Warren County Ohio Biographies
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Biographies with Warren County Connections

There are a number of resources for biographies on individuals with Warren County connections. Some that I know of include:

Index to Biographical Sketches

The following is an index of biographical items with Warren County connections. Any contributions you would like to make would be both welcome and greatly appreciated.

Adams, Addis, Alexander, Allen, Albertson, Allison, Anderson, Antram,
, Bailey, Baird, Baker, Baldwin, Balintine, Ballard, Ballinger, Balzhiser, Baner, Banes, Banon/Bannon, Banta, Barkalow, Barnett, Barrett, Baxter, Beachey/Beachy, Beals, Bean, Beedle, Beeman, Beller, Benham, Bennett, Bercaw, Bigger, Bird, Blackburn, Blackford, Blake, Blin, Bogan, Bolmer, Bone, Borden, Bowman, Bowyer, Boyd, Braddock, Brady, Brandenburg/Brandenburgh, Brant, Bretney, Brewer, Bridge, Brininger, Brooks, Brown, Budd, Bundy, Bunnel, Bunnell, Burch, Burdsal, Burgess, Burnet, Burns, Bursk, Burton, Butt, Butterworth,
Cafferty, Cain, Campbell, Carey, Carman, Carpenter, Carr, Carroll, Cartwright, Casperson, Casseday, Cavolt, Chamberlin, Champlin, Chapman, Chenoweth, Clapp, Clark, Cleaver, Cleland, Clements, Clevenger, Cline, Clinton, Clutch, Coburn, Cochran, Coddington, Colbert, Coleman, Collett, Collins,Colvin, Compton, Conner, Conover, Conrey, Constable, Cook, Coovert, Corlis, Corwin, Cottle, Couden, Coulson, Covert, Cowan, Cox, Craig, Crane, Craver, Crawford, Crist, Crockett, Croll, Crosson, Cumming, Cunningham, Cushman,
Dachtler, Dakin, Dane, Davis, Deardoff, Dearth, Death, Dechant, Decker, Denise, Denny, Dey, Dickey, Diebold, Dilatush, Dill, Doctor, Dodds, Dove, Downey, Downing, Drake, Dubois, Duckworth, Dudley, Dugan, Duke, Dunham, Dunlavy, Dunnegan, Dunwiddie, Dyche, Dyer, Dynes,
, Earnhart ,Easton, Eaton, Eberhart, Eberly, Ebright, Edwards, Egbert, Eisenminger, Elbon, Elliott, Ellis, Eltzroth, Ely, Emans, Emley, Enz, Erntz, Ertel, Erwin, Eulass, Evans,
Feerer, Ferguson, Finch, Fitzwater, Fleming, Flomerfelt, Foley, Ford, Foss, Foster, French , Frost, Fry, Fryburger, Funkey, Furnas, Fye,
Gallaher, Gard, Gause, Geoghegan, Gibbs, Gilchrist, Gillis, Gilmore/Gilmour, Girton, Githens, Glasscock, Glenny, Goepper, Goode, Graham, Grandin, Gray, Greathouse, Greely, Green ,Greene, Gregg, Gustin, Guttery,
, Hadley, Hageman, Haines, Hale, Hall, Haller, Halsey, Hamer, Hamilton, Hampton, Haney, Hankinson, Harford, Harlan, Harmon, Harner, Harper, Harrell, Harris, Hart, Hartsock, Harvey, Hatfield, Hathaway, Hatton, Hawke, Hawthorn, Heighway, Henderson, Henry, Hewitt, Highway, Hill, Hinsch, Hisey, Hitesman, Hizar, Hoblit, Hoel, Hoff, Holbrook, Hole, Holland, Hollcroft, Hollingshead, Hollingsworth, Holloway, Holmes, Hopkins, Hough, Hufford, Hughes, Humphreys, Hunt, Hurin, Hurst, Hutchinson, Hyser,
Iler, Ingle, Iorns, Ireland, Irons, Irvin, Ittner, Iutzi,
Jack, Jackson, James, Jameson, Janney, Jeffery, Jennings, Johnson, Jones,
Karr, Kearney, Keever, Kell, Keller, Kelley, Kelly, Kelsey, Kersey, Kesling, Keys, Kibby, Kilbon, Kind, King, Kinney, Kirby, Kirvan, Kitchel/Kitchelll, Klippart, Knox, Koebel, Kohl, Koogle, Krewson, Krieger, Kroener,
Lackey, Lamb, Landacre, Lane, Lashley, Laurence, Lawler, Le Fevre, Lewis, Liddil, Liggett, Lincoln, Little, Lockwood, Lollar, Long, Longstreth, Lowe, Lownes, Lowry, Lucas, Ludlum, Lukens, Lundy, Lupton, Lyon, Lytle,
, Macy, Maher, Manning, Mansfield, March, Mardis, Marlatt, Marsh, Marshall, Mason, Mathews, Maxwell, McAroy, McBurney, McCain, McChesney, McChristy, McClintock, McClung, McComas, McCormick, McCray, McCreary, McCune, McCurdy, McFerren, McGuinn, McKay, McKinley, McKinney, McKinsey, McLane, McLean, McMahan, McMullen, McNemar, McWhinney, Meeker, Mehan, Mendenhall, Meneley, Merchant, Merrill, Merritt, Michener, Mickle, Millard, Miller, Mills, Miltenberger, Missildine, Mitchel/Mitchell, Monce, Monfort, Monger, Monroe, Morey, Morgan, Morningstar, Morris, Morrow, Mote, Mount, Mounts, Mulford, Mull, Mullin, Munger, Murdoch, Murphy, Murrell, Myer, Myers,
Needham, Neely/Neily, Nedry, Nelson, Newport, Nichols, Nicholson, Nickerson, Nixon, Noscar, Null,
Obergefell, O'Neall, Orsborn, Osborn, Oswald, Owens,
Parker, Parkhurst, Parks, Patterson, Patton, Pauly, Paxton, Peel, Perlee, Pence, Pendery, Penquite, Perrine, Phillips, Pierson, Piper, Pittinger, Plunkett, Pobst, Porter, Powell, Price, Probasco, Pugh,
Ralston, Ramsey, Read, Redman, Reeder, Rhodes, Rich, Richardson, Ridge, Rigg/Riggs, Riley, Ritchey, Roach, Roat, Roberts, Robertson, Robinson, Robison, Rogers, Roland, Roll, Romber, Romine, Roosa, Rosnagle, Ross, Rossman, Roszell, Rothrock, Runyan, Russell,
Sackett, Sage, Sale, Sanders, Sands, Satterthwaite, Sausser, Scheer, Schenck, Schlotman, Schnorf, Schuyler, Schwartz, Scott, Scoville, Scroggy, Scull, Sears, See, Sellers, Sellew, Settlemyre, Seward, Sharp, Shaw, Shawhan, Sheets, Sherod, Shertzer, Sherwood, Shields, Shinn, Shuets, Sides, Simonton, Simpson, Singleton, Skillman, Smalley, Smith, Snell, Snook, Snuff, Spence, Spencer, Spinning, Sprowls, St. John, Stacy, Stansell, Stanton, Starkey, Starry, Steddom, Stephens, Stephenson, Stevens, Stewart, Stibbs, Stiles, Stillwell, Stites, Stockman, Stoddard, Stokes, Stoops, Storer, Stoutenborough, Strange, Strawn, Strickler, Stroop, Stryker, Stubbs, Stump, Sutton, Swank, Sweet, Sweny, Swink, Symons,
Taylor, Thacker, Tharp, Thirkield, Thomas, Thompson, Thorpe, Throckmorton, Thurston, Tibbals, Tichenor, Tindle/Tindall, Tingle, Titus, Todd, Todhunter, Totten, Turner,
Unglesbe/Unglesby, Urton,
Vail,Vallandigham, Van Dyke, Van Horne, Vandoren, Vandervoort, Van Harlingen, Van Tress, Van Tuyl, Van Vleet, Veach, Veidt, Venable, Venard, Vincent, Voorhis/Vorhes/Vorhis,
Waggoner, Wales, Walker, Wallace, Walling, Ward, Warner, Warrick, Warwick, Way, Weaver, Webb, Welch, Welton, West, Wharton, Wheaton, Whitacre, White, Whitehill, Wickerham, Wikoff, Wilds, Wilkerson, Williams, Williamson, Wilson, Winner,Winterrowd, Witterman, Wodrey, Wolf, Wood, Woods, Worley, Worthington, Wright,
, Zentmire,

ADAMS (back to Index)

ADDIS (back to Index)

ALEXANDER (back to Index)

ALLEN (back to Index)

ALBERTSON (back to Index)

ALLISON (back to Index)

ANDERSON (back to Index)

ANTRAM (ANTRIM) (back to Index)

BABBITT (back to Index)

BAILEY (back to Index)

BAIRD (back to Index)

BAKER (back to Index)

BALDWIN (back to Index)


BALLARD (back to Index)

BALLINGER (back to Index)

BALTZHISER (back to Index)

BANER (back to Index)

BANES (back to Index)

BANNON/BANON (back to Index)

BANTA (back to Index)

BARKALOW (back to Index)

BARNETT (back to Index)

BARRETT (back to Index)

BAXTER (back to Index)

BEACHEY/BEACHY (back to Index)

BEALS (back to Index)

BEAN (back to Index)

BEEDLE (back to Index)

BEEMAN/BEAMAN (back to Index)

BELLER (back to Index)

BENHAM (back to Index)

BENNETT/Bennet (back to Index)

BERCAW (back to Index)

BIGGER (back to Index)

BIRD (back to Index)

BLACKBURN (back to Index)

BLACKFORD (back to Index)

BLAKE (back to Index)

BLIN/BLINN (back to Index)

BOGAN (back to Index)

BOLMER (back to Index)

BONE (back to Index)

BORDEN (back to Index)

BOWMAN (back to Index)

BOWYER (back to Index)

BOYD (back to Index)

BRADDOCK (back to Index)

BRADY (back to Index)


BRANT (back to Index)


BREWER (back to Index)


BRININGER (back to Index)

BROOKS (back to Index)

BROWN (back to Index)

BUDD (back to Index)

BUNDY (back to Index)

BUNNEL/BUNNELL (back to Index)

BURCH (back to Index)

BURDSAL (back to Index)

BURGESS (back to Index)

BURNET (back to Index)

BURNS (back to Index)

BURSK (back to Index)

BURTON (back to Index)

BUTT (back to Index)

BUTTERWORTH (back to Index)


CAIN (back to Index)

CAMPBELL (back to Index)

CAREY (back to Index)


CARPENTER (back to Index)

CARROLL (back to Index)

CARTWRIGHT (back to Index)

CASPERSON (back to Index)

CASSEDAY (back to Index)

CAVOLT (back to Index)

CHAMBERLIN (back to Index)

CHAMPLIN (back to Index)

CHAPMAN (back to Index)

CHENOWETH (back to Index)

CHRISTIE (back to Index)

CLAPP (back to Index)

CLARK (back to Index)

CLEAVER (back to Index)

CLELAND (back to Index)

CLEMENTS (back to Index)

CLEVENGER (back to Index)

CLINE (back to Index)

CLINTON (back to Index)

CLUTCH (back to Index)

COBURN (back to Index)

COCHRAN (back to Index)

CODDINGTON (back to Index)

COLBERT (back to Index)

COLEMAN (back to Index)

COLLETT (back to Index)

COLLINS (back to Index)

COLVIN (back to Index)

COMPTON (back to Index)

CONNER (back to Index)

CONOVER (back to Index)


CONSTABLE (back to Index)

COOK (back to Index)

COOVERT/COVERT (back to Index)

CORLIS (back to Index)

CORWIN (back to Index)

COTTLE (back to Index)

COUDEN (back to Index)

COULSON (back to Index)

COWAN (back to Index)

COX (back to Index)

CRAIG (back to Index)

CRANE (back to Index)

CRAVER (back to Index)

CRAWFORD (back to Index)

CRIST (back to Index)

CROCKETT (back to Index)


CROSSON (back to Index)

CUMMING/CUMMINGS (back to Index)

CUNNINGHAM (back to Index)

CUSHMAN (back to Index)

DACHTLER (back to Index)

DAKIN (back to Index)

DANE (back to Index)

DAVIS (back to Index)

DEARDOFF (back to Index)

DEARTH (back to Index)

DEATH (back to Index)

DECHANT (back to Index)

DECKER (back to Index)

DENISE (back to Index)

DENNY (back to Index)

DEY (back to Index)

DICKEY (back to Index)

DIEBOLD (back to Index)

DILATUSH (back to Index)

DILL (back to Index)

DOCTOR (back to Index)

DODDS (back to Index)

DOVE (back to Index)

DOWNEY (back to Index)

DOWNING (back to Index)

DRAKE (back to Index)

Dubois (back to Index)

DUCKWORTH (back to Index)


DUGAN (back to Index)

DUKE (back to Index)

DUNHAM (back to Index)

DUNLAVY/DUNLEVY (back to Index)

DUNNEGAN (back to Index)

DUNWIDDIE (back to Index)

DYCHE (back to Index)

DYER (back to Index)

DYNES (back to Index)

EARHART (back to Index)

EARNHART (back to Index)

EASTON (back to Index)

EATON (back to Index)

EBERHART (back to Index)

EBERLY (back to Index)

EBRIGHT (back to Index)

EDWARDS (back to Index)

EGBERT (back to Index)

EISENMINGER (back to Index)

ELBON (back to Index)

ELLIOTT (back to Index)

ELLIS (back to Index)

ELTZROTH (back to Index)

ELY (back to Index)

EMANS (back to Index)

EMLEY (back to Index)

ENZ (back to Index)

ERNTZ (back to Index)

ERTEL & ERTLE (back to Index)

ERWIN (Irvin) (back to Index)

EULASS (back to Index)

EVANS (back to Index)



FERGUSON (back to Index)

FINCH (back to Index)


FLEMING (back to Index)



FORD (back to Index)

FOSS (back to Index)

FOSTER (back to Index)

FRENCH (back to Index)


FRY (back to Index)

FRYBURGER (back to Index)

FUNKEY (back to Index)

FURNAS (back to Index)

FYE (back to Index)

GALLAHER (back to Index)

GARD (back to Index)

GAUSE (back to Index)


GIBBS (back to Index)

GILCHRIST (back to Index)

GILLIS (back to Index)

GILMORE/GILMOUR (back to Index)

GIRTON (back to Index)

GITHENS (back to Index)

GLASSCOCK (back to Index)

GLENNY (back to Index)

GOEPPER (back to Index)

GOODE (back to Index)

GRAHAM (back to Index)

GRANDIN (back to Index)

GRAY (back to Index)

GREATHOUSE (back to Index)

GREELY/GREELEY (back to Index)

GREEN (back to Index)

GREENE (back to Index)

GREGG (back to Index)

GUSTIN (back to Index)

GUTTERY (back to Index)

HACKETT (back to Index)

HADLEY (back to Index)

HAGEMAN (back to Index)

HAINES (back to Index)

HALE (back to Index)

HALL (back to Index)

HALLER (back to Index)

HALSEY (back to Index)

HAMER (back to Index)

HAMILTON (back to Index)

HAMPTON (back to Index)

HANEY (back to Index)

HANKINSON (back to Index)

HARFORD (back to Index)

HARLAN (back to Index)

HARMON (back to Index)

HARNER (back to Index)

HARPER (back to Index)

HARRELL (back to Index)

HARRIS (back to Index)

HART (back to Index)

HARTSOCK (back to Index)

HARVEY (back to Index)

HATFIELD (back to Index)

HATHAWAY (back to Index)

HATTON (back to Index)

HAWKE (back to Index)


HEIGHWAY/HIGHWAY (back to Index)

HENDERSON (back to Index)

HENRY (back to Index)

HEWITT (back to Index)

HILL (back to Index)

HINSCH (back to Index)

HISEY (back to Index)

HITESMAN (back to Index)

HIZAR and/or Hyser (back to Index)

HOBLIT (back to Index)

HOEL or HOLE (back to Index)

HOFF (back to Index)

HOLBROOK (back to Index)

HOLLAND (back to Index)

HOLLCROFT (back to Index)

HOLLINGSHEAD (back to Index)

HOLLINGSWORTH (back to Index)

HOLLOWAY (back to Index)

HOLMES (back to Index)

HOPKINS (back to Index)

HOUGH (back to Index)

HUFFORD (back to Index)

HUGHES (back to Index)

HUMPHREYS (back to Index)

HUNT (back to Index)

HURIN (back to Index)

HURST (back to Index)

HUTCHINSON (back to Index)

ILER (back to Index)

INGLE (back to Index)

IORNS (back to Index)

IRELAND (back to Index)

IRONS (back to Index)

IRVIN (Erwin) (back to Index)

ITTNER (back to Index)

IUTZI (back to Index)

JACK (back to Index)

JACKSON (back to Index)

JAMES (back to Index)

JAMESON (back to Index)

JANNEY (back to Index)

JEFFERY (back to Index)


JENNINGS(back to Index)

JOHNSON (back to Index)

JONES (back to Index)

KARR [somestimes spelled Carr] (back to Index)

KEARNEY (back to Index)

KEEVER (back to Index)

KELL (back to Index)

KELLER (back to Index)

Kelley (back to Index)

KELLY (back to Index)

KELSEY (back to Index)

KERSEY (back to Index)

KESLING (back to Index)

KEYS (back to Index)

KIBBY (back to Index)

KILBON (back to Index)


KING (back to Index)

KINNEY (back to Index)

KIRBY (back to Index)

KIRVAN (back to Index)

KITCHEL/KITCHELL (back to Index)

KLIPPART (back to Index)

KNOX (back to Index)

KOEBEL (back to Index)

KOHL (back to Index)

KOOGLE (back to Index)

KREWSON (back to Index)

KRIEGER (back to Index)

KROENER (back to Index)

LACKEY (back to Index)

LAMB (back to Index)

LANDACRE (back to Index)

LANE (back to Index)

LASHLEY (back to Index)

LAURENCE (back to Index)

LE FEVRE (back to Index)

LEWIS (back to Index)

LIDDIL (back to Index)

LIGGETT (back to Index)

LINCOLN (back to Index)

LONG (back to Index)


LOWE (back to Index)

LOWNES (back to Index)

LITTLE (back to Index)

LOCKWOOD (back to Index)

LOLLAR/LAWLER (back to Index)

LOWRY(back to Index)

LUCAS (back to Index)

LUDLUM (back to Index)

LUKENS (back to Index)

LUNDY (back to Index)

LUPTON (back to Index)

LYON (back to Index)

LYTLE (back to Index)

MACY (back to Index)

MAHER (back to Index)


MANSFIELD (back to Index)

MARCH (back to Index)

MARDIS (back to Index)

MARLATT (back to Index)

MARSH (back to Index)

MARSHALL (back to Index)

MASON (back to Index)

MATHEWS (back to Index)

MAXWELL (back to Index)


McBURNEY (back to Index)

McCain (back to Index)

McCHESNEY (back to Index)

McCHRISTY (back to Index)


McCLUNG (back to Index)

McCOMAS (back to Index)

McCORMICK (back to Index)

McCRAY (back to Index)

McCREARY (back to Index)

McCUNE (back to Index)

McCURDY (back to Index)

McFERREN (back to Index)

McGuinn (back to Index)

McKAY (back to Index)

McKINLEY (back to Index)

McKINNEY (back to Index)

McKINSEY (back to Index)

McLANE (back to Index)

McLEAN (back to Index)

McMAHAN (back to Index)

McMULLEN (back to Index)

McNEMAR (back to Index)

McWHINNEY (back to Index)

MEEKER (back to Index)

MEHAN (back to Index)

MENDENHALL (back to Index)

MENELEY (back to Index)

MERCHANT (back to Index)

MERRILL (back to Index)

MERRITT (back to Index)


MICKLE (back to Index)

MILLARD (back to Index)

MILLER (back to Index)

MILLS (back to Index)

MILTENBERGER (back to Index)


MITCHEL/MITCHELL (back to Index)

MONCE (back to Index)

MONFORT (back to Index)

MONGER (back to Index)

MONROE (back to Index)

MOREY (back to Index)

MORGAN (back to Index)

MORNINGSTAR (back to Index)

MACOUBRIE (back to Index)

MORRIS (back to Index)

MORROW (back to Index)

MOTE (back to Index)

MOUNT (back to Index)

MOUNTS (back to Index)

MULFORD (back to Index)

MULL (back to Index)

MULLIN (MULLEN) (back to Index)

MUNGER (back to Index)

MURDOCH (back to Index)

MURPHY (back to Index)

MURRELL (back to Index)

MYER (back to Index)

MYERS (back to Index)

NEEDAHM (back to Index)

NEELY/NEILY (back to Index)

NEDRY (back to Index)

NELSON (back to Index)

NEWPORT (back to Index)

NICHOLS (back to Index)

NICHOLSON (back to Index)

NICKERSON (back to Index)

NIXON (back to Index)

NOSCAR (back to Index)

NULL (back to Index)

OBERGEFELL (back to Index)

O'NEALL (back to Index)

ORSBORN (back to Index)

OSBORN (back to Index)

OSWALD (back to Index)

OWENS (back to Index)


PARKHURST (back to Index)

PARKS (back to Index)

PATTERSON (back to Index)

PATTON (back to Index)

PAULY (back to Index)

PAXTON (back to Index)

PEEL (back to Index)

PERLEE (back to Index)

PENCE (back to Index)

PENDERY (back to Index)

PENQUITE (back to Index)

PERRINE (back to Index)

PHILLIPS (back to Index)

PIERSON (back to Index)

PIPER (back to Index)

PITTINGER (back to Index)

PLUNKETT (back to Index)



POWELL (back to Index)

PRICE (back to Index)

PROBASCO (back to Index)

PUGH (back to Index)

RALSTON (back to Index)

REDMAN (back to Index)

REEDER (back to Index)

RHODES (back to Index)

RAMSEY (back to Index)

READ (back to Index)

RICH (back to Index)

RICHARDSON (back to Index)

RIDGE (back to Index)

RIGG/RIGGS (back to Index)

RILEY (back to Index)

RITCHEY (back to Index)

ROACH (back to Index)

ROAT (back to Index)

ROBERTS (back to Index)

ROBERTSON (back to Index)

ROBINSON (back to Index)

ROBISON (back to Index)

ROGERS (back to Index)

ROLAND (back to Index)

ROLL (back to Index)

ROMBER (back to Index)

ROMINE (back to Index)

ROOSA (back to Index)

ROSNAGLE (back to Index)

ROSS (back to Index)

ROSSMAN (back to Index)

ROSZELL (back to Index)

ROTHROCK (back to Index)

RUNYAN (back to Index)

RUSSELL (back to Index)

SACKETT (back to Index)

SAGE (back to Index)

SALE (back to Index)

SANDERS (back to Index)

SANDS (back to Index)

SATTHERTHWAITE (back to Index)

SAUSSER (back to Index)

SCHEER (back to Index)

SCHENCK (back to Index)

SCHLOTMAN (back to Index)

SCHUYLER (back to Index)

SCHWARTZ (back to Index)

SCOTT (back to Index)

SCOVILLE (back to Index)

SCROGGY (back to Index)

SCULL (back to Index)

SEARS (back to Index)

SEE (back to Index)

SELLERS (back to Index)

SELLEW (back to Index)


SEWARD (back to Index)

SHARP (back to Index)

SHAW (back to Index)

SHAWHAN (back to Index)

SHEETS (back to Index)

SHEROD (back to Index)

SHERTZER (back to Index)

SHERWOOD (back to Index)

SHIELDS (back to Index)


SHUETS (back to Index)

SIDES (back to Index)

SIMONTON (back to Index)

SIMPSON (back to Index)

SINGLETON (back to Index)

SKILLMAN (back to Index)

SMALLEY (back to Index)

SMITH (back to Index)

SNELL (back to Index)

SNOOK (back to Index)

SNUFF/SCHNORF(back to Index)

SPENCE (back to Index)

SPENCER (back to Index)


SPROWLS (back to Index)

ST. JOHN (back to Index)

STACY (back to Index)

STANSELL (back to Index)

STANTON (back to Index)

STARKEY (back to Index)

STARRY (back to Index)

STEDDOM (back to Index)

STEPHENS (back to Index)

STEPHENSON (back to Index)

STEVENS (back to Index)

STEWART (back to Index)

STIBBS (back to Index)

STILES (back to Index)


STITES (back to Index)

STOCKMAN (back to Index)

STODDARD (back to Index)

STOKES (back to Index)

STOOPS (back to Index)

STORER (back to Index)

STOUTENBOROUGH (back to Index)

STRANGE (back to Index)

STRAWN (back to Index)


STROOP (back to Index)

STRYKER (back to Index)

STUBBS (back to Index)

STUMP (back to Index)

SUTTON (back to Index)

SWANK (back to Index)

SWEET (back to Index)


SWINK (back to Index)

SYMONS (back to Index)

TAYLOR (back to Index)

THACKER (back to Index)

THARP (back to Index)

THIRKIELD (back to Index)

THOMAS (back to Index)

THOMPSON (back to Index)

THORPE (back to Index)

THROCKMORTON (back to Index)

THURSTON (back to Index)

TIBBALS (back to Index)

TICHENOR (back to Index)

TINDLE/TINDALL (back to Index)

TINGLE (back to Index)

TITUS (back to Index)

TODD (back to Index)

TODHUNTER (back to Index)

TOTTEN (back to Index)

TURNER (back to Index)


URTON (back to Index)

VAIL (back to Index)


VAN DYKE (back to Index)

VAN HORNE (back to Index)

VANDOREN (back to Index)


VAN HARLINGEN (back to Index)

Van Tress (back to Index)

VAN TUYL (back to Index)

VAN VLEET (back to Index)

VEACH (back to Index)

VEIDT (back to Index)

VENABLE (back to Index)

VENARD (back to Index)

VINCENT (back to Index)


WAGGONER (back to Index)

WALES (back to Index)

WALKER (back to Index)

WALLACE (back to Index)

WALLING (back to Index)

WARD (back to Index)

WARNER (back to Index)

WARRICK (back to Index)

WARWICK (back to Index)

WARY (back to Index)

WEAVER (back to Index)

WEBB (back to Index)

WELCH (back to Index)


WEST (back to Index)

WHARTON (back to Index)

WHEATON (back to Index)

WHITACRE (back to Index)


WHITE (back to Index)

WHITEHILL (back to Index)

WICKERHAM (back to Index)

WILDS (back to Index)

WILKERSON (back to Index)

WILLIAMS (back to Index)

WILLIAMSON (back to Index)


WILSON (back to Index)

WIKOFF (back to Index)

WINNER (back to Index)

WINTERROWD (back to Index)

WITTERMAN (back to Index)

WODREY (back to Index)

WOLF (back to Index)

WOOD (back to Index)

WOODS (back to Index)

WORLEY (back to Index)


WRIGHT (back to Index)

YOUNG (back to Index)

ZELL (back to Index)

ZENTMIRE (back to Index)

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This page updated 17 October, 2017
© 2003-2008 Arne H Trelvik  All rights reserved