Ichabod Bowerman [Parents] was born about 1721 in Falmouth,Barnstable,Ma. He died on 4 Feb 1790 in Verbank,Dutchess,Ny. He married Lydia Mott on 18 Oct 1744 in Falmouth,Barnstable,Ma.
Other marriages:Richmond, Jane
Lydia Mott was born on 22 Mar 1705 in Lyme,New London,Ct. She died on 11 Feb 1759 in Oswego,Dutchess,Ny. She married Ichabod Bowerman on 18 Oct 1744 in Falmouth,Barnstable,Ma.
They had the following children:
F i Jane Bowerman
John Hutchins Jr. [Parents] was born on 13 Oct 1693 in Groton,Middlesex,Ma. He died on 7 Apr 1784 in Norwich,New London,Ct. He married Jerusha Bushnell on 4 Aug 1715 in Norwich,New London,Ct.
Jerusha Bushnell [Parents] was born on 17 Nov 1695 in Norwich,New London,Ct. She died on 7 Mar 1744 in Norwich,New London,Ct. She married John Hutchins Jr. on 4 Aug 1715 in Norwich,New London,Ct.
They had the following children:
F i Abigail Hutchins F ii Elizabeth Hutchins
David Knight III [Parents] was born on 13 Oct 1721 in Windham,Windham,Ct. He died on 28 Sep 1804 in Hanover,New London,Ct. He married Abigail Hutchins on 11 May 1743 in Norwich,New London,Ct.
Other marriages:Wightman, Jane
Abigail Hutchins [Parents] was born on 17 Jun 1720 in Norwich,New London,Ct. She died on 21 Mar 1756 in Norwich,New London,Ct. She married David Knight III on 11 May 1743 in Norwich,New London,Ct.
They had the following children:
M i Samuel Knight
David Tracy [Parents] 1 was born on 24 Sep 1687 in Preston,New London,Ct. He died on 6 May 1752 in Norwich,New London,Ct. He married Sarah Parish on 6 Oct 1709 in Preston,New London,Ct.
Sarah Parish [Parents] 1 was born on 16 Jan 1691/1692 in Chebaco,Ipswich,Essex,Ma. She died on 10 Jan 1728/1729 in Preston,New London,Ct. She married David Tracy on 6 Oct 1709 in Preston,New London,Ct.
They had the following children:
F i Sarah Tracy M ii David Tracy Jr. F iii Rachel Tracy
Samuel Smith Jr. was born on 11 Oct 1702 in Norwich,New London,Ct. He died in 1789 in Preston,New London,Ct. He married Sarah Tracy on 9 Sep 1730 in Norwich,New London,Ct.
Sarah Tracy [Parents] was born on 17 Jun 1710 in Preston,New London,Ct. She died on 13 May 1748 in Norwich,New London,Ct. She married Samuel Smith Jr. on 9 Sep 1730 in Norwich,New London,Ct.
They had the following children:
F i Esther Smith
Abel Benjamin was born on 11 Jul 1731 in Preston,New London,Ct. He died in 1824 in ,Otsego,Ny. He married Esther Smith on 8 Apr 1759 in Norwich,New London,Ct.
Esther Smith [Parents] was born on 28 Nov 1737 in Norwich,New London,Ct. She died in 1822. She married Abel Benjamin on 8 Apr 1759 in Norwich,New London,Ct.
They had the following children:
M i Samuel Benjamin
Samuel Benjamin [Parents] was born on 5 Dec 1763 in of,Preston,New London,Ct. He died on 2 Jul 1847 in Burlington,Otsego,Ny. He married Polly Kimball about 1787 in ,New London,Ct.
Polly Kimball was born in 1775 in ,New London,Ct. She died in 1848 in ,Otsego,Ny. She married Samuel Benjamin about 1787 in ,New London,Ct.
They had the following children:
M i William C. Benjamin
William C. Benjamin [Parents] was born on 13 Sep 1804 in New Lisbon,Otsego,Ny. He died on 12 Jul 1855 in ,Otsego,Ny. He married Elizabeth E. Richards in 1827 in New Lisbon,Otsego,Ny.
Elizabeth E. Richards was born in 1808. She died on 5 Apr 1868 in ,Otsego,Ny. She married William C. Benjamin in 1827 in New Lisbon,Otsego,Ny.
They had the following children:
M i Samuel Smith Benjamin
Samuel Smith Benjamin [Parents] was born in 1829 in ,Otsego,Ny. He died on 16 Feb 1908 in ,Otsego,Ny. He married Esther Wiley on 27 Jan 1852 in ,Otsego,Ny.
Esther Wiley was born in 1831 in Wileytown,Otsego,Ny. She died on 17 Mar 1905. She married Samuel Smith Benjamin on 27 Jan 1852 in ,Otsego,Ny.
They had the following children:
M i Byron Benjamin
Byron Benjamin [Parents] was born on 14 Jun 1863 in Wileytown,Otsego,Ny. He died on 23 Dec 1955 in Cooperstown,Otsego,Ny. He married Alzoa Spencer Cole about 1887 in ,Otsego,Ny.
Alzoa Spencer Cole was born on 11 Jan 1874 in Pierstown,Otsego,Ny. She died in 1940 in Cooperstown,Otsego,Ny. She married Byron Benjamin about 1887 in ,Otsego,Ny.
They had the following children:
F i Daisey Ida Esther Benjamin