County of Ponoka GenWeb Project: Wooddale School District
The History
The Teachers (Public)
The Teachers (High School) The School Board Trustees (1903 - 1913)
School Building Picture School District Map
District Quick Facts

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The History of the Wooddale School District #3368
An application was made to establish a new district, and in 1916 the Hohn School District #3368, was formed. Later, in 1919, the Community applied to have the name changed and the School District became known as Wooddale. It has been suggested the name of Wooddale was chosen because of the location being heavily wooded, and a 'dale-like' lay of the surrounding area.
After postponing the building of the school for several years, one was finally constructed in 1920 by E.J. Da-vidson of Calgary. The total cost was $2,150 and the building was erected on a two acre plot, located on the NE corner of Section 23-42-2-WSth meridian, which had been purchased from Mary Jane Reed for the sum of $50.
The Teachers
The Students in October, 1921
Trustees from 1914 - 1939
Louise Stuart Mary Stuart  
Miss Esta Leila Stuart 1920 - 1930 Carl Stuart Grace Stuart  
Miss Beulah Irwin 1930 - 1932 Esta Stuart Florence Stuart  
Miss Florence Berneice Aunger 1932- 1937 Bobby Stuart Margaret Stuart
Miss Claudia Ada Barker 1937 - 1939 William Stuart Burke Ells
Miss Dorothy Meredith 1939 - 1941 Vivian Ells Viola Ells
Mr. Jack Manson 1941 - 1945 Blanche Brooks Marion Brooks
Miss Louise Green 1945 - 1949 Everett Goings Edith Goings
Miss Charlotte I. Simon 1949-1950 John Goings Agnes Bowen
Bill Adams Buster Adams
Lilliam Aunger Berneice Aunger
Edna Crooks Jean Hayden

Wooddale School (circa 1921)
This photo courtesy of "Over the Years: A History of the Rimbey Area"

Wooddale School District #3368 Map
Map of Wooddale School District
To see full size readable version of this map, click here

District Quick Facts
District/School Nbr:
First school year:
Original name:
First teacher(s):
Date established:


Last school year:
Name changes:


Last teacher:


Later Bldg Usage:
Additional Information:
School tax info:

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