Proudly, They Served

The Conestoga Area Historical Society

Our museum display for 2003 was Proudly, They Served, veterans from the various wars who served from the Penn Manor Area.

If you have information on a soldier who served in any war from Conestoga, Manor, Martic, Pequea Townships and Millersville or Washington Borough, we would like to add their name to our database, please contact us. We are interested in recognizing all who served.. Send your information to or to the Conestoga Area Historical Society, Box 232, Conestoga, Pa. 17516.

Below are three links to the lists of Non-Associates, Associators and Tax list for 1777 for Conestoga, Martic and Manor Twps. At the bottom of the page are the lists of those who served in other wars.

In 1777 Millersville was part of Manor Twp. and Pequea was part of Conestoga. In addition, Providence, not normally in our coverage are was part of Martic Twp. in 1777.

For those unfamiliar with revolutionary Lancaster County the state instituted a draft in February 1777. A Lieutenant was chosen who oversaw the administration of the militia, in Lancaster County it was James Galbraith of Donegal Twp. A list of those subject to the draft (between 18 and 53) was established and those who, for religious reasons, didn't want to serve could pay a fine (in 1777 it was 3� 10 shillings, about $10 in 1777 dollars). Unfortunately, there isn't much documentation to establish who served in the militia. The list of Associators listed here was compiled by subtracting the list of Non-Associators (those paid a fine) from the tax list. This was possible since it was established by Hannah Benner Roach that all 8 classes of Lancaster County militia were called up in 1777. (For documentation see "The Minutes of the Supreme Executive Council in the printed Pa. Archives) The people listed as associators will be included on our database of veterans.

Hugh Cunningham, who was the tax collector for Manor Twp. was much gabbier that the other two compilers. He provided lots of information on the various citizens of Manor Twp, people's relationships, occupations, etc. I wish the other compilers had been as verbose.

Inmates are people who worked other people's land on the tax list the owner of the land is often shown. Occasionally we will come across a reference to "shares" this means the person on the property didn't pay rent but shared the profits with the owner of the property much like sharecropping in the South.
There will be additional Associators listed on our database of veterans, these lists don't show those who served in the "Flying Camp" of 1776, when someone shows up on both lists he is listed as serving in the Flying Camp since that is more solid evidence of Revolutionary War service.

My thanks to Heather Tennies of the Lancaster County Historical Society for finding and providing providing the list of Non-Associators for Manor Twp.
ManorConestoga Martic

Our list of veterans is organized alphabetically by war. In some cases a section will include two wars because the number of names for one of those wars is very short. I was unable to document a list of soldiers who served in the French and Indian War. All other wars are represented although for the Mexican War and Indian Wars (out west) only one soldier for each was found. This is an ongoing project so anyone with additional names can send them to the email address above.

All told there are about 2,300 names in this database with World War 2 being the largest segment, about 850 and the Civil War being second with 650. Soldiers marked in bold are people who died in the war.

American Revolution        1812-Mexican War         Civil War
Spanish-American-Indian Wars        World War 1.htm         World War 2.htm
Korean War        Vietnam    Desert Storm/Iraqi Freedom/Afghanistan

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