Transcription contributed by Martie Callihan 11 March 2005 |
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The History of Warren County Ohio Part V. Biographical Sketches Wayne Township (Chicago, IL: W. H. Beers Co, 1882; reprint, Mt. Vernon, IN: Windmill Publications, 1992) |
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BENJAMIN BROWN (deceased) was born in Gloucester Co., N. J., April 24, 1798; was a son of Asher and Mary (Ward) Brown, natives of New Jersey. The grandparents, Samuel and Ann Brown, whose ancestors were natives of England, emigrated to America at an early period, prior to the Revolutionary war, and lived and died in New Jersey. Asher Brown was born, raised and married in New Jersey, where he lived till, in 1804, he, with his family, emigrated to Ohio and located in Warren County, being one of the early pioneers. He first took up his abode in a log cabin, which had been occupied as a resting-place for hogs during nights; it had no floor and no doors. They, however, soon split out puncheons and laid a floor and made other improvements, so as in that day they called it quite a comfortable home. Mr. Brown shortly after his arrival, entered 500 acres of land in Clear Creek Township, upon which he located and resided the balance of his life. To pay for his land, Mr. Brown bought a large lot of hogs and drove them over the mountains to Philadelphia and sold them, by which he realized quite a large profit. He experienced the real hardships of pioneer life, such as the rising generations know nothing of, only as they hear of them or read of them from the pages of history. They were parents of twelve children; three now survive—John, Asher and Allen. Mr. Brown was an earnest and consistent member of the Society of Friends—distinguished for. his love and liberality to the poor and needy and to all mankind. He died March 4, 1832, aged 71 years 5 months and 21 days. Benjamin, our subject, was 6 years of age when brought to Ohio and located in Warren County, where he was raised and grew to manhood, accustomed to log-cabin life, with all the attendant hardships of pioneer life; was married Nov. 7, 1821, to Sarah, daughter of Benjamin and Mercy Chapman, whose ancestral history is fully given in the sketch of Charles F. Chapman. By this union they had five children—Esther married Sidwell Taylor, by whom she has one child—Anna C., born Feb. 20, 1860; Charles F., deceased; Mary; Benjamin and Sarah (twins) and Benjamin, now deceased. Mr. Brown, after his marriage, located upon a part of the large tract of land which his father entered from the Government, and opened out a farm right from the woods, and here he resided until 1836, when he bought and located upon the place where his daughters, Mary and Sarah, still reside, and here he died Sept. 22, 1873, aged 75 years and 5 months; his wife died Jan. 26, 1873, aged 73 years. Mr. Brown was a member of the Society of Friends—a man whose whole life was characterized by honesty, integrity and kindness; whose religion was practical, endeavoring to practice all and more than he professed; kind and generous, yet firm and unyielding, clinging close to principles, and his acute sense of what was just and right, and as such was a worthy example for the rising generations. |
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This page created 11 March 2005 and last updated
11 March, 2005
© 2005 Arne H Trelvik
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