Waterloo County Genealogy Queries

Waterloo County GenWeb

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Genealogy Data on Waterloo County Ontario GenWeb Queries
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Waterloo County Genealogy Queries

How to Write a Good Genealogy Query

When you send in a genealogical query, there a few basic points to cover:

  • put in as much information about the person you are making the query about as possible. This includes:
  • name (variant spellings should be indicated in full in brackets)
  • dates (birth, death, marriage, arrival in Canada, or the area covered by this GenWeb site)
  • places
  • names of relatives (e.g., wife, husband, parents, siblings, children), if relevant

Make sure you proofread your query:

  • spelling should be correct
  • uppercase letters should be uppercase, etc.
  • you ask a question

If you send out a general request for help, as in the examples below, you will not get much help and your query will likely be deleted from the query page (after being notified first). Nobody is really going to want to provide everything that they have.

Examples that likely won't get a response and that will be deleted.
1. Would like information on the following families: Wilson, Sparks, Johnson, Anderson, Bergeron.
2. Would like information on the Herchmer family. Originated in the USA.
3. Any information of the Jones family of X County (wrong site chosen for posting query).

Learn how to write a good Genealogy query in Good Query, Bad Query

Where to Post Ancestor Queries
Waterloo County Specifically for Waterloo County Genealogy Queries.
Ontario - general Use when you know the province is Ontario but are uncertain of the correct location in Ontario. This includes Upper Canada and Canada West
Canada - unknown Use when the location is Canada or the province is unknown.
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