Surname Homepage

The Surname Homepage

In searching on the Internet for information about our family surnames, I have found the information on some surnames to be in short supply. As the interest in genealogy surges, more and more resources have become available. At the turn of the millenium, I became inspired to create "The Picard Surname Homepage". I got such a great response to the site that I decided to expand our surname homepages to include other other hard-to-find family surnames.

A family tree book for the ancestry of our grandparents can be found at Family Treemaker, so I have not replicated that information here.


Picard Pecor Pecore Destroismaisons Threehouse (Piccard Pickard) - These names are of French origin, or are misspellings of the French name. There are at least 17 lines with ties back to France. Added 02/07/00

Kimler Kimbler Kimler Kemlar Kemmler Kemlar - Kimler appears to be the most used form of this surname that originates in Germany. Added 02/07/00

Noah Noe Noache - Johan Mathais Noah came from Dresden, Germany, via England (or Wales). Added 03/11/01


The Morrison-Picard Family at Family Treemaker

Miscellaneous Genealogy Stuff

A Cousin Chart to help you sort out just how that "2nd cousin once (1x) removed" is really related to you. Added 03/12/01

Please use my new email address, thanks. (Jan 2004)
email address

This page created using CuteHTML on 02/07/00 by "Web Design by Ellen".
Updated using CuteHTML on 03/11/01.