1907 Schools
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Strong Faculty Selected for Paintsville’s
Fine Graded Free School

School Opens Sept. 16

Submitted by Walter Preston

The Board of Education Paintsville Graded Free School met Friday and selected a faculty for the coming year.

Prof. George W. Peck was chosen principal, with Frank Stambaugh, Mrs. G. V. Daniel and Miss Anna Campbell as assistants.

Prof. Peck, the principal, is from Sybil, Alabama. He is and Indian by birth. His work as a teacher has been mostly in Kentucky. He is thirty-three years old with fourteen years experience as a teacher, during which time he has been at the head of two graded schools and an academy. He comes strongly recommended by J. C. Willis and others. He is married.

Prof. Frank Stambaugh, the assistant principal, is a Johnson County boy and a young man of splendid habits. He is an experienced teacher.

Mrs. G. V. Daniel will have charge of the intermediate department. She is one of the best teachers in this section and was a teacher for two terms in our school. She gave the greatest satisfaction.

Miss Anna Campbell, who will have charge of the primary department, resides at Ashland. She has taken special training for the primary work and has been employed in that work in the Ashland High School under Prof. J. G. Crabbe.

Our school will open Monday, September 16. The strong faculty that has been chosen is a guarantee of a successful school term and we hope the parents will join in the effort to make this the most successful term in the history of our school.


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