Familiar Faces, Warren County, Ohio
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Familiar Faces

W. H. Allen, A. M. Bower, Peter Boyd, George W. Carey, Charles Clapp, Lee S. Dunham, Solomon F. Finch, J. A. Funkey, Ann B. Haines, Charles T. Long, Thomas Millikin, George R. Sage, James M. Smith, George R. Stiles, S. A. Stillwell, L. Irene Surface

Arne H Trelvik
The Lebanon Gazette [copies obtained from microfilm available at the Warren County Genealogical Society]
Series of drawings and biographical sketches which appeared in The Lebanon Gazette

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The gentleman whose portrait is given above is well known as the Cashier of the Waynesville National Bank with which he has been identified since its organization. But he has a wider reputation as a member of the Investigating Committee that unearthed the deficit of over $1_8,999 in the County Treasury.

Mr. Allen was born on February 3, 1857, and was educated in the public schools of Waynesville, graduating from the High School in 1874. After teaching one term he entered the Ohio Wesleyan University, at Delaware, in the fall of 1874 and remained until the organization of the Waynesville National Bank in 1875, when he was called to the position of Assistant Cashier. March, 1882 he was made Cashier and still holds that position.

He is likely to be a prominent figure in the embezzelment [sic] trials soon to begin.

Mr. Allen is an uncompromising Republican.

Source: The Lebanon Gazette 6 February 1890 [added 5 March 2005]



Mr. A. M. Bower, who has recently become a resident of Lebanon, came to Warren County from Carroll County. He is a teacher and civil engineer, having taught for ten years and being a graduate of the scientific and civil engineering departments of the National Normal University. He is now temporarily engaged in the practice of his profession as civil engineer with Surveyor Bone replatting the county.

The Lebanon Gazette 8 May 1890 [added 24 February 2005]



The Late Peter Boyd who was a Shaker for more than 82 years. One of the leading members of the Union Village Community, near Lebanon, from about the beginning to the close of a long life

The Lebanon Gazette 3 May 1890 [added 4 March 2005]



One of the best known faces in Warren County. An efficient public officer, secretary of the fair association, prominent fraternity man, a hustling insurance agent and a good citizen

The Lebanon Gazette 8 May 1890 [added 24 February 2005]



Charles Clapp, the venerable business agent of the Shakers at the Union Village community, Warren County, Ohio.

The Lebanon Gazette 10 April 1890 [added 4 March 2005]

also see other Shaker related news clippings


Verdict of the Jury in the Dunham Trial.


As announced in the last week's issue of the Gazette the case of the state of Ohio against Lee S. Dunham for embezzlement was commenced on Wednesday of last week before Judge White of Springfield, and a jury. Prosecuting Attorney Anderson and Milton Clark, Esq, represented the state and Messrs. Runyan and Dilatush and Hon. Wm. F. Eltzroth the defendant. Much public interest was manifested at the beginning and this increased until standing room was at a premium at the close.

The trial lasted three days closing Friday. The indictment charged the embezzlement of twenty seven thousand dollars in September, 1887, when the office was turned over to Mr. Coleman. Of this amount $21000 comprised fraudulent warrants paid and the residue was the Dow tax and under certification by the Auditor. As to the charge of fraudulent warrants paid there was very little foundation for complaint against Mr. Dunham. There were 161 fraudulent warrants paid in Dunham's four years, of these only a trifling amount was paid to parties in Warren county. The warrants were in due form and paid in good faith on presentation. The state called Mr. Allen and Mr. Smith of the investigating Committee and showed the evidence upon which the Committee reported. The Committee assumed the settlement sheet of the Auditor to be correct and reported accordingly.

The defense called Mr. Eltzroth, who was a member of the committee. He found only one error and with that exception would not change a figure considering the data the committee use.

The Lebanon Gazette 13 March 1890 [added 5 March 2005]



Among the residents of Lebanon who have attained an unusual age is the Rev. Solomon F. Finch, father of Mr. P. F. Finch. He is a native of New York state but has spent the greater part of his life in Ohio. Denied the privileges of good schools in his boyhood, having had less than one years tuition, he was thrown on to his own resources for acquiring an education but his thirst for knowledge was a stimulus that spurred him on until he had acquired a large stock of information. From family he went to the pulpit, became an ordained minister of the Methodist Episcopal church. For six years he represented the American Bible Society as agent. Mr. Finch lives a quied [sic] retired life, devoting much time to the work of the church. He is now in is ninetieth year.

The Lebanon Gazette 13 February 1890 [added 5 March 2005]



The many friends of Mr. Funkey, one of the most enterprising merchants in the county, will be pleased to know that his health which was seriously impaired during the winter to such an extent as to alarm his friends is rapidly improving and his entire recovery is now confidently expected. A number of his friends recently gathered at his beautiful home in honor of his birthday and to celebrate the favorable turn in his case.

The Lebanon Gazette 8 May 1890 [added 24 February 2005]



Among the remarkably well preserved old people in Warren County, Mrs. Ann B. Haines, of Waynesville, perhaps takes the front place. Born in the second year of the century she still retains all her faculties intact except a slight impairment of hearing, and continues to work among her flowers and fruits with as much interest as when she was a girl. She is considered an authority on horticulture.

The Lebanon Gazette 20 February 1890 [added 5 March 2005]



There is not a more popular business man in the town than Charles Long, of the firm of Albert Stubbs & Co., millers and manufacturers of Long's Breakfast Flour. He is a native of Xenia and has been a commercial traveler for 22 years during which time he has sold Royal Baking Powder, grocers' shelf goods or Long's Breakfast Flour in nearly every state in the Union.

He came to Warren County in 1876, and as he says "looked around a couple of days, picked out the best girl in the county and got married". From that time he has been a resident of Lebanon. Two years ago he formed a partnership with Albert Stubbs and they began the manufacture of Long's Breakfast Flour at their Oregonia mills on the Little Miami river. The demand has grown so rapidly that their orders are often far in advance of the production.

Mrs. Long to whom reference has already been made was Miss Carrie Corwin Budd who is yet as then a prominent member of society.

The Lebanon Gazette 23 January 1890 [added 5 March 2005]


Not many men live to round up fifty years of practice in the profession of law. Thomas Millikin, of Hamilton, who has very ably conducted many cased in our courts, and who is held in high esteem by the members of the bar and people of Warren county, has now entered upon his second half century of active and brilliant work in the courts. We are indebted to the Butler County Democrat for the use of its likeness of the ablest all-around lawyer in Ohio.

The Lebanon Gazette 1 January 1891 [added 6 March 2005]



Judge Sage is one of Lebanon's best known citizens. He was born in Erie, Pennsylvania, in 1828, came to Ohio in 1835 and graduated from Granville College in the class of 1849. Since 1856 he has been a resident of Lebanon and served Warren County as prosecuting attorney for six years. Ex-Governor Foster offered him a seat on the supreme bench of Ohio which he declined and in 1883 he was appointed United States District Judge, a life appointment. He is noted for his well balanced judgement and extreme modesty.

He married Miss Eva Corwin, daughter of the famous statesman Thomas Corwin, and resides in the old Corwin residence on west Main street. He is enthusiastic in religious work and is an official member of the Baptist Church.

The Lebanon Gazette 16 January 1890 [added 5 March 2005]



Judge Smith is a son of the late eminent Judge George J. Smith, for seventeen years presiding Judge of the Court of Common Pleas of the Warren County District. He was born in Lebanon nearly sixty five years ago was educated in the schools of this county and studied law with his father. After practicing for several years at the bar he was chosen Probate Judge and was afterward was called to the Common Pleas Bench and subsequently reelected twice serving thirteen years when he resigned to take his place on the Circuit Court Bench which he still graces. He has never sought political honors but has served the people well when they have called him to places of trust and honor. He is now, in the richest, ripest days of his life, a conspicuous figure in Judicial circles and had the Republicans triumphed at the late election it is not improbable that the next vacancy on the supreme bench would have been offered him.

The Lebanon Gazette 30 January 1890 [added 5 March 2005]


On Thursday last Mr. Thomas Starry received the following dispatch:

"Washington, February 5.
You have just been appointed postmaster by the President
H. L. Morey.

The good word was all over town within a few minutes after the receipt of the message at the Lebanon office. Tom took the good turn quietly and displayed no special exultation, but his friends and the public placed no restraint on their sincere pleasure at so happy a termination of the contest for Mr. Lingo's place in the Lebanon post-office.

Tom Starry needs no introduction to anybody in Warren county. Our people all know him and appreciate his great worth as a man, a neighbor and a fellow citizen. He has lived in Lebanon since 1854. On the 15th of August, 1861, he entered the service of the Union as a member of Company A, of the famous 35th Ohio, and was a splendid soldier till mustered out August 26, 1864. He is now serving his second term as marshal of Lebanon. It is only true to say that he enjoys the respect, esteem and confidence of the entire community. His appointment as postmaster, which was confirmed by the senate on Monday, is highly creditable to Mr. Morey and the President and is indorsed and applauded by the people of Lebanon and Warren County.

The Lebanon Gazette, Thursday February 12, 1891 [added 17 March 2005]



A veteran in the service of the Little Miami railroad, perhaps the oldest in point of service, an active member of the G.A.R., a good citizen and a Democrat who always gets a big vote for office in a Republican community.

The Lebanon Gazette 17 April 1890 [added 4 March 2005]


Superintendent of the Leelan Schools, Winner of the Gazette's Prize Flag and a Well-Known Educator

Prof. Stillwell is a native of Indian, having been born at Crawfordsville, Montgomery county, June 3rd, 1861. He was educated in the country schools until he was himself able to teach, when he resolved to obtain a college training and labored with that end in mind view. From his salary he was able to save enough to pay his expenses at the National Normal University, graduating from the College of Sciences. He has taught nine years, the last three at Leelan, and has adopted that profession as his life work. The thoroughness of his work and the measure of his energy may be judged by his success in this contest open to all the schools in Warren county outside of the incorporated villages. His devotion to his calling is proven by the fact that he has missed no meeting of the Teachers' Association in the four years he has been a member.

The Lebanon Gazette 20 March 1890 [added 4 March 2005]



The above cut represents Miss L. Irene Surface, of Waynesville, who recently celebrated her tenth birthday, aided by a number of her little friends.

She is a bright student and was one of the prize winners in the Cincinnati Commercial Gazette's recent literary contest. Her story was one of the best submitted and is highly complimented by the judges.

The Lebanon Gazette 13 February 1890 [added 5 March 1890]

The late Judge J. L. Wilson, of Morrow. Born at Lancaster, Ohio, 1828, died suddenly at his home in Morrow, Saturday evening, December 28, 1889.

The Lebanon Gazette 9 January 1890 [added 5 March 1890]

FOOTNOTES: [a place to add additional information that you might want to submit]


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This page created 24 February 2005 and last updated 9 January, 2011
© 2005 Arne H Trelvik  All rights reserved