Contributed Family Trees with Crawford County Connections
These family trees are all user-contributed information. If you would like to have your tree added, we'd prefer you send us a single word processor file (e.g., PDF, Microsoft Word) or a 'gedcom' directory of files produced by a genealogy computer program, but we can also handle other file formats and maybe even hardcopy documents. In order to post it here, the file(s) must be your own work and not a copy from elsewhere. Please contact the Historical Society at the e-mail address [email protected] for further information. If you know the author of any of these unattributed works, please contact us!
Descendents of | Born | Died | Individuals | Surnames |
Allison, Joseph | 2480 | 509 | ||
Darnold, Clement | 1808 | 1872 | 265 | 71 |
Ford, Sr., Warner | 1750 | 1835 | 8790 | 1496 |
Garrard, William | 1760 | 1120 | 301 | |
Goff, John | 1776 | 1840 | 1731 | 421 |
Heath, Asahel | 1782 | 1838 | 1086 | 303 |
Highsmith, Daniel
This work was begun by Mrs. Annette Highsmith and completed by Chris H Bailey. This uploaded family tree contains material from his 1971 book "Highsmiths In America." |
1737 | 1807 | 7373 | 1306 |
Lindsay, Anthony | 1736 | 1807 | 1671 | 393 |
Love, William S. | 1815 | 1892 | 334 | 103 |
Mickey, James
Completely redone by Chris H Bailey and published in 2016 as part of his larger work, "Scots-Irish Mickeys in America, 1718-2016." |
ca 1788 | 1841 | ||
Midgett, George | 1766 | 1846 | 665 | 202 |
Montgomery, Wiley | 1824 | 1904 | 378 | 99 |
Newlin, John | 1752 | 1834 | 3722 | 824 |
Nuttall, Elijah | 1735 | 1803 | 2354 | 606 |
Parker, James | 1752 | 1835 | 5691 | 1135 |
Pinkstaff, Andrew | 1743 | 1842 | 4733 | 1009 |
Rich, Isaiah | 1737 | 1820 | 442 | |
Seaney, Owen | 1745 | 881 | 236 | |
Sechrest, George Frederick | 728 | 205 | ||
Strange, George Washington | 1779 | 1854 | 275 | 76 |
Terrell, Robert | 1730 | 1800 | 1738 | 432 |
Wampler, Jr., George | 1166 | 281 | ||
Weger, Abraham | 1789 | 2564 | 608 |