Warren County Ohio Biographies
There are a number of resources for biographies on individuals
with Warren County connections. Some that I know of include:
Index to Biographical Sketches
The following is an index of biographical items with Warren County
connections. Any contributions you would like to make would be both welcome
and greatly appreciated.
Adams, Addis,
Alexander, Allen, Albertson,
Allison, Anderson, Antram,
Babbitt, Bailey, Baird, Baker,
Baldwin, Balintine, Ballard,
Ballinger, Balzhiser, Baner,
Banes, Banon/Bannon, Banta,
Barkalow, Barnett, Barrett,
Baxter, Beachey/Beachy, Beals,
Bean, Beedle, Beeman,
Beller, Benham, Bennett,
Bercaw, Bigger, Bird,
Blackburn, Blackford, Blake,
Blin, Bogan, Bolmer,
Bone, Borden, Bowman,
Bowyer, Boyd, Braddock,
Brady, Brandenburg/Brandenburgh,
Brant, Bretney, Brewer,
Bridge, Brininger, Brooks,
Brown, Budd, Bundy,
Bunnel, Bunnell, Burch,
Burdsal, Burgess, Burnet,
Burns, Bursk, Burton,
Butt, Butterworth,
Cafferty, Cain,
Campbell, Carey, Carman, Carpenter,
Carr, Carroll, Cartwright,
Casperson, Casseday, Cavolt,
Chamberlin, Champlin, Chapman,
Chenoweth, Clapp, Clark,
Cleaver, Cleland, Clements,
Clevenger, Cline, Clinton,
Clutch, Coburn, Cochran,
Coddington, Colbert, Coleman,
Collett, Collins,Colvin,
Compton, Conner, Conover,
Conrey, Constable, Cook,
Coovert, Corlis, Corwin,
Cottle, Couden, Coulson,
Covert, Cowan, Cox,
Craig, Crane, Craver,
Crawford, Crist, Crockett,
Croll, Crosson, Cumming,
Cunningham, Cushman,
Dachtler, Dakin, Dane,
Davis, Deardoff, Dearth,
Death, Dechant, Decker,
Denise, Denny, Dey,
Dickey, Diebold, Dilatush,
Dill, Doctor, Dodds,
Dove, Downey, Downing,
Drake, Dubois, Duckworth,
Dudley, Dugan, Duke,
Dunham, Dunlavy, Dunnegan,
Dunwiddie, Dyche, Dyer,
Earhart, Earnhart ,Easton,
Eaton, Eberhart, Eberly,
Ebright, Edwards, Egbert,
Eisenminger, Elbon, Elliott,
Ellis, Eltzroth, Ely,
Emans, Emley, Enz,
Erntz, Ertel, Erwin,
Eulass, Evans,
Farris, Feerer,
Ferguson, Finch, Fitzwater,
Fleming, Flomerfelt, Foley,
Ford, Foss, Foster,
French , Frost, Fry,
Fryburger, Funkey, Furnas,
Gallaher, Gard, Gause,
Geoghegan, Gibbs, Gilchrist,
Gillis, Gilmore/Gilmour, Girton,
Githens, Glasscock, Glenny,
Goepper, Goode, Graham,
Grandin, Gray, Greathouse,
Greely, Green ,Greene,
Gregg, Gustin, Guttery,
Hackett, Hadley, Hageman, Haines,
Hale, Hall, Haller,
Halsey, Hamer, Hamilton,
Hampton, Haney, Hankinson,
Harford, Harlan, Harmon,
Harner, Harper, Harrell,
Harris, Hart, Hartsock,
Harvey, Hatfield, Hathaway,
Hatton, Hawke, Hawthorn,
Heighway, Henderson, Henry,
Hewitt, Highway, Hill,
Hinsch, Hisey, Hitesman,
Hizar, Hoblit, Hoel,
Hoff, Holbrook, Hole,
Holland, Hollcroft, Hollingshead,
Hollingsworth, Holloway,
Holmes, Hopkins, Hough,
Hufford, Hughes, Humphreys,
Hunt, Hurin, Hurst,
Hutchinson, Hyser,
Iler, Ingle, Iorns,
Ireland, Irons, Irvin,
Ittner, Iutzi,
Jack, Jackson, James,
Jameson, Janney, Jeffery,
Jennings, Johnson, Jones,
Karr, Kearney,
Keever, Kell, Keller, Kelley,
Kelly, Kelsey, Kersey,
Kesling, Keys, Kibby,
Kilbon, Kind, King,
Kinney, Kirby, Kirvan,
Kitchel/Kitchelll, Klippart,
Knox, Koebel, Kohl,
Koogle, Krewson, Krieger,
Lackey, Lamb, Landacre,
Lane, Lashley, Laurence,
Lawler, Le Fevre, Lewis,
Liddil, Liggett, Lincoln,
Little, Lockwood, Lollar,
Long, Longstreth, Lowe,
Lownes, Lowry, Lucas,
Ludlum, Lukens, Lundy,
Lupton, Lyon, Lytle,
Macoubrie, Macy, Maher, Manning,
Mansfield, March, Mardis,
Marlatt, Marsh, Marshall,
Mason, Mathews, Maxwell,
McAroy, McBurney, McCain,
McChesney, McChristy, McClintock,
McClung, McComas, McCormick,
McCray, McCreary, McCune,
McCurdy, McFerren, McGuinn,
McKay, McKinley, McKinney,
McKinsey, McLane, McLean,
McMahan, McMullen, McNemar,
McWhinney, Meeker, Mehan,
Mendenhall, Meneley, Merchant,
Merrill, Merritt, Michener,
Mickle, Millard, Miller,
Mills, Miltenberger, Missildine,
Mitchel/Mitchell, Monce, Monfort,
Monger, Monroe, Morey,
Morgan, Morningstar, Morris,
Morrow, Mote, Mount,
Mounts, Mulford, Mull,
Mullin, Munger, Murdoch,
Murphy, Murrell, Myer,
Needham, Neely/Neily,
Nedry, Nelson, Newport,
Nichols, Nicholson, Nickerson,
Nixon, Noscar, Null,
Obergefell, O'Neall, Orsborn,
Osborn, Oswald, Owens,
Parker, Parkhurst, Parks,
Patterson, Patton, Pauly,
Paxton, Peel, Perlee,
Pence, Pendery, Penquite,
Perrine, Phillips, Pierson,
Piper, Pittinger, Plunkett,
Pobst, Porter, Powell,
Price, Probasco, Pugh,
Ralston, Ramsey, Read,
Redman, Reeder, Rhodes,
Rich, Richardson, Ridge,
Rigg/Riggs, Riley, Ritchey,
Roach, Roat, Roberts,
Robertson, Robinson, Robison,
Rogers, Roland, Roll,
Romber, Romine, Roosa,
Rosnagle, Ross, Rossman,
Roszell, Rothrock, Runyan,
Sackett, Sage, Sale,
Sanders, Sands, Satterthwaite,
Sausser, Scheer, Schenck,
Schlotman, Schnorf, Schuyler,
Schwartz, Scott, Scoville,
Scroggy, Scull, Sears,
See, Sellers, Sellew,
Settlemyre, Seward,
Sharp, Shaw, Shawhan, Sheets,
Sherod, Shertzer, Sherwood,
Shields, Shinn, Shuets,
Sides, Simonton, Simpson,
Singleton, Skillman, Smalley,
Smith, Snell, Snook,
Snuff, Spence, Spencer,
Spinning, Sprowls, St.
John, Stacy, Stansell, Stanton,
Starkey, Starry, Steddom,
Stephens, Stephenson, Stevens,
Stewart, Stibbs, Stiles,
Stillwell, Stites, Stockman,
Stoddard, Stokes, Stoops,
Storer, Stoutenborough,
Strange, Strawn, Strickler,
Stroop, Stryker, Stubbs,
Stump, Sutton, Swank,
Sweet, Sweny, Swink,
Taylor, Thacker, Tharp,
Thirkield, Thomas, Thompson,
Thorpe, Throckmorton, Thurston,
Tibbals, Tichenor, Tindle/Tindall,
Tingle, Titus, Todd,
Todhunter, Totten, Turner,
Unglesbe/Unglesby, Urton,
Vail,Vallandigham, Van
Dyke, Van Horne, Vandoren,
Vandervoort, Van Harlingen,
Van Tress, Van Tuyl, Van
Vleet, Veach, Veidt, Venable,
Venard, Vincent, Voorhis/Vorhes/Vorhis,
Waggoner, Wales, Walker,
Wallace, Walling, Ward,
Warner, Warrick, Warwick,
Way, Weaver, Webb,
Welch, Welton, West,
Wharton, Wheaton, Whitacre,
White, Whitehill, Wickerham,
Wikoff, Wilds, Wilkerson,
Williams, Williamson, Wilson,
Winner,Winterrowd, Witterman,
Wodrey, Wolf, Wood,
Woods, Worley, Worthington,
Zell , Zentmire,
- General Links
- Edwin Adams
- Savery Adams.
- Warren
County OH Message Board posted 16 Mar 2000 by Lisa E. Herdahl
Surnames: Adams,
Anderson, Brown, Butterworth, Chapman, Cook, Crispin, Cummins, Evans,
Furnas, Gough, Hagerman, Haines, Harris, Hatton, Hough, Kinney, Leonard,
Liddy, Mannington, Messick, Pennington, Ridge, Sears, Small, Smith, Tomilson,
White, Williamson
- "Warren County
in the War, Part III", The Lebanon (Ohio) Gazette, Saturday,
November 14, 1885
- Mary A. Addis
- Beers History of Warren County page 1029
- John Andrew Alexander
- Philip Alexander
- Beers History of Warren County page 890
- Samuel Snyder Alexander
- David Allen (1837 - 1907)
- Hiram Allen
- Beers History of Warren County page 994
- Mason Allen (1809 - 1900)
- W. H. Allen
- John Allison. (1831-1928)
- Amos Babbitt
- Beers History of Warren County page 725
- Luther Babbitt
- S. R. Bailey
- Beers History of Warren County page 725
- W. Wallace Baird
- Beers History of Warren County page 890
- Baker Monument, Old Section
Lot 83 at Lebanon Cemetery
- Baker Family Obituaries
- Abraham Baker
- Rev. Henry Baker M.D. (1797-1863)
- photo of gravestone
at Lebanon Cemetery - Interment
#1192 on 10 Oct 1873 in lot 429-2 (removed from Piqua O. Cemetery)
- War of 1812 Veteran
- Beers History of Warren County page 303,
- “Obituary Notices,” Mrs.
Hannah W. Baker, Western Star (Lebanon, Ohio), Friday, Aug
16, 1839.
- "Sarepta Marsh Baker,
Western Star (Lebanon, Ohio), Monday, January 30, 1890
- Mrs. Henry Baker, Lebanon
(Ohio) Gazette, Thursday, February 13, 1890
- Joseph Baker
- Levi Baker
- "My
Ancestors Remembered" WorldConnect database by Judy
Davison referencing Baldwin, Whitacre
and related Warren County families.
- Benjamin Baldwin. [there
were at least a couple of Benjamin Baldwin's in Warren County]
- Hiram Baldwin
- George Balintine (1793-1852)
- William B. Ballinger
- Beers History of Warren County page 794
- Jacob Baltzhiser
- Beers History of Warren County page 1029,
- Michael Bannon
- General
- Arthur D. Barkalow
- William T. Barkalow
- William V.
- James A. Barnett
- Beers History of Warren County page 795,
- Andrew J. Baxter
- Beers History or Warren County page 961
- George H. K. Baxter (1861-1924)
- James Baxter
- John Baxter
- Beers History or Warren County page 960,
961, 961
- William R. Baxter
- Beers History or Warren County page 960,
- General
- Abraham Beachey (1793-1850)
Lincoln Beachey/Beachy (1887-1915)
- William C. Beachey (c1847-1922)
- Isaac Beals
- Beers History of Warren County page 725
- Ariel Beeman
- Elijah Beeman
- Peter Beller
- Rev. William Beller
- Beers History of Warren County page 500,
- General
- James I. Benham.
- Robert Benham.
- Beers History of Warren County page 247,
353, 354, 357,
423, 438,
440, 472,
712, 713,
854, 1050
- David Bennett (1778-1859)
- David Bennett (1792-1864)
- David E. Bennett (1822-1908)
- photo of gravestone
at Rose Hill Cemetery - Interment #1547 of Daniel
E. Bennett in lot 142 on 19 Jan 1908
- Beers History of Warren County page 962,
- Warren County, Ohio, Death Records Book
III, 1905-1908, page 9
David E. Bennett, born Socialville, died 16 Jan 1908, son of David &
Elizabeth Enyart Bennett
- David P. Bennett.
- Beers History of Warren County page 498,
- John C. (Cal) Bennett
- Robert
Huston [R. H.] Bennett
- Beers History of Warren County page 634,
635, 641,
646, 961,
[shows name as Richard H. Bennett],
962, 963, 963,
- 18 Apr 2008 email from Melissa
Watson Padilla,
"R. H. Bennett is actually Robert Huston
"Harvey" Bennett, not Richard H. Bennett. This
is my family. Robert Huston Bennett is my 4th Great Grandfather.
The only "records" I have showing his given name as Robert are
the 1870
Census & the 1880
Census. I don't think I've ever seen any thing "official"
showing his middle name as Huston. My mother is the one who told me that.
She remembers her great grandfather, Albert Hobby Bennett, and remembers
him talking about his grandfather, Robert Huston Bennett. She also told
me that he went by "Harvey" rather than Robert."
[See more on the family at Melissa's website at http://myancestors-mylegacy.com/
- Transcription of 6
April 1845 marriage record lists the bride and groom as Robert Bennett
and Catharine Bennett
- R. H.
Bennett, The Lebanon [Ohio] Gazette, Thursday September 15, 1892
- Robert
H. Bennett, The Lebanon [Ohio] Gazette, Thursday September 22, 1892
- Squire
Bennett, The Lebanon [Ohio] Gazette, Thursday September 29, 1892
- Sam C. Bennett
- Timothy Bennet
- William Bennett
- William Bennett (c1778-1864)
- Hamilton L. Bercaw
- Beers History of Warren County page 966
- John Bercaw
- Beers History of Warren County page 965,
- Thomas M. Bercaw
- Beers History of Warren County page 965
- William H. Bercaw
- Bigger Cemetery
- John Bigger
- Beers History of Warren County page 248,
279, 292,
310, 338,
340, 380,
390, 391,
417, 423,
424, 427,
428, 452
- Daniel S. Bird.
- William Bird (1797-1868) &
his wife Christiana Hutchinson (1802-1882)
- Benjamin Blackburn
- James Blackburn
- Thomas J. Blackburn
- Beers History of Warren County page 646,
- Allen Blackford
- John M. Blackford
- Beers History of Warren County page 892,
- Thomas Harvey Blake (1841-1893)
- Bogan Family History contributed by
Dallas Bogan 9 Sep 2004
- Andrew Bogan (ca. 1750)
- Benjamin Bogan (1781 - 1843)
- Joseph Frank Bogan (1847-1931)
- Biographical Sketch contributed by his great grandson,
Dallas Bogan 7 Sep 2004
- "Joseph Frank Bogan was the son of John
and Harriet Gray Bogan (above), the grandson of Benjamin
and Mary Deacon Bogan the great grandson of the immigrant,
Andrew Bogan. He was born July 30, 1847. Joseph
enlisted in Company I, 187th Regiment, O.V.I. at Dayton, Ohio, February
21, 1865. He was mustered out January 20, 1866, at Macon, Georgia.
Joseph's statistics at the time of enlistment were;
18 years fold, blue eyes, light hair, a ruddy complexion and stood
5 ft. 5 in. tall. Joseph died February 3, 1931. He
is buried in the Miami Cemetery at Corwin, Ohio."
- Civil War Service Record
- Obituary. Contributed by
Combs Moon on 1 Sep 2003
- Miami Cemetery
- William Bogan
- J. E. Bolmer. Beers History of Warren
County page 1051
- John Wesley Borden.
- Beers History of Warren County page 822
- Joshua Borden
- Eli Bowyer
- James Bowyer
- John S. Bowyer
- John W. Bowyer
- Beers History of Warren County page 968
- Levi Bowyer
- Samuel Bowyer.
- Stephen Bowyer
- Stephen H. Bowyer.
- Thomas Brady
- Beers History of Warren County page 796
- BRANDENBURGH (back to Index)
- General
- Aaron Brandenburg (1761-1825)
- John N. Brewer
- Beers History of Warren County page 968,
- Daniel Brininger
- Beers History of Warren County page 796
- Brown Surname
- Allen Brown (1808-1888)
- Asher Brown
- Benjamin Brown
- Caleb Brown
- David Brown.
- Ignatius Brown (1768-1834)
- Beers History of Warren County pages 261,
274, 424,
585, 708,
- 6 June 1834 Western
Star Obituary
- "General
Notice," Western Star (Lebanon, Ohio), Thursday, December
8, 1818, p. 1, col. 3
- Photos of Ignatius
Brown Family gravestone at Lebanon
- J. Appleton Brown
- Beers History of Warren County page 729
- James C. Brown
- Beers History of Warren County page 538,
552, 796
- John E. Brown
- Beers History of Warren County page 730
- Martin Brown (1826-1883)
- Nathan M. Brown
- Beers History of Warren County page 729
- Norman Brown (1820-1897)
[John Norman Brown]
- Seth W. Brown
- Thomas Jefferson Brown (1833-1913)
- Major Joseph L. Budd (1831-1922)
- General
- William M. Burch
- Beers History of Warren County page 969
- S. W. Burdsal
- Beers History of Warren County page 1052
- James Colon Burns (c1838-1919)
- Lt. Col. James Madison Burns
- Jacob Bursk
- Beers History of Warren County page 969
- Joseph Bursk
- Isaac C. Burton.
- Beers History of Warren County page 616,
- William Burton
- William H. Butt
- Beers History of Warren County page 797
- Butterworth Family
- Benjamin Butterworth
[there were a number of men named Benjamin Butterworth
in different generations of the family]
- Beers History of Warren County page 429,
578, 582,
610, 666,
824, 939,
- "Warren County
in the War, Part VII", The Lebanon (Ohio) Gazette, Saturday,
December 12, 1885
- Congressional
Biography for Benjamin Butterworth (1837-1898)
- Clarkson Butterworth
- Edward B. Butterworth
- Henry Thomas Butterworth
- William Butterworth
- Josiah Cafferty (1809-1889)
- Henry K. Cain
- Beers History of Warren County page 939,
- Abraham Campbell
- Isaac Campbell
- Beers History of Warren County page 1044
- Lewis Davis Campbell (1811-1882)
- Samuel Campbell (1781-1846)
- Joshua Carman (1893-1859)
- Joseph C. Carroll
- Beers History of Warren County page 996
- Alonzo Casseday (1848-1938)
- Beers History of Warren County page 970,
- John Casseday
- Samuel M. Casseday (1819-1903)
- Beers History of Warren County page
- William W. Casseday (1817-____)
- Beers History of Warren County page
970, 970
- B. Cavolt
- Beers History of Warren County page 716,
- John Chamberlin
- Beers History of Warren County page 798
- Joseph Chamberlin
- Beers History of Warren County page 797
- George T. Champlin
- Beers History of Warren County page 997
- Chenoweth Family History Site at http://www.chenowethsite.com/chenweth.htm
by Jon
D. Egge who writes,
Two families of 2 William Chenoweths settled in Warren
County, Ohio just after 1810. There are still Chenoweths living in the area
today. The first Chenoweth family to Warren Co. was that of Sinah Hayes Banes,
the widow of Joseph Chenoweth (a brother to one of the fore mentioned Williams).
Sinah had remarried to Dr. Evan Banes. She brought with her son Joseph Chenoweth,
Jr. and her daughter Eleanor Chenoweth. This was before 1800. Joseph, Jr.
married Nancy Ann James on May 06, 1806 in Warren Co. Eleanor married James
Mason in Mason Co. (as I understand it) as they had a son born October 21,
Joseph's brother William had 4 sons. Three of these settled in Warren
Co. and each married a cousin from the daughters of another William Chenoweth.
These pairs were: John Chenoweth and his wife Elizabeth Chenoweth. William
Chenoweth and his wife Catherine Chenoweth. Absolom Chenoweth and his wife
Eleanor Chenoweth. William Chenoweth himself and his wife Elizabeth Hutchinson
died in Warren Co. and I under stand are buried in a cemetery in Green Co.
that borders Warren Co. William has had a sister Mary Chenoweth Suttons
who had children that came into Warren Co., some settling there permanently.
Site pages of immediate interest to Warren Co. researchers:
- Thomas C. Christie (1872-1943)
- Clark Surname
- Barzilla/Brazilla
- Rev. Daniel Clark
- Beers History of Warren County page 263,
436, 438,
472, 475,
487, 488,
594, 699,
704, 768
- photo of gravestone
at the Baptist Graveyard [Pioneer
- John Clark
- David Cleaver
- Empson Cleaver
- James Cleaver
- John D. Cleaver
- Beers History of Warren County page 649,
997, 998
- Nathan V. Cleaver
- Robert Cleaver
- William H. Cleaver
- Beers History of Warren County page 649,
- Phebe (Brown) Cleland (1809-1903)
- Clements Surname Registry
- Caleb Clements
- Beers History of Warren County page 303
- Isaac Clements
- Beers History of Warren County page 1044
- John D. Clements
- William Henry Clement (1815-1887)
- Stephen Clevenger
- Beers History of Warren County page 895,
- Frederick Cline
- George Cline
- John Cline
- Archibald Clinton
- Horace Clinton (1835-1905)
- Beers History of Warren County page 612,
616, 940
- Jackson Clinton
- Beers History of Warren County page 672,
- John Clinton
- Beers History of Warren County page 608,
610, 940
- John Clinton 27 Oct
1828 Application for Naturalization
- Jonathan P. Coddington
- Beers History of Warren County page 1022
- Daniel Collett
- James C. Collett (1823-1874)
- Jonathan Collett
- Joshua Collett (1781-1855)
- Beers History of Warren County page 277,
297, 298,
300, 314,
369, 370,
377, 378,
380, 384,
429, 445,
450, 457,
468, 472,
475, 502,
998, 999
- photo of gravestone
at the Baptist Graveyard (now
Pioneer Cemetery)
- William J. Collett
- James B. Collins
- Beers History of Warren County page 1030
- Charles S. Colvin, Sr.
- Beers History of Warren County page 731
- General
- Daniel Compton (1836-1915)
- Enoch D. Compton (1788-1875)
- Beers History of Warren County Ohio page 799
- Israel D. Compton
- George Constable
- Beers History of Warren County page 628,
- Samuel
Maud Coovert/Covert (c1834-1866)
- Beers History of Warren County page 718,
719, 720,
- "The
Roosa Murder. The Trial of Samuel Coovert. The Alleged Murderer,”
Cincinnati (Ohio) Daily Enquirer, Friday, March 2, 1866, page
- "The
Roosa Murder. Trial of Samuel Coovert. The Verdict," Western
Star (Lebanon, Ohio), Thursday, March 8, 1866.
- Civil War
- Edwin E. Corlis
- Beers History of Warren County page 731
- Franklin Corwin (1818-1879)
- Ichabod Corwin (1767-1834)
- Beers History of Warren County page 242,
264, 277,
280, 423,
434, 438,
439, 440,
449, 450,
451, 456,
457, 475,
497, 732,
787, 835,
- Ichabod
Corwin Historical Tablet
- Photo of gravestone
in Pioneer Cemetery
- Ichabod
Corwin, Sen. Obituary - The Western Star 31 Oct 1834
- History
of Warren County at County Government site
- A
Brief History of Lebanon by the Lebanon Area Chamber of Commerce
- veteran
of the War of 1812
- Joseph Case Corwin (1771-1835)
- Matthias
Corwin Sr. (1761-1829)
- Beers History of Warren County page 274,
279 ,310,
368, 369,
424, 427,
440, 445,
475, 487,
- "General
Notice," Western Star (Lebanon, Ohio), Thursday, December
8, 1818, p. 1, col. 3
- "Matthias
Corwin," obituary, The Western Star (Lebanon, Ohio),
September 5, 1829
- photo of gravestone
in the Baptist Graveyard [Pioneer
Cemetery] in Lebanon, Ohio
- Matthias
Corwin Jr. (1787-1822)
- Beers History of Warren County page 344,
347, 374,
417, 422,
- Service of Captain Matthias Corwin in the War
of 1812
- "General
Notice," Western Star (Lebanon, Ohio), Thursday, December
8, 1818, p. 1, col. 3
- "Matthias
Corwin" obituary, The Western Star (Lebanon, Ohio),
October 12, 1822
- Matthias Corwin (1818-1862)
- Moses Bledso Corwin (1790-1872)
- Robert Boake Corwin
(04 Jul 1842 - 19 Mar 1906)
- Robert Griffin Corwin (1815-1897)
- Thomas Corwin (1794-1865)
- Beers History of Warren County page 166,
261, 277,
283, 297,
298, 338,
339, 340,
342, 343,
347, 348,
349, 363,
367, 369,
372, 373,
374, 377,
378, 379,
380, 383,
387, 387,
427, 429,
434, 435,
436, 451,
456, 457,
460, 461,
462, 471,
472, 477,
487, 497,
501, 502,
539, 643,
671, 732,
760, 787,
872, 976
- "General
Notice," Western Star (Lebanon, Ohio), Thursday, December
8, 1818, p. 1, col. 3
- Congressional
Ohio Historical Society Biography
Secretaries of the Treasury
- Thomas
Corwin Portrait from State Library on line at the Ohio
Memory Project
- Memorial
Marker at Lebanon Cemetery
- photos of gravestones
for Thomas Corwin and his family at Lebanon
- Historical
Marker at the Thomas Corwin Home
- Sarah (Ross)
Corwin (1795-1878) - The Western Star 13 June 1878
- "Thomas Corwin
And His Part In The Civil War", original article by Dallas
- "Two Governors"
original article by Dallas Bogan
- "Last
Hours of the Late Thomas Corwin."- Daily Whig & Repulican,
3 Jan 1866
- William M. Corwin, Jr. (1843-1910)
- Cornelius Coulson
- William Coulson
- D. T. Cox
- Erastus Cox
- Beers History of Warren County page 975
- John E. Cox.
- Joshua Cox.
- Beers History of Warren County page 641,
- Richard M. Cox.
- Thomas J. Cox
- William Cox Jr.
- Beers History of Warren County page 635,
973, 975
- Amos Crane
- Beers History of Warren County page 897,
- Benjamin F. Crane
- History of Fountain County : Together with historic notes on the Wabash
Valley, gleaned from early authors, old maps and manuscripts
by H W Beckwith; Publisher: Chicago : H.H. Hill and N. Iddings, 1881.
359 (Shawnee Twp) transcription on the Fountain
County INGenWeb Project.
- Caleb M. Crane
- Beers History of Warren County page 897,
- Daniel Crane
- Samuel R. Crane
- Sylvester Crane
- Ezra Craver
- Beers History of Warren County page 733
- Andrew Crawford
- John B. Crawford
- Beers History of Warren County page 975
- Edward P. Crist
- Beers History of Warren County page 525,
526, 800
- Marmaduke Crockett
- Beers History of Warren County page 898,
- General Links
- George Crosson.
- Captain John Crosson (ca.1821
- 1864)
- William Crosson Sr. (1795
or 1796–1879)
- Frank Cummings
- Beers History of Warren County page 942
- William M. Cumming
- Beers History of Warren County page 801
- Hiram Dakin (1800-1875)
- David Deardoff
- Perry H. Deardoff
- Edward Dearth.
- Beers History of Warren County page 274,
277, 600,
809, 899,
- see "Paths Through the Wilderness" by Don
- Isaac N. Dearth
- James E. Dearth (1779-1856)
- Samuel Dearth (1790-1862)
- William L. Dearth
- Beers History of Warren County page 899
- A. Death
- Beers History of Warren County page 550
- Absalom Death
- Beers History of Warren County page 522,
529, 941
- Anchor C. Death
- Beers History of Warren County page 941
- Bazil Death
- Beers History of Warren County page 592
- Edward Death
- Beers History of Warren County page 519,
- H. J. Death
- Hugh J. Death
- James Death
- Beers History of Warren County page 817
- John C. Death
- Beers History of Warren County page 423,
- Frederick Dechant
- Beers History of Warren County page 551,
552, 802
- Peter M. Dechant
- General
- Joseph Decker
- Beers History of Warren County page 900,
- Joseph E. Decker (1839-1911)
- John Ely Dey (1791- 1889)
- Peter T. Dickey
- Beers History of Warren County page 546,
551, 803
- Henry Dilatush
- William J. Dilatush
- Beers History of Warren County page 1053
- Dill Family
- Alexander Dill
- John Dill.
- Beers History of Warren County, page 976
- William Francis Dill.
- John A. Dodds
- Beers History of Warren County page 328,
428, 634,
634, 635,
636, 976
- grave at Rose Hill Cemetery, Section 3 Lot 151 (removed
from Mason Graveyard)
- William Oscar Dodds
aka Oscar Dodds
- Col. William S. Dodds
- Beers History of Warren County page 976
- Joseph J. Downing
- Beers History of Warren County page 1000
- Drake Family Obituaries
- The
Drake Family at HistoricLebanonOhio.com
- Dr. Isaac Lincoln Drake (1823-1891)
- Joel Drake (Rev.)
- John Drake (1805-1892)
- John R. Drake.
- Franklin Drake (1839-1908)
- Col. Lewis
Drake (1766-1849)
- Beers History of Warren County, pages
307, 438, 475,
487, 735
- "Colonel Louis
Drake Ranks With Boone And Kenton" article by Dallas
- Lewis Drake - Early
Warren County Property Records
- photo of gravestone
at the Baptist Graveyard [Pioneer
- Col. Lewis
Drake obituary, Western Star (Lebanon, Ohio), Friday, March
23, 1849
- History
Highlights Col. Lewis Drake by the Warren
County Historical Society
- Dr. Lewis Drake Jr. (1807-1851)
- Peter Drake (1791-1871)
- Joseph Dubois
- Beers History of Warren County page 803
- Robert Duckworth.
- Beers History of Warren County, page 498,
736, 770
- William H. Duke
- Beers History of Warren county page 835
- Anthony Howard Dunlevy (1793-1881)
- War of 1812
Military Service
- Beers History of Warren County page 259,
267, 269,
297, 298,
310, 314,
349, 358,
360, 373,
417, 418,
428, 433,
436, 438,
451, 456,
461, 462,
467, 470,
472, 489,
491, 498,
506, 710,
732, 872
- "General
Notice," Western Star (Lebanon, Ohio), Thursday, December
8, 1818, p. 1, col. 3
- photo of gravestone
at Lebanon Cemetery
- Anthony Howard
Dunlevy Obituary - The Western Star 8 Dec 1881
- "Warren County
in the War," part II, The Lebanon (Ohio) Gazette, Saturday,
November 7, 1885
- Francis Dunlavy/Dunlevy (1761-1839)
- Beers History of Warren County page 119,
120, 247,
248, 250,
261, 263,
274, 297,
298, 300,
338, 357,
358, 359,
360, 368,
424, 429,
435, 436,
437, 438,
445, 449,
457, 472,
475, 487,
732, 777
- "General
Notice," Western Star (Lebanon, Ohio), Thursday, December
8, 1818, p. 1, col. 3
- Photo of gravestone
in Pioneer Cemetery
- Biography
by Ohio Historical
- History of Hamilton County Civil
- Famous
People from Warren County
- History of Clinton County Ohio, Chapter
- A
Brief History of Lebanon Ohio by the Chamber of Commerce
- Baptist
Biographies written by his son, A. H. Dunlevy
- 13
Sep 1917 Western Star Newspaper Article
- "Dunlevy: The First
Judge Of Warren County" article by Dallas
- "Brief History
Of The Military Career Of Francis Dunlavy" article by
Dallas Bogan
- Revolutionary
War Service
- Francis
Dunlevy: Soldier, Legislator, and Warren County’s 1st Judge
- 13 Jul 2015 blog post by the Warren
County Record Center and Archives
- Howard Dunlevy
- George W. Dunnegan
- Beers History of Warren County page 736
- Samuel Dunwiddie
- Beers History of Warren County page 836,
- George Dynes
- Beers History of Warren County page 737
- Martin W. Earhart (1839-1911)
- Charles L. Earnhart (1919-1947)
- John Milton Earnhart
- Beers History of Warren County page 837
- Arthur D. Easton
- Beers History of Warren County page 901
- James Eberhart
- Beers History of Warren County page 803
- Peter Eberly
- Beers History of Warren County page 837,
- Edwards Family
- John Edwards
- Lewis H. Eisenminger
- Beers History of Warren County page 804
- James W. Ellis
- Harvey Ellis
- Beers History of Warren County page 1002
- Seth Hockett Ellis. (1830-1904)
- Rebecca Ellis.
- See "Paths Through the Wilderness" by Don
- Benjamin Eltzroth
- Beers History of Warren County page 608,
943, 944
- Daniel Eltzroth
- Beers History of Warren County page 738,
943, 944
- Francis Eltzroth
- William F. Eltzroth
- Joseph Ely
- Beers History of Warren County page 804
- Samuel Emans
- Beers History of Warren County page 804
- Beers 1882 History of Warren County, Ohio
- Adonijah, page 805;
Alice, page 798;
F., page 552;
Fletcher, page 530, 798;
G. W., page 805;
Meribah R., page 798;
Sallie S. (Barkalow), page 805;
Sarah, page 805;
Sarah (Satterthwaite), page 805;
Solomon, page 805; William,
page 805
- G. W. Emley
- Phillip Enz
- Beers History of Warren County page 1032
- Aaron W. Ertel.
- Beers History of Warren County page 1045
- Daniel Ertel/Ertle aka Daniel
- Jacob Ertel
- John Ertel
- Valentine Ertel/Ertle
- Amos Ervin (Irvin)
- Beers History of Warren County page 1019
- Judge Amos Irvin Letter. Contributed
by Karl Bartlow of
St. Louis, MO on 12 Jul 2003
Surnames: Corwin, Dunlevy, Erwin, Finley, Irvin, Nicholson, Potts, Sales,
Shaw, Sigler, Simonton, Stewart, Taylor, Wales, Welch
- Joel Evans
- John Evans (1814-1897)
- Thomas Evans (ca. 1792-1852)
- Thomas Evans (1788-1875)
- William Evans (1759-1827)
- General
- William Ferguson
- Beers History of Warren County page 293,
417, 452,
465, 466,
468, 476,
- photo of gravestone
at Lebanon Cemetery (removed
from Presbyterian Graveyard)
- William Ferguson obituary,
Western Star (Lebanon, Ohio), Saturday, November 19, 1831
- Ferguson
House Historic Marker in Lebanon, Ohio
- P. F. Finch
- Beers History of Warren County page 738
- Rev. Solomon F. Finch
- J. C. Fleming, M. D.
- Beers History of Warren County page 805
- Charles Ford. (1833-1912)
- Collin Ford
- Henry Ford (1780-1839)
- Henry Ford (1817-1881)
- Beers History of Warren County page 612,
615, 945
- James Ford ( ca. 1797-1865)
- Richard Ford.
- Beers History of Warren County page 612,
613, 945,
- Photo of gravestone
at Plum Run Cemetery
- Samuel D. Ford.
- Beers History of Warren County page
- E. D. Foss
- Beers History of Warren County page 946
- James H. Foster
- Beers History of Warren county page 977,
- Joseph G. Foster
- William S. Foster
- General
- Samuel French (1788-1861)
- Samuel S. French (1829 - 1917)
- George W. Frost (1823-1890)
- Beers History of Warren county page 293,
329, 330,
462, 497,
- George W. Frost
Obituary, The Western Star, Lebanon, Ohio, Thursday Ausust 28, 1890
- Photo of gravestone
at Lebanon Cemetery
- Andrew Fryburger
- Beers History of Warren County page 1032
- John Funkey
- Beers History of Warren County page 874
- "Familiar Faces:
Mr. J. A. Funkey, of Waynesville", The Lebanon Gazette 8 May 1890
- Davis Furnas
- Robert F. Furnas
- Seth W. Furnas
- Beers History of Warren County page 841,
842, 843
- General
- John Fye
- Beers History of Warren County page 591,
- Samuel C. Gard
- Beers History of Warren County page 843
- Anthony Geoghegan (1764-1837)
- Jesse Gibbs
- Joseph E. Gibbs
- Captain James Parks Gilchrist
- Beers History of Warren County page 283,
329, 462,
505, 740,
- photo of gravestone
at Lebanon Cemetery
- "Warren County
in the War," part IV, The Lebanon (Ohio) Gazette, Saturday,
November 21, 1885
- "Warren County
in the War," part VIII, The Lebanon (Ohio) Gazette,
Saturday, December 19, 1885
- "Warren County
in the War," part IX, The Lebanon (Ohio) Gazette, Saturday,
January 2, 1886
- Robert Wilson Gilchrist (1809-1904)
- John Alexander Gilmour (1794-1877)
- M. Girton
- Beers History of Warren County page 947
- Evan E. Githens.
- Beers History of Warren County page 903
- David B. Glasscock (1823-1907)
- Susan Belle (Pendrey) Goepper
- Beers History of Warren County page 1023
- Burwell Goode (1784-1851)
- Gaines Goode (1776-1837)
- Henry J. Goode
- Milton James Goode (1848-____)
- Philip Goode
- Beers History of Warren County page 577,
- David Graham
- James B. Graham
- Willard Taulman Graham
- William
Samuel Graham (1861-1940)
- John P. Grandin
- Beers History of Warren County page 948
- General
- Daniel Gray
- William Gray
- Frank H. Greely
- Beers History of Warren County page 742
- Seth B. Greely
- David O. Greene
- Beers History of Warren County page 806
- George Gregg (1843-1864)
- George W. Gregg
- James A. Gregg
- Beers History of Warren County page 600,
904, 905
- Jonah R. Gregg
- Mordecai M. Gregg
- Beers History of Warren County page 806,
- Samuel Gregg.
- Beers History of Warren County page 600,
904, 905,
906, 954
- from "Paths Through the Wilderness" by Don Ross
- William H. Gregg (1840-1864)
- William Harrison Gregg
(1840 -____ )
- Beers History of Warren County page 906
- Wilson Gregg
- Benajah Gustin
- Jeremiah Gustin (1740-1823)
- Jesse Gustin
- John Gustin
- Levi Gustin Sr.
- Beers History of Warren County page 743,
- Andrew Guttery
- Benjamin Guttery (1819-1883)
- Cephas Guttery
- William Guttery (1787-1873)
- Milton Hadley
- Beers History of Warren County page 1002
- Rev.Ralph Stout Hageman
- Beers History of Warren County page 1055
- Albert D. Haines
- Beers History of Warren County page 849
Allen Haines
- Beers History of Warren County page 848
Mrs. Ann Bartleson Haines
- Joseph Haines.
- See "Paths Through the Wilderness" by Don Ross
- Ner Haines
Seth Silver Haines
- Beers History of Warren County page 211
(portrait), 428,
572, 579,
585, 831,
845, 846,
847, 848
- The
Miami Gazette 20 Sep 1865 - List of Income Tax Payets
- "Warren County
in the War, Part III", The Lebanon (Ohio) Gazette, Saturday,
November 14, 1885.
- Charles E. Hale (1853 - 1889)
- Beers History of Warren County page 743
- Isaac Hall
- Beers History or Warren County page 948
- Hamilton Family
- "Hamilton
Reunion," Miami (Ohio) Gazette, Wednesday, August 14,
1912, page 8 column 4
- Robert Hamilton (1760-1841)
- Capt. William H. Hamilton
- Charles D. Hampton M.D.
- Beers History of Warren County page 301,
695, 744
- Eldress Emily W. Hampton
- Oliver Hampton
- Samuel A. Haney
- William H. Haney
- William
C. Hankinson
- Beers History of Warren County page 806
- Aaron Harlan
- Samuel Harlan
- William Elmer Harmon (1862-
- William Reatus Harmon (1840-1886)
- General
- John D. Harner
- John Harper
- Beers History of Warren County page 1056
- Webb-Harrell
Reunion Book, 1926-1937 - 39 page pdf file containing details &
photos of annual family reunions that was uploaded to Google Drive by
Webb on 11 Aug 2015
" I have placed this pdf document on Google Drive because it
is large (about 50KB), too large to send to you here. If the society wants
it then feel free to download and share. It contains a Lot of info on
these closely tied families and includes such other names as Duggan,
Van Meter and Lind – all from
the Lebanon/Morrow OH area."
[A printed copy of the reunion book is on file at the Warren County Genealogical
- John H. Harrell (1820 - ____)
- Beers History of Warren County page 1055
- Nathan Harrell (1763-1824)
- Beers History of Warren County page 1055
- Revolutionary War Service
- Photo of gravestone
at Bethel Baptist Church
(Ft. Ancient Hilltop) Cemetery
- 26 Apr 2004 Phyllis "Harrell"
Brush writes:
"Nathan Harrell (John's father)
came to Ohio in 1800 with his 4 children John, Nathan,Rachel, & George.
George is my direct decentent. I have all the info to present. I know
they came from Frederickburg, Va. on flat boat & wagon train. I know
he had a brother named Jason still in VA. I don't know anything before
1800, but I am working on it. I know John married Elizabeth Lind she is
my great-great aunt on my grandmother Estella Lind side. Estella Lind
married Frances Harrell. Nathan was his great-grandfather. The property
in Morrow (Frederickburg at that time became part of Morrow in 1814.)
was in our family till 1955 when my great-aunt died and was sold.(Jesse
Harrell) If you would like any info I would be glad to share. I got alot
from the court house records in Lebanon and some from many other sources."
- Fielder Bowie Harris.
- George Harris
- Israel Hopkins Harris.
- James Harris
- John J. Harris
- Samuel Harris
- William Harris
- Isaac Harvey
- Dr. Jesse Harvey
- R. L. Harvey (1824-____). Posted to the Warren
County Ohio Genforum by Michael DeLorenzo on 26 Jul 2003
- Wilson Harvey
- Hathaway Family
- "Hathaway
Reunion," Miami (Ohio) Gazette, Wednesday, August 21,
1912, page 1, column 5
- Ephraim Hathaway
- Beers History of Warren County page 274,
277, 280,
434, 438, 449,
450, 456,
457, 465, 701
- Jabish P.
- Beers History of Warren County page 745
- photo of Gravestone
at Lebanon Cemetery
- John W. Hathaway
- William Andrew Hathaway (1840-1913)
- Phillip Hawke
- Beers History of Warren County page 834,
852, 859
- Samuel Heighway/Highway
- Beers History of Warren County page 241,
244, 300,
412, 555,
556, 557,
557, 558,
559, 562,
565, 567,
572, 575,
578, 579,
580, 581,
582, 585,
585, 586,
599, 849,
- William H. Heighway
- George Henderson
- Beers History of Warren County page 745
- Daniel Hewitt
- John Hewitt (1816 - 1864)
- John F. Hewitt/Hewett
- Alva Hill.
- Beers History of Warren County page 1023,
- 1903 Centennial Atlas of Warren County page 88
- Enoch A. Hill
- Beers History of Warren County page 1023,
- John Hill (1735-1803)
- John Hill (1795-1857)
- Moses Ross Hill (1843-1926)
- Augustus
F. Hinsch.
- Charles D. Hinsch (1839-1862)
- Hisey Family
- "Hisey
Reunion," Miami (Ohio) Gazette, Wednesday, August 28,
1912, page 1, column 5
- Christian Hisey.
- Jacob R. Hisey
- Rev. John R. Hisey
- William H. Hoblit
- Beers History of Warren County page 854
- Daniel Hole
- Beers History of Warren county page 438,
- Mrs. Elizabeth (Hunt) Hoel
- Dr. John Hole
- Captain William Rion Hoel (1824-1879)
- "The
Holbrooks" (Josiah I, Alfred and Josiah II)
article by J. C. Tumblin, OD, DOS on
his website Fountain
City, Tennessee Places And People Who Made A Difference
- Prof. Alfred Holbrook.
- Beers History of Warren County p.170
(portrait), 480, 746
- National Normal University
- The
Miami Gazette 20 Sep 1865 - List of Income Tax Payets
- Lebanon Gazette 27 Jul 1882 - "Local
Notes: Dwight Holbrook, Eliza Simonton, Horace Drake"
- The Lebanon Gazette 20 Oct 1892 - "Will
it Go - Proposed Removal of the National Normal University to Columbus"
- The Lebanon Gazette 8 September 1892 - "Alfred
Holbrook & Eason Wedding"
- Alfred
Holbrook Family Burial Plot at Lebanon
- "American Pestalozzianism Revisited; Alfred
Holbrook and the Origins of Object-Based Pedagogy in 19th Century America"
by Nathan R. Myers, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Educational Foundations,
Ashland University
Published in American
Educational History Journal, Volume 34, Number 1, 2007, pp. 85–96
Copyright © 2007 by Information Age Publishing, All rights of reproduction
in any form reserved.
- John Baldwin Holbrook (1846-1882)
- Josiah Holbrook (1844-1921)
- Reginald
Heber Holbrook (1845-1910)
- Abraham Hollingsworth
- Jabez Hollingsworth
- Joseph Hollingsworth
- Beers History of Warren County page 748,
- Rhoda (Whitacre) Hollingsworth
- Hopkins Surname
- David J. Hopkins
(1812- ____)
- James Hopkins
- Huston Hopkins
- Beers History of Warren County page 423,
- Colonel John Hopkins (1786-1875)
- Beers History of Warren County page 284,
424, 427,
428, 614,
617, 618,
682, 925, 950, 1024
- "Colonel Hopkins
Said To Be Fine 'Gentleman Of The Old School'" article by Dallas
- War of 1812
- 1867 Warren County Wall Map
John Hopkins, 260
acres adjoining the village of Hopkinsville, Military Survey #1548
- Josiah Morrow, "Colonel John Hopkins," biographical sketch,
Western Star (Lebanon, Ohio), 15 February 1912, .
- "Col.
John Hopkins - Obituary," Western Star (Lebanon, Ohio), March
18, 1875
- William F. Hopkins
- Dr. Jacob Brenneman Hough (1829-1897)
- Josiah Hough
- William Humphreys
- Beers History of Warren County page 859
- James Kemper Hurin (1814-1893)
[sometimes found listed as James R.
- Silas Hurin (1774-1862)
- Beers History of Warren County pages 274,
280, 422,
438, 440,
449, 450,
451, 455,
456, 457,
466, 492,
495, 497,
502, 749,
- Photos of Silas
Hurin Family gravestone at Lebanon
- Iler Surname
- Dr. Abraham Hon Iler (1820-1909)
- Joshua Iorns.
- Beers History of Warren County page 750
- Nicholas S. Iorns.
- Beers History of Warren County page 751
- Thomas Ireland
- Beers History of Warren County page 665,
- William Ireland.
- Beers History of Warren County page 1024
- Eli F. Iorns.
- Judge Amos Irvin Letter. Contributed
by Karl Bartlow of St.
Louis, MO on 12 Jul 2003
Surnames: Corwin, Dunlevy, Erwin, Finley, Irvin, Nicholson, Potts, Sales,
Shaw, Sigler, Simonton, Stewart, Taylor, Wales, Welch
- G. W. Iutzi
- Beers History of Warren County Ohio page 751
- John B. Jack
- Samuel Silas Jack
- Jackson Family
- George Jackson
- William Jackson
[this is intended to be an index type listing - the men on p. 1024 and page
1035 are not the same person]
- William Jackson (1830
- Beers History of Warren County page 979
- W. P. Jackson. (1835 - ____)
- Jameson Family Links
- John Adams Jameson (1842-1926)
- Joseph Jameson (1812-1885)
- Beers History of Warren County page 282,
752, 950
- "Warren County
in the War, Part V" The Lebanon (Ohio) Gazette, Saturday,
November 28, 1885
- Joseph
Jameson Portrait
- Joseph
Jameson Family Plot at Lebanon
- "Six Venerable
Sisters", article from the 29 Nov 1884 Lebanon Gazette
- "Warren County
in the War, Part X," The Lebanon (Ohio) Gazette, Saturday,
January 9, 1886
- 1903 Atlas - Page 12,
Warren County Infirmary
- Martin A. Jameson (1847-1925)
- Beers History of Warren County page 423,
498, 752,
- Martin Jameson
family burials at Lebanon
- National
Normal University
- unnamed 1925 obituary on file at the Warren
County Genealogical Society
" His early education was obtained in Lebanon and he was graduated
from the National Normal University here afterward teaching in several
schools throughout the county. . . ."
- Charles L. Janney
- Beers History of Warren County page 849,
- Mahlon T. Janney
- Peter J. Jennings (1840-1887)
- B. F. Johnson.
- Beers History of Warren County page 950
- James Johnson
- Napoleon Johnson.
- Judge Michael H. Johnson (1769-1846)
- Beers History of Warren County page 244,
274, 278,
310, 391,
392, 417,
422, 423,
424, 427,
608, 617
- photo of gravestone
at Hopkinsville Cemetery
- William Johnson.
- Albert Jones
- Beers History of Warren County page 1057
- Isaac Jones
- Nathan Jones
- Thomas Jones
- Thomas J. Jones
- Beers History of Warren County Page 1035
KARR [somestimes spelled Carr] (back
to Index)
- General
- A. J. Keever
- Beers History of Warren County page 1050,
- Abe Keever (1830-1894).
- Beers History of Warren County page 753
- Abraham Keever (1773-1839)
- Albert Keever (1849-1910).
- George Keever (1812-1869).
- James Keever.
- Beers History of Warren County page 1058
- James M. Keever (1835-1913).
- Beers History of Warren County page 752,
- Martin Keever.
- Dr. Moses H. Keever (1810-1878)
- Nathan Keever (1818-1880) .
- Thomas Keever (1802-1894).
- William Oscar Keever (1847-1926).
- Beers History of Warren County page 754,
- Colonel John Kell
- Lieut. William Kell
- Michael Keller
- Beers History of Warren County page 1036
- Henry B. Kelley
- Beers History of Warren County page 1058
- Nathan Kelley/Kelly
- Levi H. Kelly
- Beers History of Warren County Ohio page 864,
- Samuel Kelly
- George Kesling (c1783-1860)
- unmarked grave at the Baptist
Graveyard in Lebanon, Ohio [now called Pioneer Cemetery]
- Beers History of Warren County pages 311,
328, 338,
388, 417,
418, 421,
424, 427,
436, 440,
452, 475,
501, 552,
927, 928
- Military
service in the War of 1812
- The Building of the
First School House in Turtlecreek Township, Dallas
Bogan, Warren County, Ohio and Beyond (Bowie Maryland: Heritage Press,
1979) page 335
- Warren
County Sheriff: 1811-1813
- Judge John W. Keys (1814-1882)
- photo of gravestone
at Miami Cemetery - Interment
#1163 in Sec. F lot 4 on 26 Dec 1882
- Beers History of Warren County page 134
(portrait) , 864, 865
- The
Miami Gazette 20 Sep 1865 - List of Income Tax Payets
- "Warren County
in the War, Part III", The Lebanon (Ohio) Gazette, Saturday,
November 14, 1885
- "This self-taught man thrived in Warren
County," Today's Pulse Warren County (Ohio), Sunday,
May 5, 2103, page A10
- William S. Keys (c1820-1864)
- Ephraim
Kibby/Kibbey (1756-1809)
- A. King
- Beers History of Warren County page 642,
- Harrison Kirby
- Beers History of Warren County page 911
- Samuel Kirby
- Beers History of Warren County page 910
- Edward P. Kirvan
- Beers History of Warren County page 1005
- Moses Kitchel (ca. 1739-1807)
- Piercy Kitchel/Kitchell
- Beers History of Warren County page 244, 613, 633, 634, 642
- Fannie Klippart
- Beers History of Warren County page 1036
- John Knox
- Beers History of Warren County Ohio page 754
- George Koebel
- Beers History of Warren County Ohio page 1046
- John Kohl
- Beers History of Warren County page 641,
- Capt. Adam Koogle (1833-1861)
- G. L. Krieger, M.D.
- Beers History of Warren County page 754
- Enos Lackey
- Beers History of Warren County page 755
- Richard Lackey (1778 - 1848)
- Richard Lackey
Jr. (1811 - 1890)
- Henry P. Lane, Jr.
- Beers History of Warren County page 807
- Jacob and Rebecca (Jackson) Le Fevre
- Charles A. Lewis (1826-1910)
- John V. H. Lewis (1833-1916)
- Beers History of Warren County page 756,
- William C. Lewis (1821-1900)
- John M. F. Liddil (1844-1907)
- John R. Lincoln.
- Beers History of Warren County page
- Josiah Lownes.
- Beers History of Warren County page
950, 1028
- General Links
- Isaiah Ross Lawler [aka J.
R. Lawler or Ross Lawler]
- William Lowry
- Beers History of Warren County page 417,
465, 466,
- Thomas
Stephenson - Application for Naturalization, Warren County Common
Pleas Court September Term 1832
- Francis Lucas
- Beers History of Warren County, page 422,
- Western Star (Lebanon, Ohio),
Friday, May 12, 1843
"DIED - On Wednesday last, at his residence near Deerfield, at
an advanced age, Mr. Francis Lucas, for more than thirty years a citizen
of this county." [d. 10 May 1843]
- "perhaps"
War of 1812
- Western Star (Lebanon, Ohio),
Friday, March 16, 1849
"DIED - On Monday last, Mrs. Christiana Lucas, widow of the late
Francis Lucas, age 73 years [d. 12 Mar 1849]
- Warren County, Ohio Chancery Court, Volume 12,
page 556
Daniel Cran and Joel A. Stokes executors of Francis Lucas dec'd. vs. Christiana
- Warren County, Ohio Chancery Court, Volume 13,
page 120
Aaron Lucas et al vs. Daniel Lucas [heirs of Francis Lucas]
- Thomas Lucas (1730-ca.1824)
- Beers History of Warren County, page 277,
- Thomas Lucas
Will dated 17 Feb 1820
- Thomas
Lucus to Francis Lucas, 50 Acres Section 1 Township 3 Range 4, warranty
deed dated 16 Nov 1823
- Warren County, Ohio, Chancery Court Volume 4
(1831-1834), pages 639-652.
Daniel Ullery, administrator of Sarah
Ullery (deceased) vs. Francis Lucas.
- Ludlum Family Obituaries
- Benjamin Ludlum Sr. (1792-1881)
- Dr. Benjamin F. Ludlum. (1835-1913)
- Richard Ludlum
- Beers History of Warren County page 613,
- John Lukens
- Joseph Lukens
- Levi Lukens
Levi S. Lukens
- Beers History of Warren County, page 1007
- Salathiel Lukens
- Henry T. Lundy
- Israel Lundy
- Beers History of Warren County page 673, 684,
685, 1036
- Andrew Lytle (1766-1830)
- Beers History of Warren County page 274,
634, 711,
, 712, 716,
1059, 1059
- Andrew Lytle House,
Deerfield (now South Lebanon) Ohio
- Andrew Lytle
Obituary, The Western Star, Lebanon, Ohio, June 28, 1830
- photo of gravestone
at Deerfield Cemetery -
removed from the old South Lebanon (Danberry) Cemetery
- Franklin B. Lytle
- Beers History of Warren County page 1059
- Nathan K. Lytle
- Beers History of Warren County page 1059
- E. L. Macy
- Beers History of Warren County page 999,
- J. G. Macy
- Samuel Manning (1762-1837)
- Edward Deering Mansfield
- George W.
March (1826-1865)
- John W. Marlatt
- Beers History of Warren County page 867
- Marsh Surname Registry
- Jesse Marsh (ca. May 1797 - 1848)
- John Marsh (1823-1896)
- John F. Marsh
- Beers History of Warren County page 951
- David Mason
- Major William Mason
- A. W. Mathews
- Beers History of Warren County page 760
- Obediah Craig
Maxwell. (1837 - 1872)
- Beers History of Warren County page 423,
540, 541,
- Military Service
- "Maxwell And Kell
Franklin Twp. Participants In Civil War" article by Dallas
- Sad
End of a Gallant Soldier, Suicide of Gen. O. C. Maxwell,
The Miami Gazette, Waynesville, Ohio, Wednesday, December 11, 1872
- photo of gravestone
at Lebanon Cemetery
- David McChesney. (ca. 1845-1891)
- William C. McClintock
- Beers History of Warren County page 310, 761
- Joseph McClung
- Beers History of Warren County page 636,
- Christy McCray [Jr. and Sr.]
- Thomas McCray
- Eli McCreary
- Beers History of Warren County page 762
- Oscar C. McCune. (1851 - ____)
- Jonas McCurdy
- Beers History of Warren County page 635,
975, 981,
- Samuel H. McFerren
- Beers History of Warren County page 952
- Joshua C. McKay
- M. Horace McKay
- Moses McKay
- Joseph McKinley
- Beers History of Warren County page 809
- Henry McKinsey
- Madison McKinsey
- Beers History of Warren County page 870,
- George McLane
- James McLane
- Beers History of Warren County page 809
- John McLean (1785-1861)
- "Justice
John McLean" Ohio Historical Marker
Beers History of Warren County, page 263,
264, 279,
297, 298,
309, 310,
364, 370,
371, 378,
384, 429, 448,
457, 461,
462, 467,
498, 499, 502,
593, 664,
- Congressional
- "Paths Through the Wilderness" by Don Ross
- "Warren County and Beyond" by Dallas
Bogan, page 224
- John
McLean Family Burial Plot at Spring
Grove Cemetery in Cincinnati
- "Judge John McLean"
article by Dallas Bogan
- Nathaniel McLean
- Beers History of Warren County page 309,
310, 339,
370, 427,
461, 466,
498, 590, 592, 595, 664
- "Warren County, Ohio and Beyond" by Dallas
Bogan, page 185
- The Western
Star Friday March 15, 1816
- War of
1812 Service
- William McLean (1794-1839)
- Beers History of Warren County page 297,
298, 310,
342, 380,
- "General
Notice," Western Star (Lebanon, Ohio), Thursday, December
8, 1818, p. 1, col. 3
- Congressional
- Robert T. McMahan
- Beers History of Warren County page 762
- James McMullen
- Beers History of Warren County page 762
- Rev. Richard McNemar (1770-1839)
- Warren C. McWhinney
- Beers History of Warren County page 810
- Harvey B. Meeker
- Beers History of Warren County page 808
- Ephraim L. Mehan
- Beers History of Warren County page 424,
- John A. G. Meham
- Winfield S. Meham
- Abraham Mendenhall
- Beers History of Warren County page 871
- Sarah E. Meneley
- Beers History of Warren County page 1037
- Caleb Merritt
- Henry H. Merritt
- Beers History of Warren County page 914
- James C. Merritt
- Beers History of Warren County page
913, 913
- Isaac Michener
- Beers History of Warren County page 872
- Judge William S. Mickle
- Beers History of Warren County page 298,
424, 665,
- Bounty
Land Warrant No. 15323 for 160 acres was issued under the Act of 1847
in favor of William S. Mickle father and heir at law
of Samuel Mickle
deceased a private in Captain Dupern's Company third
Regiment United States Dragoons. He assigned the warrant to George
W. Blackwell who was issued a patent for 160 acres in Douglas
County, Illinois on 1 Aug 1853.
- Mordecai Millard.
- Beers History of Warren County page 806,
810, 905
- see"Paths Through the Wilderness" by Don Ross
- Abram Miller.
- Alonzo Miller
- Casper Miller
- Beers history of Warren County page 548,
802, 810
- Conrad Miller
- Beers history of Warren County page 651,
994, 1010
- Isaac Miller
- James H. Miller
- Beers history of Warren County page 810
- Lewis N. Miller
- Moses Miller ( 1812-1885)
- Peter Miller
- Beers History of Warren County page 762
- Thomas Miller.
- Beers History of Warren County page 906,
914, 916,
- from "Paths Through the Wilderness" by Don Ross
- William Miller
- Loton Miltenberger
- Beers History of Warren County page 811
- John C. Miltenberger
- Beers History of Warren County page 916,
- William Miltenberger
- Beers History of Warren County page 592,
811, 917
- John F. Missildine
- Beers History of Warren County page 873
- Ormsby McKnight Mitchel (1809-1862)
- Thomas C. Mitchell
- Beers History of Warren County page 812
- James M. Monce
- Beers History of Warren County page 952,
- General Information
- Albert/Elbert Monfort
- Andrew Stout
Monfort (1822-1912)
- John W. H. Monfort
- Beers History of Warren County page 716, 917, 1060
- Lawrence Monfort
- Beers History of Warren County page 477
- Peter Monfort
- George Monger
- Beers History of Warren County page 900,
- Edmund. B. Monroe
- Beers History of Warren County page 497,
- Frederick Morey
- Beers History of Warren County page 812
- William Morgan
- Beers History of Warren County page 1011
- Jacob Morningstar
- Beers History of Warren County page 812
- Morris Family Obituaries
- Benjamin Morris (1814-1884)
- Dr. David Morris
- Isaac Morris (1741-1828)
- Isaac Morris
- Jacob Morris (1799-1868)
- John Morris (1817-1897)
- Sylvan Baldwin Morris
- Jeremiah Morrow (1771-1852)
- Congressional
- Ohio
Historical Society
- Beers History of Warren County, pages 115
(portrait) , 119, 120,162,
247, 248,
250, 251,
274, 289,
290, 291,
314, 322,
338, 339,
340, 344,
360-367, 411, 414,
417, 418,
424, 427,
428, 429,
452, 471,
552, 632,
642, 668,
703, 950,
985, 988,
- "Warren County, Ohio and Beyond" by Dallas
Bogan, page 209-213
- "Two Governors"
article by Dallas Bogan
- John Morrow (1800-1887)
- William Morrow
- Mote Family Photo Gallery
- Luke Smith Mote (1812 - 1898)
- Marcus Mote (1817-1898)
- Beers History of Warren County page 465
- Marcus
Mote Collection. 1835-1970. FMS 5. at Earlham College, Richmond, IN
Marcus Mote (1817-1898) was a Quaker artist of Lebanon, Ohio, and Richmond,
Ind., best known for his portraits of Quakers. The Mote Collection consists
of diaries, notebooks, correspondence, and works by Mote, as well as research
material on Mote gathered by former Earlham College Archivist Opal Thornburg
- Mote-Kersey
Family Papers. SC 34 at Earlham College, Richmond, IN
Two notebooks compiled by Luke Smith
Mote (1812-1898), Friend and historian of West Branch Meeting,
Miami County, Ohio, entitled "Note Book on West Branch" and
"Sketch Book of Lineal Descent; or Genealogical Register of the Mote
& Mendenhall Families" (1855). Also W. Rufus Kersey, "Traditions
and Incidents of Family History," 1916, concerning the Steddom family
of Bush River, South Carolina, and Warren County, Ohio. Photocopies; gift
of Richard M. Kelly of Baltimore, 1991
- 1853
Warren County Fair. Marcus Mote was awarded premiums for Best
Landscape and Best Portrait
- Mounts Station Historical Marker
- Mounts Cemetery
- Mounts Obituaries
- Alexander L. Mounts
- Beers History of Warren County page 1060
- James Leonard
Mounts, M.D. (1831-1909)
- James W. Mounts
- Lindsey Mounts
- Beers History of Warren County page 953
- Providence Mounts (1795-1853)
- Watson Mounts (1799-1876)
- William G. Mounts
- Beers History of Warren County page 954,
- William Green Mounts (1844-1899)
- William P. Mounts (1823-1886)
- Beers History of Warren County page 424,
606, 616,
662, 953
(Biographical sketch)
- Mexican American War
- photo of William P. Mounts
- Commision as 1st Lt, Co
F, 1st Regt, Ohio Militia 4 Jul 1863
- "Death of a Worthy
Citizen," obituary, Lebanon (Ohio) Gazette, Wednesday,
September 22, 1886
- photo of gravestone
at Hopkinsville Cemetery
- William T. Mounts
- Beers History of Warren County page 1026
- General
- Benjamin Mull
- Henry Mull
- Joseph Mull
- Clayton W. Mullin
- Beers History of Warren County page 919
- Job Mullin
- John Mullin
- Nathan Mullin
- Beers History of Warren County page 919,
- General Edmond Munger
- Jonathan Munger
- Lewis Munger
- Milo Munger
- James E. Murdoch (1811-1893)
- James E. Murdoch Jr. (1837-1919)
- George Myer
- Beers History of Warren County page 872
- Francis Myer
- John Neely/Neily
- Hiram Nelson
- Beers History of Warren County page 765
- James Tay Newport
- Joseph C. Newport
- William J. Newport
- James E. Nichols
- Beers History of Warren County page 1037
- Nicholson Family Deed Records
- Jane Finley (Wales) Nicholson.
- Aretmas Reed Nickerson
- Beers History of Warren County page 1026
- Samuel Reed Nickerson
- Allen Nixon
- Cornelius H. Nixon
- Beers History of Warren County page 1047
- John T. Nixon
- Beers History of Warren County page 984
- William C. Nixon
- Beers History of Warren County page 702, 765
- Christian Null.
- Edward Null
- Beers History of Warren County page 815,
923, 924
- George W. Null
- Beers History of Warren County page 923,
- Henry Null
- Beers History of Warren County page 923,
924, 928
- Jonathan J. Null
- Beers History of Warren County page 923,
924, 924
- Abijah O'Neall
- Abijah P. O'Neall
- Beers History of Warren County Ohio, page 329,
501, 568,
570, 572,
577, 579,
580, 875,
- The
Miami Gazette 20 Sep 1865 - List of Income Tax Payets
- property of A. P. O'Neall in Virginia
Military District Survey #5562 shown on Warner's 1867
Wall map
- George T. O'Neall
- J. Kelly O'Neall
- James O'Neall
- Joseph W.
- Beers History of Warren County Ohio, page 419,
424, 767,
874, 1000
- Will S. McKay, The Centennial
Atlas of Warren County, Ohio (Lebanon, Ohio, The Centennial Atlas
Association, 1903), page 77
- Military
Service from 05 August 1862 to 19 May 1865
- Joseph W. O'Neall -
Civil War Prisoner, original article by Dallas
- Andersonville Prison
As Experienced And Written By Joseph W. O'Neall
- photo of gravestone
at Miami Cemetery - Interment
#4010 in Sec F lot 31 on 17 Feb 1923
- Harry Orsborn
- Beers History of Warren County page 812
- General
- John N. Oswald
- Beers History of Warren County page 474
(portrait) , 502, 768
- "Reminiscences
of Apprentice Days in Germany," The Western Star (Lebanon,
Ohio), Thursday June 7, 1900, page 1, column 2
- "Noble
Life Ended. J. N. Oswald Answers The Final Summons," obituary,
The Western Star (Lebanon, Ohio), Thursday, August 9, 1900, page
2, column 3
- photo of gravestone
at Lebanon Cemetery
- Dr. J. B. Owens
- Beers History of Warren County page 769,
- Charles P. Parker
- Beers History of Warren County page 795,
- Daniel S. Parker
- Beers History of Warren County page 812,
- David Parkhurst (1801-1885)
- Beers History of Warren County Ohio page 769
- Obituary for Elder David
Parkhurst (1801-1885) - The Lebanon Gazette, 28 Oct 1885
- Clarissa Patterson, Shaker
- Beers History of Warren County page 769
- George P. Patterson
- Beers History of Warren County page 736,
- Thomas J. Patterson
- Colonel Thomas Paxton (1739
- 1813)
- John A. Peel
- Beers History of Warren County page 1039
- Peter Perlee
- Harry E. Pence
- J. C. Pence.
- Beers History of Warren County, page 771
- Thomas L. Pendery
- Beers History of Warren County page 985
- John M. Penquite
- Joseph J. Penquite
- Stephen Penquite
- Beers History of Warren County page 1047
- Warren D. Penquite
- General Links
- Daniel Perrine.
- James Perrine.
- James Harvey Perrine.
- James N. Perrine
- John Perrine
- Beers History of Warren County page 365
(portrait), 502, 1062
- Civil War
- Uncle John Perrine
Celebrates Birthday, The Western Star, Lebanon, Ohio, Thursday October
13, 1921
- Uncle John Perrine,
The Western Star, Lebanon, Ohio, Thursday, November 10, 1921
- John Perrine
Obituary, The Western Star, Lebanon, Ohio, Thursday, November 17,
- photo of gravestone
at Fellowship Cemetery
- William C. Perrine.
Jabez/Jabish Phillips (there was at least two men with this name)
- Beers History of Warren County, page 244,
423, 440,
475, 950,
- photo of gravestone
for Jabish Phillips (1768-1837) at Baptist
Graveyard [now Pioneer Cemetery]
- photo of gravestone
for Jabish Phillips (1813-1849) at Baptist
Graveyard [now Pioneer Cemetery]
- Jabez Phillips served as the wagon master for Capt Patrick
Shaw's company during the War of 1812 - See service record for William
- Maj.
Jabish Phillips obituary, The Western Star (Lebanon, Ohio),
February 15, 1837
- Jabish
Phillips Jr. obituary, The Western Star (Lebanon, Ohio), August 17,
John Phillips (1790-1837)
- John H. Phillips (1838-____)
- Beers History of Warren County page 1062
- Wyllys Pierson (1772-1833)
- A. W. Pittinger
- Beers History of Warren County page 986
- John Plunkett
- Beers History of Warren County page 924
- Frederick Pobst (1782-1841
- General Links
- George W. Probasco. (1824-1865)
- Beers History of Warren county page 752,
- Henry Probasco (____ - 1850)
- Judge John Probasco Jr. (1814-1857)
- Stephen B. Probasco. (1811-1875)
- Achilles Pugh
- Jesse Pugh (1831-1907)
- Samuel Pugh
- Beers History of Warren County page 877
- George W. Read
- Beers History of Warren County page 925,
- Nathan Richardson
- Beers History of Warren County page 772
- George Ridge
- Beers History of Warren County page 1047
- George Evan Riley (1845-1929)
- George J. Roach
- Beers History of Warren County page 954
- William Roat
- Beers History or Warren County page 628,
- Ezra Robertson
- Huston H. Robertson
- Beers History of Warren County page 1048
- Empson A. Rogers
- Lindley M. Rogers
- Beers History of WarrenCounty page 926
- Josiah C. Rogers
- Beers History of Warren County page 1002,
- Samuel Rogers (1788-1869)
- Samuel W. Rogers (1814-1901)
- A. A. Roland
- Beers History or Warren County page 311,
- Charles Romber
- Beers History of Warren County page 1040
- Beers History of Warren County page 290,
328, 329,
330, 717-721
(The Roosa Murder), 772, 781,
- "The
Roosa Murder. The Trial of Samuel Coovert. The Alleged Murderer,”
Cincinnati (Ohio) Daily Enquirer, Friday, March 2, 1866, page 2
- "The
Roosa Murder. Trial of Samuel Coovert. The Verdict," Western
Star (Lebanon, Ohio), Thursday, March 8, 1866.
- The Western Star 8 Mar 1866 - "The
Roosa Murder --- Trial of Samuel Coovert --- The Verdict"
- The Roosa Family of the
Ridge Community
- Roosa Family Photos
- Roosa Family Obituaries
- Lebanon Cemetery
photos - Lots 330 & 410-412
- Frederick Rosnagle.
- Beers History of Warren County page 927,
- See Frederick Rosnagle from "Paths Through the Wilderness"
by Don Ross
- Solomon Rosnagle
- Beers History of Warren County page 927,
- Ross Family Obituaries
- The
Ross Family at HistoricLebanonOhio.com
- Abner L. Ross
- Enoch Allen Ross
- George P. Ross
- Beers History of Warren County page 1014
- James W. Ross
- James Whitcomb Ross (1838-1869)
- John R. Ross
- Beers History of Warren County page 685,
- Theodore Ross.
- Beers History of Warren County Page 773
- Thomas Randolph Ross (1788-1869)
Congressional Biography,
- Beers History of Warren County page 297,
298, 338,
347, 371,
418, 468,
501, 502,
- photos of gravestone
at Lebanon Cemetery
- Edward Rossman
- Beers History of Warren County page 813
- James Rossman
- Beers History of Warren County page 813
- Phillip Rossman
- Nathaniel B. Roszell
- Beers History of Warren County page 790,
- Alexander Sackett (1808 - 1893)
- John Sanders
- Beers History of Warren County page 987
- Jonah Sands
- Beers History of Warren County page 880,
- Abel Satterthwaite
- Beers History of Warren County page 581,
840, 881
- John Satterthwaite
- Beers History of Warren County page 501,
568, 575,
576, 578,
580, 582,
582, 585,
840, 841,
850, 881,
- John Scheer
- Beers History of Warren County page 1027
- Alexander DuBois [A. D.] Schenck
- Benedict Gregory Schenck
[aka Gregory Schenck]
- Beers History of Warren County page 814,
- Admiral James Findlay Schenck
- John C. Schenck (1818-1882)
- Beers History of Warren County page 815
- John N. C. Schenck (1778 - 1867)
- aka John N. C. Schenck
- Major General Robert Cumming Schenck
(1809 - 1890)
- General
William Cortenus Schenck (1773-1821)
- Beers History of Warren County page 248,
274, 279,
391, 424,
427, 518,
519, 520,
527, 528,
529, 539,
548, 549,
- "Warren County, Ohio and Beyond" by Dallas
Bogan, page 229
- "William
Corenus Schenck, Pioneer and Stateman of Ohio" by Fred Joyner
- "General William Schenck"
article by Dallas Bogan
- photo of gravestone
at Woodhill Cemetery
- H. Schlotman
- Beers History of Warren County page 955
- Jacob Schwartz (1831-1902)
- Lazarus E. Schwartz (1838-1897)
- The Scott Family of the Ridge
- The Scott Family Photos
- James Scott
- Dr. James Scott
- Beers History of Warren County page 310,
311, 330,
666, 667,
776, 1023
- "Warren County
in the War," part VIII, The Lebanon (Ohio) Gazette,
Saturday, December 19, 1885
- John Scott
- Thomas Scott
- Dr. Seldon Smith Scoville
- Aaron Scull
- Beers History of Warren County page 639,
- Joseph [or John]
Sears (1817 - 1884)
- L. M. See
- Beers History of Warren County page 777
- General
- Adam Sellers (1742-1821)
- Dr. Adam Sellers (1802-1894)
- Ephraim Sellers
- Gabriel Sellers
- Beers History of Warren County page 421
- George W. Sellers (1827-1864)
- Jacob Sellers
- John Sellers
- Beers History of Warren County page 436
- Peter Sellers
- Stanley M. Sellers (1863-1945)
- William Sellers
- Joseph G. Sellew
- Beers History of Warren County page 1027
- Baylis N. Settlemyre (1843-1917)
- William
Settlemyre (1797-1876)
- Maj. Mason Seward (1790-1877)
- Nathan Sharp
- Samuel Sharp
- Beers History of Warren County page 684,
- Charles H. Sherwood.
- Beers History of Warren County page 1017
- Frank Sherwood.
- Beers History of Warren County page 702,
- Henry Sherwood.
- Jonathan Sherwood.
- Phineas Sherwood
- Samuel Sherwood
- William
J. Sherwood.
- Daniel H. Shields
- Robert Shields (1775-1846)
- Shin/Shinn Surname
- George Shin
- Beers History of Warren County page 690
- Jane Shinn
- Mary J. (Carver) Shinn
- Beers History of Warren County page 733
- Thomas Shinn
- Beers History of Warren County page 491,
- W. H. H. Shinn
- Beers History of Warren County page 733
- William W. Shuets
- Beers History of Warren County page 1063,
- Amos B. Sides
- Samuel Sides
- General Links
- Newspaper Clippings
- Adam Simonton
- Alexander Simonton
- Beers History of Warren County page 617,
- Cyrus Simonton
- John Simonton
- Richard Simonton (1787-1849)
- Theophilus Simonton
- Bushrod Singleton
- Beers History of Warren County page 1017
- Peter W. Skillman
- Beers History of Warren County page 956
- William Smalley
- Beers History of Warren County page 687,
688, 689,
697, 698,
700, 703,
705, 706,
- "William Smalley
- Indian Captive, Woodsman, Guide And Pioneer On Todd's Fork",
article from the book, "The Pioneer Writings of Josiah Morrow."
by Dallas Bogan
- General Resources
- Abner Smith (1854-1818)
- Beers History of Warren County page 471,
477, 492,
495, 497
- Abner Smith, Western
Star (Lebanon, Ohio), Saturday, September 12, 1818, p.3. c.3
- Archelaus Dunham
Smith (1855-1909)
- Caleb Smith
- David H. Smith (1804-1884)
- Judge George J. Smith (1799-1878)
- Beers History of Warren County page 297,
298, 299,
300, 379,
380, 381,
382, 387,
411, 417,
422, 427,
428, 429,
456, 457,
461, 462,
465, 585,
586, 707,
718, 766
- "General
Notice," Western Star (Lebanon, Ohio), Thursday, December
8, 1818, p. 1, col. 3
- The
Miami Gazette 20 Sep 1865 - List of Income Tax Payets
- "Warren County
in the War," part II, The Lebanon (Ohio) Gazette, Saturday,
November 7, 1885
- "Warren County
in the War," part IV, The Lebanon (Ohio) Gazette, Saturday,
November 21, 1885
- Henry N. Smith
- James Smith (1790-1881)
- Beers History of Warren County page 664,
- Col. James Smith.
- Rev. James Smith (1757-1800)
- Judge James Monroe Smith
- John Quincy Smith
- Samuel Kell Smith (1837-1904)
- Samuel S. Smith
- Beers History of Warren County page 1041
- Estle Snell.
- Beers History of Warren County page 1041
- The Snook Family of the Ridge
- Ellison Snook (1820-1906)
- Beers History of Warren County page 778
- Ephraim Kibby Snook (1831-1909)
- James F. Snook
- Captain John M. Snook
- Peter W. Snook
- Sergeant Ralph P. Snook (1897-1918)
- William Snook
- Gustavius Spence (1838-1907)
- John Spence
- Beers History of Warren County page 612,
613, 621,
- John Spence Jr. (c1838-1903)
- Milton Spence.
- William Spence (1779 - 1838)
to Index)
- Matthias Spinning (c1750-1830)
- Rev. Jesse Porter Sprowls
- St. John Family
- St. John Family Photo Gallery
- St. John Family Researchers
- The St. John genealogy; descendants of Matthias
St. John, of Dorchester, Massachusetts, 1634, of Windsor, Connecticut, 1640,
of Wethersfield, Connecticut, 1643-1645, and Norwalk, Connecticut, 1650
[Digital copy of this 1907 book by Orline St. John Alexander is available
in the Internet
Archive at http://www.archive.org/details/stjohngenealogyd00lcalex]
- John
St. John (1750-1819)
- Seth
St. John (1848-1934)
- Albert Stacy
- Beers History of Warren County page 883
- Ala G. Starkey
- Beers History of Warren County page 679
- George W. Starkey
- Beers History of Warren County page 677
- H. C. Starkey
- Beers History of Warren County page 684
- John Starkey
- John Starkey
- Beers History of Warren County page 668
- Sarah Starkey
- Beers History of Warren County page 848
- Elmer C. Starry (1863-1886)
- Thomas Starry (1836-1916)
- Aaron Stephens (1810-1879)
- Dr. Joseph L. Stephens
- John Stephenson.
- Beers History of Warren County page 782
- Thomas Stephenson.
- Beers History of Warren County page 500.
- Thomas
Stephenson - Application for Naturalization, Warren County Common
Pleas Court September Term 1832
- Dr. E. B. Stevens
- Beers History of Warren County page 782
- Dr. Joshua Stevens
- Lewis Stibbs
- Beers History of Warren County page 1027,
- Professor S. A. Stillwell
- General Links
- Amanda Stokes
- Benjamin A. Stokes.
- Horace M.
- Walter S. Stokes (1835-1904)
- Beers History of Warren County page 783
- Thomas Hamer Stokes (1848-1938)
- Dr. William Hatcher Stokes
- William H. Storer
- Beers History of Warren County page 783
- Henry Stoutenborough
- Beers History of Warren County 817
- James S. Stoutenborough
- Beers History of Warren County 817
- General Links
- Reuben Strange
- William Strange
- John Strawn
- Beers History of Warren County page 784
- Archelaus
D. Strickler (1840-1919)
- John Stroop
- Beers History of Warren County page 930
- Joseph Stryker
- Beers History of Warren County page 957
- Daniel Stump (1761-1832)
- Jonas Stump
- David Sutton (c1766-1834)
- Beers History of Warren County Pages 244,
248, 274,
277, 342,
344, 422,
427, 589,
634, 636,
710, 712,
1059, 1064
- "The
Oldest Town In Warren County Is South Lebanon; Formerly Called Deerfield"
article by Dallas Bogan
- War of 1812
Military Service
- Photo of Sutton
House in South Lebanon
- photo of gravestone
at Deerfield Cemetery
- Daniel Swank
- Irwin Swank
- Jacob Swank
- William Swank.
- Drew Sweet
- Beers History of Warren County page 883
- General
- Edwin Sweney
- Beers History of Warren County page 859,
884, 932
- Eli Sweny (1807-1891)
- Eli Sweny 1828 Fraktur and an anonymous
Marriage Proposal
- Beers History of Warren County page 599,
813, 931,
- Combination Atlas Map of Warren County Ohio: Compiled,
Drawn and Published From Personal Examinations and Surveys (Philadelphia:
L. H. Everts, 1875), page 18 3/4
- Range
4 North Township 3 East Section 3 on the 1867
Warren County Wall Map
- Eli Sweny
(1807-1891), obituary, The Lebanon (Ohio) Gazette, Thursday
December 10, 1891
- grave at Kirby
Cemetery, Turtlecreek Twp
- Monroe Sweny/Sweney (1833-1889)
- Robert Sweny
- Beers History of Warren County page 599,
931, 932
- Combination Atlas Map of Warren County Ohio: Compiled,
Drawn and Published From Personal Examinations and Surveys (Philadelphia:
L. H. Everts, 1875), page 18 1/2
- War of 1812
- grave at Kirby
Cemetery, Turtlecreek Twp
- John L. Swink
- Beers History of Warren County page 784
- William Symons
- Beers History of Warren County page 1042
- Hiram C. Taylor
- Beers History of Warren County page 885
- Eden B. Thirkield
- Beers History of Warren County page 525,
527, 530,
531, 535,
537, 545,
793, 807,
818, 818
- John L. Thirkield
- Alfred Thomas. from "Paths Through the Wilderness"
by Don Ross
- Thompson Family Obituaries
- Alexander
L. Thompson.
- Eleanor (Conover) Thompson
- Ephraim Thompson (1785-1853)
- James Thompson
- Jasper N. Thompson
- Jonathan M [J. M.] Thompson.
- Beers History of Warren County page 635,
989, 990
- John Thompson
- John L. Thompson.
- John S. Thompson.
- John W. Thompson
- Joseph H. Thompson.
- Beers History of Warren County page 784
- Moses Thompson.
- Thornton Thompson (1826-1916)
- William Thompson
- William D. Thompson.
- Beers History of Warren County page 785
- William M. Thompson.
- W. T. Thompson. (ca. 1872 - 1933)
- History of Ohio; Historical and Biographical in Five
Volumes, page 213
- Andrew J. Thorpe
- Beers History of Warren County page 885
- L. C. Thurston
- Beers History of Warren County page 990
- Thomas Tibbals
- Beers History of Warren County page 934
- Jonathan Tichener (1741-1815)
- Tindle Family Birth Records
- Tindle/Tindall Family Death Records
- Tindle/Tindall/Tindell Family Obituaries
- Tindle Family Photos (to include Albertson,
Bowermaster, Enz, Ringeisen, Runyan, Smith, Tindle, Tyndle, Vignon, Vincent,
Wicke, Williams, Wolf families)
- Thomas Tindall
- William Todhunter
- Beers History of Warren County page 785
- Wilson Unglesbe
- Beers History or Warren County page 935
- Thomas Unglesby
- Beers History of Warren County page 786
- John W. Vail
- Shubal D. Vail
- Beers History of Warren County page 786
- William B. Vail
- William C. Vail
- Beers History of Warren County 818,
- Clement Laird Vallandigham (July 29, 1820 – June
17, 1871)
- Thomas Van Dyke
- Beers History of Warren County page 819
- Thomas B. Van Horne (1782-1841)
- Barkley Vandoren.
- George Vandoren.
- William Vandoren.
- General
- Jonathan Vandervoort
- Beers History of Warren County page 1018,
- John Vandervoort
- Paul Vandervoort
- William Vandervoort
- General
- Dr. John Van Harlingen
- Francis Marion Van Tress (1840-1922)
- Abraham Van Tuyl
- Beers History of Warren County page 819
- Michael Van Tuyl
- Beers History of Warren County page 516,
518, 820
- General
- Abraham Van Vleet
- Beers History of Warren County page 310,
440, 467,
497, 634
- "General
Notice," Western Star (Lebanon, Ohio), Thursday, December
8, 1818, p. 1, col. 3
- Excerpts from "The Ohio
Justice and Township Officer's Assistant", an 1821 book by Abraham
Van Vleet
- 1832 Obituaries
from the New York Evening Post and from The Western
- "The Other Side
of the Question"
- 26 January
1818 Deed for Lebanon Town Lot #221 from William Heaton
to Abram Van Vleet and Jacob Short
- 2 June
1818 Deed for west part of Town Lot No. 159 from Henry Miller
to Abram Van Vleet
- Abram Van Vleet to Simon Hageman, Mortgage
for west part of Town Lot 159 , 2 June 1818
- 13 Dec
1818 Deed for Lebanon Town Lot #221 from Abraham VanVleet and Jacob
Short to James Veach
- Abraham Van Vleet biography and related passages excerpted
from "History of Fayette County Indiana,
Her People, Industries and Institutions"
- Dennis Van Liew Van Vleet (1808-1834)
- George Veidt
- Beers History of Warren County page 1043
- Thomas Venard (1756-1839)
- General
- Alfred Voorhis
- Arthur Stevenson
Voorhis (____-1894)
- Daniel Voorhis
- Ellison Voorhis
- Manning Voorhis
- Vermillion Voorhis
- Vental Waggoner (1806-1880)
- George Wales.
- Jane Finley (Wales) Nicholson.
- Thomas Montgomery Wales.
- Alexander Gaines Walker
- Andrew Jackson Walker.
- Beers History of Warren County page 608,
609, 613,
626, 628, , 629,
786, 629,
940, 952,
- photo of gravestone
at Murdoch Cemetery
- John Bigham Walker (1840-1917)
- Isaac N. Walker
- Beers History of Warren County page 612,
786, 959
- Samuel Walker.
- Beers History of Warren County page 959
- Samuel B. Walker (1779-1845)
- Beers History of Warren County pages 607,
608, 609,
610, 611,
613, 615,
617, 617,
626, 628,
629, 955,
958, 958,
- Military
Service Record in the War of 1812
- photo of gravestone
at Murdoch Cemetery
- Thomas Dickey
- William Harrison Walker.
- Major James Dudley Wallace
- Alvin P. Walling
- Ora A. Walling
- Reuben Walling
- Sayles Walling
- Beers History of Warren County page 525,
552, 820
- Cyrus Milton Ward (1838-1901)
- J. Durbin Ward.
(1819 - 1886)
- Beers History of Warren County p.298,
311, 350,
428, 462,
682, 713,
787, 789,
- photo of gravestone
at Lebanon Cemetery
- Virtual
American Biographies
- Ohio
Historical Society Manuscript Collection
- Civil War Service
- Lebanon Gazette
- Glendower
(his home after the Civil War)
- "Remembering Lebanon's
Jesse Durbin Ward" article by Dallas
- Last
Will and Testament on the Clermont
County OHGenWeb Project
- "Warren County
in the War, Part III", The Lebanon (Ohio) Gazette, Saturday,
November 14, 1885
- John Ward
- Beers History of Warren County page 820,822
- J. Woodrow Warner
- Beers History of Warren County page 886
- James Warrick
- Beers History of Warren County page 813,
- George C. Weaver
- Beers History of Warren County page 526,
WEBB (back
to Index)
- Webb-Harrell
Reunion Book, 1926-1937 - 39 page pdf file containing details &
photos of annual family reunions that was uploaded to Google Drive by
Webb on 11 Aug 2015
" I have placed this pdf document on Google Drive because it
is large (about 50KB), too large to send to you here. If the society wants
it then feel free to download and share. It contains a Lot of info on
these closely tied families and includes such other names as Duggan,
Van Meter and Lind – all from
the Lebanon/Morrow OH area."
[A printed copy of the reunion book is on file at the Warren County Genealogical
- Benjamin David Welton (1842-1926)
- Elizabeth Welton
- Beers History of Warren County page 1057
- Felix S. Welton (1814-1895
- John Welton (1773-1858)
- Beers History of Warren County page 427,
- Joseph West
- Beers History of Warren County page 788
- General
- Daniel Wharton
- Beers History of Warren County page 572,
- Hannah Wharton
- Beers History of Warren County page 579
Commodore P. Wheaton (1841-1927)
- General
- Harvey C. Whitacre
- Photo & article from The Centennial Atlas of Warren
County page 110
- Rhoda (Whitacre) Hollingsworth
- "Warren County, Ohio and Beyond" by Dallas
Bogan, page 271
- Beers History of Warren County page 1028
- Robert Whitacre
- Robert Newlin Whitacre
- William T. Whitacre
- General
- David R. Whitaker
- Beers History of Warren County page 635,
- James M. White (1826-1900)
- Thomas Gibbs White
- Joseph Whitehill (1786-1861)
- John Wickerham (1788-1837)
- Johnathan K. Wilds (1799-1839)
- Beers History of Warren County, Ohio page 314,
422, 501,
- James Wilkerson [there
were a number of men named James Wilkerson - the links below do not attempt
to distinguish between them]
- Alexander Williams.
- Beers History of Warren County page 886
- Columbus Williams (1805-1870)
- Beers History of Warren County page 788
- E. T. M. Williams.
- Enos Williams
- John Milton
Williams (1807-1871)
- Beers History of Warren County page 298,
339, 387,
388, 428,
429, 461,
- "Warren County, Ohio and Beyond" by Dallas
Bogan, page 242
- photo of gravestone
at Lebanon Cemetery
- "Warren County
in the War," part II, The Lebanon (Ohio) Gazette, Saturday,
November 7, 1885
- John D. Williams.
- Richard Perry Williams (1874-1966)
- Major Rigdon Williams
- Andrew H. Williamson
- Beers History of Warren County page 888
- Francis A. Williamson
- William C. Williamson
- Beers History of Warren County page 635,
- General Links
- Aaron Wilson
- James Wilson
- Judge John Lafayette Wilson (1828-1889)
- Jeremiah Morrow Wilson.
- Jesse Wilson.
- from "Paths Through the Wilderness" by Don
- Matthew Wilson (1799-1881)
- Melva Beatrice Wilson (____ -
- Robert Wilson (1797 - 1854)
- William M. Wilson
- Beers History of Warren County page 821
- William W. Wilson
- Wilson & Sons
- Beers History or Warren County page 1065
- Garrett Wikoff
- Peter W. Wikoff.
- Jacob Henry Winner (1846-1916)
- David Witterman
- Beers History of Warren County page 936
- Col. Thomas Worthington
- General Links
- Albert Gallatin (A. G.) Wright
- Beers History of Warren County page 1065
- Allen Wright
- Joel Wright.
- Beers History of Warren County page 568,
570, 576,
577, 578,
580, 592, 1066
- see "Paths Through the Wilderness" by Don
- Jonathan Wright.
- Lot Wright
- Mahlon Wright
- William Young
- Beers History of Warren County page 501,
to Index)
All documents and electronic images
placed on the Warren County OHGenWeb site remain the property of the contributors,
who retain publication rights in accordance with US Copyright Laws and Regulations.
These documents may be used by anyone for their personal research. Persons or
organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent
of the submitter, or their legal representative, and contact the listed Warren
County OHGenWeb coordinator with proof of this consent.
This page updated
17 October, 2017
© 2003-2008 Arne H Trelvik
All rights reserved