Day of the Week

Want to know the day of the week for a particular date? Was Great Great Grandmother born on a
Wednesday or Friday? Was she "full of woe" or "loving and giving"? Try this!!

Which day of the week

Date of Birth from Date of Death

Click on the "NEXT" button to go to Olive Tree Genealogy site where you can calculate the date of birth from death date and years, months, days. Then enter the result in the top gadget to find out the day of the week

Dictionary of Genealogy & Archaic Terms

Have you run across a word that you just aren't sure about but you are too embarrassed to ask someone? Randy Jones has compiled a dictionary for the genealogist.

Charts to Determine Relationships

Click on the "NEXT" button to go to the Tidewater Genealogy Society site to find charts which will determine just who 'Aunt' Minnie was if Cousin Louie said she was his mother's older sister's daughter's cousin.

"How Many Ancestors Do You Have?"

Click on the "NEXT" button to go to America's First Families site to find out how many people you will look for just in the "____parents" not to mention the aunts, uncles, cousins, etc.

Having Difficulty Reading Old Handwriting?

Illinois Trails site has a chart which shows examples of letters and groups of letters whose style has changed over the years such as "ss" which can be read as "ps".

How About a Translator?

Alta Vista has "Babel Fish Translation" which allows translation of text in 150 word sections. Very handy for that out-of-the-country research.

Surname to Soundex Code

Mount Pinos Webspinners has a soundex converter which generates the soundex code for any family name. The Soundex System is used to find similar names in censuses.

Genealogy at About.Com

About.com has a nice section on genealogy where you can find the meaning and source of the surname you are researching, the meaning of names of old occupations, as well as a Glossary of Genealogy and Family History Terms.



Historical Family Terms

Archaic Medical Terms

Paul Smith has a resource for archaic medical terms including epidemics, poisons, symbols, etc.

Finding Places

Myra Vanderpool Gormley, Certified Genealogist and editor of RootsWeb Review: RootsWeb's Weekly E-zine, in Vol. 6, No. 30, 23 July 2003, said: The general rule about recording localities (places) is to start from the smallest and go to largest: village/town, then county/parish, then province/state, and finally the country. If you know only the town or city in which a genealogical event occurred, consult a gazetteer to find the name of the county, parish, province, etc. that it is in.

When you know the U.S. town, but not the county, type in the name of town and state here:

Put the U.S. county's name and leave the state's name blank and you will get a list of the states with a county by that name.

Can't figure out some country or regional abbreviations? Check here:

Can't figure out the old abbreviation (pre-2 letter) for a state? Check here:

Lost in the British Isles? Here is its country and county codes:

Looking for Maps, Gazetteers & Geographical Information?

Stumbled over an abbreviation you can't find the answer to? Check "Abbreviations Found in Genealogy" here:

See also Dictionaries & Glossaries on Cyndi's List:

This page was last updated Tuesday, 11-Sep-2018 02:09:29 MDT.

Copyright © 2002 by Ann Marshall.