Mora Cemetery - [contributed by Barbara Turner]
- Mt. Mora Cemetery - [contributed by Linda Lewis]
- Pleasant Ridge Cemetery - [contributed by Amberlee Moore]
- Register Cemetery - [contributed by Amberlee Moore]
- Sugar Creek Cemetery Buchanan Co., MO [contributed by Patty Delmott]
- Sugar Creek Cemetery Buchanan Co., MO [contributed by Debby Moulden-Frerichs]
- Unknown Cemetery Buchanan Co., MO, Township 55N, Range 36W, on the border of Sections 33 and 34 [contributed by Patty Delmott]
Links to Cemetery Listings at the Find-A-Grave Website:
- Adath Joseph
- Agency
- Allen
- Antioch
- Armstrong
- Ashland
- Bagby
- Bermond
- Bethel
- Blakely
- B Nai Sholem
- B Nai Yaakov
- Bowen
- Bretz
- Brinton
- Brown
- Brumley
- Bryan
- Buechles
- Callahan
Calvary - no listings on Find-A-Grave; this cemetery was moved for construction
- Camp Ground
- Cash
- City - also known as Sunbridge
- Clouser
- Cobb
- Compton - same as Buechles
- Corby Chapel
- Cox Family
- Davis(East)
- Davis (West)
- Deakins
- DeKalb
- DeSpain
- Dicksen
- Dobler
- Dunlap
- Ebenezer
- Elder
Elliott - no listings on Find-A-Grave
- Ellison
- Everett
- Faucett
- Felix
- Feuquay
- Finney
Frame - no listings on Find-A-Grave
- Frazier
- Freeman
Fuqua - no listings on Find-A-Grave
- Gabbert - same as Callahan
- Gore
- Grable
- Greenard
- Halleck
- Hebron
- Hickman
- Hockaday - same as DeSpain
- Hudspeth
- James - also known as Moxley
- Jones Daniel E Cemetery
- Jones Peter A Cemetery
- Judy
- Karns
- Kerlin
- Kessler
- King Hill Cemetery
- Liliger
- Magget
- Marks
- Martin
- Maxwell
- Memorial Park
- Mt. Auburn Cemetery
- Mt. Mora Cemetery
- Mt. Moriah
- Mt. Olivet
- Mt. Pleasant
- Moxley
- Nelson
- New Harmony
- New King Hill
- Oak Lawn
- Odd Fellows
- One Oh Two Cemetery(102)
- Pleasant Ridge
- Sparta
- Sunbridge
- State Hospital
- St. Joseph's (Easton)
- Saint Marys Cemetery
- San Antonio Cemetery
- Seever Cemetery
- Shaare Sholem Cemetery
- Sugar Creek Cemetery
- Tobin Cemetery
- Turner Cemetery
- Union Cemetery
Andrew County
Green Cemetery - Just 2 miles north of Buchanan County Line. Note many people who are buried in this cemetery lived in north St. Joseph according to Census Records.
Rootsweb Missouri Archives - Cemetery transcriptions