A Bit Of History
           Johnson County Historical &

    Genealogical Society


A Bit of History

  1. Johnson County, the nineteenth county in order of formation was created in 1843 and was named for Richard M. Johnson.
  2. Paintsville, established as a town by an act of the Kentucky General Assembly in 1834, was chosen as the county seat.
  3. Local legend has it that by the seventeenth century, present day Johnson County may have been inhabited by the Totero Indians.
  4. In 1938, a WPA crew, under the supervision of archeological teams from the Universities of Kentucky and New Mexico, excavated four Adena burial mounds along Paint Creek in Paintsville.
  5. Dr. Thomas Walker's party traveled down paint Creek in 1750.
  6. In 1789, Mathias Harman led a party of Virginians in pursuit of the Indian captors of Jenny Wiley. Severe weather halted this expedition.
  7. By 1860 the population of Johnson County exceeded 5,000, including 27 slaves and nineteen free blacks.
  8. Most Johnson Countians remained loyal to the Union during the Civil War.
  9. In October of 1861 by fiscal court order, anyone raising a Union or Confederate flag was fined for fifty dollars.
  10. Paintsville suffered little physical damage from the Civil War.
  11. Paintsville's population increased from 200 to 270 during the 1860s.
  12. Thousands of people gathered in Paintsville on Labor Day of 1924 to witness a parade of two hundred robed members of the Ku Klux Klan.



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