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nothing at this time that resembled relief, family allowance or free hospitalization and it seemed everybody’s business to relieve you of your money, for fear you might waste it on booze. My wife’s condition did not improve, after she had been bedfast for a week or more, the doctor ordered her to the hospital for an operation for appendicitis. I asked him if there were any chance she would survive the operation. He said he had operated on ninety-seven patients and never lost one. A few hours after the operation, my wife died. THE END.
COMMENT: It seems that this was indeed an appropriate place to end this story although I know the writer intended to add a good deal more. However it was only a few weeks after this much was done that he fell ill very suddenly and died almost before we realized that he was ill. NOTICE: A most unique description of a courtship and marriage. At first may strike the reader as odd… But when the whole character of the writer is assessed, we see that this was absolutely the highest form of comparison he was capable of drawing, and was, in no way uncomplimentary to his bride. Hunting and trapping were both vitally necessary to life in those early days; and were also the source of deep satisfaction and enjoyment. Nothing, BUT NOTHING! Could bring so much security, satisfaction, protection and pride as the possession of a really good gun! Thus the highest honor that his heart could bestow, after long years of loneliness was the beautiful (when you understand it) description of the wife he most certainly loved and adored. QUOTE ADDED: By author’s niece, Joyce Naylor. I was only a small girl, at the time of her death and am now a grandmother. But I have never in all my life seen a strong silent man so terribly broken as he was, when my mother, Ruby, and I met him on the road and he told us of her death. He laid his |
The Howard Clan webpages were submitted by Patrick K. Best The Howard Clan were some of the original homesteaders of the North Bend District. It is hoped that you and many more people enjoy this history that this clan went through everyday to strive to live and provide a great part in making the history of Saskatchewan come alive. sites.rootsweb.com/~sklloydm/Howard/autobiography40.html NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material (including notices and submitter information), must obtain the written consent of the contributor: Patrick K. Best or the legal representative of the submitter: Patrick K. Best and contact the listed Lloydminster Gen Web Region Project web master or Saskatchewan Gen Web Webmaster with proof of this consent. We encourage links to Lloydminster Gen Web and Howard Family Tree Web Pages. The Lloydminster Gen Web makes no claims or estimates of the validity of the information submitted and reminds you that each new piece of information must be researched and proved or disproved by weight of evidence. It is always best to consult the original material for verification. You are our [an error occurred while processing this directive] visitor-- thanks for stopping by! |