FreeFind Search Engine Code

Many of our genealogy websites use the FreeFind Search Engine. The offer both a free and a paid version. This tutorial uses the Free version as does this site.

IMPORTANT UPDATE: As of August 2012, the code generated for the FreeFind search box will validate if you are using the HTML doctype. If you are using the XHTML doctype, you will need to make each of the lines of code self closing. I would also move the generated styling to the external style sheet if you are losing one.

Screenshot of FreeFind Code as of August 2012.

If you are using one of the older versions of the code, you can either sign on to your account and get the newer code or use the tutorial below to "fix" your code.

Many of us use FreeFind as the search engine for our FreePages site. The code as given by FreeFind is shown below. (Larger image) Try and validate it - 25 errors with an XHTML Transitional doctype.

Screenshot of FreeFind Dearch Engine code.

Validating the FreeFind Search Engine Code

Step 1: Change all CAPS to lowercase letters.

Step 2: Add the closing / to the ending tags.

Step 3: Move the font styling to an external style sheet. You can even fancy it up a little bit by adding this to your style sheet.

.search {

input {
border-color: #663300;
border-style: ridge;
width: 100px;
margin: 1px 1px 1px 1px;
background-color: #006699;

Customizing the results page

You can use the generic search results page on FreeFind or you can create a custom Search Results page as I have done for the Addison County Vermont GenWeb.

To use a custom template for the search results page, choose the template you want. If you are using a dwt (dynamic web template) you can still use the "look" but you will need to detach it as the link references will all need to be changed to absolute (full url).

Step 1: Change ALL references to absolute which means you use the full url including the image files.

Step 2: Where the content is normally placed, add ::content::

Finished page that will be uploaded.

Step 3: Upload the file to the FreeFind server per their instructions. Preview the page and FF will check for any missed relative references to links including the style sheet if you use one. Go back to your site and try out your "new results page look."