Cousin Chart

Cousin Chart

What exactly does it mean when you have encountered someone who is your "4th cousin 1x removed"? It is really a great feeling when you do find someone else researching the same ancestors. It is not unusual for people of French Canadian-Acadian ancestry to be related to themselves, or related to most other French Canadians or Acadians. It was while researching my husband's roots, that I encountered so many cousins. And heaven forbid... so many relationships to himself! At least he isn't his own 1st cousin.

I developed this family tree chart from a mini-file I created in Family Treemaker. It shows "self" and the various relationships to "self". I hope that it is helpful to you. It is a large jpeg file, so be patient while it loads. Feel free to save a copy and use as needed. To print, save the graphic file first, and then open it up in a graphic's program. You may also which to enlarge to full page size before printing.

Cousin Chart

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