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Boone County Surname List

This site had maintained a separate Surname List, which has been decommissioned due to lack of use.

Archived Boone County Queries are here. The email addresses may no longer be current. This area will not be maintained after 2013. Please email our webmaster with any concerns about this change.

NEW FOR 2013: Use RootsWeb.

It's free, worldwide, and easy to use. They claim to be the world's largest online genealogy community, with over 25 million posts on nearly 200,000 boards. It has nearly a MILLION surnames submitted by nearly 200,000 people like us.

A few term definitions to help you decide what you need:

Mailing List: puts you on a 'distribution list' for all messages sent by others on that list. When someone posts a query here, it's emailed to all those on the list. Archives are available. Active mailing lists can fill your email inbox, beware!

Message Board: you post a message online where people can go to see it. It's not automatically sent to any list. Search the archives, answers may be waiting!

RootsWeb Home Page - Lots of resources.

RootsWeb Surname List - search the existing database before you post a query. There may be LOTS of information already there!

RootsWeb Surname Message Board (to post a query)

RootsWeb Surname Mailing List Finder - lets you look for a mailing list to subscribe to.

RootsWeb Mailing List (for Boone County)--a free email list where members can send and receive queries and information, usually pertinent to an area. These can be VERY active, and you can learn a LOT.

Do you subscribe to any other useful message boards or mailing lists? Share them with our webmaster.