The Chancery Court Record of JACKSON COUNTY, MISSISSIPPI" Will books 1875-1925,
Minute Books (Administrative Settlements and Guardianships) 1875-1900. This book contains
genealogical data extracted from wills recorded in Will Books # 1 and 2 between August 1876 and
December 1925.  It also contains administrative settlements and guardianships extracted from
Chancery Court Minute Book #1 through # 4 (pages 1 through 58) daated from April 1875 through
December 1900. Court Cases and actions that contain no data of a genealogical value were not
extracted or recorded here. This book is  $25.00 post paid

 A. The standard Disclaimer applies to copy(ing) names as they are entered, we do not guarantee
the spelling of surnames is correct nor the accuracy of data herein. Early entries (1875-1905) in both
Will and Minute Books are handwritten and in many cases very difficult to read.

    B. This book is indexed by SURNAME and the ENTRY NUMBER where the name appears in the
text. Researchers should check each entry in which the surname they are looking for appears.  In
many cases a person may have been mentioned in court on different cases for different causes.  Some
entries may contain genealogical data and others do not. Select index below to screen for surname

Mayers               175, 311
Mayfield            733 
Mayo                  520 
McCallum          140 
McCarter            714 
McCasland         123 
McCauley           283 
McComb            258, 503 
McConaghy       27 
McCrea             130
McDaniel          735, 91 
McDonald         258
McEachern        140 
McFarland         153 
McInnis             14, 2, 268, 298. 
                          321, 490, 7
McIntosh           630
McIntyre           416 
McKay              102., 582
McLauathan       67 
McLauchlin       472 
McLauthan        644 
McLeod            365, 618, 7 
McMonagl        66 
McNeil             129 
McPherson       705
McQuestion     439 
McRae             100, 653, 695 
McReynolds     274 
McVay              262, 266 
Mead                141, 144 
Meis                 307 
Merce              138 
Mercer             236 
Meriwether      181 
Miller               256, 598 
Mills                 201, 474
Milner              687, 78 
Minor               231 
Mires               311 
Mixon              569 
Mizzell            427 
Mizzelle          706 
Moffat             685 
Moffatt            718 
Moffett            724 
Moffit              569 
Mon                114 
Monk              583 
Montgomery   236 
Moody            155 
Moore             173, 248, 294, 419,
                        519, 525, 654, 659 


Moran             239 
Morgan           562, 575 
Morlet             49, 523 
Morris             149, 476, 626
Morrison         160 
Mosley            596 
Mount             124
Moyer             416 
Mulholland      293 
Mullholland     293
Munsch            161 
Murphy            214, 290, 56 
Murray             335 
Myers              140, 23, 28, 470, 
                        70, 71

Napier              412 
Nelson              233, 274, 369 
Nesby               132 
Nicholas            511 
Nicholson          449 
Nolan                494 
Oerrslee            167 
Ogilive              240 
Oldendorff        556 
Oliver               381 
Olney               164 
Olsen                437 
Orr                    78 
Orrell                24 
Ott                    398 
Owens              199 
O'Brien             629, 81 
O'Connell         190 
Page                  215 
Palfrey              258 
Pardue              300
Parke                5, 700 
Parker               207, 260, 342, 41, 
                         600, 688, 86 
Parnell              270 
Parsley              538 
Parten               270 
Passo                135, 23, 28, 475,
                         667, 70, 71
Patterson          421 
Paul                  524 
Payne               497 
Peavey             89 
Peevey             297 
Penny               537 


Peraz                315 
Perez                341
Perin                 334 
Perkins             194, 261 
Perry                100, 101, 695 
Perteet              565 
Peterson           191 
Petit                  119, 249 
Pickett              136

Plummer           676, 75, 
Poe                   137, 218, 617 
Poitevant           229 
Poitevent           219 
Pol                     464 
Polk                   681 
Pollard               418 
Porter                244, 670 
Post                   570, 663
Preas                 315 
Preston             212 
Priest                586 
Pryor                360 
Purington         168 
Quinn               210, 291 
Rabby              12, 55 
Raby                 585 
Ramsay            604, 669 
Ramsey            723 
Randall             138, 224, 686, 692
Randell            12 
Ray                  326 
Rayne              37 
Redmond         328 
Reevas             350 
Reeves             379, 393, 455, 501, 
Reeves             555 
Reilly                513 
Rens                 492 
Rerrer               136 
Reus                 131, 57 
Rhodes             295 
Richard             241, 242 
Richards            34
Richardson       126, 211, 639,  69
Ricker               448 
Riddle               619 
Riehm               47, 540 
Rigney              227 
Riley                 40