Old Hutsonville High School |
 View #1 of New Addition to Hutsonville High School |
 View #2 of New Addition to Hutsonville High School |
 Kirk School group photo of March 7, 1898. B.L. Strohl, Teacher. (Click image to enlarge.) |
 Lincoln Elementary School |
 New Hebron Christian School |
 Nuttall Middle School |
 Oblong High School |
 Oblong High School, graduating class of 1960's 30th reunion. |
 New Palestine Elementary School. (Click image to enlarge.) |
 Old Palestine High School. This building is now destroyed, and the new elementary school has been erected on that site. High School students now take classes in the former elementary school on Main Street. |
 Palestine High School 1893 diploma of Edgar Swain. (Click image to enlarge.) |
 Old Robinson High School, now destroyed. |
 Inscription reads; "Robinson vs. Georgetown football game at Robinson, IL, Armistice Day, 1922" (i.e., November 11th, subsequently known as Veterans Day). Do you know the outcome of this game, or any of the players or attendees? There seems to be a hot air baloon being filled at the back edge of the parking lot on the right, attracting a considerable crowd, and a VIP viewing stand on the right sideline. (Click image to enlarge.) |
 New Robinson High School |
 Washington Elementary School |
 Flat Rock High School senior composite 1924, reprinted in the Robinson Argus (date unknown). Students: Irma Hathway, Nellie Ridgeway, Freda Ross, Henry Wessner, Hazel Duncan, Helen Gayle Duncan, Ray Geger, Theodore Taylor, Johnnie S Dale, Xury Brandon, Wilbur Secrest, Everett Leo Baker, Wayne McMorris, Clarence Powell, Gilbert Parker. (Click image to enlarge.) |
 Flat Rock High School graduating class photo of 1929, reprinted in the Robinson Argus (date unknown). Students and faculty: Louise Seitzinger Norton, Dorsey Wesley, Mildred Wagoner Pinkstaff, Hugh Montgomery, Evelyn Norton Loy, Hugh Duncan, Bertha Fisher, Carl Highsmith, Albert Willis, Rosalee Hathaway, Lemuel Montgomery, Cecil Kendall, Robert Rich, Mae Lindsay, Chester Rich, ?? Vaught, La Rue Highsmith, Miss Petty, Clara Spratt Mullins. (Click image to enlarge.) |
 Castle School, Flat Rock. 1928 class photo with teacher Savilla Rosborough, reprinted in the Robinson Argus, January 31, ????. Students: Ellis Noel Rich, Jesse W Martin, Coyne McClure, Mildred Walters, Welcome Martin, Vera Ford, Albe??? Taylor, Laura May Rich, Ira Goff, Jack Walters, small boy visiting school, Harold Barrett, Dorothy Cline, Audrey Ford, Dorothy Dun??, Marie Emmons, Dwight McClure, Charles Chambers, Jack Chambers, Annabelle Taylor, Beulah Conover, Irene Goff, Helen Dunlap, Joy Barrett, Maxine Kimm??, Vernon E Martin, Norman Goff, James Rich, Carl Rich, Valmore Parker, Don Parker, Helen Barre??, Margaret Goff. |
 Mann School. 1942 class photo with teacher Bessie Harper, reprinted in the Robinson Argus (date unknown). Students: Elsie McIntosh, Bernice McIntosh, Naomi McCarter, Norman Dunlap, Jacquelyn Garrard, Keith Inboden, Joan Inboden, Larry Surrells, Kenneth Inboden, Opal Dunlap, Kenneth McCarter, Naomi Garrard, Andrew McIntosh, harriet Borland, Richard Inboden, John McCarter, Mary Alice Thomas, Lawrence McIntosh, Wanda Parrott, Charles Garrard, Howard Cummins, Norella Dunlap, Larene Mann, Roy Surrells, George McCarter, Ralph Parrott, Richard Mann, Edith White. (Click image to enlarge.) |
 Brown School, District 34. November 1917 class photo with teacher Eli Seitzinger, reprinted in the Robinson Argus (date unknown). Students: Harry Garrard, Teddy Purcell, Robert Love, Faye Nuttall, Nelson Baud, Ted Goodwin, ?? Maxwell, Floyd Harris, Ray Nuttal, Chester Reynolds, Richard Hemphill, Mary Mooney, Harold Maxwell, Nolan Baud, Arch Nuttal, Earl Butcher, Keith Mooney, Glen Nuttall, Ruth Vernia, Albert Baud, Chester Purcell, Louis Baud, Goldie Harris, Goldie Crozier, Esther Garrard, William Vernia, Clarence Butcher, Mary Reynolds. (Click image to enlarge.) |
 Trimble School. (Click image to enlarge.) |
 Stoy Grade School graduating class of 1922. |
 South Union School, 1926 class photo with teacher W Weger Allison, reprinted in the Robinson Argus (date unknown). Students: Ray Ford, Clella Kamplain, Bernice Wesley, Lawrence Midgett, Wilma Brush, Gilbert Parker, Laura Midgett, James (Junior) Love Jr., Gale Parker, Lorene Rich, Joe Ford, George Kamplain, sarah Cawood, Nora Wagoner, Gale Wesley, Paul Wesley, L Edmond "Eddie" Wagoner, Floy Cawood, Eva Akens, Martha Wesley, Belva Cawood, Cleo Cawood, Mable Kamplain, Wilbur Wesley. |
 South Union School, 1933-34. First row (bottom): John F Midgett, Kenneth Maxwell, Ted Waggoner, Don Waggoner, Gaylord Maxwell, Gene Ray Parker, Harry Rich, Loy (Allen) Rich, Bill Ford, Donnie Maxwell, Forrest Butcher, Burl Rich, Devoe Wesley. Second row: Laura Midgett, Elsie Rich, Muriel Eaken, Martha Marion Hunt, Betty Rich, Ruby Kamplain, Rosemary Stant, Wanda Grace Eaken, Mary Wesley, Rosella Kamplain, Zelda Ferguson, Nina Kamplain, Clella Kamplain, Georgia Wesley (teacher). Third row: James (Junior) Love, George Kamplain, John Ferguson, Gilbert Parker, Ray Ford, John Bradberry, Randall Wesley, Lemoyne Rich, Lawrence Midgett, Emmett Eagle. |
 Burner School, James Athey's class, circa 1909. Top row, left to right, Howard Welton, Clem Stewart, Elza Welton, Ed Stewart, Clint Downey, Roy Hall. Fourth row, Mable Thompson Brashear, Paul Holmes, Roy Holmes, Vernon Wilson, Clara Holmes Williamson. James Athey teacher, is standing at left, behind third row. He taught two winter terms at Burner, then was County School Superintendent, after that a cashier at Crawford County State Bank from 1920s until 1933, when he died unexpectedly. Third row, Earl Hall, Everett Stewart, Edith Welton, Helen Radebaugh, Minnie Granby, Opal Callon, Ola Lionberger Burcham, Ralph Daugherty, Fred Daugherty. Fourth row down, Roy Mills, Kenneth Price, Clara Wilson, Stella Holmes, Ada Downey, Nola Hall Banning, Ollie Mills, Jetta Radebaugh Rooney, Lena Holmes, Adrian Stewart. Bottom row, Claud Mills, George Athey (Mr. Athey’s son), Glen Stewart, Ray Downey, Loren Thompson, Ellis or Bill Radebaugh, Ray Mills (Roy’s twin), Clint Lionberger, Samuel Wilkin, Virgil Downey and Frank Hall. (Click image to enlarge.) |