Notes for Albert Sidney Johnston White

A Wilson Family Tree

Notes for Albert Sidney Johnston White

From Find A Grave (listing for Albert Sidney Johnston White):

Funeral Services Are Planned For Orleanian

NEW ORLEANS, Dec. 26.--(AP)--
Albert Sidney Johnston White, 68, prominent in New Orleans business and social life and descendant of prominent southern families, who died here yesterday, will be buried today.

His grandfather, Col. Maunsell White, Sr., was on General Andrew Jackson's staff at the Battle of New Orleans. His maternal grandmother was a sister of Jefferson Davis, president of the Confederacy.

White, before his retirement, was connected with the Republic Steel and Bethlehem Steel companies.

Find A Grave also says his parents were Maunsel White Jr. and Elizabeth Porter Bradford.

Note: Some of the information in these pages is uncertain. Please let me know of errors or omissions using the email link above.    ...Mike Wilson

Page generated on 31 October 2023; see for further updates